HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2001-22 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-22 RESOLUTION PROPOSING A TAX RATE AND SCHEDULING PUBLIC HEARINGS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Section 1. TIle City COUllCil formally proposes a cOlnbined ad valorell1 tax rate for 2001 of $0.425. This proposal shall be placed. 011 tile agellda of a nlture meeting as an action item, subject to tile l1earil1g scl1eduled below~ Section 2t A public l1earing on the proposed tax rate is .hereby sc.hedu.led for October 1, 2001 in the Council Cllambers, 3800 University Blvd., West University Place, Texas 77005 dllrillg the City COUllcillneetillg set to .begi11 at 6:30 p.ln~ TIle Finance Director atld City Secretary s11alll11ake arrangelllel1ts for the lueeting and slla11 provide notice as reqllired by law. A llearillg on tIle proposed municipal budget is l1ereby called for tIle same meeting. Section 3. All prior resolutions and parts ofresolllt.iol1S ill COllflict l1erewitll are hereby repealed. to the extent of the conflict GIlly. Sectioll 4. If allY worl(, pllrase, clallse, selltel1ce, paragIapll, sectiol1 or other part of this resolution or the application tllereofto atlY perSOll or cirClunstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or llnCOl1stitlltional by allY COllrt of COlnpete.nt jurisdiction, the remai11der of this resoll1tiol1 and tile applicatio11 of SUCll worl(, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, sectioll or other part of tllis resOltltion to allY ot11er persons or cirCUlllstances sllallllot be affected tllereby. Section 5 ~ TIle City Council officially finds, determilles alld. declares that a sufficient writte11 notice of the date, hOllr, place and sllbject of eac11 meeting at whicl1 this resolution was discussed, considered or acted U.pOl1 vvas givel1 in the maImer required .by tIle Texas Open Meetil1gs Law, as allle11ded, and that eacll suc.h meetillg has beell opell to tIle pllblic as reqllired by law at all times during such discussiol1, consideratiol1 aIld actioll. TIle City COUllCil ratifies, approves and. confirll1S Sllcllllotices and tIle COlltellts aIld postillg tllereof Sectio116. Tllis resOltltion shall tal(e effect ilID11ediately llpOll its adoption 8l1d sigllature. PASSED~AND APPROVED tllis 10tl1 day ofSeptel11"ber ,2001. VotingYea:~A'd~ ~uA'~~ ~/ ~/ t;;!~ ~ LkJ'--L!;~ Voting Nay: ~. - ~--~ .. Abse11t: ~ Signed: (Seal) ATTEST: a nn Holloway City Secretary