HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1664 - results of the initiative ordinance 2000 Ordinance No~ 1664 AN ORDINANCE CANVASSING RETURNS AND DECLARING RESULTS OF THE INITIA liVE ORDINANCE ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ON NOVEMBER 7,2000; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED TO SAID ELECTION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.. WHEREASt in accordance with the raws of the United States of America, the State of Texas, the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas (the "Cityll)r an erection was held within and for said City on November 7 t2000 t at wh ich election there was submitted to the qualified voters of the City for their action thereonl a proposed initiative ordinanceJ said proposed initiative ordinance being set out in fuJl in Exhibit Al which is attached to this Ordinance and made a part hereof for all purposes; WHEREAS, jn accordance with the Texas Ejection Codel the judges and other officiaJs of said ejection have recorded, signed and delivered returns of said election and have provided them to the City; and WHEREAS~ the Mayor and City CouncU Members, duly assembled on this date, have examined said erection returns andj in accordance with the City Charter and the laws of the State of Texas. wish to canvass the returns and declare the results; NOWl THEREFOREl BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. The City Council hereby officiaJJy finds, determines and declares as follows: (1) The City Council~ after receiving an authorized initiative petltion under Article IV of the City Charter, which petitIon was certified by the City Secretary to be sufficient1 duly caffed and ordered an election for November 7l 2000 for the purpose of su bmitting said proposed initiatIve ord inance, without amendment, to the qualified voters of the City~ aU in accordance with the law; (2) notice of th e e lectio n was given as req u i red by r aw~ (3) ballots for the election were provjded in accordance with law; and (4) ea rly voting an d election -d ay voti ng we re ca rried 0 ut in aceD rd a nee with Jaw. Section 2.. The City Councif~ pu rsuant to an official canvass of the retu rns of said election 1 hereby declares the results of the voting on sajd proposed initiative ordinance to be as described in Exhibit 81 a copy of WhlCh [s attached to this ordinance and made a part hereof for all purposes. Section 3. (a) The City Council hereby finds and declares that: (i) less than a majority of the legal votes cast was in favor of the proposed in itiative ordinance set out in Exh ibit A; (ii) the proposed initiative ord\nance has not been adopted; and (iii) the proposed initiative ordinance shaH not take effect. (b) This Ordinance shaH constitute the officiar act of the City Council in examining, counting and declaring the results of the initiative ordinance election of November 7, 2000. Section 4.. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed1 considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Law, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by taw at aU times during such discussiont consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and conffrms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section 5. The public importance of this measure and the requirement of the law create an ORDINANCE CANVASSING ELECTION Page 1 emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring that this ordinance be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and a state of emergency is hereby declaredl and this ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage and signature. PASSED AND APPROVED the 13th day of November t 2000. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: ATTEST: :..-- City Secretary (SEAL) James L. Dougherty, J . City Attorney b66:\54ocanvl NITIA TJVE ORDINANCE CANVASSING ELECTION Page 2 j~~ .1;'~ ~~o ari~"g o &; 1:S- ~-J: ~ ~~f fi C :it ~ ~.Y nI ''is CD E 8. .gfi ~ !:ej !J ~ d;'i- Ii fit:6 :s-:~ lh i E~ AJjli~ .9 t:i &~ il 'I 8 j '8 0 R i.! 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II. 3,209 43.83 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NOli 1 - TERM OF OFFICE FOR. . . 6,039 90.89 A6A I NST .. . , . .. II II . . II 605 9 . 11 PROPOSED CHARTER AlfENDHENT NO. 2 - EXPENSES FOR. . ABA I NST ., ., . II . .. . . . * 4,245 66.31 2,157 33.69 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDrtENT NO. 3 - PUBLICATIONS FOR. . . . . . .. 5,605 89.11 ABA I NET * . . . . . . II. 685 10.89 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 4 - CANVASSING ELECTION RETURNS FOR. II ., AGAINST 6,083 366 94.32 5.68 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 5 - PETITIONS FOR IF ., . II . II . II 5, 462 BS. 13 ABAI NST II II . . .. . . II . 73b 11. 87 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 6 - COtfTAACTS FOR. .. II 5,533 87.11 ABAI NST I . . .. . . . . . 819 12.89 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDI'fENT NO. 7 - USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY FOR. . . AGAINST . . . . 5,521 86.13 889 13.87 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDr1ENT NO. 8 - CONFLICTS OF INTEREST FOR. . II .. . . . II . .. '. 6, 275 93. 39 AGAINST I . .. . II . .. . . . 444 6.61 PROPOSED INITIATIVE ORDINANCE - SETTING MINIMUM SALARIES FOR PEACE OFFICERS AND FIREFIGHTERS FOR. . II .. . I II 3,280 %.50 AGA INST .. II . . II II . . .. 3, 774 53. 50 , FINAL OFFICIAl.. CANVASS - TOTAL VOTES 20:19:01 9-Nov-2000 Page 1 BOND AND CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECTION CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS NovaffiER 7, 2000 1 Registered Voters - W. UNIVERSITY 2 Ballots Cast - W. UNIVERSITY 3 Percent of Re9istered Voters PROPOSITION - AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF $5,000,000 IN BONDS FOR SIDEWALKS AND RELATED STREET IMPROVEMENTS 4 FOR 5 AGAINST PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 1 - TERM OF OFF ICE 6 FOR 7 AGAINST PROPOSED CHARTER Al'IENDMENT NO. 2 - EXPENSES 8 FOR 9 AGAINST PROPOSED CHARTER AHENDKENT NO. 3 - PUBLICATIONS 10 FOR 11 AGAINST PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 4 - CANV.ASSING ELECTION RETURNS 12 FOR 13 AGA INST 0015 PRECINCT NO. 0015 0087 PRECINCT NO. 0087 0133 PRECINCT NO. 0133 0183 PRECINCT ND. 01B3 TOTAL ELEC.DAY EARLY 1 2......3 4..._..5 3,164 2,141 67.67 1,212 7aB 2,957 2,068 69.94 1,083 824 2,709 1,829 67.52 882 797 2,619 1,834 70.03 935 800 11,449 7,872 68.76 4,112 3,209 5,942....... 2,914..2,663 . 1~930 . 1,198 546 6......7 8.. . . . . .9 10.....11 1,540 193 1,516 134 1,223 198 1,326 160 S,605 685 4,175....511 1 ,430 174 12.....13 1,675 95 1,607 87 1,362 99 1,439 as 0' 08J 366 4..544....287 1,539 79 1,652 169 1,186 567 1,601 135 1,143 526 1,358 159 939 530 1,428 142 977 534 6,039 605 4,245 2,157 4,535....461 3,155..1,644 1,504 144 1,090 513 ,FINAL OFFICIAl CANVASS - TOTAL VOTES 20:1Q:Ol 9-Nov-2000 Page 2 BOND" AND CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECTION CITY OF WEST LtJIVERSITV PlACE, TEXAS NOVEI1BER 7, 2000 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 5 - PETITIONS 1 FOR 2 AGAINST PROPOSED CHARTER AHENDJ1ENT NO. 6 - CONTRACTS 3 FOR 4 AGAINST PROPOSED CHARTER AHENDI'IENT NO. 7 - USE OF PUBLI C PROPERTY 6 AGAINST PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDKENT NO. 8 - CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 7 FOR 8 AGAINST PROPOSED INITIATIVE ORDINANCE - SETTING MINIHUM SALARIES FOR PEACE OFFICERS AND FIREFIGHTERS 9 FOR 10 AGAINST 5 FOR 1......2 3......4 5. ;II _ . . . 6 7......8 9.....10 0015 PRECINCT NO. 0015 1, 517 193 1,536 216 1,542 231 1, 729 129 909 1,038 0087 PRECINCT NOli 0087 1,449 174 1,452 198 1,505 178 1.,665 91 871 965 0133 P~CINCT NO. 0133 1 ,200 200 l,2JO 219 1,203 247 1,395 124 726 882 0183 PRECINCT NO. 0183 1 ,296 169 1 J 315 186 1 J 271 233 1,486 100 774 889 TOTAL 5.,462 736 5,5J3 819 5,521 889 b,275 444 3,280 3,n4 ELEC.DAY 4,068....567 41135....624 4,112.....678 4,708....341 2,353..3,019 EARLY 1..394 169 I, 398 195 1,409 211 1,567 103 927 755