HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1999-32 Resolution No. 99-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS CASTING ITS BALLOT FOR THE ELECTION OF A PERSON TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE HARRIS COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, tIle cllief appraiser of tIle Harris County Appraisal District, Harris COlUlty, Texas, l1as delivered to tIle nlayor of this city the 11ames oftllose persons dllly 1101ninated as caJ.ldidates to serve ill tllat positiol1 011 the board of directors of the Harris County Appraisal District, representing and to be filled by the cities otller than the City of H01IstOll. participating ill said appraisal district; and WHEREAS, this city deems it ap.propriate illld in tIle public interest to cast its vote for tIle cillldidate of its clloice to fill such positioll. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI-IE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Sectioll 1. Tllat tIle facts and recitations set fortIl in the preamble of tl1is resolution be, aJ.ld they are l1ereby, adopted, ratified, and confirmed. Sectio112. Tllat the City of West University Place cast its vote, and it does l1ereby cast its vote, for Bill Harry to fill the position 011 tIle board of directors of tIle BalTis COUl1ty Appraisal District, represelltil1g 8l1d to be filled .by the cities, otller tIlan tIle City of I-IOUStOl1, participatillg in tIle appraisal district. Seetioll 3. Tllat the luayor be, alld 11e or she is llereby, autllorized atld directed to deliver or cause to be delivered atl executed or certified copy of this resollltiol1 to tIle chief appraiser of tIle Harris COUllty Appraisal District by November 15, 1999. Section 4~ All resolutions and parts of resollltions ill conflict herewitll are l1ere.by repealed to the extent of tIle COl1flicts GIlly ~ Section 5. If any word, pl1fase, clause, sel1tence, paragrap11, sectio11 or other part of this resolution or ...tIle application thereof to any perSOll or circumsta11Ce, shall ever be 11eld to.-be invalid. or unCOl1stitutional by any court of COlnpetent jurisdiction, the relnail1der of tllis resollltioll llild the application of SU.Cll word, :phrase, clallse, sentence, paragrapll, sectioll or otller part of this resolutiol1 to any other perSOllS or circumstal1ces sllallllot be affected tllereby. Section 6. The City Council officially finds, detel1nilles alld declares that a sufficiel1t written notice of the date, 110llf, place and subject of each meeting at whicll tllis resollltioll was discussed, considered or acted UpOl1 was given ill tIle manner reqllired by tIle Texas Opell Meetings Act, as amended, and tllat eacll such meetillg l1as been opel1 to tIle public as required. by law at all times during SlICh. discussion, COllsid.eratio11 aIld actioll. Tile City COllllCil ratifies, approves al1d COllfirrn.s SllCll notices al1d the COlltel1ts and pOStil1g tllereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED tllis 8th day of November, 1999. ATTEST: y ynn Holloway City Secretary (SEAL)