HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1679 - election 05/05/2001 results ORDINANCE NO. 1679 AN ORDINANCE CANVASSING THE RETURNS AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE GENERAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ON MAY 5,2001; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, (tile "City"), ordained tllat an election be held in the City on the 5th day of May, 2001, for tIle pllrpose of electing one Mayor and four Council Members for a two year term; and WHEREAS, said election was called and notice given ill accordance witll tIle law, and the election was held in all material respects in conformity with tIle law; llild WHEREAS, tile returns of such election have been dllly illld legally Inade mld. Sllbmitted to the City Council of the City for canvassing, and a tabulatiol1 of tIle retuT11S for eacll election precinct aIld for early voting, as canvassed and tabulated by tl1e City Council of the City and shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, reflect tIle vote totals for each candidate, as follows: Linda Lewis Mayor 1,576 votes Rich Langenstein Mayor 842 votes Danny Jackson Council Meluber 1,189 votes Debbie Ellis Council Member 918 votes Carolyn Galfione Council Melnber 1,003 votes Marilyn Otteman Griffin Council Member 1,080 votes Denise C. Beck Council Member 1,021 votes Mike Farley Council Melnber 1,195 votes Bill May Council Member 1,515 votes NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST/ UNIVERSITY PLACE, THAT: Section 1. All of the recitals contained in the premuble to this Ordil1ao.ce are found to be true and are adopted as findings of fact .by this City Council llild as part of its judgement, particularly the results of tIle election described therein as canvassed aIld tabulated in the preamble hereof and as shown in, and made a part hereof for all purposes, Exllibit "A" attached l1ereto. Section 2. As a result of stIch canvass and. tabulation, it is hereby deterlnilled and declared that Linda Lewis, with a total of 1,576 votes cast for 11er, llas .beel1 elected MAYOR of the City of West University Place, Texas, Bill May, with a total of 1~515 votes cast for him, Mil(e Farley, witll a total of 1~195 votes cast for him, Danny Jack:soll, with a total of 1,189 votes cast for him, and Marilyn Griffin, witll a total of 1~080 votes cast for l1er, have been elected COUNCIL MEMBERS of the City of West Uluversity Place, Texas. Section 3. Tile City Secretary is hereby autllorized aIld directed to Ina1ce tile appropriate entries of information appearing in the tabulation of precinct results SllOWll ill Exhibit "A" attached hereto in the election register lnaintained by tIle City ill accofclallce witll provisiollS of Section 67.006 of the TEXAS ELECTION CODE. Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragrapll, sectiol1 or otller part of this ordinance or tIle application tllereof to any perSOll or CirCl1ll1stance, sllall ever be held to be invalid or uncol1stitutional by any court of competellt jurisdictiol1, tIle remainder of this ordinance and the application of suell word, pllrase, clause, sellte11ce, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any other persolls or circunlstmlces shall not be affected thereby. Section 5. All ordinances a11d parts of ordinaI1CeS ill COllflict llerewitll are hereby repealed to tIle extent of the cor1f1ict only ~ Section 6. The City Council officially finds, determilles alld declares th.at a Sllfficiellt written notice of the date, hour, place alld subject of eacll1neetil1g at Wllicll tllis ordinance was discussed, COl1sidered or acted upon was giVe!l ill tIle lllall11er reqllired by the Open Meetings Law, as amended, and that eacll such meeting has beell opell to tIle public as required by law at all times during such discussion, COl1sideratiol1 a11d actioll~ The City COUllcil ratifies, approves and confirms SUCll notices and tIle COl1tents alld pOStil1g thereof. Section 7. The public importance of tllis measure and tIle requiremel1t of t11e law create an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring tllat tllis ordillaI1Ce .be passed and ta1ce effect as an elnergency measure, and a state of elnergellCY is l1ereby declared. This ordinance is accordingly passed as an elnergency lueasure and sllall ta1ce effect ilmnediately UpOl1 adoption and sigl1ature. PASSED,AND APPROVED the 10th day of May, 2001. ATTEST: Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: ~l'~~~ L I1da Lewis Mayor "~~ ~OllOWay~ City Secretary (SEAL) James L. DOllg11erty, City Attoflley ~ U) ('I') -I co m to M 0 -rw U") l!) lO ~ r- N CO 0 OJ C\I ~ ~- Lt) ~ v CD ~ a. o~ "(f m 0 OJ N ~ :- ~ (!) l- Z (.) ~ t- Z 0 OJ r--. ~ t- oo m M M 0c:- t) > OJ N t(J LO V In <o;;f U) ro ;: UJ :J e::: 0:: a.. US ~ l- V 0 OJ ('I') m m t'- l!) N 00 (1) m Z 0 ~ N t- o 0 0 v m r--. co 0 {ry N ("oJ C'\J N N ~ 0 w M n: CI.. r- C!) co f- Z 0 i= l"'- t--- U') V 0 L() m (() 0) v Z g (3 Ol M m 'V OJ Lfl C1') 'C;f' (0 ~ W >- 0:: ....J a.. 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