HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2000-01 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, DETERMINING THE EXISTENCE OF A PUBLIC NECESSITY FOR A PUBLIC PROJECT TO EXPAND COLONIAL PARI{; AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY, OR HIS DESIGNEE, AND OTHER CITY OFFICIALS TO TAKE SUCH ACTIONS AS ARE NECESSARY TO ACQUIRE PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY, BY DONATION, PURCHASE, OR BY THE EXERCISE OF THE POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City COlillcil recognizes that a public necessity exists for alld the pu.blic convenience would be served by tIle expansion of Colonial Parl<, including appropriate laJldscaping, atld tl1e constructioll, operation, and maintenallce of t].1e expand.ed. parle al1d associated structllres and park facilities; and WHEREAS, tIle City Council accordingly aclalowledges that it is in tIle public's best interest to acquire property located within tile City for these purposes. NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. The City Council hereby finds and deterl11ines tllat it is necessary al1d proper and in tIle best il1terest of the citizens of the City of West Ul1iversity Place to expalld. Colonial Par!<, illCludillg within the scope of tllat ex.pansion appropriate land.scapil1g, atld to COllstru.ct~ operate, and maintail1 tIle expanded parle and associated. structures alld parle facilities, all ill Ran'is COUl1ty, Texas. Sectiol1 2. A public necessity exists for and the public cOllvellience WOll1d be served by tIle acquisition, by donatioll, purchase, condennlation, or o tIlerwise, of tIle real property described in Exhibit A attached llereto for the ex.pansion of Colonial Parle, incllldillg appropriate landscaping, and the construction, operation, and maintel1ance of associated strllctllres and parle facilties. Exhibit A attached l1ereto is il1corporated herein for all purposes. Section 3,. TIle City Attorney or his designee aIld all other City officials are he.reby autllorized and directed, on bellalf of tIle City, to take such actiollS as are necessary to acquire by donation, purchase, or exercise of tIle power of eminellt domain, fee silnple title to th.e property described in the attached Exl1ibit A, alo.ng witll any improvements t11ereto. Section 4. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict l1erewitll are l1ereby repealed to tIle extent of th.e conflicts only. Section 5 ~ If allY word., pInase, clause, sentellce, paragraph, section or otller part of tllis resollltiol1 or~ the applicatioll thereof to any person or CirCU1TIstance, sllall ever be l1eld to be invalid or unconstiultional by any court of COll1petellt jurisdictiol1, tIle reluainder of this resolutiol1 and tIle alJplication of such word, pllrase, clallse, sentellce, paragrapll, seetioll or other part of this resollltion to any other persons or circumstances sllall not be affected. tllereby. Sectioll 6. TIle City Council officially fil1ds, determines and declares tllat a sufficiel1t written notice of the date, hour, place and stlbject of each meeting at wh.icl1 tllis resollltion was discussed, COllsidered or acted llpon was given ill the mmUler required by tIle Texas Opell Meetings Act, as amended, and that each suell meeting 11as been opell to the public as reqllired by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and actiO!l. The City COll.11Cil ratifies, approves and confirms suell notices and tile contents and. pOStillg tllereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED this I rlay of March, 2000. ATTEST: Ka ynn Holloway City Secretary ~ (SEAL) EXHIBIT A All of Lot 20, Block 27, Sectiol1 C of Colonial Terrace, as depicted on the plat recorded at vollune 655, page 517 of the Deed Records of Harris COlmty, Texas, and also lalOWl1 as 4127 Case Street in the City of West University Place, Harris COllllty, Texas.