HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1686 - relating to Boards, Committees and Commissions
Ordinance No. 1686
Section 1. Sections 2.011 and 2.012 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of
West University Placet Texas are hereby amended to read as set out in Appendix A,
which is attached and made a part of this ordinance.
Section 2. This Ordinance applies from and after the Effective Date, and it also
applies to appointments for terms of office beginning on or after the Effective Date.
Exception: The new term limits do not apply to person now holding office, until the terms
of office beginning September 1, 2003. Example~. A person who has served two terms
could be reappointed for an additional term beginning September 1, 2001 and ending
August 31, 2003~ Now-current terms of office (and any holding-over after expiration of
those terms) are governed by the ordinances in effect immediately before the Effective
Date C~Prior OrdinancesU). The Prior Ordinances are continued in effect for this
Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance
are repealed to the extent of the conflict only.
Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraphl section or other
part of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall
ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction,
neither the remainder of this Ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase,
clau,se, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance to any other
persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby.
Section 5. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a
sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which
this Ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner
required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting
has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion,
consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices
and the contents and posting thereof.
Section 611 This Ordinance shall take effect September 1, 2001 C~Effective
CouncilrlJembers Voting Aye:
CounciJmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent:
/()o I
, .
City anager
ity Secretary (8 )
Appendix A
(alternatE! version, with "critical need" exception to term limits
and with August 13 floor amendments included)
Subchapter C. Boards, Commissions and Committees
Sec. 2.011 Boards, commissions & committees.
(a) Permanent Bodies,~ Liaisons. Perlnanent boards, cOITIluissions and COlTIlnittees are as follows:
(1) Bu.Uding & Standards COlnln.issio.l1. See Chapter 6 of this Code and Chapter 54
of the Texas Local GoverIunent Code for the C0111position and duties of this
C01TIlnission. The presiding officer shall be selected by the City Council. The
staff liaison is the Bu i lding Official, or such other person as the City Manager
Inay designate.
(2) Zoning & Planning COlnmissiol1. See the Charter and the Zoning Ordinance for
the cOlnposition and duties of this COlnlnission and the presiding officer (who is
elected by the COlTIlnission). The staff I iaison is the Building Official, or such
other person as the City Manager lnay designate~
(3) Zoning Board of Adjustnlent. See the Charter and the Zon.ing Ordinance for the
composition and duties of this Board and the presiding officer (who is elected by
the Board). The staff liaison is the Bu i ld ing Official or sllch other person as the
City Manager Inay designate.
(4) Parks & Recreation Board. 9 positions (ntnnbered 1. through 9) with all positions
and the presiding officer selected by the City Council. See Chapter 16 for the
duties of this Board. See, also, the provis ions of Chapter 16 relating to the
Friends of West University Parks Fund, a non-profit corporation~ The staff
liaison for both the Board and the Fund is the Parks & Recreation Director, or
such other person as the City Manager Inay designate.
(5) ~ Adult Services Board: 15 positions (numbered 1 through 15), with all
positions and the presiding officer appointed by the City Council. The 58Ri-eF
adult services board is responsible for: (.i) studying the needs of senior citizens
and other adults, (ii) assisting with service studies and plan developn1ent and (iii)
making recommendations to the City Council on senior citizen and other adult
progralTIs. The staff liaison is the Parks & Recreation staffn1e.l.llber who has
principal responsibility for adult progralTIS, Senior Services I\1=:1113.f;er, or sllch
other person as the City Manager Inay designate.
(6) Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Board.: 9 positions (nlunbered 1 through
9), with all positions and the presiding officer appointed by the City Council.
The recycling and solid waste reduction board is respons:ible for: (i) stud ies and
recommendations on recycling and solid \vaste and (ii) COll1111unity education on
matters relating to recycling and solid waste. The staff liaison is the Publ ic
Works Director, or such other person as the City Manager lnay designate.
(7) {}rban D€si~n B03.rd: 9 positions (nulnb€f@d 1 thro~lgh 9), \vith all positions and
the presidin~ officer appointed by the Cit), Council. The urban des:i;n board i~
responsible for: (i) studigs and r€COllllllendations on trees and 1".lrb:111 design')
6XC@pt in parks, ~nd (i.i) cOll1nlUIlity education on ITI:ltt€lfS relating to trees and
urban design, except in parks. The staff liaison is the Public ,_^/ arks .Director, or
such other person as th@ City .l\1an3-g;@f Inay desibn.1te~
t81 Neighborhood Public Safety Board: 19 positions (nlllnbered 1 through 1.9), with
all positions and the presiding officer appointed by the City Council. The
neighborhood public safety board is responsible for (i) studies and
reC0I11lnendations on neighborhood PH b 1 ic safety, includ ing traffic., and (i i)
COlnnlunity education on neighborhood public safety, including traffic. The staff
liaison is the Police Chief or such other person as the City Manager Inay
des ignate.
(b) Other Bodies. Other cOffiln.ittees, comlnissions or task forces Inay be created or appointed
from time to tilne, including the Charter Review COlTIlnittee contenlplated by the Chatter.
(c) Notices of Meetings. All boards, commissions, cOlnnlittees and task forces are requested to
observe the saIne rules for posting notices of Ineetings as are observed by the City Counci I, even if not
required by law. However, the notices do not need to include an agenda unless otherwise required by
(d) Liaisonsj Attorney, Engineer. Designated staff liaisons are authorized to provide support and
assistance for each board, COlTIlnissi.on or committee, including expenditures budgeted for that purpose. If
any project requires an unusual alnount of staff tinle or lTIOney, it shouJd be approved by the City
Manager or the City Council. Only the Mayor, the City .Manager or the City Counci 11nay authorize the
City Attorney or any outside consulting engineer to provide services for a board, con1111ittee, COll1nl ission
or task force.
Sec. 2.012. Organizational provisions, certain bodies.
(a) Application. This section applies to the pennanent boards, cOITIlnissions or C0111111ittees listed
.in this Chapter, except to the extent otherwise specified in state law or another ordinance (e~g., specific
provisions relating to zoning bodies). It also applies to other C0I11J11ittees, cOlnlnissions, and task forces;
unless otherwise prescr.ibed by the C.jty Councilor the City Chalter.
(b) Positions, Qualifications. Each Inelnber shall be appo int@d to a specific 1l11ITI bered pas iti 011.
Each appointee, at the time of appointnlent, Inust be a resident of the City~ A lnenlber who ceases to be a
resident of the City shall be deelTI.ed to have resigned and 111ay be replaced at any tinle thereafter, but shall
continue to serve until a successor is appointed and qualified. See~ also~ "Tern1 liInits.," below.
(c) Numbered Positions; Terms. Each position shall have successive ternlS of office, with each
terlTI beginning 011 September 1 of each odd-nlunbered calendar year and extending through August 31 of
the next following odd-numbered calendar year. Each tnember appointed shall be appointed to 5-@RLe---f..e.F
th@. ~ specific term, or the unexpired portion thereof, of th@. !! specific llulnbered position to '.vhich the
tuember is appointed. A lnenlber shall also serve after the expiration of a ternl of office until a Sllccessor
is selected and qualified.
(d) Appointments, Vacancies. Appointtnents for upcoming terlTIS 111ay be I1lade no sooner than 60
days prior to the beginning of tile term. In the event of death, resignation, relTIoval fron, office or any
other vacancy, a successor shall be appointed to selve the reJnaining unexpired portion of the specific
terlll of office of the vacant position. See, also, "Tenn lin1its," below.
(e) Relnoval. The City Council lnay relTIOVe a Inelnber after providing notice and an opportunity
for a h eari ng to the In elll ber. '
(t) OfficersA The City Counci.llnay ffOlll tilne to tilne designate one Inen1ber as the presiding
officer, who shall serve until another presiding officer is so designated.
(g) No cOlnpensation~ Members shall receive no cOlnpensation for their services. This shall not
prohibit reilnburselnellt for actual and reasonable expenses incurred by authority of the City Manager or
the City Council.
(h) Quorunl. A quorUlTI is half of the lnelnbers appointed and ho.lding non-vacant positions, but
never fewer than three.
(n Tern1lilnits. No person shall be appointed to serve luore than two consecutive ternlS (or parts
of two consecutive terms) as a regular IneJuber on any permanent board., C0.l11lnission or C0l11111ittee listed
above. Notes.~ Service as a alternate Inelllber is not counted toward this linlit~ and Both ing forbids
appointment to a different body for additional terlTIS. Exceptions: This subsection does not apply to: (i)
holding over, after the expiration of any terln"l (ii) appointlnents to the Adult Services .Board; or (iii)
appointments to Ineet a critical need~ as detennined by at least three-fourths of the Inelnbers of the City
Council present and voting.