HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2001-12 RESOLUTION NUMBER 2001-12 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE RESOLUTION ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF APPRAISAL ROLL, ASSESSOR-COLLECTORtS CERTIFICATE AND RELATED INFORMATION; DESIGNATING A PERSON TO CALCULATE CERTAIN TAX RATES, MAI<E CERTAIN PUBLICATIONS AND PERFORM OTI-IER RELATED TASI(S; DECIDING ON THE AMOUNT OF SURPLUS AND UNENCUMBERED FUNDS TO BE USED TO PAY DEBT SERVICE; AND CONTAINING RELATED PROVISIONS. WHEREAS, 011 AUgllSt 27, 2001 tIle City Council of the City of West Ulliversity place (the frTaxing Unifl) received the attaclled certificate, appraisal roll and. related information from its assessor and collector of taxes, of vVllicll certificates aIld appraisal roll are incorporated into tllis resolutioll al1d ll1acle a part l1ereoffor all purposes; WHEREAS. tile City COlillCiI desires to proceed witll tIle steps l1ecessary to levy ad valorem taxes; NO.W THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: SECTION 1. The nlatters described. in tIle preanlble of t11is resolu.tioll are fOU11d a11d determined to be true and correct alld are adoptecl, rati.iied and conformed. SECTION 2. TIle City COlU1Cil of tIle City of West Ul1iversity Place llereby authorizes and directs the City's Tax Assessor to tal<e tile followin.g actions: (a) Calculate tIle effective tax rate and tile rollbacl< tax rate lUlder the Texas Property Tax Code. (b) Submit such rates to the City C01II1Cil. (c) Publisl1 suell rates, as well as tIle additiol1al illforlnatiol1 reqltired by tIle Texas Property Tax Code, in the forIn a11d 111lliUler required by stIch Code, at tIle earliest practicable tinle~ (d) Report 011 suell publication to tIle goverllil1g body. ( e) Ta1(e all otller actioll l1ecessary or illcidelltal to allY of tile foregoing steps or to tIle tilnely levy llild collections of taxes by tIle Taxillg Ul1it SECTION 3. (a) All actions by tIle assessor ill1d collector of taxes prior to tllis date, witll respect to SU.Cll calculatiol1S al1d IJu.blicatiollS are ap])ro'led~ ratified and. confiruled ill all respects. (b) For purposes of cOlnpleting Schedule B of tile Notice of Tax Rates prescribed by the State Property Tax Board, it is l1ereby d.ecidecl to use $-0- out of tIle SurplllS or ullel1clllnbered funds (to be s110wn 011 Sclled.u.le A) to pay debt serVl ce. SECTION 4~ All resollltiollS aIld. parts of resolu.tiollS 111 conflict l1erewitll are l1ereby repealed to tIle extel1t of tile COllflicts only. SECTION 5. If allY word, pluase, clallse, selltel1ce, paragrapll, section or other part of tllis reso.llltion or tIle applicatioll tIlereof to any IJerson or cirClunstance, shall ever be l1eld to be illvalid or t111COllstitutio11al by allY COlut of COlllpetent jurisdictioll, tIle remaind.er of tllis resolutio:n alld. tIle applicatio.n of SUCll word, phrase, ClatlSe, sentence, paragraph, sectio.n or otller .part of tllis resolutiol1 to allY otller persolls or cirClunstallces sllalll10t .be affected. thereby. SECTION 6. TIle City Council officially finds, deterlnin.es 811d d.eclares tllat a sufficient written notice of the date, 11.011r, .place and sllbject of each Ineeting at Wllicll this resollltiol1 was discllssed, COl1sidered or acted 1l.pOl1 was given ill tIle manner reqllired by tIle Texas Opell Meetillgs Act, as aIl1el1ded, al1cl t11at eacl1 SllCh meetillg 11as beell open to tile public as required. by law at all tilnes durillg such disCllssiol1, COl1sideratioll atld. actio11. TIle City C01U1Cil ratifies, -approves llild cOl1firnls StIch. notices and tIle COlltents alld. postillg tllereo f. SECTION 7. Tllis resollltion sllall tal(e effect in1mecliately 11.pOll its adoptioll and signature. PASSED AND APPROVED this 27th day of August, 2001. V otin,g Yea: Voting Nay: Absellt: S iglled: (Seal) ATTEST: I<.ay yml Holloway City Secretary CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE REPORT OF THE TAX ASSESSOR/COLL.ECTOR TAX YEAR 2001 State law requires the Tax Assessor to submit to the City Council the appraisal roll for the City showing the total appraised, assessed and. taxable values for all property and. the total taxable value of new property to the City. Those values, which are detailed. in the table below, were provided in the appraisal roll certified by the Chief Appraiser of the Harris County Appraisal District, which were received August 14, 2001. Total Appraised Value $ 2,288,904,840 Total Assessed Value $ 2,288,904,840 Less: exernptions (54,014,970) Total Taxable Value $ 2,234,ggY,870 Total Taxable Value of New Property $ 68,443,650 Based on these values the City's effective; hearing and notice; and roll back tax rates are as follows: Effective Tax Rate Notice and .Hearing Rate Roll Back Tax Rate $0.380749 per $100 valuation $0.392171 per $.1 00 valuation $0.425626 per $100 valuation These rates will be published, as required by law, in the H Duston Chronicle on August 29, 2001, or as soon as practical thereafter. The City has sixty days from the date the Certified Roll was received to adopt a tax rate, so the City ITIUst adopt a tax rate by October 14, 2001 L State law also requires the Tax Collector to certify an estimate of the collection rate for the current year to the City. I, WALTER THOM.AS, Tax Assessor/Collector for the City of West University Place Texas; certify pursuant to Section 26.04 (b), Texas Tax Code) that the estimated co lIection rate for tax year 200.1 is 100 percent. Sign ed l"J~ 07~ Walter Thomas Tax Assessor/Collector