HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2000-14 RESOLUTION NUMBER 2000-14 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE RESOLUTION ACI<.NOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF APPRAISAL ROLL, ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR'S CERTIFICATE AND RELATED INFORMATION; DESIGNATING A PERSON TO CALCULATE CERTAIN TAX RATES, MAKE CERTAIN PUBLICATIONS AND PERFORM OTHE.R RELATED TASKS; DECIDING ON THE AMOUNT OF SURPLUS AND UNENCUMBERED FUNDS TO BE USED TO PAY DEBT SERVICE; AND CONT AININO RELATED PROVISIONS~ WHEREAS, on September 21,2000 tile City Council of the City of West Ul1iversity place (the HTaxing Unit") received the attached certificate, appraisal roll and related informatioll from its assessor and collector of taxes, of Wllicll certificates and appraisal roll are incorporated into tIllS resolution and made a part hereof for all purposes; WHEREAS. tIle City Council desires to proceed witll the steps llecessary to levy ad valorem taxes; NOW THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: SECTION 1. The matters described in the preamble of tllis resolution are found and determined to be true and correct and are adopted., ratified and. confirmed. SECTION 2. The City COUllCil of the City of West University Place here'by authorizes and. directs tIle City's Tax Assessor to ta!ce tIle following actions: (a) CalClllate tIle effective tax rate aIId the rollbaclc tax rate llnd.er tIle Texas Property Tax Code. (b) Submit suell rates to the City COUI1Cit ( c) Pu.blisll such rates, as well as the additiol1al il1formation required by tile Texas Property Tax Code, ill tIle form and InalUler reqllired by such Code, at tIle earliest practicable tilne. (d) Report on such Pllblication to the goveoling body. (e) Tal<e all other action necessary or illcidental to any of tIle foregoing steps or to the timely levy and collectio.ns of taxes by the Taxing Unit. SECTION 3. (a) All actions by tIle assessor al1d. collector of taxes prior to tllis date, with respect to such calculations and IJublications are approved, ratified atld cOl1firlned in all respects. (b) F or purposes of completillg Scl1edule B of tile Notice of Tax Rates prescribed by the State Property Tax Board, it is llereby d.ecided to use $-0- out of tIle surplus or tmencumbered funds (to be shown 011 Schedllle A) to pay debt service. SECTION 4. All resolutions and parts of resolutiollS 111 COllflict 11erewith are llereby repealed to tile extent of tIle con,fliets DIlly. SECTION 5. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragrapll, seetioll or other paIt of tllis resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, sllall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by allY court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this resolution llild tIle application of suth W9!d, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, sectioll or otller part of tllis resolution to any other persons or circumstances Slla11110t be affected tllereby. SECTION 6. TIle City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient writtell notice of tIle date, 11our, place and subject of eac.h meeting at which tIlis resolution was discussed, COl1sidered or acted. llpon was giVe!l in the marmer required by tIle Texas Open Meetings Act, as alnellded, al1d tllat each su.ch meeting has been open to tIle pllblic as reqllired by law at all tilnes during su.c.h discussion, cons.id,~ration and action. TIle City COl111cil ratifies, approves and confirms suc.h notices and tIle contellts aI1d pOStillg tllereo f. SECTION 7. This resolution shall tal(e effect inul1ediately llpOll its adoption and signature. PASSED AND APPROVED this d5'pt day of ~ 2000. Voting Yea: Voting Nay: Absent: Sigl1ed: (Seal) - l~-- ~,-- ~ ~ Do. l ,... ~ / ~s - -- Mayor ATTEST: ~~A- Ka nn Holloway City SeG.r:etary