HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1706 - fees & charges for activities & city services ORDINANCE NO. 1706 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND REESTABLISHING FEES & CHARGES FOR ACTIVITIES, GOODS AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY TH.E CITY; CONTAINING A PROVISION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH FEES AND CHARGES IN CERT AIN CIRCUMSTANCES; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI-IE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Sectioll 1. TIle City does l1ereby establisl1 aIld reestablisll the fees and cllarges SllOwn in tIle attached Exllibit A, which is l1ereby incorporated into this ordil1ance by this reference for all purposes. TIle fee scl1edule heretofore adopted is hereby atnended in its entirety by this new sclled.ule. Section 2. Revised fees and charges apply froIll and after tIle effective date of this ordinance al1d shall apply to individllal tral1sactiol1S as follows: (1) c0111pleted applications for permits ill1d. SiIl1ilar itelTIS :filed on or after tile effective date of th.is ordinance, and (2) billing periods beginn.illg on or after tIle effective date of this ordinance, for mOIll1l1y or period.ic services~ Section 3~ In tIle case of any activity, goods or services provided by tIle City, illCludillg review of the applications, perll1its, approvals, etc., for Wllich. tllere is a lneasurable cost to tIle City, or for Wllicll a fee or c11arge would traditiol1ally be collected, tIle City Manager is atlthorized. to establisll and reestablisl1 fees and c11arges, but Gllly in tllose cirClllnstaI1CeS in Wllic:h a fee or a charge is not prescribed in Exllibit A. III prescribillg fees alld charges, tIle City Manager shall first d.eterlnine tIle cost to tile City of providing the activity, goods or services, and tIle fees or cllarges shall be as equivalent as practicable to tIle cost. Section 4. All ordil1al1ces and parts of ordinallces ill conflict llerewitll are hereby repealed to the extent of the COllf1ict DIlly. Section 5. If allY word, phrase, clallse, sentence, paragrapll, section, or otller part of this ordblal1ce or tIle applicatioll thereof to an.y person. or circumstallce, sllall ever be held to be invalid or UI1COllstitlltiol1al by an.y COllrt of competellt jurisdictiol1, neither tIle renlainder of tllis ordillance, nor the ap.plicatiol1 of SUCll word, phrase, clallse, sentence, paragrapll, sectioll, or otller }Jart of tllis ordil1al1ce to any otller persolls or cirCUlnstllilces, shall be affected tllereby. Section 6. TIle City C01U1Cil officially finds, determil1es llild declares tllat a sufficient written notice of the date, 11our, place and. subj ect of each meetitlg at Wllicll t11is ordinllilce was discussed, considered or acted u.pan was give11 ill tIle manner required by the Texas Open Meetillgs Act, as amended., and that eacll such IneetiIlg l1as beell open to tIle public as required by law at all tilues during suell discussion, COl1sideratiol1 and action. TIle City COllllcil ratifies, ap.proves and confirms suell notices and the contents and posting tllereof. Sectiol1 7. Tllis ordinance shall become effective on tb,e tel1tll day followil1g its publication, as provided in the City Charter. ~ APPROVED ON FIRST READING, THIS #l~ay of ~ ,2002. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmem.bers Voting No: COl111Cillnembers Absent: PASSE, ~ND APPROVED ON SECOND READING, THIS //p day of ~ , 2002. Councilmembers Voting Aye: COllllcilmel11bers Votin.g No: . CouncilmeJl1bers Absent: or Reviewed City Attorney F~OO"l F.002 F.003 F.004 F~005 F.006 F.007 F.008 F.009 F.010 F.O 11 F~012 F.ODl F.002 Fees and Charges Schedule Administra tio n Amb ulance Service An imnls n uilding Building fI nd Standards Commissio n Electrical Wark Garbage Service Health Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Liq "or Lice uses and Perlnits M unicipa I Co urt Parabolic Dish Antenna ADMINISTRA TION Motor vehicle decal charges COlnmcrcial llnpact zone pernlit fee Returned che.ck (or ACI.T payment) fee Li en rc lease fee Acquiescence to encroachment fee S pcci al events fee Use of City-owned photocopier AMBULANCE SERVICE IlC3pOILJ' tllH:l [1 anJp.a 1 tali 6-n to he3~ l 1ft] VllC.U.5V (uuu-u.....,.;J""'Hl~ uuly) F.OI3 F.014 F .015 F.016 F.017 F..018 F,019 F .020 F.021 F .022 F ~023 Parks and Rccrca tion Pu blie Records 3 nd Documents PI Ulnbing a nd Gas Sexually Oriented Businesses and Ad tl1 t Arcodcs Signs wlunicipal Ele ctric Costs Trees 'Vater and Sewer Service Zoning and Planning Conunission Zoning Board of Adjustment Pu blic 83 fety $ 1.00 $ 10.00 For first motor vehicle and $5. per lnotor vehicle thereafter $ 20.00 Also appl ies to payments returned by automated or electronic payment systems (AClI) $ 25.00 $ 100.00 Actual cost $ 0.10 Per copy $ 200.00 The total a[nount oavable for each call or incident is the sum of the unit charges for the services orovided and the items used. as shown be low: Routine disposable supplies ALS specia lized su poIies BLS disposable supplies IV supolies Oxygen BLS transport BLS emcr!rcncv tranSDort A LSM 1 non em ergencv transoort ALS-] emcnzencv trans ALS-2 etuergency trans ALS or B LS mi leage GIUCOlneter Promethazine 25 mg Defib rj 11 ati on Dru gad m j n i strat j 0 n ell est decom press ion CPR Cardiac Jllan itoring Externa I Dacin g lnfu sian Dump mai ntenance $ 45.00 45.00 35.00 45.00 85.00 425.00 5 10.00 525.00 610.00 610.00 10.00 39.60 5.00 225.00 20.00 45.00 175.00 220.00 55.00 I ntuba tion su DO lies IV theraov (admin) Oxygen theraoy (includes Sat) 02 nasal canula 1m mobiIi zation / solintin g Aspjrin 81 rng Endotracheal tube Bandage supplies Burn sheet DB kit D i sposabl e blanket Phenegran .1M I IV lsolatio n kit Gloves - Infection control D i snosabl e collar Disposab Ie head blocks EK G electrodes (set) Activated charcoal Adenocard I Adenosine 6 mg Albuterol I Proventil 0.83% Atronine I MG Benedrvl 50 MG Dextrose 25 % 25 MG Dextrose 50% 25 MG Bretvlium 500 MG Dopamine 400 MG Epineohrine I: 1000 1 MG Epinephrine I : I o~ooo I MG Furosemide 40 MG lnsta - Glucose Ioecac Lidocaine 100 MG Li docaine 2/5 drip M.agnesium Sulfate 5 MG .Ronlazicon 1 MG Terbutalinc I lng N i trig Ivceri ne spray Nitro give crill c ta b Procainalnide 1 MG Pro cardia Sodiunl Bicarb Thin mine 100 M G Valium 10 MG Veraomil5 MG Norma I sa line 1000 cc IV Normal Saline 250 cc IV Lactated Rill geTS ] 000 cc D5W 500 cc Morphine Mannitol 100 fig /500 Inl NaloxonelNarcan 2 mg N orCH ron Anectine Versed 2 mg Solumedrol 125 mg 184.25 90.75 105.00 22.50 75.00 1.00 41.25 20.00 27.50 44.00 27.50 5.72 49.50 5.50 5 1.70 2 l. 00 33.00 23.76 123.00 6.16 I 6.65 5.78 75.13 75.13 l1Q...L!. 30.00 3.29 57.75 5.00 ] 5.20 3.15 .f.Lll 34.00 6.23 79.00 6.84 6.54 2.00 8.00 2.00 4.82 9.50 8.62 8.73 41.34 1 8.60 51.79 1 8.00 13.50 18.13 20.00 75.34 12.83 15.56 28.16 F .003 F.004 Lasix 20 MG IV Cardizem 25 m g I 5 ml IVP Succvnelcholine 200 mg Diazeoam (0 mg Cordarone Response fee (res) Vehicle / unit decontamination 27.00 8 l. 00 4.85 Q J 09.85 25.00 104.50 Excentiol1S: (1) Amounts billed to other 2"overnrnental units arc determined bv the applicable contracts or arrangements \vitb those units. (2) The City may accept assignment of Medicare an d Medicaid claims or pavnlcnts. in which case. the alnount oavable is deteflnined bv the appropriate regulations. Such amount shall control over the charges set au t above. in case of any di fference. ANIMALS Origina l registration and In icro chi pp ing or other permanent identification (fertile animals) Original registration and micro chi pping or o th er perman en t ide ntific at io n (sp aye d 0 r neutered an imals) Original registration, anilnal is al ready micro chipped or permanently identified (fertile animals) Origi nal registration, an ilna] is al ready lnicro chipped or permanently identified (spayed or neutered animals) Micro chipping animals other than domestic cats and do gs (pets such as rab bi ts, ferrets~ etc.) Annual dangerous dog rcgistmtion First via lati on and i Inpoundment fee Second violation and impoundment fee Thi rd and all successive viol ati ons and i nl po U 11 dm en t fe cs Dail y kennel fees $ 7.50 N ate: All original registration fees shown, with the exception of the regi steT the an i nlal for Ii fe. $ 150.00 All Q\vners. $ 40.00 Exception: $15 for o\vners over 65 years of age. $ 130.00 $ 20.00 $ 40.00 $ $ $ $ 250.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 (fee is in addition to the aba ve registration fees) dangerous dog fee, are one-tilne fees that BUILDING An nual co ntractor regi stratlon fee Pernli t applica tiol1 fee $ 50.00 $ (0.00 In ad clition to app licablc plan check j ng or p enni t fee. Plan checki ng fee lTIUst be pa i d each ti Ene plans are sub mitted or re-Sll bmi tted. Exception: The hui Iding offici al may reduce the re-su blnission fee if the time required to check the re-sub lnission is materially lower than original sub mission. Plan checking fee (applies to all plan SUblTI issions~ un less otherwise sp ecifically indica ted; p ayab Ie in addition to perm it fee). 50% of the corresponding permit fee Ne\v construction permit fee (8 ingle fam ily resi denti al) $ 0.26 per square foot Ne\v construction permit fee (Other) Remodeling and repair perm it fee (Single falnily residential) . Remodeling and repair permit fee (Other) $ 0.33 per square foot $ 20.00 for $1,000 or less in constnlc- tio n valu e plus $ 3.00 per $1,000 in construction va I ue therea fier $ 60.00 for $1 ~OOO or less in construction value plus $3.00 per $1,000 in construction value thereafter $ 0.50 per I inear foot; $25.00 min. Includes entrance ranlp permit fee. Fence or wall permi t fee Driveway pennit fee Fire systems Plan checking fee: $100 per set for original sublnission, $50 for re-submission (not credited to permit fees). Pennit fees are $50 for each automatic fire extinguishing system and each alarm and detection system. For sprinkler systems, the fee is increased by either $25 (residential) or $50 plus $1 .75 per head (non-residential). Fire system fees are payable in add ition to all other fees. $60.00 $0.40 per linear foot; $20.00 In in. For regulated facilities under Chapter 19, add $150 for p lan-checki ng plus app I i cation fees. Exception: The permit fee for work affecting new roadways under Chapter 19 is $100, plus the estimated out-of-pocket expenses that may be incurred by the City in connection with the work, including engineering review, extra inspections or testing, supplemental traffic control, etc. The building official sha 11 esti Inate such expenses at the ti me of app I ication and shal I collect at least I 10% 0 f the esti ma te as a deposit. The bu ilding official may require a permittee to S1.1PP lcment the depos it as the work proceeds. When the work is finished, the building official shall refund any part of the deposit that exceeds the actual permit fees due in connection with the work. PWSF (low~impact) permit, for equiplnent $100.00 per Non~low~impact PWSF pennits require a special attached to existing structures with 110 new site exception; see F.022~ below. el ectrical, a Iteration or construction. All other PW SF (10 w..imp act) permits Sidewalk permit fee Street or curb permit fee Registration for house Illovers fee R en c\va 1 fee Moving permit fee Occup ancy j nsp ection fee (8 Ingle fam i ly res ide l1ti a () Occupancy inspection fee (Other) Water connection permit and meter (3/4U) in sta 11 a ti 0 n Water connection pennit and meter (1 n) i nsta II ati on Water connection pennit and meter (Over I U) insta nn tion $ 25.00 $500.00 per site $ 500.00 $ 400.00 $ 500.00 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 $ 225.00 $ 275.00 Non..low-impact PWSF pennits require a special exception; see F .022, belo\v. If connection is to be made to a not-yet- constructed City line, there is a deposi t of $250 (not re funda ble un] ess, after ne w line is con structed, a new p ennit is ap p Ii cd for, \vith proper notice, i 115 pee tion, etc.) If conn ection is to be made to a no t-yet- constructed City line, there is a deposit of $250 (not refundable unless, after new line is constructed., a new permit is ap plied for, with proper notice, inspection, etc.) Actual Cost plus $175.00. If connection is to be made to a not-yct-collstructed City I j ne, there is a deposit of $250 (not refundable unless, after new line is constructed, a new perm it is appli ed for, with pro per notice, ins pee tiol1, etc.) F.OD5 F.OOG Sanitary sewer connection pennit Demo 1 ition perm i t fee S\vimming pool permit fee .Duplicate pennit charge Duplicate permit card fee Premature \vork charge (Starting before perm it is issued) Reinspection fee (following routine inspection) ReinspectLon fee (mandatory reinspection following notice of violation of bui Iding or zoning ord inances or other applicab Ie regulations) Permit rene\val fee BUlLDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION Application fee ELECTRICAL WORK Application fee (olaster electrician license) Annual license fee (master electrician) Ap p Ii cati on fee (J ourne)'lnan electri ciao license) L j c e ns e fc e (J Durn eyma n e I ec tri cia n) Application fee (Apprentice electrician) License fee (Apprentice electrician) App Ii cation fee (Ma i ntenance electrician license) License fee (M aintenance electrician I lcensc Permit application fee Telnporary service permit fee Meter loop and service permit fee au tI et or I igh t fixture permit fee Appliance permit fee Motor permi t fee Service reconnection permit fee Electrica] sign perm i t fee Minilnurn permit fee Prema ture \vork charge (5 ta rting before a penn it is issued) $ 125.00 $ 250.00 $ 150.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $50.00 for the .fi rst vio la~ tiol1 i ten1 plu s $10.00 for each add itional $ 100.00 $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 5.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 0.50 $ 2.00 $ 3.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 I f conn ectioll is to be made to a no t-yet- constructed City Ii ne, there is a deposi t of $250 (not refundable unless, after new line is constructed, a new pernlit is ap plied for, with pro per notice, ins pec tion, etc.) 100% of the permit fee (additional) Must be paid within 30 days of rcinspection, and in any event before any certificate of occupancy or similar approval is issued. Fees may be appealed to B SC, and may be p ai d with out prej ud ice to such an appeal. Must be pai d \vith i 11 30 days of notice~ and j n any event before any certi fi cate of occu pallcy or similar approval is issued. Fees Inay be appealed to B SC, and In ay be p n id with out p rejud ice to such an appeal. BSe may reduce or abate this fee (and any a ppea l fees), if no vi 0 la tion occun'ed, or for other good cause shown. 50% of the origina I perm i t fee 100% of the permit fee (additional) F.OD? F.ODS F.009 F.OIO Reinspection fee Permit renewal fee * FIRE DEPARTMENT FEES. See "BUILDIN G, Fire systelnsn GARBAGE SERVICE M.o nth Iy dweI ling un it charge Monthly dwelling unit charge (Adult 65 or over) Special pick-up of items at curbside, not on a regu lar co llection day for tbose items at that locati on. Special handli ng 0 f items not bagged, prepared or placed as required for basic serv ice. Exa 111 p! e: Le aves and grass clippings in non-approved bags. Regular route pick-up of ordinary garbage at consttuctiol1 sites, with specia l bag sticker (40 -pall od Ii m it per bag). lTEA.L TI-T Pernl it applica tion fee Annual food estab lishment permit fee Telnporary food establishlnent pennit fee (Special event) HEATING, VENTILATION, AND AIR CONDITIONING Annual con tractor registration fee .H.eating and air conditioning permit fee (Rcsid enti al) I-Ieating and air conditioning permit fee (Co mnl ercial) Air eoud itioning and refrj gerati on perm it fee Local ven t perm j t fee Mininlunl permit fee PreJuature work charge (Starting before a pennit is issued) Reinspection fee Permit renewal fee LIQUOR LICENSES AND PERMITS Mixed Beverage license fee (0 riginal) Mixed B evera ge I j cen se fee (F irst rene,va() Mixed Beverage license fee (8 econd renewal) Mixed Beverage license fee (Subsequent renewal) $ 50.00 $ 14.25 $ 6.50 $15.00 plus $1. 00 per bag or equ ival ent. $15.00 plus $ 1 .00 per bag or equ ivalent. $4.00 per one-bag sticker. $ 5.00 $ 120.00 $ 8.00 50% of the original penult fee Ba sic fec, for basic service on ly. Ba s ic fee, for basic service only. Special service fee, in addition to basic fee. S pcci al scrvi cc fee, in add ition to basic fee and any other app I ica b Ie special servi ce fee $ 50.00 $ ] 5.00 Per uni t $ 30.00 For first 140,000 btuts and $5 per 100,000 bhl!S thereafter $ 5.00 $ 3~OO $ 25.00 ] 00 % 0 f the perm it fee (additio nal) $ 50.00 50% of the original fee $ 1,500.00 $ 1,125.00 $ 750.00 $ 375.00 W ine only~package store license fee $ 37.50 Retai I dealer offRpremise license fee $ 30.00 \V ine or beer retailer off-prem ise license fee $ 30.l)O Winery license fee $ 37.50 Mixed beverage late hours license fee $ 75.00 Wine or beer retailer perm it fee $ 87.50 Rctai I deal er onwpremise license fee $ 75.00 Retai I dea I er on-prern ise Ii cense fee $ 125.00 Caterer pemlit fee $ 250.00 Package store permit fee $ 150.00 Daily pennit fee $ 25.00 F.Oll MUNICIPAL COURT Comp laint and judgment copy charge $ 2.00 Defens ive driving COl1fse d istni ssal fee $ 10.00 Arrest fee $ 5.00 F.012 PARABOLIC DISlI ANTENNAS Perm it app lication fee $ 15.00 I nsta 11 ati on penni t fee $ 35.00 F.Ol3 P ARKS AND RECREATION Da ily swi mm i ng fee (R esident adu It) $ 2.00 Daily swimmi ng fee (Resident child under $ LOa 16) Dai ly swim m i ng fee (Resident child under 5) .No cha~ge Daily s\viJnming fee (Non-resident adult) $6.00 Da i Iy sWllnlll ing fee (N on-residcl1 t guest) S 3.00 Da ily swirnlll ing fee (N on-resident chj1d $3.00 under 16) Da i ly weight room fee (Residen t) $ 1.00 Daily weight room fee (N on~resident) $ 2.00 lIourly racq uetba 11 fee $ 3.00 Yen rly Pass (Residen t) $ 100.00 Yearly Pass (NonMresident) $ I 5 O. 00 Tennis court reservation fee $ 2.00 Full recreation center melnbersh j p fee $ 250.00 For first 3 persons and $50 (Resident ad u l t) per person thereafter Fu 1] recreation center Inelnbersh i p fee No charge (Sen ior Resident adu 1 t) Sea son swimming pass fee (Resident) $100.00 For first 3 persons and $25 per person thereafter Season swimnling pass fee (N on-residen t) $ 200.00 Per person ZO-Swim punch pass fee (Resident) $ 35.00 20MSwim punch pass fee (No n-resident) $ 80.00 Sea son weight room p ass fee (R esident) $ 40.00 Sea son weight room p ass fee (N on-re s iden t) $ 60.00 Yearly \veight roo m po ss fee (R esident) $ 100.00 Yearly weight room pass fee (N on~rcsidcnt) $ 150.00 F.014 F.OIS I-Iourly Activity Room reservation and use $ 20.00 charge (Resident) I-Iourly Activity Room reservation and use $ 30.00 charge (N on..residen t) Hourly Auditorium reservation and use $ 35.00 charge (Residen t) Hourly A.uditorium reservation and use $ 45.00 c harg e (N onMresiden t) Hourly I(itchen reservation and use charge $ 10.00 (Resi d cnt) I-Iourly Kitchen reservation and use charge $ 20.00 (Non-resid ent) Hourly Meeting Room reservation and use $ 15.00 charge (Resident) Hourly Meeting Room reservation and use $ 25.00 charge (Non-residen t) I-Tanrly Scout I~Iousc reservation and use $ 35.00 charge (Resident) I-Taudy Scout I-I Quse reservation and use $ 45.00 charge (N on~resident) Hourly Senior Wing reservation and use $ 30.00 charge (Resident) l~rourly Senior Wing reservation and use $ 40.00 charge (N on-resident) Colonia[ Park Swimming Pool reservation and use ch arge $30 per hour plus $1 per perso n Institutional Exchanges. The Parks & Recreation Director Inay waive all or part of the Parks & .Recreation fees prescribed by this section, subject to the following regulations: (1) The applicant ITIUst be an institution, either public or non-profit, with facilities located \vithin the City. (2) The portion of tbe fees ,vaived lnay not exceed the val ue of faci I ities made ava i lable by the institution to the City for public use (e.g., fa r meetings, electi 011S, eluergency operatjons~ etc.). (3) The maximum amount of fees that may be \vaived is $500 per institution per year. (4) Passes and permits issued to an institution under this section may be assigned or resold by the institution, but the actual user lllUst qualify for the type of pass or pennit in questiQn~ and the City Inust be notified. PUBLIC RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS Record or document charge Tree 0 rdinance and criteria manual charge Zon ing Ordinance charge Zoning Inap charge $0.10 per page $ 3 .50 $ 6.00 $ 2.50 PLUMBING AND GAS Annual contractor registration fee Permit application fee Fixture or outlet perm it fee Gas test permit fee G re as e trap perm i t fee I rrign t io n sys tern penn it fee S ervi ce Ii ne permi t fee MinilTIU111 pennit fee $ 50.00 $ 10.00 $ 5.00 each $15.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 Ap plies to each fixture an d ou tlct. Premature work charge (Starting before a 100% of the permit fee (additional) permit is issued) Reinspection fee $ 50.00 Perm i t rene\val fee 50% of the original permit fee F.OI6 SEXUALL Y ORIENTED BUSINESSES AND ADULT ARCADES Sexually oriented business application fee $ 350.00 (Orig i nal) Sexually oriented business application fee $ 100.00 (Renewal) Sexually oriented business transfer fee $ 300.00 Adult arcade application fee $ 75.00 Adult arcade reinspection fee $ 60.00 Adult arcade transfer or aJnendment fee $ 15.00 F.Ol? SIGNS Perm it application fee $ 5.00 Festival Sign Permit Fee $ 5.00 Sign permit fee $ 1.25 Per square foot of sign face Mi n j mum permit fee $ 20.00 P rematu re work charges (Starti ng before a 100% of the pennit fee (additional) permit is issued) Reinspection fee $ 50.00 Penn it renewal fee 50% of the original pennit fee Sign opera tl ng perm it j:ee (Payab Ie per sign, $]0.00 plus ~'D i sp I ay area" and HS i gn ~~ are defined in C ha pter per term of permit. Term is one year fa r $0.50 pe r sq. ft. 3. Exceptions: Fees do not apply to signs temporary signs, 24 months for al lathers.) of display area covered by affirrnative defenses or signs for con form ing uses allowed in res i den ti a 1 di stri cts. F.OIS MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC COSTS Monthly dwelling unit charge $ 2.85 F.019 TREES Removal perm i t fee $ 25.00 Low impact evaluation fee $ 25.00 Su rvey and d ispositi on revi e\v fee (Maj or $ 200.00 construction) Survey and disposition review fee (Minor $ 75.00 con struction) F.020 WATER AND SEWER SERVICE New service connect $ 25.00 Each tiEne service is established Delinquent cutoff fee $ 30.00 A fter hours de Ii nquen t reCQ n neet fee $ 60.00 Reconnect service after 4 p.m. or before 8 a.m. Depos it $ 18 O. 00 Maximum Periodic Charges: The total charge per month for each cllstonler is the sum of the applicable base monthly charges (for both \vater and sewer), f.or each meter, p(us the charges for gallons (for both water and se\vcr) deHvcred through each meter, all calculated separately for each meter according to the schedules set out below. Each of the indicated fees and charges takes effect for services provided on or after March 3 I, 200 I, except that fees and charges based on periodic b [[[tag intervals take effect as to each customer for each of that customer~s blUing intervals sc heduled to begin on or after March 31,2001. Notes: (1) "ResidentiaIRonJy p rem ises" refers to premises tha t are used on ly for resi d ential purposes. (2) .'Water-only meters" refers to meters that serve only irrigation systems and other fixtures trorn which there is no return flo\v into the sanitary sewer system; "regular meters'~ refers to aU other meters. lYttleI' Rates Base montbly charges: Meters serving residential-only prem ises: 518~' or 3/4'1 meter: t U meter l-I/2n Jneter Meters serving any other prenlises: 5/8 or 314ft meter I" Jneter J -1/2" meter 21t meter 3\\ meter $ 4,31 $ 9,61 $ 22.3 I $ J 2.65 $ 17.75 $ 32.00 $ 98.00 $ 265.00 Gallonage charges (per 1,000 gallons): Regular In eters: First 3,000 gaUons (0 to 3,ooof Next 12,000 ga llons (3 ~OO t to l5,000) Each 1,000 gallons thereafter (over 15,000) Water..only meters: Pi rst 7,500 gallons Each 1,000 gallons thereafter (over 7,500) $ 2.00 $ 2.l8 $ 2.37 $ 2.18 $ 2.37 Sewer Rates Ba se mon thl)' cha rges: Meters serving residential-only premises Meters serving any other prctntses $ 2.24 $ 8.90 Gallonage charges (per 1,000 gallons) Residential-onLy premises Any other premises $ 1. 95 $ 2.13 F.021 ZONING & PLANNING COM.MISSION Plats and replats $ 6.3 1 outside city lim its $ 13.80 outside city Hmits $ 26.22 outside city liOlits $ ~ 5.81 outside city limits $ 22.14 outside city limits $ 39.84 outside city Ii mits S l22.24 outside city lilntts $ 330.54 outs(de city limits $ 2.30 outside city Urn its $ 2~5 L ou tside city limits $ 2.74 011 tside chy lim its $ 2.51 outside city limits $ 2.74 ou tside city Hm its $ 2.79 outside city Iiln its $ II .10 outside city limits $2.43 011 tside city Ii In its $2.66 outside city lim its F.022 Category A~ Fun preparation Category B. Review on Iy .Rezoning requested by applicant for that perso n ~s special benefit ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Th e fee is the City~s actual cost of plat preparation and revision (if required by the Z&PC), plus incidentals. The preparation is done by a planner retained or employed by the City. Incidentals include legal notices, surveys, title and legal work, research, signature requests, recording, copics~ etc.~ as may be required and not provided by the app licant. DEPOSIT (non-refundable): A deposit alTIount (due with the prel iminary application) is estima ted by the City staff, but the minimum deposit is a base fee of $400.00, plus $10.00 for each lot and reserve shown on the pl at or repl at, plus $100 for those requ i ri ng ncwsp aper legal notice. (All prelilninary costs 111ust be paid in full before plat or repla t can be subm i tted for fi na I a pp rova I). FINAL DEPOSIT (non-refundable): A deposit amount is due upon su bmitta I for fi nn I a pp roval. The m i 11 illllUTI depos it is a base fee of $150.00, plus $10.00 for each lot and reserve shown on plat or rcplat, plus $100.00 for each sepa rate 1 egal i nstrutnent need ed (easem ents, etc~) . ADD ITION AL DEPOS IT. An additional deposit of $150.00 is due each time the initial request is significantly changed by the applicant or at the request of the Z&PC. FULL PA Y.MENT. The full actual cost for plat preparation Blust be paid before the plat wi 1l be rel eased for recordi ng. The fee is the City's actual cost of plat review, plu s incidentals. The review is done by a planner retained by the City or by City staff. r nci dental s include I egal notices, surveys~ title and I ega [ work, research, signature requests, recording, copies, etc. ~ as luay be requ ired a nd no t prov ided by the a pplic ant. DEPOSIT. A deposit amount (due with the preliminary application) is estimated by the City staff, but the nlinimum deposit is $200.00 ba se fee, p Iu s $1 0.00 for eac h lot and reserve shown on the plat or replat, plus $100 for those requ iring newspaper legal notice, plus $100.00 for eac h separate legal instrUlTI cnt needed (caSCITICn ts~ etc.) ADD ITJON AL DEPOSIT. An additional deposit of $1 00.00 is due each time the plat is resubnlitted for recbecking. FULL PAYMENT. The full actual cost [TIust be paid before the rep [at is released for record j ng. $500 plus outwQf..,pocket costs for drafting and review by planner, eng i n eer, a tto rn ey an d other con su Ita n t. A d ep 0 sit is e stiln a ted by the building official, and may be increased as the matter proceeds. The deposit must be increased to cover the estimated full costs at these stages: (.l) before the meeting of the COJnm ission to consider a preliminary report, (2) before any hearing notices are sent out and (3) before the nleeting at which the Commission considers its final repn rt. F.023 Appeal of bu i ld ing offi cia Idee i si on S pee ial exception Variance Oth cr app I ication PUBLIC SAFETY False alarm Type I Alarm Pernlit Type II Alann Permit Annual perm it renewa I fee Type II month ly rene\val $250.00, refundable if the applicant prevails and the ZBA so orders. Exception: $500.00 pI us out~of-po cket revie\v co sts for appea Is requiring review by planner? engineer, attorney or other cons'll Itant. A deposit is estiluated by the building official. The full cost is payable before the hearing. $250.00 per excep tion pc r propos cd bu ilding site affected. Exception: $500.00 plus out-of-pocket review costs for exceptions requ iring review by planner, engineer, attorney or other consu hant. A de pos it is estimated by the bui tdi ng 0 fficial. TIt e ful [ cost is payable before the bearing. $250.00 per variauc e per pro pas ed b u i lding site affected. Exception: $500.00 plus out-of~pocket revie,v costs for variances requ iring review by planner, engineer, attorney or other consultant. A deposit is estima ted by the bu ild ing officia I. The fu 1] cost is payable before tbe hearing. $250 per action item requested. $ 50.00 Per occurrence $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ 5.00 $ 25.00 Per mon tl1