HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1780 - election 5/7/05 ORDINANCE NUMBER 1780 AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELECTION WITHIN THE CITY OF WES1~ UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE SEVENTI-I (7th) DAY OF MA y~ 2005~ FOR l~HE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND FOUR COUNCIL MEMBERS; DESIGNATING PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES; APPOINTIN'G ELECTION OFFICIALS; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO SAID ELECTION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY~ BE IT ORDAINED BY TI-IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. A gel1eral electiol1 is hereby ordered al1d sllall be lleld ill the City of West . Ul1iversity Place, Texas ("City") 011 May 7, 2005, for the purpose of electin.g a iv1ayor and [OUT Cou.'ncil Melnbers oft11e City~ SECTION 2. (a) TIle Hart Il1terCivic Direct Recordil1g Electro11ic (DRE) Voting S ystenl sllall be llsed for early voting by personal al)pearmlce alld. for reglllar VOtil1g 011 electiol1 day ~ (b) co l111 ted ~ Paper ballots sIlall be llsed for VOtillg by ll1ail and SlICh ballots shall be 111anually All ballots sllall be prepared ill accordance with. tIle applicable provisions of the TEXAS ELECTION CODE (ill El1g1is,h al1d in. Span.i.sll) so tllat tile voters nlay cast t11eir 'ballots for the candidates of their cl1oice~ (c) The City COll11cilllereby appoints Gene De Laveaga to be Presiding Judge for the Celltral C01111tillg Statiol1, Wllicl1 shall be located at the West University Place Mllllicipa.l Bu.ildin.g, 3800 Ulliversity Boulevard, West U.niversity Place, Texas 77005 (COllllCil Cha111bers). Kaylynn Holloway shall serve as tlle Mallager aIld Tabulatioll Supervisor of th.e Central COlllltil1g Statioll. SECTION 3. (a) Tile City sllall be divided illtO fOUT electiol1 precincts, and. tIle polling IJlace desigllated for eac"ll electioll precillct alld tIle persons h.ere'by appointed to serve, for these electiollS only, as Presidillg Ju.dge alld Alter11ate Presidil1g Ju.dge for each polling place., are as follows: V Otil1g Precil1ct # 183 West University COl111TIl.111ity Bllildil1g/Senior Wil1g 6104 Allden Stan McCal1dless, Presiding Jlldge MarilY11 GriffiJl, Altern.ate Presiding Jlldge v Otil1g Precinct # 13 3 West Uni\rersity Recreatiol1 Cellter 4210 Bellaire Marie MOl1fOe~ Presiding Judge Denise Beck, Alterllate Presiding Jlldge Voting Precillct #87 West Ulliversity Scout I-Iou.se 6108 EdIoe Stevell Kllerldler, Presldlllg Jlldge Robin Miles, Alterllate Presicli11g Jlldge V Otil1g Precillct # 15 81. All.drew's Presbyteria11 Cllurch 5308 Buffalo Speedway :Ran1say Elder, Presidillg Judge Lalnar Good., Alternate Presiding Jlldge (b) Said precil1cts shall be th.e san1e as tile I-Iarris County voter precincts bearing the saine llul11bers .indicated. above, as suell precillcts were 1110st recelltl)T establisl1ec1 by the COl11111issioners COlut of I-Iarris COllllty, Texas. (c) Eacll Presiding Jlldge s11all appoillt 110t fewer tl1al1 two a11d. 110t 1110re than six qllalified clerIcs to serve and assist at tIle pollillg place under l1is/ller jurisdictioJl in holding said election; provided tIlat, if allY Presiding Jlld.ge llereill appoi11ted actll.ally serves :il1110ldillg said electioll, tl1e Alter11ate Presidillg ] 11.dge for tIle precillct ill qu.estioll sllall be one of tIle clerIcs. (d) Each. electiolljlldge 811d. clerk: will be elltitled to cOI1Tpellsation at an 110llrly rate .not to exceed $7.00. (d) 011 Electiol1 Day, tIle polls sllall be ope11 forl11 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.1VT. (:f) Tile early VOtil1g clerl< sh,all be tIle City Secretary of tIle City. Early VOtil1g by !JersoJlal appearance s11all be COllducted at the City Secretary's Office~ MlllTicipal Building~ 3800 UJliversity Blvd., West 'Ulliversity Place, Texas 77005, 011 weelcdays dUTil1g tIle early voting period (April 20, 2005 tllTOllgll May 3, 2005) d.lu4illg the llours tIle City Secretary's 111ain business office is regu.larly open for business (8 :00 a.Ill. to 5 :00 p.nl. except on City holidays)~ in accordance witll tile provis:i.ol1S of the TEXAS ELECTION CODE. The early VOti11g clerk~s Inailing address to which ballot ap:plicati.ons and ballots voted by lllai I n1ay be sent shall be: Ci ty Secretary, MUllicipal Bllilcling, 3800 U'niversity Blvd., West University Place~ '"rexas 77005. Applicatiolls for ballots by l11aill11ust be received. by tIle early VOtil1g clerk 11.0 later than the close ofbllS1.11eSS 011 April 29, 2005~ Tile precil1ct electio:n officers servi11g Precinct # 15 shall serve 8S tIle Early V Otillg Ballot Board. for this electio'l1. SECTION 4: All/qllalified electors ofth.e City shall be perlnitted to vote at said election. Not witllstmldil1g allY provisio11S to t11e COJ1trary in tllis ordillance, the election shall be held and COlldu.cted ill accordmlce witll tile TEXAS ELECTION CODE, and., as l11ay be requjred by law~ all electio'n Inaterials and proceedings 811al1 be prillted in both Englis11 and. Spanish. In addit.ion.~ standard VOtil1g il1forlnation boolclets shall be provided in Vietnalnese, and the City Secretary sllallll1al<e arrallgell1ellts with t11e electiol1 officials for tIle use of Vietnanlese interpreters, if l1eeded. It is fOll.nd and detern1illed that tllese 111eaSUres \-viII adequately serve any Vietnanlese- o:nly speakers e.ligible to vote ill tile electio11S. SECTION 5: The forn1. oftlle notice prescribed by tile Secretary ofState~s OtTice of the State of Texas sllall serve as proper notice of said electioll~ Said notice, includitlg a S:pallisll translation thereof, sllall be givell by IJublishillg it and postin.g. it in accordance with Secti on 4~003, of tIle TEXAS ELECTION CODE. SECTION 6: TIle Mayor, tile Mayor Pro Teln, tIle City Manager, the City Secretary and the Assistal1t City Secretary, or allY OIle of tllel11, are allthorized on behalf of the City COl111Cil to evidellce ad.optioll of this Ordinance and to do any and all other thi11gS legal and necessary in COl1l1ectiol1 Wit11 tIle llolding and consull1111ation of SUCil election and to give effect to the intent of tllis Ord..i:nallce~ A'ppoilltlnellts of election officials ill tllis Ordil18.l1Ce are l11ade for tllis election 0111 Y . SECTION 7: If allY word, p11rase, clause, selltellce, paragrapll, section. or other part of this ordin.ance or th.e application tilereofto allY 'perSOll or cirCUlnstallce~ shaH ever be held. to be invalid or l111Con.stitlltiollal by any court of COlnpetellt jurisdictioll, Ileitller the rel11ainder of tlTis ordinance, nor the applicatioll of SU.cll word, p11rase, clause, se:ntence, paragrap11~ section or other part of tllis ordinance to allY otller perS011s or cirCll1l1stan.ces, shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 8: All ordin.ances and parts of ordinances in conflict here\vith are hereby repealed to the extellt of the COl1flict only~ SECTION 9. TIle City COll.llCil officially fillds, deterl1li11es alld declares that a sufficient writtel1 notice of the date, llour, place and. sllbject of eaclllneetillg at whic.h this ordinance vvas discllssed, considered or acted llpo:n was given in the 111anl1er reqllired by the Open Meetings Law, as a11le11d.ed, al1d. tllat eacll SllCll .meetil1g has beell OpeJl to the pllblic as reqllired. by la\v at all tilTI.es dllrillg SU.Cll disCllssiol1, consideratiol1 and action. The City COll.llCil ratifies., ap'proves llild cOl1firll1s SllCh llotices and. tile COl1tellts and. pOStil1g thereof. SECTION 10: TIle pu.'blic 1111portallce of tllis l11eaSUTe and the reqll irenl.ents of the l8\~; create all ernergel1cy and all urgent pu.blic llecessity requirillg t118.t tIllS Ordlllal1ce be passed and tal<e effect as an elnergellcy Ineasure, al1d a state of elnergellcy is 11ereby declared aJ1d this Ordin.ance is accordil1g1y passed as an e.nlergen.cy 111,easure and shall take effect and be in force ilnn1ediately fraIn al1d after its IJassage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST AND FINAL READING~ this t11e 24th c1a)' of Jan,uary,2005. ATTEST: Signed: Blut Ballanfailt Mayor REV IrWE i 1 ~ . I a 1111 Holloway City Secretary (SEAL) Janles L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney