HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1732 Calling 2003 General Election ORDINANCE NUMBER 1732 AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELECTION WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE THIRD (3rd) DAY OF MAY, 2003, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND FOUR COUNCIL MEMBERS; ORDERING A JOINT AND CONCURRENT ELECTION FOR SUMBITTING A PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY; DESIGNATING PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES; APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICIALS; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO SAID ELECTION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 ~ (a) A gel1eral election is hereby ordered. and sllall be 11eld. ill t11e City of West University Place, Texas ("City") on May 3, 2003, for tile .purpose of electillg a Mayor arId four Council Melnbers of tIle City~ (b) The City Council hereby calls a special election--to be conducted jointly and COllC11ITel1tly with tIle May 3, 2003 general election-- for tIle purpose of subtuitting a proposed City Charter amendlnel1t to the qualified voters oft11e City, as autllorized by Section 9~004 of tIle Texas Local Goverrunent Code~ This alnendlnel1t is submitted on the COlIllCirs 0VV11 motion, and tIle City Council fillds that 110lding the election on su.ch date is in the pllblic interest. TIle proposed Charter mnendment is as follows: (In the text of/he proposed Glnendnlent, rvords stricken out would be deletedfroln the Charter. All other words would be in the Charter if the anlendl11ent is adopted. Words to be added are typically shovvn by underlining.) PROPOSED CFIART.E.R AMENDMENT ..RELA TING TO INSU.RANC.E AND EM.PLOYEE BENEFITS Amend Section 7.13 of the Charter asfollows: Section 7.13 Purchases and Contracts a. The C.ity shall make purchases and execute contracts only in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of the State of Texas~ However) (i) for purchasing insurance or emp lovee benefits. the City shall use the request-for-proposals process described in subsection "b." below. in those instances when the llse of competitive sealed bidding would othelwise be required. and (ii) when letting contracts, the City shall always have the right to reject any and all bids and determine the ll10st advantageous bid for the City. This section controls over general state law, as allowed by Section 252.002 of the Texas Local Governlnent Code. b. The request-far-proposals process is as follows: (n A reauest for proposals must solicit quotations and lllust specify the relative importance of price and other evaluation factors. (in .Discussions may be conducted with proposers determined to be qualified. (iii) Such qualified proposers shall be treated fairly and equally with respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of proposals~ (iv) To obtain the best final offers. revisions tnav be permitted after submissions. SECTION 2~ (a) TIle Hart InterCivic Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) Votillg System sllall be u.sed for early VOtil1g by persol1al appearance and for reglllar VOtillg on election day. (b) COll11ted~ .Paper ballots shall be used for voting by mailllild SU.cll ballots sllall be Inanually All ballots sllall be prepared in accordance with the applicable provisions oft110 TEXAS ELECTION CODE (in Englisll and in Spanisll) so tllat the voters may cast t11eir ballots for tIle candidates of their clloice and may vote "FORB or t1AGAINSTH the proposition for the proposed amendment The proposition sllall be set forth on su.ch ballots and ballot labels in sllbstantially tIle form as presented below, in El1glish and ill Spanish: PROPOSED CHART.ER AMEND.MENT RELA TING TO INSURANCE AN.D .EMPLOYEE .BENEFITS Shall Section 7 ~ 13 of the Charter of the City of West University Place be ulnended to require the City to use a defined "request-far-proposals" process in those instances when competitive sealed bidding would otherwise be requ ired for purchasing insurance or employee benefits? (c) The City COlUlcilllere.by appoints MiI(e Woods to be Presiding Judge for tIle Central Countil1g Station, Wllicll shall be located at tIle West University Place Municipal . Building, 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas 77005 (COl111Cil C11am.bers). Victor Hansen shall serve as the Manager of the Central Countil1g Station and Kaylynn Holloway as Tabulation Supervisor~ SECTION 3. (a) TIle City sIlall be divid.ed into four election precincts, alld the polling place desigllated for each election precinct al1d the persons llereby appoil1ted to serve, for tllese elections only, as Presiding Judge alld Alterllate Presiding Ju.dge for eacll .pollillg place, are as follows: Voting Precinct #183 West University Conununity Building/Senior Wing 6104 Auden Stan McCal1dless, Presiding Judge Jim McGrath, Alternate Presiding Judge Voting Precil1ct # 133 Colol1ial Park Recreation Center 4130 Byron Marie Monroe, Presiding Judge Irene Sanchez, Alterl1ate Presiding Judge V oting Precinct #87 West University Scout House 6108 EdIoe Eddy Dalliels, Presiding Judge Robin Miles~ Alternate Presidillg Jlldge Voting Precinct # 15 St~ Andrew's Presbyterian Chl\rcll 5308 Buffalo Speed.way Rmllsay Elder, Presidil1g Judge Lamar Good, Alte.rl1ate Presiding Jlldge (b) Said precil1cts s11all be tIle same as tIle Harris COlUlty voter precincts bearillg the sal11e l1umbers il1dicated above, as such precincts were most recently established by the COffill1issioners Court of Harris COllnty, Texas~ The City COllncil hereby finds tllat tIle pollil1g place for Precil1ct #15 is a proper place for condllcting tIle elections because a suitable .Pllblic buildil1g witllin said precinct is l111available~ (c) Eacll Presiding Judge sllalI appoint not fewer tllan two an.d 110t lllore tllatl six qualified clerl(s to serve a11d assist at tIle polling place llnd.er his/11er jllrisdictiol1 il11101d.i11g said electio.ns; provided that, if any Presiding Jlldge herein ap..pointed actu.ally serves ill holdillg said . elections, tIle Alternate Presidil1g Judge for tIle precinct ill questiol1 shall be on,e of the clerks. (d) Eacll electiolljlldge and clerk will be entitled to compensatioll at an 110urly rate not to exceed $7~OO~ (d) On Election Day, tIle polls shall be olJen forIn 7:00 A.M~ to 7:00 P~M. (f) TIle early voting clerl< s11all be tIle City Secretary of tIle City~ Early votillg by personal appearance sllall be cond.u.cted at tIle City Secretary's Office, Municipal Bllilding, 3800 University Blvd~, West University Place, Texas 77005, 011 weekdays during tIle early vOtil1g period (A:pril16, 2003 thTOUgh April 29, 2003) durillg tile 110urs the City Secretary's maill bllsiness office is regularly opell for bllsiness (8:00 a.m~ to 5;00 p.nl~ except 011 City llo.lidays), in accordance with tIle provisions of tIle TEXAS ELECTION CODE. The early voting clerlc's mailing address to which ballot applications and ballots voted by InaiI may be sel1t, sllall be: City Secretary, Mlulicipal Building, 3800 University Blvd.~, West University Place, Texas 77005~ Applications for ballots by maillllust be received by tIle early votin,g clerl< no later tllan tIle close ofbusil1ess on April 25, 2003~ TIle .precinct election officers servil1g P.recinct #15 sllall serve as tIle Early V Otil1g Ballot Board for these electiol1S. SECTION 4: All qualified electors of tIle City sIlall be permitted to vote at said electiol1S~ Not witllstandil1g any provisiol1S to the COl1trary ill tllis ordinance, tIle electiol1S sllaII be held and COlldllcted in accordance witll the TEXAS ELECTION CODE, al1d, as may be required by law, all electiol1 materials alld proceedings sllall be printed in botll Ellglish and Spanisll.. In additioll, stalldard voting il1formation bool(lets sllall be provid.ed in Vietllamese, and tIle City Secretary shalllua1ce arrangelnents with tile electiol1 officials for the use ofVietl1alnese il1terpreters, if .needed.~ It is found alld deterll1.ined that tllese lneasures wilt adequately serve any Vietnalnese- OIlly speakers eligible to vote in tile electiol1S. SECTION 5: A SllbstaJ1tial copy oft11is Ordinance s.hall serve as tIle 110tice of tIle elections~ Said 11otice, incllldil1g a Spanisll translatiol1 tllereof, sIlall be given by pu.b.lisl1illg it and posting it ill accordallce with. Section 4.003, of tIle TEXAS ELECTION CODE. SECTION 6: TIle Mayor, tIle Mayor Pro Tern, tile City Mal1ager, tile City Secretary and tile Assistant City Secret~y, or allY one of them, are autllorized on behalf oftlle City COUllCil to evidence adoption of t]lis Ordinal1ce wId to do 811Y and all other tllings legal al1d necessary ill C01Ulectiol1 witll the 110ldil1g al1d cOl1sunnnation of SUCll elections and. to give effect to the il1tent of t11is Ord.ina11ce. Appointments of electiol1 officials in tllis Ordillance are luade for tllese electiollS only. SECTION 7: If allY word., phrase, clause, sentellce, paragrapll, sectiol1 or other part of t11is ordinance or the applicatioll tllereof to a11Y perSOll or circumstallce, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by allY COlIrt of COlnpetel1t jurisdiction, neitller tIle rem.ail1d.er of tllis ordil1allCe, nor the appIicatiol1 of SllC11 word, pllrase, clause, sentellce, paragraph, seetioll or ot11er part of this ordinance to allY otller persolls or cirClll11stances, shall not be affected tl1ereby. SECTION 8: All ordinances an.d parts of ordinances ill conflict llerewitll are llereby repealed to t11e extent of tile cOllf1ict only ~ SECTION 9~ TIle City Council officially finds, deterlnil1es al1d declares that a Sllfficie11t written notice of tIle date, 11our, place alld sllbject of eacll1neeting at Wllicll tllis ordi11al1ce was discllssed, considered or acted llpon was given in tIle Inalmer required by tIle a,pell Meetillgs Law, as alnended, and that each SUcll111eeting 11as been open to tIle pllblic as required. by law at all titnes durillg suell discussiol1, consid.eration and actiol1. TIle City COUllCil ratifies, ap:proves and confirms SU.cll notices alld tile contellts and posting tllereof~ SECTION 10: The pu.blic iUlportance oftllis IneaSllre al1d tIle requirements of tIle law create all elnergel1cy and an llrgel1t pllblic l1ecessity reqlliriIlg tllat this Ordinallce be passed al1d tal<e effect as an emergel1CY measure, and a state of emergel1CY is hereby declared alld. tll1.S Ordil1ance is accordillgly passed. as all emergency measure atld sllall tal<e effect and .be ill force immediately fronl and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST AND FINAL READING, tIns the 24th day of February, 2003. Signed: .. ~:----- A'fTEST: ~~k~ K ym Holloway ~ City Secretary (SEAL)