HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1723 - fees & charges for activities; provided by city ORDINANCE NO. 1723 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND REESTABLISHING FEES & CHARGES FOR ACTIVITIES, GOODS AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CITY ; CONTAINING A PROVISION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH FEES AND CHARGES IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNNERSITY PLACE: Section 1. The City does hereby establish al1d reestablish the fees and charges shown in the attached Exhibit A, which is hereby incorporated into this ordinance by this reference for all purposes. The fee schedule heretofore ado.pted is hereby all1ended in its entirety by this new schedule. Section 2. Revised fees and cllarges apply fraill and after the effective date of this ordinance and. shall apply to individual transactions as follows: (1) cOlnpleted applications for perlnits and similar items filed on or after the effective date of this ordinance, and (2) billing periods beginning on or after the effective date of this ordinance, for monthly or periodic services. Section 3. In the case of any activity, goods or services provided by the City, including review of the applications, pernlits, approvals, etc~, for w.hich there is a measurable cost to the City, or for whic.h a fee or charge would traditionally be collected, the City Manager is authorized to establish and reestablish fees and charges, but only in those circun1stances in which a fee or a charge is not prescribed in Exhibit A. In prescribing fees and charges, the City Manager shall first determine the cost to the City of providing the activity, goods or services, and. the fees or charges shall be as equivalent. as practicable to the cost Section 4~ All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are l1ereby repealed to the extent of the co.nflict only. Section 5. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or other part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever .be held to .be invalid or unconstitut.ional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remaind.er of this ordinance, .nor the application of suell word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or other part of this orclinance to any other persons or circunlstances, shall be affected thereby. Section 6. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written D.otice of the date, hour, place and subject of each nleeting at which this ordinance was discllssed, considered or acted upon was given in. the manner required by the Texas Open Meet.ings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, co.nsideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms stIch notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section 7. This ordinance shall become effective on the tenth day following its publication, as .provided in the City Charter~ ~SSE AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING, THIS /gd day of ~ ,2002. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: 4 ~~~ 1)PPROVED ON SECOND READING, THIS / / day of r..t-7;(,~, 2002. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Abseo.t: F.OOl F .002 F ~003 F .004 F .005 F .006 F.007 F .008 F .009 F.OIO F.OI] F.012 Fees and Charges Schedule Ad m i nistra ti on Am bul a nee Service Animals Build i ng Building and Standards Commission Electrica I \V ork G a rbngc Service II en) th Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Liq uor Licenses a nd Perm its lVIunicipal Court Parabolic Dish Antennn F~OOl ADMINISTRATION F .002 $ .LOO $ 10.00 For first motor vehicle and $5. per motor veh.icJe thereafter $ 20.00 A.lso applies to payments returned by automated or electronic payment systelTIS (ACH) $ 25.00 $ "100.00 A ctu al cost $ 0.10 Per copy Motor vehicle decal charges Commercial impact zone permit fee Returned check (or ACH payment) fee .L i en re I ease fee Acqu.iescence to encroachment fee S pee ial events fee Use of City-owned photocopier A MBULANCE SERVICE .F ~O 13 F.014 F.O 15 F.OI6 F.017 F.018 F.019 F .020 F.021 F.022 F .023 Pa rl{s and Rccrca tio n Public Uecords an d .Docu men ts Plumbing and Gas Sexually Oriented Businesses find Adult Arcades Signs !\tlunicipal Electric Costs Trees \V n tc rand Sewer Sc rvicc Zoning and Planning Commission Zo n i ng Board of Adj ustm en t Public Safety The total 31TIOunt payable for each call or incident is the slim of the unit charges for the services provided and the itelTIS used) as shown below: Routine d isp osab 1 e su pp lies $ AL S s pee i al.ized su pp lies .BLS disposable supplies IV supplies Oxygen BLS transport BLS emergency tranSpolt A.LS-l non emergency transport ALS-l em.ergency trans ALS-2 emergency trans ALS or .B.LS mileage Glucometer Promethazine 25 mg ..Deft b rillation .Drug actIn inistration Chest decompression CPR Cardiac nlonitoring External pacing Infusion pump maintenance Intubation supplies 45.00 45.00 35.00 45.00 85.00 425.00 510.00 525.00 610.00 610.00 .1 0.00 39.60 5.00 225.00 20.00 45.00 175.00 220.00 55.00 184.25 IV th erapy (adlTI in) Oxygen therapy (includes Sat) 02 nasal canula ImlTIobilization / splinting Aspirin SlIng Endotracheal tube Ban dage s u pp 1 i es Burn sh eet OB kit Disposable blanket Phenegran 1M / IV Isolation kit Gloves - Infection control Disposable co llar D isposa b I e head .hlocks EKG electrodes (set) Activated charcoal Adenocard I Adenosine 6 lUg Albuterol / .Proventil 0.830/0 Atropine 1 M.O Benedryl 50 MG Dextrose 25 % 25 MG Dextrose 500/0 25 MG BretyliulTI 500 MG Dopamine 400 MG Epinephrine 1: 1000 1 MG Epinephrine 1 : 10,000 1 MG Furosemide 40 .MG Insta - Glucose Ipecac Lidocaine 100 .MG Lidocaine 2/5 drip MagnesiuIll Sulfate 5 MG ROlnazicon 1 MG Terbutaline 1 mg Nitriglycerine spray N itro glycerin e tab Procainalnide 1 MG Procard i a Sodium Bicarb Thialnine 100 MG Valium 10 MG Verapln.i1 5 MG N ornlal saline "1000 cc IV Normal Saline 250 cc IV Lactated Ringers lOOO cc D5W 500 cc Morphine Mannitol 100 mg I 500 ml NaloxonelNarcan 2 nlg Norcuron Anectine Versed 2 mg 90.75 105.00 22.50 75.00 1.00 41 .25 20.00 27.50 44.00 27.50 5.72 49.50 5.50 51.70 21 .00 33.00 23.76 123.00 6.16 16.65 5.78 75.13 75.13 120.11 30.00 3.29 57.75 5.00 1 5.20 3.15 21.18 34.00 6.23 79.00 6~84 6~54 2~OO 8.00 2.00 4.82 9.50 8.62 8.73 41.34 18.60 5"1.79 18.00 "13.50 18.13 20.00 75.34 12.83 15.56 Solulnedrol125 mg Lasix 20 MG IV Cardizem 25 lug I 5 ml IVP Succynelcholine 200 lng Diazepam 10 mg Cordarone Response fee (res) Vehicle I unit decolltarnination 28.16 27.00 8 1 .00 4.85 o 109.85 25.00 104.50 Exceptions: (1) Alllounts billed to other governmental units are determined by the applicable contracts or arrangements with those un its. (2) The City may accept assignlnent of Medicare and Medicaid clainlS or paytnents, in which case, the amount payable is determined by the appropriate regulations~ Such amount shall contro.) over the charges set out above, in case of any difference. Origin at registration and nlicro chipping or other perIJ1anent identification (fertile an ilnals) Original registration and 111icro chipping or other permanent identification ( spayed or neutered anbnals) Original registration, animal is already micro chipped or permanently identified (fertile animals) Original registration, aniInal is already micro chipped. or permanently identified (spayed or neutered animals) Micro chipping animals other than dOlnestic cats and dogs ( pets such as rabbits, ferrets, etc.) Annual dangerous dog registration First violation and iJnpoundment fee Second violation and impoundment fee Third and all successive violations and itnpoundtnent fees Daily kennel fees $ 7.50 Note: All original registration fees shown, with the exception of the dangerous dog fee, are one-ti.l11e fees that register the anitnaI for fife. F.003 ANIMALS F .004 BUIL.DING An 11 U a 1 contractor registration fee Pelmit application fee Plan checking fee (applies to all plan submissions, unless othelwise specifically indicated; payable in addition to pennit fee). $ ./50.00 $ 40.00 $ 130.00 $ 20.00 $ 40.00 $ 250.00 $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $ 100.00 $ 50~OO $ "10.00 500/0 of the corresponding perm it fee New construction pernlit fee (Single family $ 0.26 per residential) square foot A It Olvners. Exc eption: $15 for owners over 65 years of age. (fee is in addition to the above registration fees) In addition to applicable plan checking or pernlit fee. Plan checking fee must be paid each time plans are sublnitted or re-sublnitted. Exception: The building officiallnay reduce the re-subnliss.ion fee .ifthe tilne required to check the re-submission is materially lower than original SUblTI issjon. New construction permit fee (Other) Remodeling and repair pennit fee (Single family residential) Remodeling and repair pennit fee (Other) $ 0.33 per square foot $ 20.00 for $1,000 or less in construc- tion value plus $3.00 per $1,000 in construction value thereafter $ 60.00 for $1,000 or less in construction value plus $3.00 per $1,000 in construction value therea fier $0.50 per linear foot; $25.00 lnin. Includes entrance ramp permit fee. Fence or wall pennit fee Driveway permit fee F ire systems Plan checking fee: $100 per set for original submission, $50 for re-submission (not credited to penuit fees). Permit fees are $50 for each automatic fire extinguishing system and each alarm and detection systenl. For sprinkler systems, the fee is increased by either $25 (res-idential.) or $50 plus $1.75 per head (non-residential). Fire systeln fees are payable in addition to all other fees. $60.00 $0.40 per linear foot; $20.00 luin. $ 25.00 For regulated facilities under Chapter 19, add $150 for plan-checking plus application fees. Exception: The permit fee for work affecting new roadways under Chapter 19 is $100, plus the estilnated out-of-pocket expenses that nlay be incurred by the City in connection \vith the work, including engineering review, extra inspections or testing, supplelnental traffic control, etc. The building official shall estimate such expenses at the time of app lication and shall co lIect at least 110% of the estiInate as a deposit. The build ing official may requ i.re a permittee to supplelnent the deposit as the work proceeds. When the work is fin ished, the bu ilding official shall refund any palt of the deposit that exceeds the actual permit fees due in connection with the work. PWSF (low-impact) pennit) for equipment $100.00 per Non-low-hnpact PWSF pennits require a special attached. to existing structures with no new site exception; see F.022, below. electrical, alteration or construction. All other PWSF (low-iInpact) per.mits Sidewalk permit fee Street 0 r curb perm it fee .Registration for house movers fee Renewal fee Moving permit fee Occupancy inspection fee (Single family residential) Occu pan cy j n specti on fee (Other) Water connection pernlit and meter (3/4") instal I ati on Water connection per.mit and meter (1 ") in stall ati on $500.00 per site $ 500~OO $ 400~OO $ 500.00 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 $ 225.00 $ 275.00 Non-low-impact PWSF permits require a special exception; see F .022, be low. If connection is to be nlade to a not-yet- constructed City I ine, there is a deposit of $250 (not refundable un less, after new line is constructed, a new permit is applied for, with proper n oti ce, in s pecti 0 n, etc.) If connection is to be Inade to a not-yet- constructed City line, there is a deposit of $250 (not refundable unless, after new line is constructed, a ne\v permit is applied for; with proper notice, inspection~ etc.) Water connection permit and .meter (Over 1 rr) installation Sanitary sewer connection permit Actual Cost plus $175~OO. If connection is to be Inade to a not-yet-constructed City line) there is a d epos"it of $250 (not refu ndab I e un less, afte r new line is constructed, a new pertnit is applied for, with proper notice, inspection, etc.) $ 125.00 If connection is to be made to a not-yet- constructed City line, there is a. deposit of $250 (not refundable unless, after new line is constructed, a new pennit is applied for, with proper notice, inspection, etc.) DelTIolition pennit fee Swimming pool permit fee .Duplicate permit charge .Dup Ii cate perm it card fee Premature work charge ( Starting before permit is issued) .Reinspection fee (following routine inspection) $ 250.00 $ 150.00 $ 25.00 $ 50400 $ 50.00 .Reinspection fee (mandatory reinspection following notice of violation of building or $50.00 for zoning ordinances or other applicable the first viola- regulations) tion .itenl plus $10.00 for each additional Perm j t reo ewal fee F .005 B.UILDING AND STAN.DARDS COM.MISSION Application fee $ .100.00 F .006 ELECT.RICAL WO.RK Application fee (lnaster electrician license) $ 20.00 Annu al license fee (m aster e I ectrj c ian ) $ 50.00 Application fee (JourneYlnan electrician $ 1 0.00 1 icense) .License fee (Journeyman electrician) $ 10.00 App I ication fee (Apprentice electrician) $ 10.00 .License fee (Apprentice electrician) $ 5.00 Application fee (Maintenance electrician $ :1 0.00 license) License fee (Maintenance electrician license $ 10.00 Perm it app I i cati on fee $ 10.00 Telnporary service penuit fee $ 20.00 .M eter loop an d service pern1 it fee $ 20.00 Outlet or light "fixture permit fee $ 0.50 1000/0 of the perm it fee (additional) Must be paid within 30 days of reinspection, and in any event before any celtificate of occupancy or similar approval is issued. Fees l11ay be appealed to BSC, and lnay be paid without prejudice to such an appeaL Must be paid within 30 days of notice, and in any event before any celtificate of occupancy or similar approval is issued. Fees lnay be appealed to BSC, and Inay be paid without prejudice to such an appeal. BSC may reduce or abate this fee (and any appeal fees), if no via lation occurred, or for other go ad ca us e sh ow n. 500/0 of tbe original permit fee Appliance pennit fee .Motor perm it fee Service reconnection permit fee Electrical sign permit fee M.inimtun pennit fee Premature work charge (Starting before a permit is issued) Re.inspecti 0 n fee Permit renewal fee * FIRE .DEPARTMENT FEES. See "BUILDING, Fire systems" F.007 GARBAG~E SERVIC.E Month Iy dwelIin,g unit charge .Monthly dwelling unit charge (Adult 65 or over) Special pick-up of items at curbside, not on a regular collection day for those itellls at that location. Special handling of itelTIS not bagged, prepared or placed as required for basic service. Exanlple: Leaves and grass clippings in non-approved bags. Regular route pick-up of ordinary garbage at construction sites, with special bag sticker (40-pound lilTI it per bag). F.ODS .HEAL TH Pennit application fee Ann ua I food estab I ish m ent perIni t fee Telnporary food establishment permit fee (Special event) F.009 HEATING, V.ENTILA TION, AN.O AIR CONDITIONING Annual contractor registration fee Heating and air conditioning permit fee (Residential) .Heating and air conditioning pennit fee (Co lTIlTI ere ia I) Air conditioning and refrigeration pennit fee Local vent perin it fee Minimum perm it fee Prem ature work charge (Starting before a perm it is issued) Re inspection fee Pe nn it renewal fee $ 2.00 $ 3.00 $ 10.00 $ "10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 15~75 $ 8.00 $"15.00 plus $1 .00 per bag or equ ivalent. $15.00 plus $1.00 per bag or equ i va] en t. $4.00 per one-bag sticker. $ 5.00 $ 1.20.00 $ 8.00 1 000/0 of the permit fee (additional) 500/0 of the original permit fee .Basic fee'} for basic service only. Bas:ic fee, for basic service on Iy. Specia.1 service fee, in addition to basic fee. Special service fee, in addition to basic fee and any other applicable special service fee $ 50.00 $ 15.00 Per unit $ 30.00 For first 140,000 btu's and $5 per 100,000 btu.s tl1 ereafter $ 5.00 $ 3.00 $ 25.00 100% of the penn it fee (add itional) $ 50.00 50% of the original fee F.G 10 LIQ.U.OR LICENSES AND PERMITS Mixed Bever age license fee (Original) $ 1,500.00 Mixed Beverage license fee (First renewaJ) $ 1, 125.00 Mixed Beverage license fee (Second $ 750.00 ren ewal) Mixed .Beverage license fee (Subsequent $ 375.00 renewal) Wine only-package store license fee $ 37.50 Retail dealer off-premise License fee $ 30.00 Win e or beer retai] er off-pretTI ise license fee $ 30.00 Winery license fee $ 37.50 Mixed beverage late hours license fee $ 75.00 Wine or beer retailer permit fee $ 87.50 Retail dealer on-premise license fee $ 75.00 Retail dealer on-premise license fee $ 125.00 Caterer permit fee $ 250.00 Package store pennit fee $ 150.00 Da i I y penn .it fee $ 25.00 F.Ol1 .MUNICIPAL COURT Cornplaint and judgment copy charge $ 2.00 Defensive driving course d iS1TI issat fee $ "10.00 Arrest fee $ 5.00 F.G 12 PARABOLIC DISH AN TENNAS Pennit application fee $ "] 5~OO Il1stallation permit fee $ 35.00 F.OI3 P ARKS AND R ECREA TION .Daily sw.imlning fee (Resident adult) $ 2.00 .Daily sw.imming fee (Resident child under $ 1.00 16) Daily swiln.ming fee (Resident child under 5) No charge Daily swilnlning fee (Non-resident adult) $6.00 Daily swinloling fee (Non-resident guest) $ 3.00 Daily swilnming fee (Non-resident child $3.00 under 16) Daily weight room fee (Resident) $ "] .00 Daily weight room fee (Non-resident) $ 2.00 flourly racquetbaJl fee $ 3.00 Yearly Pass (Resident) $ 100.00 Yearly Pass (Non-resident) $ 150.00 Tennis court reservation fee $ 2.00 Full recreati.on center Inetubership fee $ 250.00 For first 3 persons and $50 (Resident adult) per person thereafter Fu 11 recreation center In elTI bersh i p fee (Senior Resident adult) Season swimluing pass fee (Resident) Season swimming pass fee (Non-resident) 20 - Sw im pun eh pass fee ( Resi dent) 20-Swim punch pass fee (Non-resident) Season weight room pass fee (Resident) Season weight room pass fee (Non-resident) Yearly weight rOOJTI pass fee (Resident) Yearly weight room pass fee (Non-resident) Ilourly Acti vity RODIn reservation and use charge (Resident) .H.ourly Acti vity ROOIn reservation and use charge (Non-resident) I-lourly Auditori un1 reservation and use eh arge (Res i dent) .Hourly Auditoriurn reservation and use charge (Non-resident) Hourly Kitchen reservation and use charge (Resident) .Hourly J(itchen reservation and use charge (Non-resident) Hourly Meeting RODin reservation and use charge (Resident) H.ourly Meeting Roan1 reservation and use charge (Non-resident) l-Iourly Scout House reservation and. use charge (Resident) Hourly Scout HOllse reservation and use charge (Non-resident) .Hourly Senior Wing reservation and use charge (Resident) Hourly Senior .Wing reservation and use charge (Non-resident) Colonial Park Swinlming Pool reservation and use charge No charge $100.00 For first 3 persons and $25 per pe rson thereafter $ 200.00 Per person $ 35.00 $ 80.00 $ 40.00 $ 60.00 $ 1 00.00 $ 1.50.00 $ 20.00 $ 30.00 $ 35.00 $ 45.00 $ 10.00 $ 20.00 $ 15.00 $ 25.00 $ 35.00 $ 45 ~OO $ 30.00 $ 40.00 $30 per hour plus $1 per person .Institutional Exchanges. The Parks & .Recreation Director lnay waive all or part of the Parks & Recreation fees prescribed by this section, subject to the fonowing regulations: (1) The applicant ITIUst be an institution, either public or non-profit, with faci lities located within the City. (2) The pOltion of the fees waived may not exceed the value of facilities Inade availab Ie by the institution to the City for public use (e.g., for Ineetings, elections, el11ergency operations, etc.). (3) The maximum alnount of fees that Inay be waived is $500 per institution per year. (4) Passes and permits .issued to an institution under this section may be assigned or reso.ld by the institution, but the actual user must qualify for the type of pass or pennit in question, and the City must be notified. F.O 14 PUBLIC RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS Record or document charge Tree Ordinance and criteria manual charge Zoning Ordinance charge Zoning map charge $0.1 0 per page $ 3.50 $ 6.00 $ 2.50 F.O 15 PLUMBING AN.D GAS Annual contra etar registration fee $ 50.00 Pennit application fee $ 10.00 Fixture or outlet permit fee $ 5.00 each Applies to each fixture and outlet. G as test perm it fee $15.00 Grease trap perm it fee $ 50.00 Irriga ti on systelTI perm it fee $ 25.00 Service line permit fee $ "1 O~OO .MiniJTIum permit fee $ 25.00 Premature work charge (Starting before a 1. 000/0 of the permit fee (additional) permit is issued) Reinspection fee $ 50.00 Perm it fen ewa I fee 50% of the original pennit fee F.O 16 S:EXUAL.L Y ORJENTE.D BUSINESSES AN.O A.DUL T A.RCADES Sexu al Jy ori en ted bus i n ess ap p I i cati on fee $ 350.00 (Original) Sexua lly ad en ted bus in ess app I i cati 0 n fee $ 1 00.00 (Renewal) Sexually oriented business transfer fee $ 300.00 Ad u It arcade app 1 j cati on fee $ 75.00 Adu It arcade reinspection fee $ 60.00 Adult arcade transfer or arnendlnent fee $ 15.00 F.O 17 SIGNS Per mit application fee $ 5.00 Festival Sign Permit Fee $ 5.00 Sign permit fee $ 1.25 Per square foot of sign face .Minitnum permit fee $ 20.00 Premature work charges (Starting before a 1000/0 of the perInit fee (additional) permi t is issued) Re i nspecti on fee $ 50.00 Perm it renewal fee 50% of the original perm it fee Sign operating perm.it fee (Payable per sign, $10.00 plus "Display area" and "sign" are defined in Chapter per term of penn it. Term is one year for $0.50 per sq. 3. Exceptions: Fees do not apply to signs temporary signs, 24 lTIonths for all others.) ft. of d isp lay covered by affirmative defenses or signs for area confornling uses allowed in residential districts. F.G 18 MUNICIP A.L .E.L:ECTRIC COSTS Month ly dwelling unit charge $ 2.85 F.O 19 TREES Ren10val pe nn it fee $ 25.00 Low impact evaluation fee $ 25.00 Survey and disposition review fee (Major co ns tru ct ion) Survey and disposition review fee (Minor constructi 0 n) F .020 W A T.ER AND SEWER SERVICE New service connect Del inquent cutoff fee After hours delinquent reconnect fee .De p os it Periodic Charges: $ 200.00 $ 75.00 $ 25.00 Each times erv i ce is es tab I ish ed $ 30.00 $ 60.00 Reconnect service after 4 p.111. or before 8 a.m. $ 180.00 MaximUlTI The total charge per month for each customer is the sum of the applicable base lTIonthly charges (for both water and sewer), for each meter, plus the charges for gallons (for both water and sewer) delivered through each lneter, all calculated separately for each nleter according to the schedules set out be.low. Each of the indicated fees and charges takes effect for services provided on or after March 31, 2001, except that fees and charges based on periodic billing intervals take effect as to each custolner for eacb of that custOTIler'S billing intervals schedu led to begin on or after March 31, 2001. Notes: (1) "Residential-only premises" refers to premises that are used only for residential purposes. (2) "Water-only nleters" refers to Ineters that serve only irrigation system.s and other fixtures froln which there is no return flow into the sanitary sewer system; "regular rneters" refers to all other lneters. Water Rates .Base monthly charges: Meters serving residential...only pre111 ises.- 5/811 or 3/4 tt 111eter: 111 meter 1-1/2" nleter Meters serving any other prelnises: 5/8 or 3/4" lneter I n meter 1-1/2" meter 2" Ineter 3 n meter Gallonage charges (per 1,000 gallons): Regular lneters: First 3,000 gallons (0 to 3)000) Next 12,000 gallons (3 )001 to 1 5 )000) Each 1,000 gallons thereafter (over 15,000) Water-on Iy ,neters: First 7,500 gallons Each "1 ~OOO gallons thereafter (over 7,500) Selver Rates .Base monthly charges: Meters serving residential-only premises $ 4.3 1 $ 9.61 $ 22.3 1 $ 12.65 $ 17 ~ 75 $ 32.00 $ 98.00 $ 265.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.18 $ 2.37 $ 2. 18 $ 2.37 $ 6.31 outside city Uln its $ 13.80 outside chy Ii In its $ 26.22 outside city limits $ 15.81 outside city lim its $ 22.14 outside city liIn its $ 39.84 outside city limits $ "] 22.24 outside city Jin1its $ 330~54 outside city I.imits $ 2.30 outside city litnits $ 2.51 outside city lilTI its $ 2.74 outside c.ity litnits $ 2.51 outs ide city liInits $ 2.74 outside city lhnits $ 2.24 $ 2.79 outside city liInits Meters serving any other prelnises Gallonage charges (per 1,000 gallons) Res idential-only prelTI ises Any other premises F.021 ZONING & PLANNING COMMISSlON Plats and rep lats Category A. Fu II preparation Category .B. Review only $ 8.90 $ 11.10 outside city liInits $ 1.95 $ 2.13 $2.43 outside city Ihnits $2.66 outside city li.tnits The fee is the City's actual cost of plat preparation and revision (if required by the Z&PC), plus incidentals. The preparation is done by a planner retained or employed by the City. Incidentals include legal notices, surveys, title and legal work, research, signahlre requests, recording, cop.ies, etc., as may be required and not provided by th e app 1 i cant. D'EPOSIT (non-refundable): A depos.jt alTIOunt (due with the preliminary application) is estimated by the City staff, but the minimUlTI deposit is a base fee of $400.00, pillS $"] 0.00 for each lot and reserve shown on the plat or replat, plus $"] 00 for those requ iring newspaper legal notice. (All prelilninary costs nlust be paid in full before plat or replat can be submitted for final approval). FIN.AL DEPOSIT (non-refundable): A deposit alTIOunt is due upon subtnittal for final approval. The minilTIU1TI deposit is a base fee of $150.00, plus $10.00 for each lot and reserve shown on plat or replat~ plus $100.00 for each separate Jegal .instrument needed ( easeln en ts, etc.). ADDITIONAL D.EPOSIT. An additional deposit of $1.50.00 is due each time the initial request is significantly changed by the applicant or at the request of the Z&PC. FULL FA YMENT. The full actual cost for plat preparation must be paid before the plat will be released for recording. The fee is the City's actual cost of plat review, plus incidentals. The review is done by a planner retained by the C.ity or by City staff. Incidentals include legal notices, surveys, title and legal work~ research) signature requests, recording, copies~ etc., as ll1ay be required and not provided by the applicant. DEPOSIT~ A deposit amount (due with the preliIninary appUcation) is estinlated by the City staff, but the 111iniJllUtn deposit is $200.00 base fee, plus $10.00 for each lot and reserve shown on the plat or replat, plus $100 for those requiring newspaper legal notice, plus $100.00 for each separate legal instrument needed (easelnents, etc.) ADDITIONAL DEPOSIT. An additional deposit of $100.00 is due each time the plat is resubrnitted for rechecking. FULL PAYMENT. The full actual cost 111USt be paid before the replat is released for recording. .Rezoning requested by applicant for that pers on's s peel al ben e'fi t F.022 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A ppeal of building official decision Special exception Variance Other application F.023 PU.BLIC SAFETY False a.1 ann Type I Alarm Pennit Type II Alarm Permit Annual permit renewal fee Type II monthly renewal $500 plus out-of-pocket costs for drafting and review by planner, engineer, attorney and other consultant. A deposit is estilnated by the building official, and may be increased as the lnatter proceeds. The deposit JTIust be increased to cover the esthnated full costs at these stages: (1) before the meeting of the COln.m ission to consider a preliminary report, (2) before any hearing notices are sent out and (3) before the lneeting at which the Commiss ion considers its final report. $250.00, refundable if the applicant prevails and the ZBA so orders. Exception: $500.00 plus out-of-pocket review costs for appeals requiring review by planner, engineer, attorney or other consultant. A deposit is estitnated by the building official. The full cost is payable before the hearing. $250.00 per exception per proposed building site affected. Except ion: $ 5 00.00 plus out - of- pocket rev i ew costs for ex cepti 0 ns requiring review by planner, engineer; attorney or other consultant. A deposit is esti.lnated by the building official. The full cost is payable before the hearing. $250.00 per variance per proposed building sHe affected. Exception: $500.00 plus out-of-pocket review costs for variances requiring review by planner, engineer, attorney or other consultant. A deposit is estilnated by the building officiaL The full cost is payable before the hearing. $250 per action itelll requested. $ 50.00 Per occurren ce $ 25.00 $ 25 ~OO $ 5~OO $ 25.00 Per month