HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2001-28 p II r! I ~ I ~ I ! II j Resolution No. 2001-28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS CASTING ITS BALLOT FOR TI-IE ELECTIO~~ OF A PERSON TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE I-IARRIS COU.NT~I APPRAISAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, tile chief appraiser of tIle Harris COUllty Appraisal District, Harris COlIn ty I Texas, has delivered to tIle mayor of this city the l1anles of tllose perSOllS duly nOll1inateG ; ~.~.. I candidates to serve in that position on the board of directors of the Harris County Appraisa1 , District, representing al1d to be filled .by the cities other than tIle City of HOllStOll participatil1~ in I said appraisal district; and WHEREAS, this city deems it appropr.iate and in the pllbJic interest to cast its 'vote for th~ candidate of its choice to fill suell position. NOW, TI-ffiREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Clr-r~{ OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; Sectioll 1. That tIle facts and recitations set forth ill tIle prealn.ble oftllis resolutiol1 oe~ and they are hereby, adopted, ratified, and confirmed. Section 2. Tllat tIle City of West University Place cast its vote, and it does l1ereb)-' cast .;ts vote, for Bill Harry to fill the position on the board of directors of the I-Iarris COlmty Appraisal District, represellting and to be filled by tile cities, other tllan tile City of HOU.st011; particijJatin,g in the appraisal district. Section 3 ~ That tile mayor be~ alld she is hereby., autllorized alld. clirected to d.e.liv~;r {,:. cause to be delivered an executed or certified copy oftllis resollltion to tIle chief appraiser - .' i Harris County Appraisal District before December 1, 2001. i I Section 4. All resolutions and pmis of resolutions in conflict herewith are ;:.(...,-::, 1 repealed to the extent of the conflicts ollly. II Section 5. If any word, phrase, clause, ,sentence, paragraph, section or other part nf I this resolution o~. t11e applicatioll thereof to any person or cirCllillstance, s11all ever be 11eld t:Q. he invalid or unconstitutional by any COllli of COlnpetel1t jurisdiction, the remaillder of'" dri:) I resollltion and tile application of such word, phrase, clause, sente11ce, paragrap11, sect.ion Or Ott0f I part of this resolution to any other persons or circumstmlces shall not be affected thereby, Section 6. TIle City COllncil officially finds, determines alld declares t.hat a slrffici'.:'L;.- written notice of the date, hOllY, place and subject of each meetillg at which this resollltion, \'1,;~1~', discussed, considered or acted UpOll was giVe!l ill the Inal111er reqllired by tIle Texas ()PLl:, Meetings Act, as amended, al1d that each SllC]l meeting .has been. ope,n to the pliblic as requirf"d. b~.y' law at all tinles dllring SllC11 discussiol1, COllsideration and actiol1. Tlle City COt1l1Cit ratif1c~:. approves illId cOlrtirlns such notices alld the COlltel1ts and pOSti11g thereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of November, 2001. ATTEST: i I I l I aylym1 Holloway I City Se.cretary j i ! 1 I (SEAL) I I , I I I I i I I 1 I ~ Lil1d.a Lewis Mayor (For Use by Cities Other Than the City of Houston) CERTIFICATION OF BALLOT FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT I, LI NDA LEWI S , certify that on the 12th day of NOVEMBER , 2001, the City Council of the City of WE 5 TUN r VE RS I T Y P LA C E did by resolution cast its ballot for the following nominee to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District: (Place an ltXll in the square next to the candidate of your choice..) Bill Harry [~ I further certify that a true and correct copy of the resolution casting such ballot is attached hereto. WITNESS MY HAND this r~: ~2001. Mayo ArrEST: ~~