HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1725 - plumbing and certain PVC piping Ordinance No~ 1725 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PLUMBING AND CERTAIN PVC PIPING; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. The "Standard Codes Scheduleu of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas is hereby amended as set out in Appendix A, which is attached and made a part of this ordinance. Section 2. This Ordinance applies from and after the Effective Date~ Any violations committed before the Effective Date are governed by the ordinances in effect immediately before the Effective Date C~Prior Ordinances"). The Prior Ordinances are continued in effect for this purpose. Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this Ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance to any other persons or circumstances~ shall be affected thereby. Section 5. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this Ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section 6. This .Ord inance shall take effect on the tenth day following its publication, as provided in the City Charter ('Effective Date"). PASSED AND APPROVED on ~ 1--=3 CouncilrT)embers Voting Aye: · Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: , CZ7a3 ~ A ttes City Secretary eaf) Recommended: ~ ~ City nager ReViewe:~Oj~~l~t- City Attorney . c 0212 54 0 plumbing and pvc Appendix A Standard Codes Sched ule A doptioll~ Subject to the alnendlnents and deletions indicated beneath each code) each of the follol-ving codest ;ncluding all of its published appendices and attach111ents, is adopte~ ordained and JJlade a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City and of each chapter where it is reference~ except as otherwise expressly provided. Procedure for al11ellll1neJlfs, etc. The procedure for adopting new codes, updated codes, local ClI11endnlents and "provisionsfor adnlinistration and enforcenlent o/these codes is asfollows: (1) proposal by the building official or other appropriate City official) (2) referral to the Building & Standards CO/1llnission, (3) consideration by the City Council, after giving required n1eeting notices, and (4) adoption and publication, as required by Article II afthe City Charter. .International Built/ing Code, 2000 ~Ed., Illterna tiona I Code Con neil, J.nc.. 1. The administrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. All roofs lTIUst have Class C or better fire resistance, as detennined under Sec. 1505.1. 3. A 11 foundations for new bu ild ings and foundation repairs shall be designed by a registered professional engineer ("RPE"), and the work shall be: a. illustrated in complete plans and specifications signed and sealed by the RPE; b. based on a soils report from a recognized and reputable firm or agency (Exception: no soils report is required for a single-story accessory building with less than 450 sq~ ft. of gross floor area); and c. inspected by an RPE who ce11ifies proper construction, before work proceeds further. 4. All concrete footings and foundations Inust be cured for at least 72 hours before any signi'ficant load is placed on thenl. 5. All walls and ceilings within a "R-I, "R-2, R-3 and R-4 type occupancy shall be sheathed with Type X gypsum board at lease 5/8-inch (1.5.9 nlm.)thick. "Exception: Where this code (IBC) requires otherwise for moisture protection. 6. "Delete: Appendices A (Employee Qualifications), B (Board of Appeals) and "0 (Fire "Districts). International Ellergy Conservatioll Code, as it existed on "May"], 2001, :International Code Council, :Inc~ 1. The adminjstrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc~ are handled by the BSC. 2. In lieu of inspection by City employees, the building officiallnay require a written celtification that a building meets or exceeds minitnum requirements, if the certification is: (i) signed by a code-certified inspector (as defined in Section 388.02, TEX. "H:"EA"L T"R & SAFETY CO:D"E) not elnployed by the city, and (ii) accolnpallied by an approved inspection checklist) properly completed, signed and. dated by the inspector. If the fees of the code-certified inspector are paid by the City, the amount shall be added to the building perIn it fees otherwise payable. With approval from the building official, a penn ittee lnay pay such fees directly to an independent inspection finn. On Iy code-certified inspectors lnay perfonn inspections and enforce this code in the City. Internatiollal Fife Code, 2000-Ed.., International Code Council, Inc. 1. The fire official shall be the fire ch ief or acting fire chief, who may detail other lnem bers of the tlre department or the building inspection division to act as inspectors. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcement and adlninistration of the 'fire code in the saIne manner as it applies to the building code (except that the tire official shall have the powers and duties of the build ing officia I under sllch articles). The :BSC shall. have the saIne jurisd.iction and authority with respect to the fire code as it has with respect to the build ing code. The lilnits of the fire district referred to in Section 902.1.1 are coextensive with the City l"imits. Explosives and fireworks, as defined in Chapter 33, are proh ibited w"ithin the City HIll its. 2. ""I -'. 4. 5. Notwithstanding Section 2206.7.6 (relating to service stations), "latch-open" type devices are prohibited. 6. Section 603.8.4 (hours for burning) is amended to read. in its entirety as follows: "An incinerator shall not be used or allowed to relnain w"ith any combustion inside it: (i) at any time frotTI an hour preceding sunset on one day until sunrise the foJIowing day; or (ii) at any time when unattended.'~ (7) Delete: Appendices FA (Board of Appeals), F"E (H"azard Categories), FF (Hazard Ranking) and FG (Cryogenic Fluids - Weight and V olunle :Equivalents). International Fuel Gas Code, 2000 :Ed., International Code Council, Inc. 1. The administrative officer (s the building official. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcelnent and adm inistration of this code "in the same manner as it appl ies to the bu ilding code. The sse sha I ( have the same jurisdiction and authority with respect to this code as it has with respect to the building code. 2. "Delete Sections FGI03, FG 106 and FGl O. 3. Even if permitted by this code, copper tubing shall not be used for the yard service line. 4. Amend Section 311.2 to read in its entirety as follows: "Low pressure (not to exceed 0.5 PSI) gas piping shall withstand a pressure of at least 10 inches of nlercury for a period of tilne not less than 10 minutes without showing any drop in pressure, except that the fa] lowing shall apply in the case of new construction: The newly-constructed systelTI must withstand a pressure of at least 25 PSI for a period of not less than 10 In inutes with out showing any drop in press LIre as an in it i a 1 pressure test, and the system m 11 s tal so with stan d a pressure as a final test. Higher pressure piping lTIUst withstand pressure of at least 10 PST.; but never less than twice the 111axirnUITI pressure to which the piping will be subjected in operation, for a period of at least 10 Ininutes without showing a drop in pressure, but the higher pressures required for ne\v construction, above, shall be used to test new construction in lieu of the 1 Q-PSI level prescribed by this sentence.); 5~ There 111Ust be a permanently-installed. stairway, either fixed or folding, to serve attic space where appliances or equipment are located. 6. Even if pennitted by this code, undiluted liquefied petroleuln gas, or "LPG", shall not be used at any fixed location in the City. Exception: This does not prohihit the use of such gas in quantities of lO gallons or less. 7 L "Each new or replaced gas meter shall be located on the salne building site that it serves. Interlllltional Mechanical Code, 2000 Ed., International Code Council, Inc.. 1. The administrative officer is the building officiaL All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. Add to Section "M306.3: "There Inust be a permanently-installed stairway, either fixed or folding, to serve attic space where appliances or equ iprnent are located." Add to Section "M603: "All return air ducts lnust be installed within 10 inches of the "finished 'floor in all new residential construction and wherever possible in existing buildings." Delete: Appendix MB (ReCOlTIlnended Permit Fee Schedule). "" .:1. 4. International PIUl1lbiJlg Code, 2000 Ed., In ternational Code COD neil, I DC. 1. The adlninistrative officer is the building official. Chapter 6 of this Code shall apply to enforcelnent and adtn.inistration of this code in the saIne manner as it applies to the building code. The BSe shall have the satne jurisdiction and authority with respect to this code as it has with respect to the building code~ 2. Delete: Sections PI 03, PI06 and PI09 and Appendices PA (Plumbing Pennit Fee Schedule) and PG (Vacuum "Drainage System). 3. Add at the beginning.of Section 303.1: "-Even if permitted by this code (IPe), ) none of the foHowing is allowed for use in the City: Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene CABS) pipe or fittings, polyethylene pipe or fittings, Type "M" copper, lead-based pipe, aluln.inuln DWV pipe or components, or air adlnittance valves." 4. Even if pennitted by this code (IPe), pve and CPVC type water pipe and fittings are not allowed. for LIse in the City. "Exception: PVC water pipe may be used where pemlitted by this code (IPC), but only if: (i) it is installed underground and (in all joints are prilned and glued as required by the Inanufacturer)s recolnlnendations (and the primer nlust be purple or another distinctive color~ except on above-ground pool pip in g) for un dergro u n d installa ti 0 ns on I y . 5. Even "if permitted by this code (IPC), wet venting shall not be allowed except when authorized by the BSe, as a special exception for hardship and unusual cases. 6. Amend Section 11 Or~2 to read in its entirety as follows: "The provisions of this chapter are applicable to interior leaders, building stann drains, building stann sewers~ exterior conductors, downspouts, roof gutters and other stann drainage fixtures and facilities." 7. Maxilnuln water Ineter size, unless an RPE can clearly and convincingly denlonstrate the need for a larger Ineter "in a particular case, is: 3!4ths-inch for an irrigation systeln, or l-inch for a singJe-fall1.ily d\.vell ing. Internatiollal Residential Code, as it existed on "May 1, 2001, In ternationa I Code Council, Inc.. 1. The adlnin"istrative officer is the building official. All hearings, variances etc. are handled by the BSC. 2. Th"is code, in lieu of the other "International Codes,u applies to aU residential structures in the City. "Residential" means having the character of a detached one-family or two-fam ily dwelling that is not ITIOre than three stories high with separate means of egress, including the accessory structures of the dwelling. This code does not apply to: (i) any dwelling that has a CQlnmon lneans of egress, such as a COlTIlTIOn hallway, or (ii) any dwelling or structure that has the character of a facility used for aCC01TIlTIodation of transient guests or a structure in which 111edical, rehabilitative, or assisted living services are provided in connection with the occupancy of the structure. . 3. All am"endlnents and deletions to the other "International Codes'~ adopted by this Schedule are also carried forward and adopted as alnendlnents and deletions from the International Residential Code. 4. Delete: Appendices RAF (Radon Control Methods), RAI (Private Sewage O"isposal), and RAE (Manufactured fTousing Used as Dwellings). 5. This code does not apply to installation and lnaintenance of electrical wiring and related cOlnponents. See National Electrical Code, below. (BOCA) Natiollal"Bui/ding Code, 1.996 "Ed., "Building Officials & Code Administrators International, .Inc~ Only SectIons 3108 (Radio And Television Towers) and 3"109 (Radio And Television Antennas), together with any necessary definitions or interp.retative aids, are adopted. See Subchapter G of Chapter 6 of th is Code. National Electrical Code, as it existed on "May 1, 2001, National Fire Protection Association, ("NEC")~ I. The administrative officer is the bu ilding official. All heari.ngs, variances etc. are handled by the BSe. 2. See Chapter 8 of this Code for various provisions which override or supplelnent the NEe. Stant/art! Housing Code, 1997 "Ed.., Southern Building Code Congress I.nternational, Inc~ 1. The adnlinistrative officer is the building official. An hearings, variances etc. are handled by the Bse.