HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1761 - building permit fees
Ordinance No~ 1761
Section 1. The Fees & Charges Schedule of the Code of Ordinances of the City
of West University Place, Texas is hereby amended to read in its entirety as set out in
Appendix A~ which is attached and made a part of this ordinance.
Section 2.. This Ordinance applies from and after the Effective Date~ New or
changed fees shall only apply to conduct occurring, services provided and applications
made, on or after the Effective Date. Exceptions: Fees and charges based on periodic
billing intervals take effect, as to each customer or user, for each billing interval
scheduled to begin on or after the Effective Date (Note: for water and sewer services)
billing intervals are defined by scheduled meter readjngs~). In all other circumstancesJ
the fees and charges in effect immediately before the Effective Date r~Prior Fees") shall
govern. The Prior Fees are continued in effect for this purpose.
Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance
are repealed to the extent of the conflict only.
Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other
part of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall
ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction,
neither the remainder of this Ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase~
clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance to any other
persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby~
Section 5.. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a
sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which
this Ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner
required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting
has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion,
consideration and action~ The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices
and the contents and posting thereof.
Section 6. The public importance of this measure and the requirements of the
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 1
law create an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring that this Ordinance
be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and a state of emergency is
hereby decfared~ This Ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency measure and
shall take effect on February 1, 2004 ("Effective Date").
Councllmembers Votmg Aye: /J
Councilmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent:
ty Secretary ~ eal)
Recommended: '1Yl~ err!
City Ma ager
Forms\ORD~505 Fee schedule amdnemenl-EM ERG ENCY CLAUS E
Fees & Charges OrdinanceJ Page 2
.F .001
F ~002
F ~003
F .005
F .006
F .007
.F ~009
F.Ol "]
Appendix A
Fees & Charges Schedule
Ambulance Service
B uildi ng
Building and Standards Commission
Electrical Work
Garbage Service
Hca Ith
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Liquor Lice nses and Permits
M u n icipa I Court
Pa ra bolie Dish Antenna
F .020
F ~022
F ~023
Pa rks and Recreation
Public Records and Documents
PI urn bing and Gas
Sexually Oriented Businesses a nd Ad u It Arcades
Aft! nidpal Eke. trie. C63t3
Water a nd Sewer Service
Zoning and Planning Commission
Zoning .Board of Adjustment
Pu bJic Safety
Motor vehicle decal charges $ 1.00
Commercial impact zone permit fee $ :1 O. 00 For first motor vellicle and $5.
,per motor vehicle thereafter
~eturned check (or ACH payment) fee $ 35.00 ~lso applies to paYJnents returned by autotnated
z.&:tH7 fr electronic paym ent systelns (ACH). Applies to
payrnen ts 0 f all kind. e. g.~ taxes. oerm i t5. fees.
! b h arges utility ra.tes and all other..p'..~.~Po ses.
tLi en release fee $ ,~ 25.00
/::cquiescence to encroachment fee $ 100.00 1-
:s pecia I events fee y !Actual cost
tv se 0 f City-o\vned p hotocopi er I $ 0.1 0 Per copy
I 1
!rhe total amount payable for each call or incident is the sum of the unit charges for the services provided and the
items used, as shown be IOVl:
ROll tine disposab Ie supp Ii e~ $ 45.00
. ALS spe~ialized sup.plie~ 45 . DOl
...~.. BLS disposable supplie~ 3 5 ~ 0 0,
IV supp lies 45.001
--.---t .-
Oxygen; 85 · 0 ~i ~
BLS transport 425.00.
BLS emergency transport, 510.00
ALS-I non emergency transport 525.0
ALS-l emergency tran~ .~
ALS-2 emergency tran~ 61 O. oq ....-.-
ALS or B LS mi~eag~ 10.00: ..................... ...........-
G lucolnete 39.6d
Pro methazin e 25 mg ......ON...~_~ ......
~..."''''.~...Y-''. ....r..................-.~.. .-.................... . ..... . ....--'---""""---
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 3
[===j:=:::::::==::-:_:::_:=~:~~~~:ma:r~~~~~~=-:- _~ 2;:: ~~:___
I Cardiac monitorin~__ 175.00t--
~..M~-l. r Ex te rn.a I pac in.QJ ~ 20. 0 a~_ __._
! InfusIOn pump mall1tenanc~ 55.00,
~_I______ Intubation supplies. I84.2~ I
IV therapy (~~min1 90.751 I
. Oxygen therapy (includes ~____ 105.00:_._.0..... ...
02 nasal canula! 22.50......._. __
Imlllobi 1 ization / splinting 75.0
-A-spirin 81 ~g 1.0Q
Endotracheal tub 4 ~~~~
Bandage supplie& 20.00
Burn shee 27.5
OB kit 44.00
Disposable blanket 27.5 t~
Phenegran 1M / I~ 5.7
Isolatio.n ki. 49.sd
Gloves - In fcction contro 5~50
Disposable colla. 51. 7
Disposable head block 21.00
EKG electrodes (set 33.0
Acti vated charcoa 23.7
Adenocard / Adenosine 6 mg 123.0
A Ibutero 1 / Proven tit 0.83 % 6. 1
Atropine 1 M 16.65-
Benedryl 50 M 5.7
Dextrose 25 % 25 MG 75.13
Dextrose 50% 25 M 75.1 ~
Bretylium 500 Md 120.1 .1
Dopamine 400 Md 30.0-.-
Epinephrine 1 : 1000 1 M G 3.2
Epinephrine 1 : I O~OOO I MO- 57.7
Furosemide 40 M 5.0
Insta - G lucosd 1 5.2
Ipecac 3.1 .
Lidocaine 100 Mq 21.1 ~
~.~___~.!:idocaine 2/5 dr!il 34:2Q_
Magnesium Sulfate 5 Md 6.2
Romazicon 1 Md 79.0
~ TerbutaliEe 1 m~ 6.8 ~~._.~-
Nitriglycerinc spra 6.5 ,
Nitroglycerine ta 2.00
Procainam ide I M 8.0
Procardja 2.0
Sodium B icartl 4.8
Thiamine tOO Md 9.5Q-~
Valium 10M 8.62
~ .
----Norm;i-saij~~lt~~oi~ ~-~l 4 ~:~~I_
Norma 1 Sal ine 250 cc I\{ 18.6
. ..... ...Y. ..l~._..~ -
__~.~..~,..,...._. .......~.~.~!.~~.~.~...~~:l~.~~~l 000 cq 51:2~
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 4
f----1--~~~u- .........-------D5W-5-oo-~r
Mannitol 1 00 m~ /500 m~
NaloxonelNarcan 2 lng!
i==== ' Anectin~
F~~~~_u~u_----- SOI~:~:;;r~~ 7J
[--- i Cardizem 25 mg I 5 ml IV~
,_. Succynelcholine 200 mg
""~~;-~pam 10 mg
. Co rdaro n d
Response fee (res),
Vehicle / unit decontaminatioJ
!~:QQj I
~ ~:~~r--I
1 2. 8 31
28.1 ~
109.8 ~
Exceptions: (I) Amounts bi lied to other governmental units are determined by the applicable contracts or
arrangements with those units. (2) The City may accep t assignment of Medicare and Medicaid claims or payments,
in which case, the amount payable is detennined by the appropriate regulations. Such amount shall control over the
;charges set out above, in case 0 f any di fference.
I(Fee is in addition to the above registration fees)
1$ J 00 if an i mal is: (i) not registered or (i i) a
~an~erous dog
~ 150 if ani m al is: (i) not registered or (i i) a
ktan lIerous dOl!
Tbi rd and all successi ve via lations and $ 1 00.00 $200 if anitnal is: (i) not registered or (in a
impoundment fees ~~l~dangerous dog
JDaily kennel fees $ 15.00~
r'o~e: All orig~nal regis~ation fees shown, with the exception of the dangerolls dog fee, are one-time fees that
~reglster the an lm al for h fe..
~~r' -
F.004 tsUTLDING ~ , ~-~-~~--
F .003
....... .. . '
..... ...... u. I U U.' V 1- r . C' u
i U t1~'-'J I-' ~11ua IJ.\.<ut ~J (..uli fi\,o'al~ U 11 (fvll~l"
P ~igi nal ~eg.istration of do gs and cats <TITd
~Jll\';l U T;r _= U U Ulvl (-
I. I ' ro'
l ~~a)' vu UUHIHlaT~7
1.e .. I ' ."" . J' I d .
! Hl:5,~ U(L ~ l,;o~l.:)ll (.1.l1U II, a.u 111JaJ ,~ U H...U Y Iii lLd V
l \.oll~l-'tJ~J v l p....UJHUJ.....J1lly ~J....LJl~ c.......J (fLot [;1....
~ a~u U l':) J
te, .. i . . . 1. ! d .
Ii Ig,i uti 1 ("~!61l (~liuu, alHUh~ l 1,:) 'H 1....<.1 Y III ~t.,.1 U
,-,11~ fJ }.l\.oJ VI p~l uHuieully ~ J~uli GvJ {~pay \JJ
vr u\.,.ulen...d aTi~luatSJ
h.. .... 'T .. . ,T
lVJ. l\.flU ... ..... UU1U1Ul,;) UU1't;<J. Ulc.1U
I va.b ClUJ Ju b~ (pet~ ~u(.ll (~o:) HJ.L L~ to:), f \.<u vb,
IA n n u a I d a n g era u s d 0 g~g is tra t io n
First violation and impoundment fee
!Second violation and impoundment fee
1 ~^ ^^
-u ~ U \IV U vJ ;:,I.
~xcePtiOIl: $15 for owners 0 ver 65 years of age.
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 5
$ 20.00
tho .....^ ^^
.......... .........
^ ^...
~!Annu al con tractor regi stratigT.1.~f~~_ ~.~..__u.._._._...
r.-~~, ermit application fee
~---_._------ ._--~-~-------
i Ian checking fee (a pp 1 ies to all plan
subm i ssions, un less othe rwise sp ecifically
[indicated; payab Ie in addition to perm it fee).
--lNC\V construction permit fee (Single family
residentia l)
I ew construction permit fee (Other)
$ 5o.Dol ~ ~
$ I 5.00 +e-:-6& ~ n ad clition to app licable plan check ing or permit
'-50% of the; --l'Pi~checki~g fee must be paid each tjm;pia~s
correspond ingl hre sub m i tted or re-su blnitted. Exception: The
pennit feel hi:, llildi~g officia.] may reduce the re-subm.iss!on fee!
! jI f the tl me requIred to check the re-sub ml ss Ion is
I rateriallY lower than original submission.
,:e~'::lI~;~~oot _~__""~ ...... I
is 0.38 6:'3':3' I
e~uare foot !
Remade ling and repair perm it fee (Single
family resid en tial)
~ 20.00 for $ I ;000 or less in constnlction value
plus $3.00 per $ COO 0 in co.nstruction value
--it here aft e r
E 60.00 for $1,000 or less in construction value
flus $3.00 per $1,000 in construction value
_ ~__fhereafter
,l$ 0.75 f:T:-5-fr er Ii near foot; $25.00 min.
~80~99 6-6-:-fr& I ~ncl-lldes entrance rarnp permit fee.
remodeling and repair permit fee (Other)
ence or wall ermil fee
I ri vewa:t..permi t fee
ire systems
Plan checking fee; $100 per set for original submission, $50 for re-submission (not credited to permit
fees). Permit fees are $50 for each autoJuatic fire extinguishing system and each alarm and detection
system. For sprinkler systems, the fee is increased by either $25 (residential) or $50 plus $1.75 per head
(non-residential). Fire system fees are payable in add ition to all other fees.
ls i de\va lk permit fee
raAO fJ'" I;""". fuul, $26.38 H';".
linear faD
25.00 ---r or regu lated facil ities under Chapter 19 ~ add
. IS 0 for lan-checking plus aJ~p lication fees.
Exception: The permit fee for work affecting new roadways under Chapter 19 is $1 OO~ plus the estiInated
out-of-pocket expenses that may be incurred by the City in connection with the work, including
engineering review, extra inspections or testing, supplemental traffic control, etc. The bui lding official
shall estimate such expenses at the time of app lication and shall co llect at least 110 % 0 f the estimate as a
deposit. The bu ilding 0 fficial may require a permittee to supp lelnent the depos it as the work proceeds.
When the work is finished, the building official shall refund any part of the deposit that exceeds the actual
ermit fees due in connection with the work.
rw SF (low-impact) permit, for equiplnent $100.00 pelon-low-impact PWSF pernlits require a special
'attached to existing structures with no new sit~ exception; see F.022, below.
'electrical, alteration or construction. .l 1--
II other PWSF (low-impact) permits $500.00 pe~ ron-lOW-Impact PWSF penmts require a special
si t ,exception; see F .022, bel O\v. .
IS treet or curb permit fee
~_~_.. ~~_~_~_~.~!..~~.i.?J.1....f~~...~.?.1l.~~_.~o~ers fee ~~_..._.. ...~.."'. $
Renewa I fee $
/Moving permit fee $
I'occupancy insp eclion Fee (Single Fam ily $
. residential)
.Occupancy inspection fee (Other)
ater connection perm it and meter (3/4U)
in st a 11 a ti 0 n
J-$ 100.00 ~~
._~-- --
I $ 225.00 If connection is to be made to a notMyet-
Icon structed Ci ty line, tl1 ere is a deposi l 0 f $250
{not re funda bIe un less, after ne \v line is
f~onstructed, a new permit is applied for, with
pro per 11 0 ti ee, i n s2~.~..t.~~.I~l!.- etc.)
Fees & Charges OrdinanceJ Page 6
i - -. 1 I~-.---- -
!\v a ter connectio n permit and meter ( In) I $
275.00 f connection is to be Inade to a no t-yet-
j nstall ati on ,constru cted City Ii ne, there is a deposi t 0 f $250
Knot re funda b Ie un less~ after new I ine is
I I~onstructed, a new permit is applied for, with
proper notice, inspection~ etc~)
'iV'/ater connection permit and meter (Over I U) I~-'- Actual Cost plus $175.00. I f co nnectio n is to be
i nsta lla tion .made to a not-yet~constructed City 1 ine, lhere is a
teposit of$250 (not refimdable unless, after new
line is cons tfucted, a new perm it is appli ed for,
~ j th pro per notice, inspecti on, etc.) ~..
Sanitary se\ver connection permit $ 125.00 ~f connection is to be made to a not-yet-
1 fonstructed City Ji ne, tl1 ere is a deposi t of $250
Knot refundable unless, after nc\v line is
tonstructed, a new permit is ap plied for, with
: co per notice~ ins pee tion, etc.)
Demolition permit fee $ 25 O. 00
I~{'imming pool pennit fee r $ 150.00
uplicate permit charge $ 25.00
Dup I icate permi t card fee $ 50.00 I
Prelnature work charge (Starting before 100 % 0 f the permit fee (additional)
!Dermit is issued)
Rein spection fee (fo II owi ng routine $ 50~OO Must be paid \vithin 30 days of reinspection~ and
i nspecti on) in any event before any certiJicate of occupancy or
similar approval is issued~ Fees may be appealed
to B SC, and may be p aid without prejud ice to
I jsuch an appeal.
Reinspection fee (mandatory reinspectiol1 I rust be paid \vithin 30 days of nOlice, and in any
! follo\ving notice of violation of building or $ 75.00 levent before any certiJicate of occupancy or
zonin g ord inances or 0 ther ap pI icab le ~ for the ~imilar approval is issued. Fees may be appealed
regu lations) first vi 0 lation loB SC, and Inay be p aid with out prejud ice to
litem plus $ such an appeal. BSC may reduce or abate this fee
15.00 +e-:-oo for '(and any appeal fees), if no violation occun"ed, or
each add i ti onal for other good ea use shown.
IPermit renewal fee 500/0 of the original permit fee
I -
AJ~J?! ica ti on fee $ I OO~OO
...-.-.-.-Nl....~.~.r . ..............~. . . . . .". ... I. -"I.........
~pp Ii cati on fee (m aster el ectrici an license) $ 20.00
Annual license fee (master electrician) ~ ..~
$ 50~OO
Appl ication fee (Journeyman e 1 ectri cian $ 10.00
license) ---
! L.ticense fee .(J.<?~~neyman el ectri ci an) $ 10.00
..., .~.. .. - ' .
~pplication fee (Apprentice electrician) $ 10.00
..... .... ---.~ ~~ .....~~-
License fee (Apprentice electrician) $ 5.00
... .... . .. . .. ~ ................... ~,. ..............~
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 7
- I ~r~-~ ~ ... . . . . . . .. ~. . -~l
~PPliCation fee (Maintenance electrician $ 10.00
icense fee (M aintenallce elec trician license ......~."^..~ ~
$ 10.00
EiPeTmit application fee $ 10.00
- -- .-
~OTarY service permit fee $ 20~OO
1 -
I eter loop and service permit fee ! $ 20.00
tOutle! or light fixture perrni~ Lee $ 0.50
. ....................................
!Appliance permit fee $ 2.00
Motor permit fee .-........~..~
$ 3.00
Iservice reconnection permit fee . ~. .......-..
$ 10.00
$ 10.00
Electrical sig_n permit fee 25. O(t~.~l .................
Minimum permit fee $
Prema ture work charge (S tarting be fore a 100 % 0 f the permit fee (additional)
pernl it is iss ued)
lR-einspection fee $ 50.00
Ipermit renewal fee 50% of the original permit fee
~'BUILDIN G, Fire systelTIS"
Monthly dwelling unit charge $ 15.75 Basic fee, for basic service only.
Monthly dwelling unit charge (Adult 65 or $ 8.00 Basic fee, for basic service only.
Special pick-up of items at curbside; not on a $15.00 plusj Special serv ice fee; in addition to basic fee.
regu tar co llection day for those items at that $1.00
loea tion. per bag or
equ i valent.
Special "ban dling 0 f items no t bagged, $15.00 plus Spec iaJ service fee, in addi tion to basi c fee and
prepared or placed as required for basic $1. 00. any other applicable special service fee
service. Exa nip Ie: Leaves and grass per bag or I
clippin gs in non-approved bags~ _.- equ ivalen 1.
Regular route pick-up of ordinary garbage a1 $4.00 per
construction sites, \vilh special bag s ti eke l ol1e-ba~
(40-pound limit per bag). sticker
~ermit application fee $ 5.00
An n ua I food esta b 1 ishmen t penn it fee $ 120.00
Telnporary food establishnlent perInit fee $ 8.00 ...~
(Sp~.~.~!..c:v~~tl~~~ .. .......~.~...........-~.~.~.... "No..
Annual contractor registration fee $ 50.00
H eating and air conditioning permit fee $ 15.00 Per unit
(Resid ential) !
H.eating and air conditioning permit fee I $ 30.00 For first 140,000 btll'S and $5 per 100,000 b~
(Commercial) - I ,thereafter ....... ... .....
Fees & Charges Ordinance1 Page 8
_~~r~ _~Q~5iitioning_ and refrigerati().!?..p~.!..mit fee $ 5 .00 I T--~--~~~.. - .. ...-
:= ....~=_~_1~~~i~~I~~:;;~1~tfi~===~~~~~=-=--==--t__~_~_:~~..I_i -~...
1p;:~~~~~: ~so::d~harge (Starting before a I 11100% 0 f the permit fee (additional)
Reinspection fee--~- . r.--$50JJO!-~'~.
PerInit renewal fee I 50% of_!he original fee
I l
F.O 1 0
'M ixcd Beverage license fee (0 riginal)
Mixed Beverage license fee (F irst renewal)
Mixed Beverage licen se fee (Second renewal)
Mixed 8 evcrage license fee (Subsequent
Wine only-package store license fee
Retai I dealer offHpremise license fee
Wine or beer retailer off-premise license fee
Win~ry J.icense fee I
Mixed beverage] ate hours Ii cense fee
Win e or beer reta il er perm it fee
Retail dealer on~premise license fee
Retail dealer on-premise license fee
Cat erer p enni t fee
Package store permi t fee
Daily pennit fee
-F ~ 0 I I
jCOlnp laint and judglnent copy charge
$ 1 ,500.00
$} l 125.00
$ 750.00
$ 375.00 I
$ 37.50
$ 30.00
$ 30.00
$ 37.50
$ 75.00
$ 87.50
$ 75.00
$ 125.00
$ 250.00
$ 150.00
$ 25.00
Court costs
All state-prescribed court costs apply, with no local court cost added (i.e., no Hfive-dollar" court cost added).
'For services of peace officers under art. 1 02.011, Code of Criminal Procedure (C CP):
Arrest fee
Warrant fee
SUffilTIOning a witness
Sumlnoning a jury
! Other costs (e.g. ; testifying)
Time payment fee
Municipal Co urt B ui lding Security
Municipal Court Technology Fund
Traffic Law Failure to Appear
Spec i al Expense (c&g.,. serving warrants)
~~--~~jury Fee
Case dismissal fees C'T en Dollar F ees ~')
Expi red D L or regi strati on
[App 1 ied on ly when driving safety course gran ted.
IF cony icted. See S51.92"] , Government Code.
Per conY iction. A ppli e s until exp iration.
See art. 102.0712, CCP.
~T See g s52 "1.026, 502.407, 548.605, Transportation .Code
I $1 a.ocr jlf relnedied within .~.~...~~~!k days; proof required. J
Fees & Charges OrdinanceJ Page 9
r=-~=I__- ~~:~;~i~::s~rtificate expired (less
_________[~ministTative fees
____~____. Driving safety course granted
Teen court granted
r-~~-:=~e;-~i(-~p-p"ii~a ti~~'i~;....._-
1 Install ation permit fee
r ,,_. ~,~
Daily s\virnming fee (Resident adu it)
Da i I y swi mmi ng fee (Residell t ch ild under
!Daily s\vimming fee (Resident child under 5)
Da ily swilnm ing fee (N on-residen t adult)
Daily swimmin~ fee (N on...residen t guest)
Da i ly swj mm ing fee (N on~resi den t chi Id
un der 1 6)
IDa ily weight TO om fee (Re siden t)
Daily weight rOOlTI fee (Non-resident)
Hourly racquetball fee
Yea rly Pass (Residen t)
Yearly Pass (Non-resident)
-Tennis court reservation fee
Fu 11 recreation cell ter members hip fee
(Resid ent ad ult)
Full recreation center lnelnbership fee
(Senior Resident adu It)
Season S\Vilnming pass fee (Resident)
Season swimming pass fee (N on~resident)
20-Swim punch pass fee (Resident)
20-8 wi III punch pass fee (Non-resident)
Season weight ro om p ass fee (R esident)
Season weight room pass fee (N on-resident)
.t~Cear}y weight room pass fee (Residen.!)
Yearly \veight room pass fee (N on-residen t)
Ho urly Acti vity RaoIn reservation and use
charg c (Re s i d:,~ t)
Hourly Activity Room reservation and use
charge (N on-resident)
Hourly Aud i tori urn re servation and use
charge (Resident)
'Hourly Auditorium reservation and use
charge (N on-resident)
...._..~(~;~~~~;~hen reserv~ti::and use _c_:a~g~_l
'-.$1 O.OObFedied within] 0 work day~;.proOf~~qUired.
~-- $lO.OOj See art. 45~051 !Jf), CCP. ~
N/A ~I
No charge
'For first 3 persons and $50
per person thereafter
No charge
IF or -Ii rst 3 person 5' and $25
per person thereafter
Per person
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 10
I 50.00
t 50.00
] O'OOf -I
I -- -~-~.2.ojj"()T j ... I
aourly Ki tchen reservation and use charge
(N 0 n-resid ent) 15.00 I 1--- ---- ~~.
tHo urly Mee ting Room reservation and use $
1= charge (Resident) 1
~Ho urly Meeting Room reservation and use I -----.-.-.-...-....
$ 25.00
fCharge (N on-residen t)
Durly Scout House reservation and use $ 35.00 j
charge (Re siden t) ~.~~......
[Hourly Scout .H ouse reservation and use $ 45.00
. N...chaq~;~.{N on-residen t) .....-
!Hourly Senior Wing reservation and use $ 30.00 ---I
charge (Resident)
Hourly Senior Wing reservation and use $ 40.00
charge (N on-residen 1) !
,Colonial Park S\vimming Pool reservation [$30 per hour plus $1 per persall
!and use charge
if nstitutional Excha nges. The Parks & Recrea lion Director may wai ve all or part 0 f the Parks & Recreati on fees
~rescribed by this section, subject to the Following regulations: (I) The applicant must be an institution, either
; ublic or non~profit, with facilities located within the City. (2) The portion of the fees waived may not exceed the
al ue 0 f faci Ii ties made ava i lab Ie by the insti tution to the Ci ty for public use (e~g., for meetings, el ections,
emergency operations, etc.). (3) The maximum amount of fees that Inay be wa ived is $500 per institution per year.
Ie 4) Passes and permits issued to an institution un der th is section may be assigned or resold by the institution, but the
actual user must qualify for the type of pass or permit in question, and the City must be l1otified~
. r
Record or docunlent charge $0. 10 per page
jTree 0 rdinance and cri teri a manual cnarge $ 3.50
Zon ing Ordi nance charge $ 6~OO
Zoni ng map charge $ 2.50
............. .......~
~~ .-~ .~
Annual contractor registration fee $ 50.00
Permit application fee I $ 10.00
Fix ture or ou tlet permit fee $ 7.00 5-:-00 Appl ies to each fixture an d ou tIet.
pas test permit fee $ 25.00 i-5-:i:lit
:0 re as e t ra~~p'~rm it fee $ 50.00
rrigation system permit fee $ 25.00
:s ervice 1 ine perroi t fee $ 1 O~OO
- I
Mini mum permit fee $ 25~OO
Premature work charge (S tarting before a tOO % of the permit fee (additional) 1
perm it is issued) .~
Reinspection fee $ 50.00
Permit renewal fee ~O% of the original permit fee
-.-.r-. .-,. ...'... ~ND ADULT ARCADES I . .......... .. ... ~ . ..........-
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 11
Sexually oriented business application fee $ 350.00
Sexually oriented business application fee $ 100.00
I (Renewal)
~~.. .~ !
Sexually oriented business transfer fee $ 300.00
Adult arcade application fee $ t
Adult arcade reinspection fee $ r 0"1......---............"""""--- I
60.00 !
Adult arcade transfer or amendlnent fee $ 15.00
~-q .... ......
I ---~. . .... .-. ~ ... ......... .
.."-"-Y-"...... I
F.017 fSiGNS j
?ermit application fee $ 5.00
Westival Sign Permit Fee $ 5.00
rSi~n pennit fee I $ 1.25 ~er square foot of sign face
Minimum permit fee $ 20.00
P relna tu re \vork charges (starting before a 1000/0 of the permit fee (additional)
penn it is issued)
Reinspection fee $ 50.00
rPermit renewal fee 50% of the original permit fee
Sign operating permit fee (Payable per sign~ $10.00 plus I"DiSPlay area" and "sign" are defined in Chapler
~per term of permit. Term is one year for $0.50 per sq. ft. 3. Exceptions: Fees do not apply to signs
temporary signs, 24 mon ths for all others.) of display area covered by affirmative defenses or signs for
leon forming uses allowed in residential districts.
F.OIS A. T T'" T T'" r'I 'T" n T r"I r'1 r'o. C'1 ~ '"'
11.'1.. V " ...........1. -,......... ___ _ _ ~.__ ............. o.J..L. o.J
,E" .1 , "'" ... .....-
I,"'" V 11...1. U ".dIUI t;v .p .0::..0 .)
IF.019 TREES ..~
-...-... ~~~ ._._~
I ,~
IRemoval permi t fee $ 25.00
Low impact evaluation fee $ 25.00
Jsurvey and di~positiQn review fee (Major $ 200.00
co n s tru c t io n)
ISurvey and disposition revie\v fee (Mi nor $ 75.00
con s tru c t i~_Tl1
[F.020 rvv A T .E RAN D._~~W.!? 8:~~.I.?..gv ICE
....- .~. -_.
New service connect .ooV'.-......-.. -
$ 25.00 Each time service is established
Delinquent cutoff fee .~_ $ 30.00
. ^
After hours de li nq uen t recon nect fee $ 60.00 Reconnect service after 4 p.m~
for before 8 a.m.
Deposit $ 180.00 Maximum
Return check (or ACH) charge ICsee "Adm i n istration") --
..........-... ,.........
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 12
r---~~-.~- -. - ~ ~........ d.............. ..................
~eriOtliC Charges'
he total charge per month for each custoluer is the SUlll of the applicable base JTIonthly charges (for both \vater and
sewcr)~ for each meter, p~us the charges for gallons (for both water and sewer) delivered through each meter, all
ralculated separately for ea~h meter ~ccording to the schedules set out below. Each ofthe indicated fees and
fharges ta kes effect for serVl ces pro vlded on or after March 31, 200.1 , except tha t fees and ch arges based on
perio d j c billing interva Is take effec t as to each ellS tome r for each of tha t custom er' s bill ing in terval s sc hed u led to
hegin on or after March 31, 2001.
iOles: (l) :'Residential-only pr~mises" refers to pre mises tha t a~e ~se~ only for resid ential purposes. .
(2) ~Water-on[y meters' refers to meters that serve only IrrIgation systems and other fixtures froIn wb feh
there is no return flow into the sanitary sew.~!.. system; "regular meters" refers to all other..1?eters.
I ........
Water Rates
-.-..-. ~.NI....~. -~^ _..~
IBa se mon th Iy cha rgcs: .....~.......
Meters serving residen fiat-only preJIl ises:
5/8 n or 3/4 tt meter: $ 6.27"
I U meter $ 14.04
1-1/2" meter $ 26.74
Meters serving any other prenlises:
5/8 or 3/4 H llleter $ 18.40
~, $ 25.93
I H meter
1-1/2u meter $ 38.3S
2 H meter $ 117.46
3 U meter $317.62
Gallonage charges (per 1,000 gallons):
Regular meters:
Fi rst 3,000 gall 0 ns (0 to 3,000) $ 2 .4~
,Next 6,000 gallons (3,001 to 9,000) $ 3 . 0 3]
~Next 6,000 gallons (9,001 to 15,000) $ 3.58'
Each 1 ,000 ga lions thereafter (over 15,000) $ 4.25
~~.._..~.. '1: ater~o nly nle lets:
First 7,500 gallons $ 3.3 I
Each 1 ,000 gallo~~.~~.]~E~~fter_(~~\f.~~7 ,500) $ 4.25 . .-~.... ..~ ..........~-----.-.-..-...
Sewer Rates
IBase monthly cha rges: -- I
~-----~- . Meters serving residential-on ly premises I $ 4.11
Meters serving any oth~_premises $ 16.3 .
~__._~9allonage charges (per 1,000 gallons)
Res i d en ti a 1-_~12.2'. J'..r~m.i scs ..._.~_. $ 2 .2~
Any other prem ises $ 2.4i
~'~. -
Plats and replats
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 13
he fee is the Ci ty' s actual cost of p J at rev j ew, p I us inci dentals. The
, eview is don e by a planner retained by the Ci ty or by Ci ty staff.
.ncidentals include legal notices, su rveys, title and lega I work,
[esearch, signature requests, recording, copies; etc., as may be
requ ired and no t prov ided by the a ppl ic allL
fEPOSIT. A deposit amount (due with the preliminary application)
is e~timated by the City staff, but the minimum deposit is $500 base
fee or $200.00 base fee for amend iug plats onlv)~ plus $10.00 for
jeach lot and reserve shown on the plat or replat, plus $.l 00 for those
requ iring newspaper legal notice, plus $ 100.00 for each separate
~gal instrument needed (easements, etc.) I
DDITION AL DEPOSIT. An additional deposit of $100.00 ($5o.od
or amend ing olats) is due each time the plat is resubmitted for
~echecki ng.
LULL P A YM E NT. The full actual cost must be paid before the
rePlat is released for recording.
~5 00 plus out-o f-pockel costs for drafting and revie\v by planner;
fn~in~er, atto~ney. and other consultant. ^. deposit is estimated by the
IDuddiHg ofGG1,,1 Cl tv planner~ and may be Increased as the matter
proceed s. Th e dep os it mu st be inc rcased to c over the estim ated fu 11
~osts at these stag es: (1) before the meeting 0 f the Co mln issi on to
iconsider a pre I i m j nary report, (2) be fore any hearing notices are sen t
~.out an d (3) befo re the meeting a t which tbe Co mm ission co nsiders its
fi nal rep art.
..-..-...............~...............vr.-......"^".......~ ---
... ........ .~...... ~....Y ........~ _~J
C(ltl.;j~v. y A. r llll pI ~ }J'11 ~ l ~vu
Cal.....o.u*)' D. Rl;,:;Y ~.....w UU 1y
Rezoning requested by applicant for that
perso n's special benefit
trll\.' f'o;\; ~~ Un; C~ly~;) a'-'l'.~.~(:~.~l vf I-'Iut lJI""Pl1J al~uu 11llJ I'-'V ~~.~:.I {if
r \""-( U~l ,-,J L J Lln;; Z&r C) ~ p lu;) ~U,",,~J\..'H td I~. Tin.. p a..... po. l cll~oll ~;) ,-IUHv L Y
~t1 t-J] aU U"'d 1 \..'lu~u~J Vi \.:JHj-JIv J.....J L y lll~ C~ ty. IIll,. ~ ll\..J1 ((l-l ~ ~jJ v I uJ"" kbdl
~.ul~vvi:), ;:"UI V C Y i:), l~ II '-' a.uJ 1....~C!1 "' Ul h., J ...."'~al .....It, .,.;,bUil.llU...... I \.,;.~t lH:,.6 ti:)~
~""''''''V1J~HO~ \"ovpie,s, vlG., a~ UHI}' L~ 1l,,:;t.{U;lvd uuJ llvll.HUV~dGJ L,y llu;,
~I-'P 1 ~""'U1J L
pEr OSIT ('io.i-"..:fu:d"bJ...). A d"po!.; l "lI1uUIll(d~" w il:l. lI,,,,
rH .....l~tH~u(uJ Clppl;valiuu) ~i:) .....i)l~IJHll'"'J Ly tllv Ci ly i:>l<<IT, Lul fin:;.
[;~,jI~U:;' ~"'~:~~ ;~ ;, ~~;"'p;:~ :f ::~~.O;' ~I~~ $1 ~.~~ ~:~ ""~~I ~~;
. 1 1;:) V ~ 1 \0 Jl 0 t (t, 1 u 00 v I (.. 1 U l ~ ~
L~ w,:)11 ClIJl"..1 1\.05'-11 UU l~,""",. {All 111 vliluiuu 1 y .....V;)L:" Lll Ui:)( L\.o fJ ,~~J iu f uli
~I"l VI ""'~~~~'" OUDl1.;u",d fVI fihb.1 "pp.vv"I~. _
I fN'AL Dr:::rOSIT (IIv'i-.",ful1d"bk). A J"pvo;t "'''v,wt :: J"" o:IPO'J
6 u 1.111 ~Uu.1 fv ~ ~ But (~p pi 0 V al. Tit..... JU; H~Ul u ui JvtJUi:) ~l ~~ u Lu~\; ['-J"" uf
~ 15 O. 00, }Jll~.s $ 10.80 f VI '-'a.....L ] v l CUl~ 1 (. .,"'1 \' l".. .,.11 V W U VB fJ lut VI l ~ plal~
V IUi:) $10 0.00 r VI ....u""lt ~vJ.1d. tlL.... h....e,ul Lu~lt luu'Vul IH;~d....J (L'(~~l,;J11""'Hl,:),
~ ITION AL Dr:::POS fT. A 11 "dd:tiOii<l1 J"'pv~;l vf $150.00 ;~ due
It.(l vII t ~ all.... lll..... ~ U ~ l; a.l n-y u v~ 1 i ~ >) i!:) 11 ~ C ,,-,uu II y '-'llClllb.....J I., y tI. ""' (~J-1 IJ I ~.....a1J l
Fees & Charges OrdinanceJ Page 14
!A.ppeaI of building official decision
fPccOial exception
1v ari ance
pthe-r appl ication
~Cost of notices
Fnts-e- Non-valid alarm
ype I Alarm Permit
e II Alarm Permit
_~~,.__~ .~~l~~~'a I permit rene\val fee
ype 1.1 roo n thly renewal
!Copies of accident reports or accident
~ n forma ti 0 n
lCertification that no such re ort or
i nfonn ation is 011 file
~25 0.00. , ~ 'VfUUJd L Iv ~f tIt\; a~}-JliL.uu L l-.H ~ v (~~l,:) ClUJ lll.... ZDA ~u
~ Exception: $500.00 plus out-of-pocket review costs for
'appeals requiring revie\v by planner, engineer, attorney or other
jbonsultant. A deposit is estimated by the Lu;IJjl1!; vff.,,;..l illY
, lanner and must be aid \vith the a lication. The full cost is
" ayable before the hearing. In addition to all other fee items~ the
[apolicant must pay the actllal cost of notices~ see below.
1. ............... . . . . ..-..-----.-.---.-..---.. -. . .... .. .
;$250.00 per excep tion pe r pro posed building site affected.
~xceptioll: $500~OO plus out-of-pocket revic\v costs for exceptions
j~equ iring rev iew by planner, engi neer, attorney or other c onsu ltant.
l^ deposit is estimated by the LuilJ~u5 vr~'-';(ll city planner and must
he paid \vith the application. The full cost is payable before the
~learing. In addition to all other fee items. the applicant must pay the
lactu~l..cost of notices; see below..
j-.---.. . .. .....-...............-............... ... -
i$25 0.00 per variance per pro posed b u i lding si te affected ~ Exception:
1$500.00 plus out-or-pocket revie\v costs for variances requiring
Ireview by planner, engineer, a ttorney or otl1 er co nsul tant. A dep osit
Hs esti mated by lhe Lu ~ lJ ;JJb OfN ,,; a] ci tv p lann er and must be oaid
rith the application. The full cost is payable before the hearing. In
addition to an other fee items the a licant must a the actual cost
D f notices' see be I ow.
~250 per acti~~."i.t~~- req uested. ExceDtion: $500.00 otus out-of-
; ocket review costs for a eals re uirin review b lanner
:en ineer attorne or other consu I tan t. A de os it is estimated b the
~ ci t tann er and nlust be aid with tlle a licatio n.
rrhe full cost is oavable before the hearing In addition to all other fee
.tems~ the a licant must a the actual cost 0 f notices' see be low..
......... . ......................-..........
n addition to all other fee items~ the a lican t must a the Cit ~s
bctua I out-o f-p ock et cost 0 f gi ving no tices and reco rd in g decisions in
the real Ofopert'v records. A deoosit 0 f $1 00.00 is due at the time of
~ lication. An excess cost must be aid before the hea-rin or
; e lease 0 f decis ion.
/No fees or costs are re fun dab Ie unless: (i) the ap ol1can t preva ils~ ( i 1)
~he ZBA reverses or modifies an adm in istrative interpretation or
bthcr decision. and iii the ZBA determines that a refund full or
artia] wou Id be . u st and e ui tab] e u nd er the facts and circumstances
,of the case.
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 15