HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2001-21 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-21 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING INTENT TO FINANCE EXPENDITURES TO BE INCURRED WHEREAS, the City of West University, Texas (the HCityrt), is a general law city oftlle State of Texas, autllorized to issue obligations to finance its activities pursuant to the Texas Local Goverl1ll1ent Code and other laws of the State, the interest on whicll is excludable from gross il1come . for federal income tax purposes (Utax-exempt obligationsU) pllfsuant to Section 103 oft11e Il1ter11al Revenlle of 1986, as amended (the "Code"); and WHEREAS, the City will make, or has Inade not more tllan 60 d.ays prior to tlle date llereof., paYl11el1ts witll respect to the acquisition, COl1struction, reconstrllction or renovatioll of tIle property listed on Ex11ibit A attaclled hereto; and WHEREAS, the City desires to reimburse itself for the costs associated with tIle pro}Jerty listed on Exllibit A attaclled hereto from the proceeds of tax-exempt obligations to be isslled sllbsequent to the date hereof; and WHEREAS, tIle City reasonably expects to isslle tax-exempt obligations to reimbllfse itself for tIle costs associated witll the propel1y listed on Exhibit A attached l1ereto; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that: Section 1 ~ TIle City reasonably ex:pects to reimburse itself for all costs tllat l1ave beell or will be paid subsequent to the date tllat is 60 d.ays prior to the date hereof and tllat are to be paid ill cOlUlectiol1 with the acquisition, construction, reconstruction or renovation of tIle property listed 011 Exhibit A attached hereto from tIle proceeds of tax-exempt obligations to be issued sllbsequent to tIle date l1ereof. Section 2~ The City reasol1ably expects that t11e maximuln principal amount of tax- exelnpt obligatiol1S issued to reimburse tIle City for costs associated with tIle property listed 011 Exhibit A attaclled hereto will not exceed $3,370,OOO~ Section 3. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict l1erewitll are hereby repealed to tIle extent of tIle conflict DIlly ~ Section 4 ~ If any word, plnase, clause, sel1tence, paragraph, section or other part of th.is resolutioll or tIle applicatiol1 thereof to lilY perSOll or circumstance sllall ever be l1eld to be invalid or llnconstitutional by any cOlui of competel1t jurisdiction, tIle remainder of this resollltioll alld tIle applicatioll of SllCll word, plrrase, clallse, sentence, paragrapll, sectio.n, or otller part of tllis resolutiol1 to IDlY otller person or circwnstance shall .not be affected thereby ~ PASSED AND APPROVED this 27th d.ay of August, 200 1 ~ Mayor City of West Ul1iversity Place, Texas ATTEST: City Secretary City of West University Place, Texas (SEAL ) EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Item or Fund--Described by Character, Type or Ptlrpose Al11ount--Described .by Cost, Quantity or Size Pllfchase of Southwest Branch YMCA $3,370,000