HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1674 - boundary agreement by and between West u. & Southside f \, I Ordinance No. 1674 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING A BOUNDARY AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE AND THE CITY OF SOUTHSIDE PLACE, WHICH AGREEMENT, AMONG OTHER PROVISIONS, MAKES MUTUALLY AGREEABLE CHANGES IN MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES AND ALLOWS USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY IN BOUNDARY AREAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT.. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. The uBoundary Agreement by and Between the City of West University Place and the City of Southside PlaceH is hereby approved and authorizedt in substantially the form shown in Exhibit A~ which is attached to this ordinance and made a part hereof for all purposes. The Mayor and City Manager, or either one1 is authorized to execute and deJiver the ageement for and on behalf of the City. The City Secretary is authorized to affix the City seal and to attest the signatures on the agreement. Section 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only ~ Section 3. If any wordJ phrase, clauseJ sentence, paragraphl section or other part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent ju risdiction, neither the remainder of this ordinance, nor the application of such word1 phrase1 clause, sentencel paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any other persons or circumstancesl shall be affected thereby. Section 4. The City CounciJ officially findsl determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hourJ prace and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amendedJ and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. The City Council officially finds1 determines and declares that sufficient notices of the joint public hearing were givent and the City Council ratif[es~ approves and conf[rms such notices, including the contents and the method in which they were given. Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective on the tenth day following its publ ication I as provided in the City Charter. ~ # PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING, on~d /,d)-, 2001. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: t 2001. PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING on Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: A (Seal) "I ecretary Mayor '"\ Reviewe City Attorney Recommended:~~ . Manager BOUNDARY AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE AND THE CITY OF SOUTHSIDE PLACE THE STATE OF TEXAS S ~ KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF HARRIS 9 This Boundary Agreement C~Agreemenf') is made and entered into as of the Effective Date set forth below by and between the City of West University Place (UWest University Placen) and the City of Southside Place (USouthside PlacelJ)J bath municipalities duly organized under the laws of the State of Texas. Background and Findings The Cities of West University Place and Southside Place are located adjacent to each other in the southwestern part of Harris CountYJ Texas. They are surrounded by other cities. They have existing and planned facilities near their common boundary line in two different areas, both along public rights of way: a. Along University Boulevard, roughly between Poor Farm Ditch and the Municipal Building at 3800 University Boulevard. b. Along Bellaire Boulevard) roughly between Poor Farm Ditch and the YMCA property in the 4200 block of Bellaire Boulevard. To better accommodate public facilities and functions along University Boulevard and Bellaire Boulevard) West University Place and Souths ide Place have determined that it is in the public interest to make minor changes to their common boundary line along those two streets and provide for existing and future public facilities in the affected areas. West University Place and Southside Place have also determined that it is in the public interest to confirm their entire common boundary fine~ For this purpose, they have jointly commissioned a new survey of their common boundary lineJ with the mutualfy- agreed changes. They wish to adopt the new common boundary tine formally. West University Place and Southside Place are authorized by Section 43.031 of the Texas Local Government Code to umake mutually agreeable changes in their boundaries of areas that are Jess than 1,000 feet in width.'J The areas agreed to herein are much less than 1 ,000 feet in width. In addition~ West University Place and Southside Place are authorized by Sections 42a023 and 42.901 (a) of the Texas Local Government Code to reduce and apportion extraterritorial jurisdiction by consent or agreement. West UniVersity Place and Southside Place have found and determined that it is in the best interests of both Cities to enter into this Agreement Agreements Section 1. Common Boundary Line. West University Place and Southside Place mutually agree that their entire common boundary line is established and confirmed as described in Exhibits A and B, both attached and made a part of this Agreement for all BOUNDARY AGREEMENTJ b66:\J<bounFINAL2t 2-8-01 Page 1 of 5 purposes. If there is any conflict or inconsistency, Exhibit A (the metes and bounds description) controls. West University Place and Southside Place formally consent and agree to the following: a. West University Place shalf have neither incorporated territory nor extraterritorial jurisdiction Hinside" the agreed-upon common boundary fine, which is the area shown as ~JSouthside Place" in Exhibit B. b. Souths ide Place shall have neither incorporated territory nor extraterritorial jurisdiction "outside" the agreed-upon common boundary line, which is the area shown as ~~West University Placeu in Exhibit B. c. To the extent necessary to carry out this Agreement: (1) each City's incorporated territory and extraterritorial jurisdiction are reduced and apportioned, and (2) each City releases any claims to the other's incorporated territory or extraterritoria I juri sd i cti on ~ Section 2~ Use of Boundary Areas. West University Place and Southside Place agree that the following shall apply to the public rights of way and easements located within the U Boundary AreaslJ shown in Exhibits C and 0: 8. Each City may construct, install, operate, maintain, re-construct, remove~ and connect the following facilities: (1 ) Water~ sewer, drainage, utility, communications and similar facilities that are entireJYl or almost entirefY1 underground. (2) Traffic control equipment, poles, signs, devices and other facilities. (3) Fire hydrants. (4) Streetlights. b. Each City may authorize its franchisees and permittees to use the rights of way and easements for the same purposes, but this does not apply to use of Belfaire Blvd. by franchisees or permittees for communications facilities. c. Each City retains jurisdiction over the Boundary Areas within its incorporated territory. The rules and regulations of the City with jurisdiction will apply evenhandedly to all facilities of the same type authorized in the Boundary Areas (by either City). d. This Section 2 remains in effect until the 25th anniversary of the effective date of this Agreement and continuing thereafter until terminated as follows~ Either City may terminate this Section 2, effective as of any date on or after the 25th anniversary, by adopting an ordinance to that effect and then giving at least one- year's advance notice of termination to the other City. Section 3. Two Joint Projects. West University Place and Southside Place agree to the following two joint projects: a~ University Boulevard. West University Place is studying a major improvement project for the segment of University Boulevard adjacent to the Boundary Area. Before starting work, West University Place will review the plans and specifications with Southside Prace. Southside Place will pay the costs of curb} gutterl driveway aprons and south-side streetlights, plus $15,000. (Payment would be made to West University Place within 30 days following submission of an itemized statement of the costs, supported by bidding documents where applicable~) The $15,000 would be applied, first, to the cost of north-side streetlights. If there is any excessl it could be applied to other project costs. b~ Telecom Grjd~ The Cities wi" cooperate to devel'op a grid of underground through-routes for telecommunications facilities with pre-installed and joint-use conduits where appropriate. This will require cooperation at the staff level, BOUNDARY AGREEMENT, b66:\kbounFINAL2t 2~8*01 Page 2 of 5 initially. Proceeding further will require further approval by the two City Councils. Section 4. Miscellaneous. a. Approval and Adoption~ Each City assures the other that it has formally approved and adopted this Agreement, by ordinancel and that this AgreementJ in its entiretYJ has been made a part of each ordinance. b. Execution and Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective upon the approval and execution thereof by both parties~ This Agreement may be executed in multiple copiesl each of which shall be considered an originaL c. Force Majeure. Should any party be delayed or hindered in the performance of any of its obrigations or duties under this Agreement, other than an obligation to pay money, because of a force majeure I then the party so delayed or hindered shall be excused from such delay or hindrance to the extent that it is caused by the force majeure. The term "force majeure"f as used in this Agreement, includes, without limitation of the generality thereof: acts of GodJ strikes, lockouts, other personnel disturbances or job actions, acts of the public enemy, laws, regulations, orders of any kind of the government of the United States or the State of Texas or any civil or military authority, insurrections, riots, epidemics, landslides, lightning, earthquakes, fires) hurricanes, stormsJ ffoodsJ washouts, droughts, arrests, restraining of government and people, civil disturbances, explosions, breakage or accidents to machinery or equipment, shortages of materials, equipment or supplies, or any other limitations of any party, whether similar to those enumerated or otherwise, which are not within the reasonable control of the party claiming such ;nability~ d~ Non-Patties. This Agreement shall bind and benefit the parties only. It shall not confer any rights or benefits upon any non-party, nor may any non-party enforce this Agreement or sue for any damages under this Agreement e. Termination,. Remediesr (a) No party shall terminate its future performance under this Agreement because of a breach by the other party, unless: (i) the terminating party first delivers a notice of breach to the breaching party, and (ii) the breach is not cured by the 30th day following receipt of the notice~ If a breach has already occurred, or if it is continuing in nature, it can be cured by taking reasonable action to prevent a recurrence~ (b) The parties have made no budgetary allowance to cover claims or liabilities of one party to another (includingJ but not limited to, claims and liabilities for personal injuries, deaths and property damages). Each party should make its own provisions to cover such claims and liabilities, and neither party shall be tiabte to the other party for claims or liabilities, or to pay money damages (including attorney's fees and other similar items) to the other party. for any act or omission relating to this Agreement (other than a failure to make payments required by this Agreement). Each party waives all such claims, liabilities and damages. Howeverl the parties do recognize that equitable remedies (including, for example, specific performance! mandamus and injunctions) shall remain available to the parties, particularly in view of the unique nature of activities covered by this Agreement. (c) Neither party may commence legal action to interpret or enforce this Agreement against the other party until the commencing party has made a good faith effort to mediate the matter in question~ in accordance with applicable provisions of state law. (d) Except as limited by this Agreement, all remedies at Jawor in equity shall remain available to the parties. f. Merger. This Agreement contains all the agreements of the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, and there are no binding agreements, whether written BOUNDARY AGREEMENT, b66:\kbounFINAL2, 2-8~01 Page 3 of 5 or oral, among the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, except at stated in this Agreement. This Agreement is the full and final expression of their agreement. ~ Notices and Addresses. (a) Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, any notice, communication, request, reply, or advice (in this Agreement, severally and coflectively called "noticefl) herein provided or permitted to be given, made, or accepted by any party to any other party must be in writing and may be given: (i) by depositing the same in the United States mail, postpaid as registered or certified mail with return receipt requested, addressed to the party to be notified at the address required by this Agreement, or (ii) by physically delivering the same to the chief administrative officer of such party. Notice deposited in the mail in the manner described shall be presumed to be received on and the fourth day following the day it is so deposited. This presumption is rebuttable. (b) For the purpose of notice, addresses of the parties shelll until changed as hereinafter provided, be as set forth on the signature page. The parties shall have the right from time to time and at any time to change their respective addresses! and each shall have the right to specify as 1tS address any other address by giving at least fifteen days' written notice of the changed address to each other party. No Parlnership. This Agreement shall never be construed to create any partnership or joint venture or to impose any partnership or venture duties upon any of the parties. Severability and Savings. The provisions of this Agreement are severable, and if any provision or part of this Agreement or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall ever be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional for any reason, the remainder of this Agreement to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. Should any part of a boundary be held ineffective or unenforceable for any reason: (a) the pre- existing boundary in that area shall remain in effect! (b) the holding shall not affect any other boundary line or part thereof, and (c) the holding shall not affect the corporate existence or any municipal proceedings of either party. Governing Law; Venue~ This Agreement shalf be construed under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas, and all obligations of the parties hereunder shall be performable in Harris County, Texas. Venue shalr lie in the appropriate state court in and for Harris CountY1 Texas. This Agreement has been executed on the dates set forth below. g. h. I. j ~ BOUNDARY AGREEMENT, b66:\kbounFJNAL2, 2~8~01 Page 4 of 5 ATTEST: (Seal) CITY OF SOUTHSIDE PLACE By: Printed name: Tile: Mayor Address for notices: ATTN: City Manager 6309 Edfoe St., Houston, TX 77005 Printed name: Title: City Secretary Date: Authorized by City of Southside Place Ordinance No. THE STATE OF TEXAS S COUNTY OF HARRIS S This instrument was acknowledged before me on by as MAYOR of THE CITY OF SOUTHSIDE PLACEt TEXAS. 1 adopted (SEAL) My commission expires: Notary PubHc Printed Name: ATTEST: (Seal) CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE Printed name: Title: City Secretary Date: By: Printed name: Title: Mayor Address for notices: A TTN: City Manager 3800 University Blvd., HoustonJ TX 77005 Authorized by City of West University Place Ordinance No. THE STATE OF TEXAS S COUNTY OF HARRIS s This instrument was acknowledged before me on by as MAYOR of THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. 1 adopted (SEAL) My commission expires: Notary Public Printed Name: Attachments (all incorporated into this Agreement): Exhibit A: Common Boundary Line (Metes and Bounds) Exhibit B: Map showing: (1) Common Boundary Line1 (2) Southside Place main body, (3) West University Place main body Exhibit C: Map showing Boundary Area along University Blvd. Exhibit 0: Map showing Boundary Area along Bellaire B'vd~ BOUNDARY AGREEMENT~ b66:\kbounFINAl2.2-8-01 Page 5 of 5 EXHIBIT A METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION COMMON BOUNDARY LINE tBETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTHSIDE PLACE AND THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE IN THE A.C~ REYNOLDS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 61 HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS Being the agreed upon common boundary line between the City Of Southside Place and the City Of West University Place in the A.C. Reynolds Survey, Abstract Number 611 Harris County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows (All bearings and coordinates stated herein are based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System; South Central Zone (NAD 83), as derived from GPS observations of the City of Houston Survey Control Man uments n urn bers 5256-0801, 5255-1 4051 and 5255-1 005. Coordinates and distances stated herein are surface and may be converted to grid by multiplying by a combined scale factor of 0.99997): COMMENCING at a 5/8-inch iron rod with aluminum cap stamped "WUP BOUNDARY TERRAlJ set (X = 3,096i 716.641 Y = 13,821,890.14) in the north right-of-way line of BelJaire Boulevard (120 feet wide) common with the south line of that certain Annexation Tract into the City of West University Place as described in the Certified Copy of Petition recorded in Volume 745J Page 480 of the Harris County Deed Records marking the northwest corner of that certain Annexation Tract into the City of Southside Place as described in the Affidavit recorded in Vol ume 11 851 Pag e 621, of the Harris County Deed Records; THENCE, South 02046' 161f East, along the west line of said Annexation Tract into the City of Southside Place, a distance of 13.23 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with aluminum cap stamped "WUP/SSP BOUNDARY TERRAu set marking the most westerly point and POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described agreed upon common boundary line; TH EN eE, North 870361 1 6 n East, along a line 1.00 feet north of and parallel with the back of curb line of said Bellaire Boulevard common with a line 13a23 feet south of and parallel with the aforesaid north right-of-way line of Bellaire Boulevard, a distance of 2,520.18 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with aluminum cap stamped uWUP/SSP BOUNDARY TERRAff set marking an angle corner of the herein described agreed upon common boundary line at the intersection of said line 1 .00 feet north of and parallel with the back of curb line of Bellaire Boulevard and an extension of the west line of the City of Southside Place as described in the Harris County Commissioners Courts Minutes of April 091 19311 common with an extension of the we-st~line of the Amended Plat of Southside Place according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 7, Page 51, of the Harris County Map Records, and with an extension of an easterly line of the aforesaid Annexation Tract into the City of West Unjversity Place; TH EN C E, North 020 37' 41 n West, along said extended west line 1 at a distance of 1 3.23 feet past the southwest corner of sajd Amended Plat of Southside Place common with the southwest corner of the City of Southside Place as described in the Harris County Commissioners Courts Minutes of April 09 I 1 931, and an an gle corner of said Annex ation Tract into the City of West University Place, continuing along said west line of the Arne nded Plat of Southside Place common with said west line of the City of Southside Place as METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION COMMON BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTHSIDE PLACE AND THE CITY OF WES:r UNIVERSITY PLACE PAGE 2 OF 3 described in the Harris County Commissioners Courts Minutes of April 09, 1931, and said easterly line of the Annexation Tract into the City of West University Place, a total distance of 3/042.56 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod found marking the south corner of the Perpetual Easement to the City of West University Place as described in the deed recorded in Volume 1130, Page 452, of the Harris County Deed Records; TH EN eE, North 68 0 56' 1 311 East, along the south Ii ne of said Perpetual Easement, a distance of 37.95 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with aluminum cap stamped nwuP/SSP BOUNDARY TERRA II set in the north line of said City of Southsi.de Place as described in the Harris County Commissioners Courts Minutes of April 091 1931, common with the north line of Lot 53 in Block 2 of said Amended Plat of Southside Place; TH EN C E, North 870 22 T 1 9 n East, along the north Ii ne of said Lot 53 common with the north line of said City of Southside Place as described in the Harris County Commissioners Courts Minutes of April 09, 1931, a distance of 44.01 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with aluminum cap stamped nwuP/SSP BOUNDARY TERRAu set marking an angle corner of the herein described agreed upon common boundary line; THENCE, North 67014'48u East, along a line 1.00 feet southeasterly of and parallel with a concrete sidewalk, a distance of 79~86 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with aluminum cap stamped nwuP/SSP BOUNDARY TERRA" set in the west right-af-way line of Auden Avenue (60 feet wide) common with a west line of said City of Southside Place as described in the Harris County Commissioners Courts Minutes of April 091 1931, marking an angle corner of the herein described agreed upon common boundary line; THENCE, North 02037'41 n West, along said west right-of-way line common with a west line of said City of Southside Place as described in the Harris County Commissioners Courts Minutes of April 091 1931 J a distance of 23a64 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with aluminum cap stamped nwuP/SSP BOUNDARY TERRAu set marking an angle corner of the herein described agreed upon common boundary line; THENCE1 North 7404412711 East, crossing said Auden Avenuel a distance of 46~02 feet 1.0 a point on a curve to the right of the herein described agreed upon common boundary line; THENCE, along a line 1.00 feet south of and parallel with the back of curb of University Boulevard (100 feet wide) and said curve to the right, having a central angle of 74058'24", an arc di stance of 3 8 ~ 68 feet, a rad i us of 2 9 ~ 5 6 feet, and a chord which bears North 48 0 03 l 5411 East, 35.98 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with aluminum cap stamped TfWUP/SSP BOUNDARY TERRAII set marking the end of curve; METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION \ COMMON BOUNDARY LINE .~ BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTHSIDE PLACE ~~AND THE CITY OF WESl UNIVERSITY PLACE PAGE 3 OF 3 TH ENe E, North 870 24 '06" East, along a line 1 ~ 00 feet south of and parallel with the back of curb line of said University Boulevard common with a line 22~81 feet north of and parallel with the north right-af-way line of said University Boulevard, a distance of 1,266.89 feet to the northeast corner of the herein described agreed upon common boundary line in the west line of the City of West University Place Incorporation Tract as described in the Harris County Commissionerls Court Minutes of January 02, 19241 common with the west right-ot-way line of Virginia Avenue (60 feet wide) as shown on the aforesaid Amended Plat of Southside Place, from which an aluminum disk stamped "WUP/SSP BOUNDARY TERRA n set for reference bears South 87025148" West! 20.00 feet; THENCE, South 02035'5411 East, along said west line, at a distance of 22681 feet past the northeast corner of the aforesaid City of Southside Place as described in the Harris County Commissioners Co urts Minutes of April 09, 1 931, co m man with the northeast corner of said Amended Plat of Southside Place, continuing along said west line for a total distance of 3,130.82 feet to the POINT OF TERMINUS of the herein described agreed upon common boundary line common with the southwest corner of said City of West University Place Incorporation Tract in the aforesaid north right-of-way line of BelJaire Boulevard, from which a 5/8-inch iron rod with aluminum cap stamped lIWUP/SSP BOUNDARY TERRA If set for reference bears South 87047'0811 West, 30~OO feet. This description is based on the Corporate Limit Survey and plat made by Terra Surveying Company, Inc., dated November 2000, TSC Project Number 2292-0001-S~ Compiled by: Mark J. Piriano, L.SJ.T~ Checked by: Joel Hiller! L.SJ.T. Terra Surveying Company, Inc. 4900 Woodway, Suite 1000 Houston, Texas 77056 - TSC Project Number 2292-0001-5 ~;: :.:. .;'~T 1 II SOUTH OF BACK OF CURB 22.81 ' 1 P SOUTHEAST OF SIDEWALK PERPETUAL EASEMENT V 11JO, P 452, HCDR SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD ~ ~~ ~Ct::: ffiO O~ :::) ~ DETAIL SCAlE ,. - 100' FOUND S/81f IRON ROD LOT 53 SLOCK 2 CURVE C1 CENTRAL ANGLE=74-S8'24" ARC LENGTH=38.68' RADUIS=29~56J CH.ORD BEAR1NG=N 48lt03'54n E CHORD LENGTH=35~g8) UNE BEARING L 1 N 68-56'131' E L2 N 87-22 '19u E L3 N 67-14' 48u E L4 N 02-37'41 U W L5 N 74-44127u E DISTANCE 37.95' 44.01 · 79~86' 23.641 46.02) o 600 ~ ~ 1-4 1-0( 1--1 r CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE CERTIFIED COPY OF PET1T10N VOLUME 745, PAGE 480 HARRIS COUNTY DEED RECORDS S 0248'16' E 1323' NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY UNE OF BELLAIRE BOULEVARD N 8736'16" E 2520:18' BELLAIRE BOULEVARD (1201t ROW) A.C REYNOLDS SURVEY, A-6t UNIVERSfTY BOULEVARD (100' ROW) N 8724'06. E 1266.89'. . S 87-251148J' W 20~ 00' *SEE DETAIL. SET ~~ oq:~ ~~ -q:: >>EST UNE OF VIRGINIA A VENUE (WITHIN DRAINAGE DITCH) ~ <( ~ (() ~ ~f5 n.~ ::5 ~ ...... tJ r= ~5! ~5~ tfj Uu Q: 8i~ III ~ ~ CI) S ~8~ ~ ~ 0 ::) ~~ ~ ~ J..-. ~ ~ t: ~ 83 ~~ ~ ~~~ LU II 1=:0 ~ ~).. ~ ~~~ l'i t:: ~ ~ o (j CO ! ~cf(, ro(Jf(;. ~ '00# O(\< of( ~ ~ ~ ~ :i!: AMENDED PLA T SOUT7-fS/DE PLACE VOLUME 7, PAGE 51 HARRIS COUNT'( MAP RECORDS CITY OF SOUTHSIDE PLACE COMMISSIONER COURTS MINUTES HARRIS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT RECORDS APRIL 9, 1931 SET 13.23~ l' NORTH OF BACK OF CURB CITY OF SOUTHS/DE PLACE ANNEXA nON TRACT VOLUME 1185, PAGE 621 HARRIS COUNTY DEED RECORDS S 87"47'08" W 30.00 ' POINT OF COMMENCING COORDINA TES: X = 3Q96716.64 Y = 13821890.14 SET = SET S/8-INCH IRON ROD WITH ALUMINUM CAP POB = PLACE OF BEGINNING POC = POINT OF COMMENCING POT = POINT OF TERMINUS HCDR = HARRJS COUNTY DEED RECORDS V :::: VOLUME P = PAGE NOTE: All bearings and coordinates shown hereon ore based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System: South Central Zone (NAD 83). as derived from GPS observations of the City of Houston Survey Contra' Monuments numbers 5256-0801. 5255-1405, and 5255-1005. Coordinates and distances shown hereon are surface and my be converted to grid by multiplying by Q combined scale factor of 0&99997. EXHIBIT 8 COMMON BOUNDARY LINE CITY OF SOUTHS1DE PLACE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS TERRf. 4900 WOODWAY - SUITE 1000 . n HOUSTON. TEXAS 77056 ' SURVEYING CO, INC (713) 993-0327 FAX: (713) 993-9231 ORA WN BY: MJP DA "IE: NOVEMBER II 2000 REVJEWED BY: ER PROJECT NO. : 2720-0006-$ 0 C (IJ. :J G)""U)>. Z "'C )>NZ "UCI\lZ - :c: :TC "'0--0 c<~O -::JtOO 003 cne ---i ""'1CD'-J---i o -.. -I : ~ O:EO'" ::J rrt .......:::J f'Tl O<~f'Tl to 3 ::J CD GI Q*u C C'Dmm 0 :ill V/ 0"" .., 0 CD O('tlfhl\.) ...,t\:J~ P -~ ::.r th cr '0 ...... .c .. """'U) ~ ~ :lCD mO"" c o -. ::1 t~ OJ .., 01 (b 0 -* r+ao ""'cn 0.. a..R1f\.J-'O::J ~::J'" tT '< ..c PI o 0l<-'1O (b. a.. m- en c 11 ~ .. U,I::JiO>>Oa.co 0 0 N gab::;' n 3 co-, k: ...111 0 -0...... o co 0 -"'"1OJooo ~cm (1)c. ~ t'bCDO::J~::J '< ..... (II H ~cn(Do. -, r+ "'Cm-to ro ........ 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