HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1713 - official newspaper; chronicle This Week section ORDINANCE NO. 1713 AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING AN OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. TIle HOllston Clu40nicle Tllis Wee!c, a paper l1aving general circulatiol1 in tIle City of West University Place, Texas, and meeting all tIle reqllirements of an official newspaper as outlined in Chapter 2051 of the Texas Goverrunel1t Code, is designated al1d declared to be the official newspaper and pu.blicatioll of said City. This designation takes effect llpon execlltioll and delivery of an agreement setting up tIle terms and conditions of pllblication~ Tllis d.esigl1atiol1 remains ill effect Ulltil changed by subsequent City ordi.l1ance adopted by tIle City COllncil. Sectio112. All ordinal1ces and official notices requiring pu.blicatiol1 in. tIle official n.ewspaper shall be publis.hed in the HouStOl1 Chronicle Tllis Week. Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordil1allces in conflict witll tl1is Ordil1al1ce are repealed to tIle extent of the conflict DIlly. Sectioll4. If an.y word., p.hrase, clause, sentence, paragrapll, section or otller p.art of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or cirCllffistance, sllall ever be held. to be invalid or unconstitlltiollal by any court of competent jurisdictiol1, tIle remainder of tllis ordinance and the application of su.ch word, plu.ase, clause, sentence, paragrap11, section or otller part of tllis ordinance to any otller perSOl1S or cirCUlnstances sllall not be affected tllereby. Sectiol1 5 ~ TIle City Council officially finds, deterluil1es and declares that a Sllfficient written notice of the date, 11ol1r, place and. sllbject of eacll meeting at Wllicll this ordinan.ce was discllssed, considered or acted llpon was given ill tile maruler reqllired by the O.pen Meetil1gs Law, Cllapter 441, Texas Goven1nlel1t Code, as alnel1ded, and tIlat each SllCll meetillg has .been opell to tIle pu.blic as required. by law at all tin1es dllr.iIlg such disCllssion, consideration and action. TIle City COUllCil ratifies, approves an.d confirms SllCI1110tices and. tIle contents and posting thereof~ Sectiol1 6. signature. Tllis ordinallce sIlal! become effective llpon adoptio.n al1d PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING, tllis 24th day of JUNE, 2002. Voting Aye: Mayor Lewis, COl.111ciI Melnbers May and Jackson Voting Nay; Council Member Farley Absent: Council Melnber Griffil1 PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING, tllis gUt day of JULY, 2002. VOtillg Aye: Mayor Lewis, Council Members May al1d JaCl(S011 Voting Nay: Council Members Farley and Griffin Absent: None ATTEST: James L. Dougllerty, JrK, City Attorney (SEAL)