HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1662 - results of election 2000 ORDINANCE NO. 1662 ORDINANCE CANVASSING RETURNS AND DECLARING RESULTS OF ELECTION; AN.D DECLARING AN EMERGENCY WHEREAS, there was held in the City of West University Place, Texas, on the 7th day of Novelnber, 2000, an election at which there was submitted to all d.uly qualified resident electors of the City for their action thereon, the following proposition: authorizing the issuance of $5,000,000 in bonds for sidewalks and related street improvelnents; and WH.:ER.EAS, there were cast at the election: PROPOSITION FO.R THE ISSUANCE OF $5,000,000 IN BONDS FOR SIDEWALK AND RELATED STREET IMPROVEMENTS 4 I 11 2 votes AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF $5,000,000 IN BONDS FOR SIDEWALK AND R.ELA TED STREET IMPROVE:M.ENTS 3,209 votes as shown in the official election returns heretofore submittedto the City Council of the City and duly filed with the City Secretary of the City; and WHEREAS, the election was called and held in all respects under and in strict conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas and the United States of America; Now, Therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY TH.E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1: The election held in and throughout the City of West University Place, Texas, on the 7th day of November, 2000, which election is more particularly described in the prealuble of this ordinance, was duly called and notice thereof was given and the election was held under and in strict confonnity with law; that only duly qualified. resident electors of the City voted at the election; that due returns of the election have been made by the proper officers; that the election has resulted favorably to the issuance the bonds mentioned in the preamble of this ordinance; alld that a majority of the qualified voters voting in the election have voted. in favor of the issuance of the bonds mentioned in the preamble of this ordinance and the levy of a tax for payment thereof. Section 2: The City Co.uncil of the City is .now authorized to issue all of the bonds described. above, and th.e City Council is authorized to do any and all things necessary and/or convenient in connection therewith. Section 3: It is hereby officially found and determined that notice of the meeting at which this ordinance is adopted was given as required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, and that such meeting has been open to the public at all tilnes when this ordinance was discussed and acted on. Section 4: The public importance of this measure and the requirements of the law create an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring that this Ordinance be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and a state of emergency is hereby declared, and this Ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency Ineasure and shall ta.ke effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage and signature. P ASSE.D AND APPROVED the 13th day of Nove luber, 2000. Ma or City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: City of West .University Place, Texas (SEA.L) APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of West University Place, Texas ~ FINAL OFFICIAL CUMULATIVE - TOTAL VOTb.; 20:18:56 9-Nov-2000 Combined Election Day & Early Ballots BOND AND CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECTION CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS NOVEMBER 7, 2000 Page 1 Total Pet Total Pet Precincts Counted - W. UNIVERSITY (004) · 4 100.00 Registered Voters - W. UNIVERSITY . . 11,449 Ballots Cast - W. UNIVERSITY . ., . 7,872 68.76 PROPOS ITI ON - AUTHOR I Z I N6 I SSUANCE OF $5,000 1000 IN BONDS FOR SIDEWAU<S AND RELATED STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR . . . 4,112 56. 17 AGAINST . /I . . . . .. .. . 3,209 43.83 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 1 - TERM OF OFFICE FOR . . I: .. . -Ii . 6,039 90. B9 ABA I NET ., II . . I .. I; . . .. 605 9.11 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDl1ENT NO. 2 - EXPENSES FOR . . 4,245 66.31 AGAINST . " . . .. II I; . .. . 2., 157 33.69 PROPOSED CHARTER AMEND11ENT NOli 3 - PUBLICATIONS FOR ., . ;I 5,605 89.11 AGAINST ., .- . . . II .. . I: .- b85 10.89 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NOli 4 - CANVASSING ELECTION RETURNS FOR . . . 6.,083 94.32 AGAINST 366 5.68 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NOli 5 - PETITIONS FOR . . I; 5,462 88.13 AGAINST " . . . . . . . I .. 736 11.87 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. b - CONTRACTS FOR . . 5,533 87.11 AGAINST I; II; . . . . . . . . 819 12.89 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 7 - USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY FOR . . f .. . . . . 5,521 Bb.13 AGAINST . . . ... 889 13.87 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDf1ENT NO. 8 - CONFLICTS OF INTEREST FOR. . I; . . . . . ~ . I. 6,275 93.39 ABA I NST ., II I It II . II; . " . 444 6. 61 PROPOSED INITIATIVE ORDINANCE - SETTING MINIMUM SALARIES FOR PEACE OFFICERS AND FIREFIGHTERS FOR. . . 3,280 46.50 ABA I NST I . . . . . . . .. 3, 774 53. 50 , FINAl.. OFFI CIA!.. CANVASS - TOTAL VOTES '. 20: 19:01 9-Nov-2000 . Page BOND AND CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECTION CITY OF WEST UN! VERS ITY PlACE, TEXAS NOVEnBER 7, 2000 1 ReSi stered Voters - W. UN! VERSITY 2 Ballots Cast - W. UNIVERSITY 3 Percent of Re9istered Voters PROPOS I T ION - AUTHOR! Z I NS ISSUANCE OF $5,000,000 IN BONDS FOR SIDEWALKS At'ID RELATED STREET IMPROVEMENTS , 4 FOR 5 AGAINST PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 1 - TERM OF OFFICE 6 . FOR 7 AGAINST PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDI'ENT NO. 2 - EXPENSES 8 FOR 9 AGAINST PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 3 - PUBLICATIONS 10 FOR 11 AGAINST PRDPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 4 - CANVASSING ELECTION RETURNS 12 13 FOR AGA INST 6. .. . . . 7 8......9 10.....11 12.....13 1,652 169 1,186 567 1,540 193 1,675 95 1,601 135 1,143 526 1,516 134 1, 607 87 1,358 159 939 530 1,223 198 1,362 99 1,429 142 9n 534 1..326 160 1,439 85 6,039 605 4,245 2, 157 5,605 685 6,083 36b 4,535....461 3,155. .1,644 4,175....511 4,544....287 1.,504 144 1,090 513 1,430 174 1,539 79 0015 PRECINCT NO. 0015 0087 PRECINCT NO. 0087 0133 PRECINCT NO. 0133 0183 PRECINCT NO. 0183 TOTAL ELEC.DAY EARLY 1 2......3 4......5 3,164 2,141 67.67 1,212 7BB 2,957 21068 69.94 11083 824 2,709 1,829 67.52 B82 797 2,619 1,834 70.03 935 800 11,449 7,872 68.76 4,112 3,209 5,942....... 2l914..2,663 . 1,930 . 1,198 546 - FINAL OFF I CIAL CANVASS - TOTAL VOTES 20:19:01 9-Nov-2000 Page 2 BOND AND CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECTION CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS NOVEMBER 7, 2000 PROPOSED CHARTER AJ1ENDf1ENT hl(]. 5 - PETITIONS 1 FOR 2 AGAINST PROPOSED CHARTER AHENDKENT NO. 6 - CONTRACTS 3 FOR 4 AGAINST PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDf1ENT NO. 7 - USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY 6 AGAINST PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 8 - CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 7 FOR 8 AGAINST PROPOSED INITIATIVE ORDINANCE - SETTING MINIMUM SALARIES FOR PEACE OFFICERS AND FIREFIGHTERS 9 FOR 10 AGAINST 5 FOR 1.......2 3......4 5......6 7......8 9.....10 0015 PRECINCT NO. 0015 1,517 193 1,~ 216 1,542 231 1 , 729 129 909 1,038 0087 PRECINCT NO. 0087 1, ~49 174 1 , 452 198 1,505 178 1 ,665 91 871 965 0133 ~CINCT NO. 0133 I, 200 200 1, 230 219 1,203 247 1,395 124 726 002 0183 PRECINCT NO. 0183 1,296 169 1,315 186 1 'I 271 233 1,486 100 n4 BB9 TOTAL 5,462 736 5,533 819 5,521 889 b,275 444 3,280 3,n4 ElEC.DAY 4,068....567 4,135....624 4,112....678 4,708....341 2,353..3,019 EARLY 1 ,394 169 1,398 195 1,409 211 1., 567 103 927 755