HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2001-11 Resolution No. 2001-11 A RESOLUTION APPROVING BROKERS FROM WHICH THE CITY WOULD PU;RCHASE INVESTMENTS; AUTHORIZING A LETTER AGREEMENT; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Sectioll 1. The City Council approves tIle following as brol<ers fr01TI which the City Inay purcllase il1vestments, subject to th.e state laws reglllatil1g IJublic investluents and the City's investnlent policy adopted as part of Cllapter 2 of tIle Code of Ordinal1ces. FirlTI. Bro,ker( s ) Merrill L YI1Cl1 Jerome Selle gal, Latrissa Gord.oll- Kral11er, alld A~lgela Vincel1t NBC Capital Marl<ets Group Stewali WortllalU, JOhl1 Pitts, Larry Lewis, ALldrew Van Vu.lpen Coastal Securities Tony Selcaly Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co~ Lee HlUldley Section 2. TIle City Council alltllorizes a letter agreelnent witll SllCl1 brokers, ill a fOfin tllat complies with tIle City~s itlVestlnent policy and state law and is approved by the Finallce Director. Sectiol1 3. All resolutiol1S and parts of resollttions ill cOlrl1ict herewitll are 11ereby repealed to tIle extent of tIle conflict OIlly. Section 4~ If any word, phrase~ clause, sel1tence, paragrapll, sectioll or other part of tllis resolution or tIle application tllereof to any person or CirCll.ll1stallce, sllall ever be l1elcl to be invalid. or UI1C011stitlltiol1al by lilY COlltt of cOll1petent jurisdiction, tIle reluainder of this resolution and the alJplicatiol1 of Sllc"h wOfcl, phrase, clause, sentel1ce, paragrapll, sectioll, or other part of this resoJlltioll to any otller perSOll or cirCllnlstallces sllalll10t be affected tllereby. Section. 5. Tile City COllncil offlcially fillds, deterlnilles al1d declar~s filat a Sllfficient written 110tice of tIle date, llour, place and subject of eacll n1eetil1g at Wllicll tllis resolution was discussed, COllsidered or acted tlpOn "vas give:n ill tile ll1ailller reqllired by tIle Texas Open Meetings l....aw, as anlellded~ and t11at eacll SllCll Ineetil1g l1as been open to tIle public as required by law at all tillles d.l1ril1g sllc11 discussion, COllsideration alld actiorl. TIle City Council ratifies, approves and cOl1firll1s SUCll110tices and. the contellts and pOSti11g tllereof. Sectiol1 6. TIns notice sllall talce effect ilulnediately llpon, its adoptioll and signattlre. ~L3 ~l~ .PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON, Signe · ATTEST: (SEAL) ~ 2001