HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1795 - lateral house lines ~:-.-t Ordinance No. 1795 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO LATERAL HOUSE LINES; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT AND ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE; PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT AND LIEN; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREASf under Section 402.901 of the Texas Local Government Code and Section 23.013 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place C'CityU), the City may contract for relocation or replacement of lateral house lines and assess the cost against the property on which they are located; and WHEREAS, in full compliance with said Section 402.901: (i) the City received a request and consent from the owner(s) of certain property that the City handle relocation or replacement of lateral house lines on the owner's property; (ii) such lateral house lines serve a residential structure on private property and connect to a new, renovated or rebuilt sanitation main or water main constructed by the City; (Hi) the request and consent document was executedt was not revoked or withdrawn and was filed with the City Secretary; (iv) the Director of Finance of the City initiated the process for the City to handle such work, having made the determinations required by Section 23~013 of the Code of Ordinances and received bids for the work; (v) after the City received bids for the work, notice of such contract was duly given to said owner(s), and said owner(s) did not revoke or withdraw the consent or reject the contract; (vi) the owner(s) of such property acknowledged receipt of the notice and filed a sworn affidavit to waive the right to reject the contract, which was filed with the City Secretary; and (vi) thereafter, work on the relocation or replacement of the house line laterals began; and WHEREASt the contractor has now certified that all work has been completed in accordance with the contract, as shown in Exhibit At attached, and the City finds that the work has been properly completed in accordance with the applicable codes and ordinances of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. The matters set out in the preamble hereof are found and determined to be true and correct Section 2.. Payment to the contractor is hereby approved in the amount shown in Exhibit A, attached, and the Director of Finance is authorized and directed to: (1) pay such amount to the contractor; (2) issue a certificate certifying that the work has been completed and that payment has been made under the contract, as shown in Exhibit B, attached; (3) file the certificate with the county clerk of the county in which the property is located; (4) deliver a copy of the certificate to the property owner(s); and (5) on payment of the principal amount and accrued interest, as provided in said Section 402~901, issue a release of the assessment and lien. For this purpose: (i) the principal amount is the amount of the payment shown in Exhibit A, attached, and (ii) the rate of interest shall be as specified in the original request and consent document signed by the owner(s), which rate was previously specified, set and approved by the City Council in the ordinance authorizing the contract and assessment for this project (simple interestf not to exceed 10 percent a year). Section 3. As provided in Section 402~901 of the Texas Local Government Code, the City Council hereby: (i) confirms the assessment of the cost of such work against the property described in Exhibit Bf attached, and (ii) finds and determines that the City has a lien on such property to enforce payment of the principal amount and interest described above. Section 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 5. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this Ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance to any other persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby~ Section 6. The City Council officially findsf determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this Ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by Jaw at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof~ Section 7. The public importance of this measure and the requirements of the law create an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring that this Ordinance be passed and take e_ffect as an emergency measure, and a state of emergency is hereby declared~ This Ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency measure and shall take effect immediately upon its passag~ and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED on Counci-Imembers Voting A . Councilmembers Voting 0: Councilmembers Absent: I aJOS--: Mayor Reviewed: J City Attorney Signed: Farm s ASM -202 0 ho use fines FINAL & LI E N 07/201t005 16:0~ ~AX 713 774 7114 R9SGnd ?-1~-05: 2:43PN;W~ST UN!V~ASITY S11{UT"rON 1'LlI.M.J31NG CO 1 NC l4J OU1 ;713 662 5804 ~ Z/ Z Exhibit A CERTIFICATE OF CONTRACTOR THAT WORK HAS BEEN COMPLETED, ETC. Re: Th e fol lov II ng desori bed II Property: l' Lt 4 BJ k 1 Cunningham Terrace Street address: 3923 Riley Th e follo\lving described UContract: IJ Contract between Strutton Plumbjng Company, Inc, as contractor. and the City of West University Place) Texas C~City'~} dated April 11 t 2005 for performing the work for re~locatfon or rep~acement of the water and sewer lateral house lines on the Property in ac;oordance wlth Section 402.901 of the Texas Local Government Code.. 'The undersignE~d, being the contractor performing work on the Property as called for by the Contract, cl~rtifies as follows: (a) a~1 such work has been completed in accordance with the Contract and also in accordance with'the appJicabJe codes and ordinances of the City; (b) the cost of the compJeted work is $11975..00~ and this amount does not eJcceed the original contract price; and (c) p(~yment in such amount is now due and is requested. SrGNED and CERTIFJED on \.'! LL Contractor: Strlltton Plumbing Company, Inc.J H+. . STATE OF TEXAS. COUNTY OF HARRIS ~ This i~trument w"ls aCknow;tsed before me on .... .W Y I 9 ~)&J. n W/', re. t ~~A'~ M tr of ~1L:H#.n /.r;z;;;;;b01!J ea. :7 #? €. ' ,a on behalf of said (sea!) My Commission E):pires: IZ-- 2.()- 01 No STATE OF TEXAS COUNlY OF HARI~IS This instrument wa:s acknowledged before me on t 20_ by (seal) My Commission Expires: Notary Public Exhibit B CERTIFICATE THAT WORK HAS BEEN COMPLETED, PAYMENT HAS BEEN MADE, ETC., AND CONTAINING INFORMATION AS TO ASSESSMENT AND LIEN STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS Re: The foJJowing descrfbed UProperty:l~ :u Lt 4 BJk 1 Cunningham Terrace Street address: 3923 Riley The following described "Contract" Contract between Strutton Plumbjng Company. lnc., as contractor. and the City of West University PJace, Texas C'CityU) dated April 11 , 2005 for performing the work for relocatjon or repfacement of the water and sewer Jaterar house fines on the Property in accordance wjth Section 402.901 of the Texas Locar Government Code. The undersigned certifies, on behalf of the City, as follows: (a) all of the work under the Contract has been completed; and (b) payment has been made under the Contract in the amount of $1l975.00. By the adoption of Ordinance No.1793 on April 11 , 2005 and Ordinance No. 1795 on July 25, 2005, the City Council of the City has assessed the cost of such work against the Property and has found and determined that the City has a lien on the Property to enforce payment of the principal amount (being the amount of the contract payment shown above) and interest (at the rate of 60/0 a year, simple interest), as described in such ordinances, all as authorized by Section 402.901 of the Texas Local Government Code. SIGNED and CERTIFIED on .~r ,;/.( ~ 20#.5 . CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, By: ILlalx. dA~~" 3800 University Blvd.. Houston. TX 77005 Name: Director of Finance of the City STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS This instrument was ackn-9wJedged before me on ~d At//~ 7A d/1/ A-.i University Place . Texas. KAYlYNN HOLlOWAY i, Notary Public, State of Texas ! ' My Commission Expires ! ~ AprU 15) 2007 ~ ~ j=,,~~~~~;,' ( sea t) My Commission Expires: ~-,../s-=-o 7 AFTER RECORDING return to: Cjty Secretaryt City of West Unfversity PJace. Houston, Texas 77005 ;/ )~ ("" ,ii\ STRUTTON PLUMBING COMPANY, INC. 5805 Cypress street Houston, Texas 77074-7820 (713) 774-9197 FAX (713) 7747114 JlLl1 INVOICE - S 7057 TO: City of West University Place Attn: Patrick Walters 3826 Amherst Houston, TX 77005 DATE: May 3, 2005 JOB NAME: JOB LOCATION: 3923 Riley Due Upon Receipt Daren 05-00000744 '.' ..' .'.-- :'.:' ,,' (H.'::::.<:XL:::,::~.::'r:.'p'Ric E:;S::\:~~f~ :;~"~'.:'~~.::' ...:-....:}\M.Q.UNTIT.'.. ., .....,..: ~" "" "" ~ " '..' :,';'.' -.,::::- ':.: :,_., .... .:,: 11U1'1._-': ,.', .,.; '.. '<'. ":~:";"~)"::";::~" "~""~~" "" ~": "":"" ~" "" "~" ;) .t:/:"::"~::~"""": .... ....:.. '.', "'" 27-Apr-05 Install 411 Schedule 40 PVC sewer line from existing sewer stub out $ 1,350.00 to new sewer tap provided by the City of West University Place. Install 1 It Schedule 40 PVC water line from existing water stub out $ 625aOO to new water tap provided by the City of West University Place. PQI (1I1Ip pi) .OR. AcOlil MorehJ5vG : roefJived in 1~,4 ~er:? l;':;;;l~ ..,..... .~."... $ * YESLqN o lnitia 18 (;/# U/~ rE .. /~.-~k~~) Q - 1r1 Close Reg ular P. O. '1 ym i~ I "- I (-'I'~ u,J ?)\c1\ Paym.ent J ..uthortloo? YfN Inilials Amsunt ....- Labor and Materials $ 1 ,975~OO Date Amf1 orized L ~ B..nk,et P. o.#? - Online In' oioo Datdlnit ~ COMMEI' rTS: - /~"~.". . ,.... ~~~>-... - -. r rv J'~ '.',\ J . 1 e - q .~3. . '>. { l, _ f~~ ~~ ,;JI!t...~ ~...t.'~. ~ """".~ __ H~'~'Y'Y OU r\ ~. ~ t:;JJ all cl..J. dUL -, 6 lUV;, \ cern Total Balance Due $ ':. 1,975.00 This finn operates under the licensure of the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners P. 0, Box 42001 Austin* Texas 78765 (512) 458-2145