HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2000-15 . ,1" RESOLUTION NO. 2000-15 RESOLUTION PROPOSING A TAX RATE AND SCHEDULING PUBLIC HEARINGS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT Sectiol1 1. The City Council form.ally proposes a combil1ed ad valorem tax rate for 2000 of $ . "13 . This proposal shall be placed on the agenda of a fllhrre meetil1g as an action itelu, subject to the llearing scl1edllled .below. Section 2. A pllblic hearing on the proposed tax rate is here.by sc.heduled. for October 23, 2000 ill tIle Council Chan1bers, 3800 University Blvd., West University Place, Texas 77005 during the City Council meeting set to .begill at 7:30 p.m. The Finance Director s11all make arrangements for tIle Ineetil1g and sllall provide notice as required by law~ A l1earing on the proposed. municipal budget is hereby called for tIle same meeting~ Section 3. All prior resolutiol1S and parts of resolutiollS in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. to tIle extellt of the conflict DIlly. Section 4. If any worl(, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of tllis resolution or tIle application tllereof to 8l1Y person or cirCllffistance, sllall ever be held to be invalid or lillconstitutional by allY COlut of competent jurisdiction, the relnaillder of this resolutio:n and tIle applicatio.n of suell work, pIllase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of tllis resolution to any other persons or circunlstances shall 110t be affected tllereby. Section 5. Tile City Council officially fil1ds, determines and declares that a sufficient written llotice of the date, 110lU., place and sllbject of eacll meeting at which this resolution was discussed, considered or acted UpOl1 was givell in the lnanner required by the Texas Open Meetil1gs Law, as amended., alld tllat eacll sltch meeting has been opel1 to the public as required by law at all times dllring suell discussion, consideratiol1 and action. TIle City COl111Cil ratifies, approves al1d confirms such notices al1d the COlltents and posting tllereof SeetiO!16. Tllis resolution shall take effect inl1nediately lIpOl1 its adoption al1d signature. PASSED 'AND APPROVED this j?Pdayof tf}~ ,2000. Vorin Yea: ~...." ~ ~u/ 4~,j ~ t$~~A~ ,/ VotingNay.7'/~ tF .- Absent: 7/~ Signed.: (Seal) ~l~~.~ Lin a Lewis Mayor ATTEST: Kay IU1 Holloway City Secretary