HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1673 - electricity, gas and water connections
Ordinance No. 1673
Section 1. (a) The Standard Code Schedule of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West
University Place is hereby amended to read in its entirety as set out in Exhibit A, which is attached and
made a part of this ordinance.
(b) Section 8-105 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University PJace is hereby
amended to read in its entirety as follows:
Sec. 8.1. 05.. Use, conn ectio n pro h ib ited \vith 0 u t certificate..
(a) New work. It shall be unlawful for any person to make any connection from a source of
electrical energy to any electrical wiring or equipment for the installation of which a permit is required,
until a certificate of approval has been issued by the .Building Official authorizing such connection and the
use of such wiring or equipment
(b) Disconnectedfacilities~ Until authorized by a ce11ificate of approval issued by the Building
Official~ it shall be unlawful for any person to make any connection from a source of electrical energy to
any electric wiring or equipment which has been disconnected.: (i) because of an official City order.. for
any len~th of time, by the Build.in~ Official or (ii) for any other reason~ if disconnected for seven days or
longer, until a c€.ntificate of approval has been issued by the Buildin; Offici:ll.
( c) Chan)!e of occupant, etc. It shall be the duty of each utility COlnpany (and any other person
supplying electricity) to disconnect electrical service to any premises (except single-family dwellings) as
soon as practicable whenever: (i) the occupancy chan2es (whether from changing ownership~ changing
tenancy or otherwise) or (ii) the premises beco.me vacant. It shall be unlawful for any person to re-connect
such premises (or otherwise serve them with electricity) until a certificate of approval has been issued by
the Building Official. for the fe-connection or new service.
(d) Requirel11ents For Certificate of Approval. The Building Officiallnay require an inspection of
the premises, or other proof that the premises comply with this Chapter; as a condition for .issuing a
certifi cate of approval.
Section 2. This Ordinance applies from and after the Effective Date~ Any violations committed
before the Effective Date are governed by the ordinances in effect immediately before the Effective Date
("Prior OrdinancesU). If permits (including similar approvals) are affected by this Ordinance, this
Ordinance shall generally apply to and govern those appHed-for on or after the Effective Date. Howevert
the Prior Ordinances shall apply to and govern any such permit (and the activities authorjzed by such a
permit) if: (i) the application for the permit is completed and filed before the effective date, with all pransl
information1 feest etc. ~ (ii) the permit is actually issued on the basis of that application1 and (iii) the permit
[s not allowed to expire, and is not terminated or revoked~ thereafter (although it may be renewed or
extended in the usuaJ manner, if any, allowed for that type of permit). The Prior Ord inances are
continued in effect for the purposes mentioned in this section.
Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the
extent of th e co nfl ict 0 n Iy .
Section 4. If any word1 phraset clause, sentence1 paragraph, section or other part of this
ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance1 sha1J ever be held to be i nvarid or
unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this ord[nance, nor the
application of such wordJ phrase. clause, sentencet paragraph t section or other part of th is ordinance to
any oth er pe rso ns or ci rcu msta n ces 1 shall be affected th ere by .
Secti 0 n 5. The City Co unci I offi ci a [ly fi nd S t d etermi n es and dec[a res that a s ufficie n t writte n
notice of the date~ hour1 place and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussedl
consldered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Actt as
amended1 and that each such meeting has been open to the publfc as required by law at all times during
such discussions considera~tion and action. The City Council ratifiesr approves and confirms such notices
and the contents and posting thereat The City Cou ncil officially finds, determi nes and declares that
sufficient notices of the joint pubJic hearing were given, and the City Council ratifies, approves and
confirms such notices1 includjng the contents and the method in which they were given.
Section 6. This ord[nance shall become effective on the tenth day following its publicatlon1 as
provided in the City Charter (the "Effective Date"). ~
Councilmembers Voting Aye:
Councilmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent: ~
Councilmembers Voting Aye:
CouncHmembers Voting No:
ouncilmembers Absent:
Attes ·
(Seal) City Secretary
. Manager
City Attorney
b6?: \5409 aselectric
Exhibit A
Standard Codes Schedule
Subject to the amendments and deletions indicated beneath each code, each of the fo 110 w ing codes, including all of
its published appendices and attachfnents; is adopte~ ordained and made apart of the Code of Ordinances oj'the
City and of each chapter where it is referencecl except as otherwise expressly provided.
Standart! Building Code, 1994 Ed., Southern Building Code Congress I.nternational, Inc.
1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc~ are handled by the BSC.
2. All roofs must have Class C or better fire resistance, as determined under Sec. 706
3. All foundations for new buildings and foundation repairs shall be designed by a registered professional
engineer (""RPE~'), and the work shall be:
a. illustrated in complete plans and. specifications signed and sealed by the "RP"E;
b. based on a soils repolt from a recognized and reputab.le firm or agency (Exception: no soils report
is required for a single-story accessory building with less than 450 sq. ft. of gross t100r area); and
c. inspected by an RPE who certifies proper construction, before work proceeds further.
4~ All concrete footings and foundations must be cured for at least 72 hours before any significant load is
p laced on them.
5. In Paragraph 411.2.6, delete the exception for Group R-3 buildings.
6. In Paragraph 1007.1.5 (stairways), delete the exception for Group R-3 buildings.
7. Delete: Sections 102.2, 104 and 108 and Appendices "B, C) F, G, H" and 1.
Stant/art! Housing Code, 1994 Ed., Southern Building Code Congress International, .Inc.
1. The administrative officer is the building aftie"jal. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSe.
Stant/art! Mecha1lical Code, 1994 Ed., Southern Build ing Code Congress Internationa I, Inc.
1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC.
2. Add to Section 304.4: "There must be a pennanently installed stairway) either fixed or folding~ to serve
attic space where appliances or equipment are Iocated~"
3. Add to Section 605: "All return air ducts must be installed within 1 0 inches of the finished floor in all new
residential construction and wherever possible in existing buildings."
Standart! Slvil1l1llillg Pool Code, 1994 Ed., Southern Building Code Congress Int'l, Inc.
1. The administrative officer is the building officiaL All hearings, variances etc~ are handled by the :BSC.
Stant/art! Pllllllbing Code, 1994 Ed., Southern "Building Code Congress International, Inc.
]. The administrative officer is the building official. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and
administration of this code in the same manner as it applies to the building code. The Bse shall have the
same jurisdiction and authority with respect to this code as it has with respect to the building code.
Delete: Sections 102, 104, 108, 307.4, 701.8, Chapter t 6, Appendices "B, C, E and H, and Sections "] 02.5
and 105 of Appendix D.
Add at the beginning of Section 303.1: "Even though listed. in Table 500, none of the following is allowed
for use in the City: Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene ( ABS) pipe or fittings, polyethylene pipe or fittings,
Type M copper, leaa-based pipe, aluminum DWV pipe or components, or air admittance valves."
Delete from Section 409.8.2: " Shower compartrnents located. in basements, cellars or in other r001115 in
which the floor has been laid directly on the ground surface need not be lined."
Add to Sections 611c2 and 611.3: "pve water pipe may not be used except underground and outside a
building, in accordance with Table 500.'~
Delete Sections 911.1, 911.2 and 911 ~3 and inselt: "Wet V enting~ Wet venting shan not be allowed except
when authorized by the plumbing official in hardship or unusual cases."
Amend Section 1101.2 to read in its entirety as follows: "The provisions of this chapter are applicable to
interior leaders) building storm drains, building storm sewers, exterior conductors~ downspouts, roof
gutters and other storm drainage fixtures and facilities."
Maximum water meter size, unless an RPE can clearly and convincingly delnonstrate the need for a larger
meter in a particular case; is: (1) 3/4ths-inch for irrigation systems~ (2) I-inch for single-fatuity dwellings.
Standartl Gas Code, 1994 Ed~, Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc~
l~ The administrative officer is the building official. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and
administration of this code in the same manner as it applies to the building code. The BSC shall have the
same jurisdiction and authority with respect to this code as it has with respect to the building code.
Delete Sections 102, 104 and 108 and Appendices B and. C.
Add. to Section 306.2: "Copper tubing shall not be used for the yard service line.;;
Amend Section 311 ~2 to read in its entirety as foHows: "Low pressure (not to exceed 0.5 PSI) gas pipIng
shall withstand a pressure of at least 10 inches of lnercury for a period of tiIne not Jess than 10 tninutes
without showing a drop in pressure, except that the following shall apply in the case of new construction:
The newly-constructed system must withstand a pressure of at least 25 PSI for a period of not less than 10
minutes without showing any drop in pressure as an initial pressure test, and the system must also
withstand a pressure of at least 10 inches of mercury for a period of not less than lO m in utes without
showing any drop in pressure as a final test. Higher pressure piping must withstand pressure of at least 10
PSI, but never less than twice the maximum pressure to which the piping will be subjected in operation, for
a period of at least 10 Ininutes without showing a drop in pressure, but the higher pressures required for
new construction, above) shall be used to test new construction in lieu of the 10 PST level prescribed by th is
sentence~ "
Add to Section 402.8: "There must be a permanently-installed stairway, either fixed or folding, to serve
attic space where appliances or equipment are located."
Delete Chapter 9 and insert: "Undiluted liquefied petroleum gas, or " LPG,~' shall not be used at any fixed
location in the City. Exception: This does not prohibit the use of such gas in quantities of 10 gall.ons or
less. H
Each new or replaced .e;as meter shall be located on the same building site that it serves.
Stlllldart! Fire Preventioll COlle, 1994 .Ed., Southern .Building Code Congress Int'l, Inc.
1. The fire official shall be the fire chief or acing fire chief, who .Inay detail other members of the tire de-
partment or the building inspection division to act as inspectors. Chapter 6 of this Code shall appJy to
enforcement and administration of the tire code in the same luanner as it applies to the bu ilding code
(except that the fire official shall have the powers and duties of the building official under such articles).
2. The BSC shall have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to the fire code as it has with respect to
the building code.
3 ~ De lete all app endices and attachrn ents except Sections Al 0 I .3.5 (maintenance) an d Al 03. 1.1 (penn "its).
4~ The limits of the fire district referred to in Section 902.1.1 are coextensive with the City liJnits~
5. The .limits of the district referred to in Section 1901..4.2 (wherein storage of explosives and blasting agents
.js prohibited) are coextensive with the City limits.
6. Section 907.4~3 ( service stations) is amended by adding the words t'without a hold_open devicett
fo II owing the phrase "a listed au to mati eel os ing type. n
7. Section 501.4.3 ( hours for burning) is amended to read in its entirety as follows:
An incinerator shall not be used or allowed to remain with any combustion inside it (i) at any
time from an hour preceding sunset on one day until sunrise the following day; or (i i) at any tilue
when unattended.
National Electrical Code, 1996 Ed., .National Fire :Protection Association (" NEe").
1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSe.
2. See Chapter 8 of this Code for various provisions which override or supplement the NEC.
BOCA National Building Code, 1996 Ed., Building Officials & Code Administrators International, Inc.
Only Sections 3108 (Radio And Television Towers) and 3109 (.Radio And Telev.isi.on Antennas),
together with any necessary definitions or interpretative aids, are adopted~ See Subchapter G of Chapter 6
of this Code~