HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1758 - water and sewer rates Ordinance No. 1758 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO WATER AND SEWER RATES, BUILDING PERMIT FEES AND OTHER FEES AND CHARGES; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. The Fees & Charges ScheduJe of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas is hereby amended to read in its entirety as set out in Appendix A, which is attached and made a part of thjs ordinance. Section 2. This Ordinance applies from and after the Effective Date. New or changed fees shalf only apply to conduct occurring, services provided and applications made, on or after the Effective Date. Exceptions.. Fees and charges based on periodic billing intervals take effectf as to each customer or user, for each billing intervaf scheduled to begin on or after the Effective Date (Note: for water and sewer services, billing intervals are defined by scheduled meter readings.). In all other circumstances, the fees and charges in effect immediately before the Effective Date ("Prior FeesU) shall govern. The Prior Fees are continued in effect for this purpose. Section 3. AU ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed to the extent of the conflict only~ Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this Ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase} clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance to any other persons or circumstances, shalf be affected thereby. Section 5. The City Councjl officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this Ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section 6. The public importance of this measure and the requirements of the law create an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring that this Ordinance Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 1 be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and a state of emergency is hereby declared~ This Ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency measure and shall take effect on January 1! 2004 (UEffective Daten)~ PASSED, APPROVED, ADOPTED AND SIGNED on ~ /~ aro3. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent Signed: eal) Recommended: City Attorney F 0 ml S \0 R 0 -50 5 Fe e sch ed u le am dn e me nl-E MER G ENe Y C LA USE Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 2 F .00 I F,002 F .003 F .004 F .005 .F.006 F.007 F.008 F .009 F .0"10 F.OIl F.012 F. 00 I F.002 Fees & Charges Schedule Ad mill istration Ambulan cc Service Animals Building Building a nd Stand ards Com mission Electrical Work Garbage Service Health Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Liquor Licenses and Permits iVl unicipal Court Pa rabolic Dis h Ante" na IADMINIST RATION IMotor vehicle decal charges 'Commercial impact zone permit fee IReturned check (or ACH payment) fee Li en release fce Acqu i escence to encroach lnent fee Special events fee Use of City-owned photocopier AMBULANCE SERVICE F.013 F.014 F.015 F.016 F,Ol? F.OlS F.019 F.020 F.021 F.022 F.023 Parks and Recreation Pu hIie Records a nd Documents Plumbing and Gas Sexually Oriented Businesses and Adult Arcades Signs Municipal .Elc ct ric Costs Trees Water a nd Sewer Service Zoning and Planning Conunission Zoning Board of Adj ustmen t Pu blie Safety $ 1.00 $ 10.00 For first motor vehicle and $5. !per rn otor veh ic le therea fter $ 20.00 Also applies to payments returned by automated or electronic payment systems (ACH) $ 25.00 $ lOO.OO Actual cost $ 0.10 Per copy i he total anlount payable for each call or incident is the sum of the unit charges for the services provided and the items use d, as shown be low: Routine disposable su ppl ies ALS speci alizcd snppli cs BLS d isposa b Ie supp lies IV suppl ies Oxygen BLS transport B LS em ergency transport ALS-I non emergency transport ALS-I clnergency trans ALS-2 emergency trans ALS or BLS mileage G 111 C 0 111 e te r Promethazine 25 mg De fib ri 11 ation Drug ad [nin istration Chest decompression CPR Cardiac 111onitoring Externa 1 pacing In fusion pu nlp mai n tenance Intubation supplies IV therapy (admin) Oxygen therapy (includes Sat) $ 45.00 45.00 35~OO 45.00 85.00 425.00 5 10.00 525.00 610.00 610.00 lO.OO 39.60 5.00 225.00 20.00 45.00 ] 75.00 220.00 55.00 184.25 90.75 105.00 Fees & Charges Ordinances Page 3 02 nasal canula IInmobil iza tion / splinting Asp irin 8 ling Endotrac heal tube Bandage suppl i cs Burn sheet DB kit Disposable blanket Phenegran 1M / IV Iso] atio n ki t G (0 yes - Infection con tro 1 .0 isposab Ie co II ar Disposable head blocks EKG electrodes (set) Act i va tcd c h a reo a I Adenocard I Aden os in e 6 mg Albuterol / Proventil 0.83% Atropine I M G Benedryl 50 MG Dextrose 25 % 25 M G Dextrose 50% 25 MG Bretylium 500 MG Dopamine 400 MG Epinephrine 1:1000 I MG Epinephrine 1 :10)000 t MG Furosemide 40 MG Tnsta - Glucose Ipecac Lidocaine 100 MG Lido caine 2/5 drip Magnesium Sulfate 5 M G Ronlazicon 1 M G Terbutalinc I mg N itriglyceri ne spray 'N i tro g ly c c r in c ta b Procainamide I MG Pro card ia Sodiunl Bicarb Thiaoline 100 M G Valium 10 MG Verapmil5 MG Nonna l sal ine I 000 cc I V Norma 1 Saline 250 cc IV Lactated Ringers 1000 cc D5W 500 cc Morphine Mannitol 100 mg I 500 m I N aloxone/Narcan 2 fllg Norcuron Anectinc Versed 2 Ing Solumedrol 125 mg Lasix 20 MG IV 22.50 75.00 1.00 41.25 20.00 27.50 44.00 27.50 5.72 49.50 5.50 51.70 21.00 33.00 23.76 123.00 6.16 16.65 5.78 75.13 75.13 120. 11 30.00 3.29 57 L 75 5.00 ) 5.20 3.15 21.18 34.00 6.23 79.00 6.84 6.54 2.00 8.00 2.00 4.82 9.50 8.62 8.73 4 I .34 1 8 r 60 5 I L 79 18.00 J 3.50 18. 13 20.00 75.34 J 2.83 15.56 28.16 27.00 Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 4 F.003 Fr004 Cardizem 25 lUg / 5 m IIVP Succynelchol ine 200 Ing Diazepam 10 mg Cordarone Rcspo nse fee (res) Vehicle / unit decontamination 8 1 .00 4.85 o 109.85 25.00 104.50 I Exceptions: (I) Arnounts billed to other governmental units are deternlined by the applicable contracts or arrangements with tbose units. (2) The City may accept assignment of Medicare and Medicaid claims or paYInents, in which case, the amount payable is determined by the appropriate regulations. Such amount shall control over the icharges set out above, in case of any difference. 'Original registmtion and micro chipping or other permanent identification (fertile animals) I.Original registration and lnicro chipping or o th er perIn an en t ide n t ific at io n (sp aye d 0 r . neutered an huats) 'Orig inal reg istration, animal is al ready micro chipped or pernlanently identified (fertile ani ma(s) Od gin ai registration, ani In a 1 is a 1 rea dy m i ero chipped or permanently identified (spayed or neutered anirnals) Micro chipping animals other than donlestic cats and dogs (pets such as rab bi ts, ferrets, etc. ) Annual dangerous dog registration First v io lati on and impoundment fee Second vLolation and ltnpoundnlent fee Third and aU successive violations and i lTI poundment fees Daily kennel fees $ 7.50 Note: All original registration fees shown, with the exception of the reg i ster the an i ma I for Ii fe. ANIMALS BUILDING Annual contractor registration fee .Perm it application fee Plan checking fee (app] jes to all plan submissions, unless otherwise specifically indica red; p ayab Ie in add ition to perm it fee). N e\v co nstructio n pernli t fee (5 ingle fanl i ly residential) $ 150.00 A II o\vners. Exception: $15 for owners over 65 years of age. (fee is in addition to the above registration fees) dangerous dog fcc, are one-time fees that In addition to app I icable plan check ing or permit fee. Plan checking fee must be paid each ti me plans are sub mitted or re-su brnitted& Exception: The building official may reduce the fe-submission fee if the time requ ired to check the re~sub Inission is lnate rially lo\ve r than 0 rigina 1 submission. Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 5 $ 40.00 $ 130.00 $ 20.00 $ 40.00 $ $ $ $ 250.00 50.00 75.DO 100.00 $ 50.00 $ 10.00 50% of the corresponding permit fee $ 0.26 per square foot rew construction permit fee (Other) IRemodeling and repa ir perm it fee (Sing Ie faInily residentin [) $ 0.33 per square foot jReOlodeling and repair permit fee (Other) f 20.00 for $1,000 or less in constnlction value pI us $3.00 per $1,000 j n constru ction val ue I jthereafter is 60.00 for $1,000 or less in construction value Iplus $3.00 per $1 ~OO 0 in construction value ~hereafter . . i$0.50 per hnear foot; $25.00 JTIln. II nc I udes en trance ramp perm i t fee. Fence or wall pennit fee Driveway pennit fee ,F ire SystCITIS ! Plan checking fee: $100 per set for original submission, $50 for re-sub mission (not credited to permit fees). Permit fees are $50 for each autonlatic fire exti nguishing systeln and each alarm and detection system. For sprinkler systems, the fee is increased by either $25 (residential) or $50 plus $ L75 per head (non-res identi al). Fi re systcln fees arc p ayab Ie in add ition to all other fees. Sidewalk permit tee 1$0.40 per linear foot; $20.00 min. Street or curb permit fee $ 25.00 /For regulated facilities under ell apter 19, add ~ 15 0 for plan-checking plus app lication fees. Exception: The permit fee for work affecting new roadways under Chapter 19 is $1 00 ~ plus the estimated out-of-pocket expenses that may be incurred by the City in connection with the work, including engineering review, ex tra inspections or testing, su pp I emcn tal traffj c co ntrol, etc. The bu ild i ng offici al shall estiluate such expenses at the tilne of application and shall collect at least 110% of the estimate as a deposit. The building official nlay require a permittee to supplement the deposit as the work proceeds. When the work is finished, the building official shall refund any part of the deposit that exceeds the actual perm it fees due in connection with the work. PW SF (low-impact) permit, for equipment $1 OO~OO'per lNon-low-iInpact PWS F permits require a special attached to existing structures with no new site lexception; see F .022, below. I"el cctrical, altern tion or construction. All other PW SF (lo\v-ilnpact) permits $500.00 per Non~lowRimpact PWS F pernlits require a special j site jexception; see F .022, bel aw. IRegistration for house movers fee $ 500.00 I I Rene\val fee $ 400.00 Moving pcnnit fee $ 500.00 I"occupancy inspection fee (Single falnily $ 50.00 reside n tial) I"occupancy inspection fee (Other) $ 100.00 !Water connection pennit and meter (3/4 U) $ 225.00 installa ti on $60.00 Water con ncct ion perm it and meter ( I If) insta 11 ation $ 275.00 If connection is to be In ade to a no t-yet- constructed City line, there is a deposit of $250 (not re funda b le un less, after ne w line is "Iconstructed, a new permit is ap plied for~ with pro per n oticc; ins pee tion, etc.) lIf connection is to be made to a not-yet~ Iconstructed City line, there is a deposit of $250 (not refunda ble un less, after new line is \jcon structed, a new permit is ap pI i ed for, with pro per n atice, j ns pee tion, etc.) Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 6 F.005 twater connection pennit and meter (Over I U) j i nsta 11 ati on fSani tary se\ve r con nectio n perlTI it Demolition pennit fee ~wilnlning pool pennit fee juuplicatc permit charge !Duplicate permit card fee Ipremature work charge (Starting before f! ermit is issued) Reinspection fee (following routine ,i n spec t ion) Rei nspcction fee (nlanda tory reinspcctio n following notice of violation of building or zoning ord inances. or other applicab le regu lations) PerInit renc\val fee BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION Application fee $ 125.00 $ 250.00 $ 150.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $50.00 for tne first vie lation i tern plus $10.00 for each add ition al $ 100.00 F.OO6 ELECTRICAL WORK Application fee (lnaster electrician license) $ 20.00 Annual] icense fee (master electrician) $ 50.00 Application fee (Journeyman el ec tri cian $ 10.00 license) License fee (JourneYlnan electrician) $ 10.00 Appl i cation fee (Appren ti ce el ectri ci an) $ 10.00 License fee (Apprentice electrician) $ 5.00 App [i ca ti on fee (M aintenance e (ectri cian $ 10.00 license) License fee (M ai ntenance e 1 ec tric ian 1 icellse $ 10.00 Penn it applica ti 0 n fee $ 10.00 Telnporary service pernlit fee $ 20.00 Meter loop and service perolit fee $ 20.00 ~ctllal Cost plus $175.00. If connection is to be Imade :0 a not..yet..constructed City line, tl:ere is a ~epostt of $250 (not refundable unless, alter t\ew ~line is constructed, a new pernlit is applied for, rith pro per 11 otice, inspection, etc.) hf connection is to be made to a not-yet- fonstructed City line, there is a deposit of $250 fnot refunda ble unless, after new line is lconstructed, a new perrnit is applied for~ with ~ roper notice; inspection, etc.) ] 00% 0 f the permit fee (additional) ust be pa id \vithin 30 days 0 f reinspection, and in any event before any certificate of occupancy 0 similar approval is issued. Fees may be appealed to BSe, and may be paid without p rejud ice to ~such an app eaL Must be pa id with in 30 days 0 f notice, and in any event before any certi ficate of occupancy or sl milar approva 1 is issued. Fees may be appea led to B SC, and may be p aid with out p rejud ice to such an appeal. B SC may reduce or a bate th is fee (and any appeal fees), if no violation occurred, or for other good cause showll. 50% of the original permit fee Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 7 F.007 F.OD8 F .009 ~~Outlet or light fixtu re perm it fee pp I i a nee perm it fee Motor permit fcc Service reconnection perInit fee Electrical sign pernli t fee MiniInum permit fee Premature work eh arge (Starti ng before a permit is issued) Rei nspccti 0 n fee Permit rene\val fee * FIRE DEPARTMENT FEES. See f'BU ILDIN G, Fire systeEns~' IGARBAGE SERVICE Monthly dwelling unit charge Monthly dwelling unit charge (Adult 65 Of over) Special pickwup of itenlS at curbside, not on a regu lar co Ilection day for those itClTIS at tha t loea tion. ISpecial handling of items not bagged, prep a red or pla ced as req uired far ba sic service. EXaJl1ple: Leaves and grass clippings in non-approved bags~ Regular route pick-up of ordinary garbage at construction sites; with special bag sticker (40-pound lim it per bag). HEAL TH Perrnit application fee Annual tbod establishment pennit fee Telnporary food establ ishment permit fee (Special eve nt) HEA TING, VENTILATION, AN.D AIR CON.DITIONING Annual contractor registration fee lleating and air conditioning permit fee (Resid entia I) Heating and air conditioning pcrnlit fee (Commercial) Air conditioning and refbgeration permit fee Local vent permit fee Minimum permit fee Premature work charge (S tarti ng before a permit is issued) $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.50 2.00 3.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 100% of the permit fee (additional) 50% 0 f the origi nal pernl i t fee 'Basic fee, for basic service only. Ba sic fee, for basic service only. Spe cia l serv ice fee, in a ddi ti 0 n to ba sic fee. Special service fee, j n addition to basic fce and any otlter applicable special service fee Per unit For first ]40,000 btu's and $5 per 100,000 btufs th e re after 100 % 0 f the permit fee (a dditi 0 nal) Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 8 $ 50.00 $ 15.75 $ 8.00 $15.00 plus $1.00 per bag or equ ivalent. $15.00 plus $1.00 per bag or equ ivalent. $4.00 per o ne- bag sticker. $ 5.00 $ 120.00 $ 8.00 $ $ 50.00 15.00 $ 30.00 $ $ $ 5.00 3.00 25.00 F.OIO F.Oll jRcinspcction fee [permit renewal fee ILlQUOR LICENSES AND PERMITS 1 Mixed Beverage license fee (Original) Mixed Beverage license fee (F irst renewal) 1M ixed Beverage license fee (Second renewal) !Mixed Beverage license fee (Subsequent renewal) Wine only-package store license fee Reta i I deal er alT-prelTI ise Been se fee IW i ne or beer retail er 0 ff-prem i se license fee Winery license fee Mixed beverage late hours license fee Wine or beer retailer penn it fee Reta i l deal er on-pretTI i se license fee Retai I dealer on~prem ise license fee Caterer permit fee Package store perm it fec Daily pennit fee $ 50.00 $ 1,500.00 $ J; 125.00 $ 750.00 $ 375.00 $ 37.50 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 37.50 $ 75.00 $ 87.50 $ 75.00 $ ] 25.00 $ 250.00 $ 150.00 $ 25.00 I l r 0% of the origina I fee j I l ttuNICIPAL COURT IcomPlaint and judgment copy charge -Icourt costs All state-prescribed court costs apply, with no local court cost added (i.e., no "fjvc-dollar'~ court cost added). $ 2.00 Fees For services of peace officers under art. 102.011, Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP): Arrest fee $5.00 Applied only when driving safety course granted. Warrant fee N/ A Summoning a witness N/A SUlnmoning a jury N/ A Other costs (e.g., testifyi ng) N/ A ! Tilne payment fee $25.00 !If convicted~ See ~51. 921, Government Code. Municipal Court Building Security NI A Municipal Court Technology Fund $4.00 Per conviction. Applies until exp iration. ITraffic Law Failure to Appear N/A I ISpec ial Expense (e.g., serving warrants) Nt A See art. 102.07 12, CCP. Jury Fee N/A I Case dislnissal fees ('~Ten Dollar Fees") See SS521.026~ 502.407 ~ 548.605, Transportation Code Ex pi red D L or registra ti on $ 10.00 If remed ied with in 10 WQ rk days; proof requ ired. Inspection certificate expired (less $10.00 If remedied within] 0 work days; proof required. than 60 days) Ad nl1 n i s trative fees Driving safety course granted Teen court granted $ 10.00 N/A Isee art. 45.0511 (f), CCP. j ! [ Fees & Charges Ordinance1 Page 9 F.012 !PARABOLlC DISH ANTENNAS 1 rermit application fee $ I 5.00 Instal I ati on penn i t fee $ 35.00 F.OI3 ~ARKSAND RECREATION ai Iy swi nlm ing fee (Resident adu It) $ 2.00 Daily swimming fee (Resident child under $ l.00 ~o charge J 6) Daily swimming fee (Resident chi ld under 5) Da ily swimming fee (N on-residen t adult) $6.00 1Da i ly swi mm i ng fee (N on-residen t guest) $ 3.00 Da ily swimming fee (N onRresident child $3.00 under 16) Da ily weight room fee (Residcn t) $ 1.00 Da ily weight room fee (N on-residen t) $ 2.00 Hourly racquetball fee $ 3.00 Yearly Pass (Resident) $ 100.00 Yea rly Pass (N 0 n-resid ent) $ 150.00 Tennis court reservation fee $ 2.00 Full recreation center membership fee $ 250.00 For first 3 persons and $50 (Resident adu~t) per person thereafter Fu I [ recreation center membersh i p fee No charge (Son ior Resident adu 1 t) Season swimnling pass fee (Resident) $100.00 For first 3 persons and $25 per person thereafter Season swimJning pass fee (N on-resident) $ 200.00 Per person 20-8 wim punch pass fee (Res ident) $ 35.00 20-Swiol punch pass fee (Non-resident) $ 80.00 Season weight ro om p ass fee (R cside llt) $ 40.00 Season weight rooln pass fee (N on-resident) $ 60.00 'Yearly weight room pass fee (Resident) $ 100.00 Yearly weight room pass fee (N on-resident) $ 150.00 Hourly Activity Room reservation and use $ 20.00 charge (Resident) Hourly Activity Room reservation and use $ 30.00 charge (N on-residen t) Hourly Auditorium reservation and use $ 35.00 charge (Re siden t) Hourly Auditoriunl reservation and use $ 45.00 charge (Non-resident) I-lourly Kitchen reservation and use charge $ 10.00 (Resid ent) Hourly Kitchen reservation and use charge $ 20.00 (N 0 n - res i den t) Hourly Meeting Room reservation and use $ 15.00 charge (Residen t) Iwlourly Meeting Room reservation and use $ 25.00 charge (N on~re siden t) Fees & Charges OrdinanceJ Page 10 F.OI4 F.OIS F.OI6 ,fHOUrlY Scout House reserva tion and use charge (Residen t) fiourly Scout House reserva bon and use charge eN on-residen t) Hourly Senior Wing reservation and use charge (Resident) 11HOUrlY Senior Wing reservation and use charge (N on-resident) IColonial Park Swimming Pool reservation I f'S30 per hour plus $1 per person jand use charge ~lIstitUtiOnal Exchanges. The Parks & Recreation Director may waive all or part of the Parks & Recreation fees I~rescribed by this section, subject to the following regulations: (1) The applicant must be an institution~ either public or non-profit, with facilities located within the City. (2) The portion of the fees waived may not exceed the Ivalue of facilities Inade available by the institution to the City for public use (e.g.~ for meetings, elections, !emergency operations~ etc.). (3) The nlaximurTI OITIount of fees that may be waived is $500 per institution per year. '1(4) Passes and permits issued to an institution under this section Jnay be assigned or resold by the institution, but the retua) user must qualify for the type of pass or permit in question, and the City must be notified. I P"UBLIC RECORDS AND "DOCUMENTS Record or document charge ITree 0 rdi nance and criteria nlanua I charge !Zoning Ordi nancc charge IZoll ing map charge PLUMBING AND GAS Annual contractor registration fee Perm j t app lication fee Fixture or Oll tlet permit fee Gas test perm it fee I"Grease trap permit fee Irrigation SystClTI permit fee Service line pennit fee M"inimum permit fee Premature work charge (Starting before a penn it is is sued) Reinspection fee Permi t renewa ( fee l ! SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSIN ESSES AND ADULT ARCADES Sexually oriented business application fee (Original) Sexually oriented business application fee (Reo e\val) Isex ually ori entcd bus iness transfer fee Adu It arcade app 1 icati on fee $ 35.00 $ 45.00 $ 30.00 $ 40.00 $0.10 per page $ 3 .50 S 6.00 $ 2.50 $ 50.00 $ 10.00 $ 5.00 each $ ] 5.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 Applies to each fixture and ou tlct. 100% of the permit fee (additional) $ 50.00 50% of the origina I perm i t fee $ 350.00 $ J 00.00 $ 300.00 $ 75.00 Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 11 F.Ol? F.OlS F.Ol9 !Adu It arcade reinspcction fee idU1t arcade transfer or amendment fee 1SIGNS jrermit application fee lFestivaI Sign Permit Fee IS. . f I 19n permit. ee Minimunl pennit fee rpremature work cnarges (starting before a perm it is issued) Reinspection fee Pertnit renewal fee Sign operating permit fee (Payable per sign, per term of pertnit. Tenn is one year for temporary signs, 24 mon ths for all others.) MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC COSTS Mo nth ly dwelling uni t charge TREES Removal permi t fee Low impact evaluation fee Survey and d isposi ti on revi ew fee (M aj or co n s true ti 0 n) Survey and disposition review fee (M.i nor construction) $ 60.00 $ 15.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ .1.25 $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $10.00 plus $0.50 per sq. ft. of display area $ 2.85 Per square foot of sign face 100 % 0 f the permit fee (addi tio nal) iSO% of the original pennit fee ~'D isp I ay area~' and "sign n are defined in Chapter 1 3 r Exceptions: Fees do not apply to signs ,covered by affirmative defenses or signs for con form i ng uses allo\ved in res identia I districts. Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 12 $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ 200.00 $ 75.00 F.020 I I I I The total charge per rnonth for each customer is the sum of the applicable base monthly charges (for both water and Il sewer), for each meter, plus the charges for gallons (for both water and sewer) delivered through each meter, aU calculated separately for each meter according to the schedules set out below. Each of the indicated fees and charges takes effect for services provided on or after March 3 1 ~ 200 [) except that fees and charges based on period i c bi Iii ng . interval s take effect as to each custom er for each of tha t cu storner' s billing intervals schedu led to begi n on or a fier March 31,200 I- Notes: (1) "Residential-only premises" refers to premises tha t are used only for residential pu rposes& (2) "Water-only meters" refers to meters that serve only irrigation systems and other fixtures from which there is no return flow into the sanitary se\ver syste m; ~~reg ular nl eters" refers to all other meters. WATE"R AND SEWER SERVICE Ne\v service connect $ 25.00 Delinquent cutoff fee $ 30.00 After hours delinquent reconnect fee $60.00 "Reconnect service after 4 p.lli. or before 8 a.nl. Deposit $ 180.00 Maximum Return check (or ACH) charge (see "Administration") Each ti me servi ce is estab I ished Period;c Cluu.ges: Water Rates Ba se mOD thly cha rges: Meters serving residential-only preJnises: 5/8" or 3/4" meter: $ 6.27 4-:-3-t 111 meter $ ] 4.04 9:-6+ 1 - 1/2 It In eter $ 26.74 ZZ:-3+ Meters serving any other preulises: 5/8 or 3/4tl meter $ 18.40 +Z::-6-5- lit meter $ 25.93-+9:9-5 1 ~ 1/2 n meter $ 38.35 3-2-:-frfr 2 U meter $ 11 7.46 9-&:00 3 n Ineter $ 3 1 7 L 6 2 2-6-5-:-6it $ 6.J I vu l;:l~J\"< \o~t.Y liudt~ $ 13.80 oul~iJc \..ily l~ul~b $ 26.Z: u ul~~J\..> '-'; Ly ]; til' l~ $ 15. S I v u l;) ~ '-1.... .... ~ ly U td i b $ 22.14 u ul~iJl".. '-'; ly 1 ~~Jl~ b $ J 9.84 v uU;jd" ,,~tj 1 ~Hl~l~ $ 122.24 uuL.)~J,", \..~l)' I~Lll;L.:) $ JJ 0.54 vul;:l ~J.... '"'~ [) ] iltJ.~ l~ Gallonage charges (per 1,000 gallons): Regular nleters: First 3,000 gallons (0 to 3,000) $ 2.49 z-:-e.e. $ 2.)0 out~idc. (..;l)' l~lll~b Next 6~OOO gallons (3.00 I to 9.000) $3.03 Next 1 Z~O 00 ~allvu~ (J ,00 1 lv 6~OO 0 galla ns (9 ~O 0 1 to I 5,000) $ 3.58 z-:.t-& $ 2.5 I Uu l;)~J.... "'~ t] fiJ:u i l~ Each 1,000 gallons thereafter (over 15,000) $ 4.25 z-:-3-iL $ 7..7-1 oUl~idc viL)' l;l1l~lO) fVater~ol1ly meters: First 7,500 gallons $ 3.3 1 z-:.t-& $ 2.5 1 uu b~J.... ....; Ly l;u l ~ L~ Each 1 ~O 00 gall ons therea fief (over 7,500) $ 4.25 z-:-3-iL $ 2. '7.;;1. Od t.sidc (.i l)' I ~Hl; l~ Sewer Rates Base mOD thly cha rges: Meters serving residential-only premises $ :!..Jl z..:.z-4 Meters serving any other prclnises $ 16.33 &:-96 S 2. '79 OL, t.:);J~ '-'~ ly I ~JU ~ l;, $ 11.10 vub~J,,-, \..o;Ly ]~l~:db Gallon age ch arges (per 1,000 gallons) Res i dentia I-on Iy prem ises $ 2.24 +:-9-5- Any other preIni ses $ 2.42 Z:-t-3- $2.4 J Oll t~id\; \.-i ly liuJ i b $.2.66 vu l.,~dc (.ity nUi ~t~ Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 13 F.021 F.022 FONING & PLANNING COMMISSION ;. Plats and rep lats Category A. Full preparation Category B. Review only Rezoning requested by applicant for that pcrso n' s spec ial hen efit ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Th e fee is the City's actual cost of plat pre para tion and revision (i f required by the Z&PC), plus incidentals. Tbe preparation is done by a planner retained or employed by the City. Incidentals include legal notices, surveys, title and legal work, researc 11, signature requests, recording, copi~s, etc., as may be requi red and not provided by the app licant. DEPOSIT (non-refundable): A deposit alnount (due with the prel i minary appl ication) is estimated by the Ci ty sta n~ but the lninimunl deposit is a base fee of $400.00, plus $10.00 for each (ot and reserve shown on the plat or repla t, plus $] 00 for those requ j ri ng newspaper legal notice. (An preliminary costs must be paid in fuB before plat or replat can be subnlitted for final approval). FINAL DEPOSIT (nonMrefundable): A deposit amount is due upon submittal for final approval. The minimum deposit is a base fee of $150.00, plus $10.00 for each lot and reserve sho\vn on p Jat or replat, pi us $10 O. 00 for each sepa rate legal i nstrumellt need ed (easeJn eots, etc. ). ADD ITION AL DE pas IT. An additional deposit of $150.00 is due each time the initial request is significantly changed by the applicant or at the request 0 f the Z&PC. FULL P A YM ENT. The full actual cost for plat preparation nlust be paid be fore the pi at will be released for record ing. The fee is the City's actual cost of plat rev} ew, plus incidenta~s. The revie\v is done by a planner retained by the City or by City staff. Incidentals include legal notices, surveys, titl e and lega 1 work, research, signa tu re requ ests, reeo rding, copies, etc., a s may be rcqu ired a nd no t prov ided by the a pplicanL D EP OS IT. A deposit amount (due with the p re\iminary appl ication) is esti Inated by the Ci ty sta ff, but th e m in inlu m depos it is $200.00 base fcc, plus $ I 0.00 for each lot and reserve shown on the plat or replat, plus $100 for those requiring newspaper legal notice, plus $100.00 for eac h separate legal instnun ent nee ded (ease men ts, etc.) ADD ITION AL DE POS IT & An additiona\ deposit of $100.00 is due each ti nle the pl at is resubmitted for rechecking. FULL PAYMENT. The full actual cost Illust be paid before the repla tis rei eased for record ing. $500 plus outMo f-pocket costs for dra fti ng and revi ew by planner, engineer, attorney and other consultant. A deposit is estimated by the- building ofticial, and nlay be increased as the lnattcr proceeds. The depos i t Illust be increased to cover the csti ma ted fu II costs at these stages: (]) before the meeting of the Comnl ission to consider a preliminary report, (2) before any hearing notices are sent out and (3) before the [ueeting at which the Comtnission considers its final repo rt. Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 14 F.023 F.020 I !Appeal 0 f bu ild i ng 0 ffi c ial decisi on $250.00, refundable if the app licant prevails and the Z BA so orders. Exception: $500.00 plus out-of-pocket revie\v co sts for appea Is requ iring revie\v by p tanner, engineer, attorney or other consultant. A de pas it is estilnated by the b ui Iding 0 fficial. Th e fu II cost is payab (e before the hearing. $250.00 per exception pe r proposed building site affected. Exception: $500.00 plus out-oF-pocket review costs for exceptions requ iring review by p lanner ~ engineer,. attorney or other consu ltant. A deposit is estimated by the building official. The full cost is payable before the hearing. $250.00 per variance per proposed building site affected. Exception: $500.00 plus out-of-pocket revie\v costs for variances requiring review by pia nner, cngi neer, attorney or oth er co nsul tanto A dcposi t is estimated by the building official. The full cost is payable before the hearing. $250 per action item reg uestcd. I rPecial exception ~ariance j jlther application l PUBLIC SAFETY False alarm ype I Alarnl Permit ypc II Alarm Permit Annual pennit renewal fee ype n month \y renewal $ $ $ $ $ 50~OO 25.00 25.00 5.00 25.00 WATER AN.D SEWER SERVICE $ 25.00 $ 30.00 $ 60.00 $ 180.00 e Per occurrence Per month lEach t i lTIe servi ce is esta b 1 ished Reconnect scrv ice after 4 p .111. lor before 8 a.m. IMaxilllum 1(see "Adm i nistrati on") ~ Periodic Charges: ~he total charge per month for each customer is the sum of the applicable base monthly cbarges (for both water and ;sewer), for each nleter, plus the charges for gallons (for both wa ter and sewer) delivered through each meter, all ,calculated separately for each meter according to the schedules set out below. Each of the indicated fees and .charges takes effect for services provided on or after March 3 L 2001; except that fees and charges based on ~eriOdic billing interva Is take effect as to each customer for each of that customer's billing in tervals scheduled to beg in on or after March 3 I, 200 I. rl oles: (I) "R eside ntial-only p renlise s" refers to pre mises tha t are use d on ly for residcntia 1 pu rpo ses. (2) "Water-on Iy Ineters~' refers to meters tha t serve only i rri gation systelns and other fix tu res fronl wh i ch there is no return tlow into the sanitary sewer systenl; Hregular meters" refers to all other meters. Water Rates I Ba se mo n thly ch a rges: eters serving residen fiat-only preJ1l ises: 5/8" or 3/4H meter; I n 1l1eter $ 6.274-:3+ $ 14.04 9-:-6+ is G. J 1 v ubi ~ ~ ~ ~ l:- I ~ J : J ~ l~ j$ I J .80 0 ut~Ld(. v L l)' l nu.L~ Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 15 1I -1/2 u Ineter ~elers serving any other premises: 15/8 or 3/4 If Ineter IJ t1 Ineter 1-1/2u Ineter Q" meter r" meter I I IGallonage charges (pel~ 1,000 gallons): !Regular Ine!ers: !First 3,000 gallons (0 to 3,000) ~cxt 6~OOO go lion s (3 ~ 00 I to 9 ~OOO) ~ext 12,0 00 bdU011~ (J ,00 1 La 6~OOO gallons , 9 00 I to l5,000) Each 1,000 gallons thereafter (over 15,000) Water-only meters: ; i rst 7,500 gal Ions Each 1,000 gallons thereafter (over 7,500) ewer Rates IBa se mon thly cha rges: Eeters serving residential-only premises ceters serving any other premises jGallonage ch al~ges (pel. 1,000 gallons) il1ReSi dentin I-only premises rny other premises $ 26.74 zz-:.:rt $ 18.40 +Z:-6-5- $ 25. 93-+7-:-9-5- $ 38.35 :rr:oo $ J I 7.46 91t:6B $ 317.62 z.65-:1ffi $ 2.49 Z:-f}f} $3.03 $ 3.5 8 z..:..tft $ 4.25 2-:-3-T $ 3. 3] z..:..tft $ 4.25 2-:-3-T $ :Ul 2:-Z4 $ 16.33 ft:-9-e $ 2.24 +:-95 $ 2.42 Z:-H 126.12 0 tl t!';dc "it] 1,11I1 b j$ 15.8] v ul~~J\" '-'; ly Ii l'li b :$ 21. l.;i. v u l~; J,-, '-': l y Ii i u i b 1$ J9.84 vul~;J" "it)' \,,\,il, r 122.24 uu l:):J~ \.<~ ly [~he ~ l~ 1$ J J 0 . 5.:{. v ubi J...... '-' J t J ] Ii Jill:) r 2.3 e uu b:J" ,,:l] 1:111 :b 5; :z. 5 [ u u l~ J J\..O '-' 1 t Y III II ~ l~ j 1$ 2.74 Olll!'ide ",ll' I,",; b jS 2.51 uub~J,-, ,-,~ly ]~lJl;U:1 i 2. 74 Ou b; J" '" t] l; III ; t, ~z 9 '1' . . f . '7 uu li:>H. ..... '..oj ly I JIll a~ r 11.1 0 ollt~;dc "it] li...,b F:.4J vub~J~ \"~Ly l;aJ1~L~ 1$2.66 Oll l~; de "Il] "ul;b Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 16