HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2001-03 RESOLUTION NUMBER 2001-03 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS (HEREINAFTER CALLED THE APPLICANT), DESIGNATING OFFICIALS AS BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR THE APPLICANT IN DEALING WITH TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE (TPW), FOR THE PURPOSE OF PARTICIPATING IN THE TEXAS RECREATION AND PARKS ACCOUNT SMALL GRANTS PROGRAM (HEREINAFTER CALLED THE PROGRAM); CERTIFYING THAT THE APPLICANT IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE PROGRAM ASSISTANCE; CERTIFYING THAT THE APPLICANT'S MATCHING SHARE IS READIL Y AVAILABLE; AND PROVIDING FOR DEDICATION OF THE PROPOSED SITE FOR PERMANENT PUBLIC PARK AND RECREATIONAL USES. WHEREAS, tIle Applicant is fully eligible to receive assistance ullder the Program, is a political subdivision of a population of 50,000 or less; and WHEREAS, the Applicant is desirous of authorizing all official to represent tIle Applicant in dealing with TPW concerning the ProgrmTI. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Sectiol1 1. That the Applicant l1ereby certifies that tlley are eligible to receive assist811Ce under the Program~ Section 2~ Tllat tile Applicant hereby certifies that the rnatclling share for t11is application is readily available at this time. Section 3. That the Applicant hereby authorizes aIld directs its City Manager to act for the Applicant in dealing with TPW for the purpose of tIle Program, and the Par!<s and Recreation Director is hereby officially designated as the representative ill this regard. Section 4. The Applicant l1ereby specifically authorizes the above-named official to make application to TPW concerning the site to be lmown as Edloe Street Greenbelt il1 the City of West University Place, Texas and the City Council il1dicates its readilless to dedicate the site for- public park and recreation purposes in perpetuity, by adopting tIle attached ordinance, upon award of a grant under the Program. Sectiol1 2. All resolutiol1S and parts of resolutions in conflict l1erewitll are llereby repealed to the extent of the conflict DIlly ~ Section 3 ~ If any word, phrase, ClatlSe, sel1tence, paragrapll, section or other part of this resolution or tIle application thereof to allY person or cirCllffistance, sllall ever be held to be invalid or llnconstitutional by any court of COlnpetel1t jllrisdictiol1, the relnainder of tllis resolution and the applicatiol1 of SllC11 word, pllrase, clallse, sente11ce, paragraph, section, <?f other part of this resolution to any otller perSOll or cirClll11stllilces shall110t be affected thereby. Section 4. The City Council officially finds, determilles al1d. declares tllat a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and sllbject of each lueeting at Wllicl1 this resolution was discussed, considered or acted UpOl1 was givel1 in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Law, as amended, and that eacll such meetil1g has beell opell to tile public as required by law at all times during such disCllssiol1, COllsideratioll llild actiO!l. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the COlltel1ts and posting thereof. Section 5. This resolution shall taIce effect immediately u.pon its adoptioll alld signature. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON, ~/ ?' 2001. ~l~ Signe;- h \. W ~~ Lil1d Lewis, Mayor