HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1755 - official newspaper of West U. ORDINANCE NO. 1755 AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING AN OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONrr AINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section l~ The West Uni\rersity Examiner, a paper havillg general circulation in the City of West University Place, Texas, and Ineeting tIle requirel11ents of an official l1ewspaper as outlined ill Chapter 2051 of tile Texas Goverlunent Code, is designated and declared to be the official newspaper al1d. publication of said City. Tllis designation remains in effect l111til challged by subsequel1t City ordi11atlCe adopted by tIle City Council. In connection witll this designation, tIle City COl111Cil Inal<es tIle following legislative findings and determil1atiol1s: a. Cllapter 2051 of the Texas Gover1ll11ent Code Ol11y applies to SOIne items to be published, 110t all items published by tIle City. b. WIlen Chapter 2051does apply, the West University Examiller su.bstantially complies witll the requirements of that Chapter, particularly in view of the following characteristics of that newspaper: (1) It is distributed weel<ly to virtually every 1101ne in the City (excepting only tllose few WI10 request not to receive it) al1d to Inany 110mes ill tIle immediate vicinity of the City (more than 7,000 all together ill Zip Code 77005); (2) In addition, it is distributed througll newsracl(s and otller distribution points inside and olltside tIle City, and by delivery to Inany hOlnes outside Zip Code 77005 (but in the vicinity of tlle City), for a total circulation exceeding 19,000. (3) Accordillg to tile City's 2002 Community Survey, some 61.9% ofrespol1del1ts indicated that tlley relied upon tIle West Ulliversity Examiner for il1fofll1ation about City services and progrmTIs, lllore t11al1 any otller commercial paper Inelltioned. (4) As a practical matter, the West Ul1iversity EXalniner is at least as good, if 110t better tllatl, any otller conunercial paper ill reaclling residents of the City and other-persons interested in tIle City's governmel1t. Sectiol12. All ordinances and official 110tices reqlliring pu.blicatioll ill the official newspaper shall be publis11ed in The West University Examiner. Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances ill conflict with tllis OrdinallCe are repealed to the extent of tIle can,flict only~ Section 4. If any word, plnase, clause, selltellce, paragrapll, sectioll or otller part of this ordinallce or tIle application tllereof to any perSOll or cirClunstance, shall ever be 11eld to be illvalid. or unconstitutiollal by any court of COlnpetellt jurisdictiol1, tile relnail1der of t11is ordinance and tIle application of suell word, pllrase, clause, sentellce, .paragrapll, section or otller part of this ordinmlce to any otller persolls or cirClll11stallces sllall not be affected tllereby. Section 5. The City Council officially finds, deterlnines al1d declares tllat a Sllfficiel1t written notice of tIle date, 11our, place and sllbject of each Ineetil1g at Wllicl1 tllis ordinance was discussed, considered or acted llpon was given in tIle Inaruler reqllired by tIle Open Meetillgs Law, Chapter 551, Texas Goverllluel1t Code, as amel1ded, al1d tllat eacll SllCll meeting has been open to the ptiblic as required by law at all thnes during SllCll discussiol1, COl1sid.eratiol1 and actioll. TIle City COllllCil ratifies, approves and confirms SUCll110tices alld tile contents alld POStil1g tllereof. Section 6. Tllis ordiuaI1Ce sllall become effective llpOl1 adoption aJld sigllature. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING, this 13th day of OCTOBER, 2003. Voting Aye: V Oti11g Nay: AbseIlt: PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING, ADOPTED AND SIGNED, this 27th day of OCTOBER, 2003. Votillg Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: ATTEST: (SEAL) Signed.: &y-~ ReCOll1111el1ded: Jwe. City Attorney