HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1771 - water and sewer rates Ordinance No~ 1771 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO WATER AND SEWER RATES AND OTHER FEES AND CHARGES; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELA liNG TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. The Fees & Charges Schedule of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas is hereby amended to read in its entirety as set out in . Appendix A, which is attached and made a part of this ordinance~ Section 2. This Ordinance applies from and after the Effective Date~ Newor changed fees shall apply to each billing period beginning on or after the Effective Date~ In all other circumstances, the fees and charges in effect immediately before the Effective Date ("Prior FeesH) shall govern. The Prior Fees are continued in effect for this purpose. Section 3" All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 4lt If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this Ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance to any other persons or circumstances, shall be affected therebYA Section 5. The City Council officially finds] determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this Ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section 6. The public importance of this measure and the requirements of the law create an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring that this Ordinance be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and a state of emergency is hereby declared. This Ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency measure and shall take effect immediately upon adoption and signature C'Effective Date"). 1 PASSED, APPROVED, ADOPTED AND SIGNED on 1-4- ;;x;.. ,;;;00 y: Councilmembers Voting Aye: tf Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: A )~___ ity Secretary ( al) Recommended: Fonns\ORD-50S Fee schedule amdnement-E M ERG E NCY CLAUS E Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 2 F ~OO 1 F .002 F.003 F~004 F..005 F ~006 F..007 F.008 F~009 F~Ol 0 F~O 11 F.012 r-"~--.- - I -._~~ --"~'-r l-~-'~ 1 I Appendix A Fees & Charges Schedule Ad ministratio n Am buJancc Serv ice Animals B ui lding Building and Standards Commission Electrical \V 0 rk Ga rbagc Service Health Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Liq uor Lice nscs and Permi ts 1\11 un icipal Co u rt Pa rabolic Dish Antenna F~013 F~014 F.O 15 F~016 F..017 F.01S F.019 F .020 F.02 t F..022 F.023 , _ _~~~otor vehicle decal charges r IcommerCial impact zone permit fee 1"- ~eturned check (or ACH payment) fee I fSpecial events fee ,=~lu~e of City-owned photocopier $ IF.002 kMBULANCE SERVICE I~-' I !The total amount payable for each call or incident is the sum of the unit charges for the services provided and the i terns used, as sho wn be lo\v: Routine disposable supplie . $ 45.00 ALS specialized supplie~,._~..~ 45.0q BLS disposable suppl~es 3S.0~ I IV sUPPlle~ 4S.0H Oxygen; 85~Ou= ~ BLS transpo~G~-~' 425.0~ B LS em ergency transport 51 0 .on~~ .H -~~ ALS-l non emergency transpor 525~09! ALS~ I emergency tranJ 610.Qg__ ALS-2 emergency tra'n~ 610.00 ~~~~_'_~_j'~=~~_-_:________~LSY! B~~1~1:i~::t:1 ~~:~~; - -~ .... .. ...._.. ._... . ,~ ----~.----~- -~ -.-------- -- ~.:--..--~t---------~--~~-- ~.. ."'.. .... _. . ~--- ___ .~~..~~ Promethazine 25 mg 5.0q t_..........__.~.. .___..______..,..__~_ t--------1 ~ $ '1.00 $ 10.00 DMINISTRA TION $ 35.00 Parks :1 n d Recrea tion Pu bJ ie Records and D ocu men ts Plumbing and Gas Sexually Ori en led 13 usi ncsscs a nd Ad u It Arcades Signs {Reserved I Trees \Va tcr an d Sewer Service Zoning and Planning Commission Zoning Board of Adjustment Pu blic Sa rety l 1 or first motor vehicle and $5. per motor vehic Ie therea fief Iso applies to payments returned by automated jor electron ic payment systetTIs (ACH). Applies to payments of all kind, e.g., taxes, permits, fees, I !charges, utility rates and all other purposes. ~ I 25.00 IOO~OOj J ~LIA~tuai cost 0.10 'Per copy -=1 -==1 Fees & Charges OrdinanceJ Page 3 !---I------- Infusion pump l~ail1tel1a~c9 55:.o~_I__ --~-------------------~-~~_______--I I-~~ -- ......:~=.. _=~=~_~:--.~~-Q~..Yi~~_~~.}E1;~f~=~=:ij.:-~-i-~~f~~~----------- --~--~ I~--==r ImmObiliz~t~();i~~J~~~l m_~___:__ 1----- ..... - -!-------- - --- - -~~--- -. ..End~f!a1~:-:i \l:l-----~~ ~~- _ ! ___ _ ___ Bandage supp lies 20. OQ Burn shee~ 27.5Q 08 kit 44.00! Disposable blanke{ 27.5q Phenegran 1M / IV'i 5 ~ 7 Z ~--~..~. Isolation kit 49.sd Gloves - Infection contro 5.50 D j sposab 1 e co I] a~ ..?..!...~.Z9,~~j-.- Disposable head blocks: 21.0 EKG electrodes (set) 33.00 Activated charcoal 23.7 r -1-- Adenocard I Adenosine 6 mg 123.0Q Albuterol/ Proventil O~83%J 6.1 ~ i Atropine! Mq 16.6~~ Benedryl 50 MG 5.7 Dextrose 25 % 25 Md 75.1 ~ _m ~~~~?~.~.~g-~....?..?.._..~..gt-._,_. 75.1~ Brctylium 500 MG 120.1 ~ Dopamine 400 MG 30.00 - I i=-j ~I _H_ ==J .-. .__.~ ~._----~~~~.. ..- j I ~ I ~--r-- ~. I ! j -~'-~-~r- I r~- i ~.. . f ! . .-l-. -~~.~._~ Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 4 -------------J j --J r Ancctin~ 12.8~J-.J ___~j i----r-------- SOlllme~;:~eld2~:= ~~:~~ 1~----------1 i-:~~=~-j=~~:-:=:=:-=-::-:-.-~;:=~E;~;..J.~. ~l~~~ ..--~-f:~~.=-l. .. --. --.. ... ..-! ;. I Sllccynelch~line 200 mg- 4.8~ 1-- I I Di~:!:~PlllllI2_111_~-----......- O~ ! .........~I ------------------------ Respons~7e~a~~ensi I ~~:~d ,I ----~----------.--I V eh i-c le I uni t deeo n tam in at iod '1 04.5 I ~~,~~ j 1 ' IExceptiolls: (1) Amounts billed to other governmental units are determined by the applicable contracts or l arrangeJnents \vith those units. (2) The City may accept assignment of Medicare and Medicaid claims or payments, j in \vhich case, lhe alnount payable is determined by the appropriate regu lations. Such amount shall control over thel~ cbarges set out above, in case of any difference. ..._.,~'".~.~, ~ - .~.~. ,~~--,.,. "....-.-....,-........... _... _. - -~. _.... - j n- I 1 IF. 003 ANIMALS .-1 j .. Original registration of dogs and ca ts I L-_ $ 20.00 xce lion: $15 for o\vners over 65 years of ag~ j !Annual dangerous dog re istration $ 250.00 fee is in addltion to the above registration fees) I__~~rirst violation and impoundmen~fee I $ 50.00 ~~~~~~o::i;:~ is: (i) not registered or (ij) a I 'Second violation and impoundment fee rs-7S.OO F150 if animal is: (i) not registered or (ij) a --j' I 1- l i dangerous dog l~h i I'd and all success i ve via lati ons and $ '1 00.00 1$200 if anima] is: (i) not regis tered or (i i) a , I ! impoundment fees ~angerolls dog I i---5;i]yk;;~~----- $ 15.00 t ..i Wote: All origina[ registration fees sho\vn, with the exception of the dangerous dog fee, are ~one-linle fees that ~ _______Fgister the animt!!~r life.. --- I . -.-- ~~-J .OO~IBUILDING--~ I l !A nnu al contractor regislTa tion fee ~~~Nn~~..~ Permit application fee $ 50.00 $ 15.00 I In addition to app licable plan checking or permit fee. Plan checking fee must be paid each time plans are submitted or re-su bmitted~ Exception: Tbe ~ui]ding official (nay reduce the re-submission fee I if the time required to check the re-sub mission is 1 lnate rially lower !han 0 rigi n al submission. 1 an checking fee (app lies to a 1] plan Is U bIn iss i OilS, un less othe nvise sp ecifi cally indica ted; p ayab Ie in ad di tion to perm i t fee). -..---1--------------- l 50% ofth~ cor re s po n din gl permit fe1 I ! ev/ co nstructio n permi t fee (8 ingle fam i ty j$ 0.32 per res ide n t i al) . _. _.~~~a re f 00 t L Ne\v construction perlnit fee (Other) $ 0.38 per ~_ . square foot ~ Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 5 ,--- -f~modeling and repai;:-p~n;it-fe-;(Sinile-- ---l----~-20':OO for $1 ~cioo or less in constr~ctio~~-alue-\ I [family residential) ! ~ll1s $3.00 per $1,000 in construction value I ! j , thereafter . plus $3.00 per $1,000 In constructIon value , I l _~__.~~~_J_tthereafter __! lFence or \vall permit fee ......,.............!___~ 0.75 per linear foot; $25.00 min. _...~.._____J rive\vay perInit fee $ 80.00 i IIncludes entrance ralnp permit fee. l ire sys te~s ...... ................-... ..~.- - - .......... .~..! Plan chec king fee: $100 pc r set for 0 riginal sub In j ssion, $50 for re-sub tniss ion (not credi ted to pe rmi t I fees). PerIni t fees are $50 for each automatic fire extinguishing systelTI and each alann and detection l i system. For sprinkler systenls, the fee is increased by either $25 (residential) or $50 plus $1.75 per head II I (non-residential). Fire systeln fees are payable in add ition to all other fees. i I ...... ,",',,'..'..~.~..N.Y.'.....'....... .~-.._._......'....~......._'........ ~~ ~ r-iISidC\ValkPermit fe~'-~'--~-~~- . $0.75 pel! . ,I ~ linear foo ~ , I IStreet or curb permit fee $ 25.00 IF or regu lated facilities under Chapter 19, add ' ~__! !$150 for plan-checki~~_pJus app lication fees. l Exception: The pennit fee for \vork affecting ne\v roadways under Chapter 19 is $ I 00, plus the estimated 1 out-of-pocket expenses that nlay be incurred by the City in connection \vitn the work, including engineering review, extra inspections or testing, suppleluental traffic control, etc. The bui [ding 0 fficial shaH estimate such expenses at tbe time of app lication and shaH collect at least It 0% 0 f the estinlate as a l dep osi t. T be bu i lding 0 fficial may re quire a perIni ttee to supp Ierne ot the depos it as th c wo rk pro ceed s. I Whe~ the \vork ~s finished: the ~uiJding official shall refund any part of the deposit tha.t exceeds the actual perml t fees due 111 connection with th e work~ , jPW SF (low-ilnpact) permit, for equipment $ 100.00 pe1 on-Iow-ilnpact PWSF permits require' a special jl ~a ttached to ex isting structures wi th no new gi tel ;exception; see F .022, be low. e l ectrical~ altera tion or construction. I l All oti~e-r PW SF (low-impact) permits I $500.00 pe~ Non-low-impact PWSF permits require a special~ I site; exception; see F .022 ~ below ~ lRcgistration for house movers fee $ 500~OO I ~-- ~ Renewa 1 fee $ 400.00 , I ...~?~.~~~J~.~rmit fee $ 500.00 \ l'.-.--.-^ loccupancy inspection fee (Single fam ily $ 50.00 I j residential) --J jOccupancy i~spection fee (Other) $ 100.00' __ ; I,' 'Wa ter connection permit and meter (3/4U) $ 225.00 If connection is to be made to a not~yet- j installation jconstructed City line) there is a deposit 0 f $250 ! j(not re fundable un less, after nc\v line is leon strllcted) a ne\v permit is ap plied for, \vith pro per n atice, ins pee tion, etc.) .'._. I f conn ection is to be made to a no t~yet- jeans trueted City Ii ne, there is a deposi t 0 f $ 25 0 (not refundable un less, after ne\v line is l fconstructed~ a nc\v permit is applied for, with pro per notice, ins pee tion, etc.) i-- I 1 J IW a ter co nnec tion permit and lneter (1 t1) I installati 0 n ----I ! -. ---.------------- ~ !W a ter con neet io n perm it and mete r (Over l"5f t insta llatiol1 t $ 275.00 l b---- -.---.--.-.. l Actual Cost plus $175.00. I f connection is to be~ ,luade to a not-yet-constructed City line, there is a dopos i t 0 f $250 (no t re fundab] e u nIess, a fte r ne\v 1 i ne is constructed, a ne\v penni t is app] i ed for, , \vi th pro per notice, ins pee tion, etc.) ---l L.... - .. ~_ -.=---~~=~~___~___J Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 6 "~-~j $ 125.00 I t~~~~r~I~~~~~::yt~i::~~I:~: ~:~:;:~:-~;~~~~~I; ; '(not refundable un less, after new line is I' fonstructe~, a ?ew pe~mit is applied for, with I . pro per notIce, ] ns pee hon, etc.) I $ 250.00 I ~,. ..... -~_..~ - . -. ._~--_..._---_._------_. L"~_~~-~~~-"~ 1___~__5g~9g - .1100% of the permit fee (additional) I $ 50.00 ~ust be paid within 30 days ofreinspection, and I lin any event before any certi ficate of occupancy OIi ISimilar approval is issued. Fees may be appealed Ito B SC) and may be paid \vithout prejud ice to jsuch an appeal. IMust be paid within 30 days of notice, and in any event before any certi ficate of occupancy or similar approval is issued. Fees may be appealed to B SC, and may be paid with out prejud ice to ! ,such an appeal. BSe may reduce or abate this fee I( a nd any a ppea 1 fees), if no vi 0 lation occurred, or ,lfor..?ther good cause shown. 50% of tbe original permit fee ~ ! j iSanitary sewer con nectio n perInit I I ! i.1 ~~~ ! pernol ition pennit fee 1 !S\Villlming poot pennit fee [==_="-"'IQ~!PI'i:9i~T~~p~r~~~~.!1 ar g~__~. $ 75.00 for the first vio la tio n item plus$15.00 for each additional t lPerm j t rene\va I fee I t 'F.'005~BUILDING AND STANDARDS -I COMMISSION I I=----IAP;;-;i~-;t~~-.f~.------ ~--~$T06. 00 H---- ..."~. ~~~~1ELECTRICAL WORK ! FI "-.---~iA-ppli~~i-i~~f~~~(m;ster~iectrician lice-~se)L $ 20.00 I r---~al license fee (master electrician) $ 50.00 ~ I Application fee (Journeyman electrician $ 10.00 lIcense) License fee (Journeyman electrician) Appl icati on fee (App rentice electrici an) lLTce~se fee (Apprentice electrician) .-~~IAppl ication fee (Maintenanceele'ctrician , J license) j ILicense fee eM aintenance electrician license. $ '10.00 l~~-- -~_.~.......~~.~ ! Permit application fee I $ 10.00 r Telnporary service pennit fee $ 20.00r-~,~~-~-~'~ ~~.. [- Meter loop and service permE fee. $ 20.00 Outlet or light fixture permit fee L $ 0.50 -~~_.._.- A'p'plianc'e'-'pennYi' fee _.~ I '.~'$~. 2.00 ~~------~ Motor permit fee ~ $ 3~O~ .._.__....~_.._.~._.~...._._..__~___~_~ IService reconncction permit fee I $ 10.00 [-~~J~t:it~~I~~~n~iI~~ fe:_~~__-~= ~~~~=l I _ _~ ~;: ~~lj=== -------.. -~~--..---~- . - ~ --- .. _ ... .... _ _J J ........ ...... _..._ ... ..lP~I?}~ ~.~!~..P~T~~.i.~. .<:;.~~~...r:~~......., ; tpremature \vork charge (Starting be fore r-----j , perm it is is sued) ! ~einspection fee (following routine ! ji n spect ion) I ! l-- I Re inspection fee (mand a tory rei nspcctio n I I fol~owing ~otice of violation o~ building or j , zonJ n g ord Inance s or 0 ther ap pllcab Ie j regulations) $ $ $ $ 1 0.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 -I Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 7 -- Permit application fee !'--Amlli-al food establishment permit fee i lTemporary food establishment permit fee f-- .____I_@P~_~i~I~'1~~19._._~__~_......_..............._.--- . [F.009 [HEATING, VENTILATION, AND AIR ! lCON DITI ONTNG -~-r~-'- 1____________ .. _rremature work charge (Starting.befo~~ ~ [ - -[--I OO%-of the permit fee (additiol~----- . --l I- -------------rti~~~-~i~: ~:~------------- ------ ----------------+-------$------ 50:-0-0-1.- ---- - ---- _n__-- '_~~n---~_~ - ~ - --- ---------__.__. _' oIl I-~~- ~~ l. ..._~ -- - ~ -, - - ~ ~ -- -~~ · - - ~. ~~- -~f.----------------------~~ Ipermit renewal fee _~: -- ! --I~Q~~~--~~g~:~p~~:~_~:~_ ---I Fi=~F~~::.~~~~:~-::---~-~:----------I-----:--... ........ ..... ...... ........ ~--~--....... .-~-~_. ._. .-0-- . --~~ .-...~-I ~onthlY dwelling unit charge ~. fl5.751 'asic fee, for basic service~~ly. =1 :-~ISp~~ial pick-up of items at curbside, not ~-;:;-a-j $15.00 p lu~ l~speCial service fee, in addition to ba sic fee. ,,'. I regular collection day for those items at that i $1.001 . ~ ocati on. per bag Of! ~' eq u i vale~~f-_.L Special handling of items not bagged, $15.00 p lu~ !Special servic~ fee~ in ad~ition t~ basic fee and _ I prepared or placed as required for basic I $1 oq j1any otner appltcable speCial servIce fee [I service. Exa 11lple~ Leaves and grass I per bag O~! clippings in non-approved bags. equ ivalent. ~ Regular route pick-up of ordinary garbage a( $4.00 per I construction sites, with special bag sticke~ one~ba - (40Mpound limit per bag)~ stickcr~ l ~ j -~---~ ---- I 1 1 j F _ 008 ~ 1- $ 12~:~~I_C__ 8.0 0 ~ $ $ Annual contractor registration L~ $ 50.00L_~ Heating and air conditioning pennit fee $ 15.00 Per unit -.iRes id ~~ ~ial) I ~ Heating and air conditioning permit fee $ 30.00 Fa r first 140,000 btu's and $ 5 per 100,000 b tu's (Comlnercial) thereafter I Air conditioning and refrigeralion permit fee ~"$~'''-~''5.00 "'~~,! ILocal vent permit fee $ 3.00 ___ Minimum permit fe.:.~~~. ~_.~.~~ 2S.0q ~l ___ ~~~:::~~:;~::~h:~~~ (~tarting~:~re_~__~__?~.OOI 100% of the permit fee (additiOna~____- .__ I ~q~~~!~e origillal fee ~ --Mixed -8 eve;:agelTcen~ fee (origLii:~! 5- -~---~ --- $ 1 ,50 0 ~Q.[~ __ .. ..... . _ __ __ __~_____=~=---~:~-=1 Fees & Charges OrdinanceJ Page 8 l jw i ne on ly-~pack~g.~~!Ere I iccnS~J'E~__________j__~_~]~~; _l_~--~~... ...~ ----------------.~~~~~~=~_._I L_______lRetai I dealer off~Qremise licen~e fee $ 30.00 --l---------------- ===-=~~~~~~~~~!~~P!~~~ ~t).l~~~~~~e~[I-----~--H:~% 1.- -.1. ._~. .... ----. ----------- ........... -----=_____ -I Mixed beverage late hours licen.~e fee.~ ~~~.._~._.I.~.:.9.Q.J I , tWine or beer retailer permit fee ~ $ 87.501 l ~~..............-~~- l [Retail dealer on-prelnise license fee j $ 75.00 I f b=-~~t~~t~~~:~~i~~:~ii~~nse Fee _Lili~E[----- ------.-.-.-. _______~ 1____lDaiILpenn it fe~_______________~~~1Jl.Q.j-li----- ==1 I----T----- -- - I I , .0 II ,C~::Il:iI:::d :~d:::nt copy charge I $ 2.00 II-~---- - I i !court costs --' l--.---~-- -- !--~-~,~~-..--~- -~..-.- i tAll sta te-p rescrib ed co urt cos ts app ly, \vith no to cal co urt cos t add ed (Le. ~ II 0 H five-do 1] ar" court cost ad ded ). I I----u-Hl -- I --'~;:ervices of peace oftlcers under art. 102.0 11, Code of Criminal Procedure (C CP): Arrest Fee I $5.00; ppl ied only when driving safety course granted. I ~__ Warrant fee_~_____ NNi/AA~"~I~-r, SUlnmoning a \vitness . : Summoning a jury N/ A ~_ ~_.~Q.t~~.L costs (e.1?, testifyi ng) N/ A iTilne paYlnent fee $25.0Q If convicted. See *51.92'1, Government Code. l !M unicip al Co urt B u i1din~.c:_l!.!:ity N/ AI I ----- . -- --- "=l I IMunic. ipal COUT.t Technology Fund------- ----.--$4.09---r[);;r conviction. Applies until expiration. I t----i I ,Seeart.102.0712,CCP. !--------~~~~;,i:~~~~~1;-~.~-t!r~~~; warrants) - ~;~1=----- =-----~ Jury Fee N/Al I Case dislnissal fees ("Ten Dollar Fees") See ~9521.026, 502.407, 548.605, Transportation Code __.~ Expired DL or registration ~._ __~10.0g~ Ifremedied within 10 work ~ays; proofrcquired._. Tnspccti on ce rti fi cate expired (less $1 0.0 I f reIned ied \vi th in I 0 \VO rk days; proo f requ ired~ than 60 days) A dIn i n is tra ti v e fees ~......~..................~...... Dri vi ng sa fety course gran ted Teen court granted _M ------$ io. 0 c(-Isee art. 45.0511 (f), CCP. I N/ ~----~ I I I~,-,u-'-~'_l ~~~~~ p A.R~~_OLEg__l?_!S H ANTENN A~..~..___..~ _~_~.~~_~. ,.~I~____ J ... .. . -------, ! ~"Y-~-~-1 -. -~~~~=~~=~~-~~~=----_J j l [ n s t;]fii ion p ern~itfu~------------------=r-----S;-3S:-00 -- -- - ------j: ==~_~-~r~=-~=---==-----~_-~~_~~--=~~~------~----~ --~ _____~~T~ ~--- -~----=--... ~ .... ...._- -~_~~=~~~~==-~_~~ Pennit application fee $ 1 5.00 Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 9 IF~~~~~~J A~~~..~~~=_~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~..'.'.~.'.. ... .. ..... ..... .-1~-~~-=-3--i"~'~~---~==:-~-===-~~:-,-~------ .~ ------------------~;fl;--~~-: :~~1~~:~~;~--~~~~-i~~~~~-~~rl~1~;-~d-;~---l---1---------H~-I-----)- -.... .. ~--------------- -.. ..-..! l~~ _. 1..?) . ................ .... _........ ~ ~ __._... . __.. _.... ._~. _.. __~i~__....... ~~--- -.-' ------,.-----.-.---.--- .... .. ------.-------------J . Daily s\vilnming fee (Resident child under 5) iNo cha.!J~~e ~ ~._. IOaily s\vimming fee (Non-resident adult),~ $6.00 ...._......~~~~____. ....~ [Daily swimming fee (Non-resident guest) i $~ i I~----)~:~~ ~~~mmi~g ree::_~~~:~sident ~hild-----T---- $~~~_:I=I'~ i jDally \velght room lee (Resldent) I $ J .00 I 1 I [Daily weighi-~~~I~fe;{N;;;~resident) I $ 2.00 I I i---!H o~~~r;~C~~::T~~ [~~~-t)' -.- ----------j-----~--loci%~I...~-~ ~ Yearly Pass (No n-resident) j $ 150.00 I I ~Tennis court reservation fee r+-~=c' . . j Full recreation center membership fee $ 250.00 I~or first 3 persons and $50 per person thereafter (Resid ent ad ul t) _ 1__~__,_!~~~~;;;~:::~:I~te~~:;t~embershiP~~ee ~_I_ !No charge ... . I Season s\vimming pass fee (Resident) $100.0Q For first 3 persons and $25 per person therear.~~~IJ Season swimming pass fee (N on-residen t) $ 200.00 Per person . l 20- S wi m ..P_~9.I~J~ ~s~.E~..~.~,<Res i_d en t) $ 35.00 i ~ )0-5 \vim punch pass fee (NonMresident) $ 80.00 I j -- [Season weight room pass fee (Resident) $ 40.00j . Season \v ej gh t ra om p ass fee (N on-residen t) $ 60.00 i _ Yearly \veight roo m pa ss fee (Resi de nt) l $ 100.00 I i I Yearly \veight room pass fee (Non-resident) I $ 150.00 r ~--.Hourly Activity Room reservation and use $ 20.00 I~~~I ! charge (Resident) "'...._U~ I IHourlY Activity Room reservation and use $ 30~OO ! charge (N on-residen t) Hourly A ud i tori urn re servati on and use charge (Rcsiden t) Hourly Auditorium reservation and use !charge (N on-resident) Hourly Kitchen reservation and use charge 1 __~_sident) Hourly Kitchen reservation and use charge (Non~resident) IHourlY Meeting Room reservation and use charge (Residen t) ._n I Hourly Meeting Room reservation and use charg e (N on-resi den t) Hourly Scout House reservation and use charge (Resident) Ho u rly S coul House reserva ti on and use 1 charge (N on~residen t) !Hourly Senior Wing reservation and use $ 30.00 ~I~:hl~i~e S~~~6~d-wit~g'i--;;sei-vaiioIl-a;id~se--- - '$ _..~40j)ot--l~ ________lGharge (Non-resident) _______________~____ _ I L-.- $ .'.N_~__ 35.00 $ 45~OO $ 10.00 $ 20.00 $ 15.00 $ 25.00 $ I 35.00 $ 45.00 Fees & Charges Ordinancel Page 10 jl----~-IIO-Visit Gym Pass: :e:~~de~~I::l~:J $ ~~:~~ I'JI~_:~~~;::~:.~;.~~~:i~:~5~~---- .... .. 'j' ~Ouarterl y Gym Pass: l I Resident Adult $30.00 I' Non-Resident Adult $60.00 ! f Resident Youth' $ t 5.00 Non-Resident Youth $30.00 Resid ent Familvl $60.00 ~ I Non-Resident Familv $120.00 j I if nstitutional Excha nges. The Parks & Recrea tio n Director rn ay \va i ve all or part 0 f the Pa rks & Recrea ti on fees ~rescribed by th is section, SU bj ect to the fo llo\ving regu lations: (1) The app licant must be an institution, eith er fublic or non-profit, with facilities located within the City. (2) The portion of the fees waived may not exceed the jvalue of facilities made available by the institution Lo the City for public use (e.g., for lueetings, e]ections~ lemergency operations, etc.). (3) The maXilTIU1TI arTIount of fees that may be \va ived is $500 per institution per year. 'I( 4) Passes and permits issued to an instihltion under this section may be assigned or resold by the institution; but th9 t rctual user must qualify for the type of pass 01 permit in qUestionj and the City must be notified'==j ,F.014 !PUBLIC RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS I ~__~ I ~ecord 0: document c~ar~e $0.10 per page t---- -=l , ~_J[~ee 0 rdln an ce and en tcna Inan ual char~e I $ 3.5'0 ! l lzoning Ordinance charg~~~__ .! $ 6.00 I !zoning Inap charge $ 2.50 ----J i -r-' I 1 ! iF.ols [PLUMBING AND GAS I $ -------iPer~H applic-~tion fe;---- I $ 10.00 I l___~____ l--------G-~~-t~-t-~~m it fee I $ 25.00 +5:00 .~__~ !Grease trap permi t fee $ 50.00 , cr rrigation system permit fee $ 25.00 ..... '~'-~~~ervice line crmit fee $ lO.OO _JMinimum permit fee $ 25.00 t~...u.._- I relnature work charge (Starting before a L_ permit is issued) .~ einspeclion fee ermit renewal fee "100 % 0 f the permit fee (additional) $ I 50.00 I---i;o~~~ the oriii~~_==~~-==~~__ ..- I -1------- l J~~._._~. .............~~_. ._____._____~_.._ LL~~ ..._~~_~~....._. ..... __________ I ---~-~j .-.~~~.~~~. ..~~---~---~-f- F:0T6------fs.EXUALi:y---.O-R-I-E~iT E D-BlTs-rNES-S~r------------ __ lAND ADULT ARCADES I . ^. . . . _ ___...___L__.______________.___.________._____________ .____. . .. . . . . .. . _ _ _._ ~ ___l Fees & Charges OrdinanceJ Page 11 r ISexuaily oriented business application fee i $ 350.00 [- ~r i (0 . . ~ I 1 < - - !s~~~l~~~~~jented bu-sines~- ~ppli~~ti~-n ie~ - 1- $ I~OO.OO n I-~___j (Renewal) -------------~-------f----------------------;----i----- ~ ;Sexually oriented business transfer fee $ 3..Q~Q9_'__l 1~~~_k\dUlt .~cade ap.plicati~n fee $ 75.00 rAd ul t arcade reJ nspectlon Fee $ 60.00 r..~._ ~~. _JAd t!!~.a read e trans'fer or alnendlnen t fee f _ $ 15.00 ! j ~~: ~~_.- -ISI~~~.. . .... .... ..... ... ............. .... ........ ........ ... .... --.! .-------~=~I... I I ~ . ..-.r.. . . I l ....... ... .._~::~~~f~f I~~t~~: irte; ee ~i---~-:~gi-...--i ___~g~ permit fee. . I $ 1.251 ,!Per square foot ~f ~~n face 1M 1 n J 01 U In pe rro J t t. e e $ 20.00 I /premature \vork charges (starting before a 100% of the permit fee (additional) "] perm it is issued) . _.~. __~.~ Reinspection fee $ 50.00 L ; ermit renc\~.~.L..f~~__d._"_.._.~.~._~'~~~_~____.__._. !50% of the original permit fee .... lSign operating permit fee (Payable per sign, $10.00 P lu j"DiSPlay area'~ and "sign" are defined in Chapter [per term of permit. Tenll is one year for -$0.50 per sq. ft 3. Exceptions: Fees do not apply to signs 'temporary signs~ 24 months for all others.) of displa.y area: jcovered by a ffirmative defenses or signs for rcon form ing uses allo~ved in res identia I districts~ ~--l _~_____d -~=1 ...d.~ -F.O 1 8 ! _L_- I I ---I IF.019 I jTREES 1 I - -~.... ~...... ~.v~_~~,_.~..-_..~_... d.. ..v,.. r". ._._- ... ..........._.~..~J~~.~~~~I perm it fee $ 25.001 I . ......-- ~-- ....... .-.......... Lo\v impact eval uati on fee $ Survey and d j sposi ti on rev j ew fee (M aj or $ 2~~:~F i co n s t ru c t lO n) i I , -~-jSlirveyan.d~disposition revie\v fee (Minor r--~1=1 l construction) ~ F.020 WATER AND SEWER SERVICE ...._.d.~~L New service connect $ 25.00 Each ti me servi ce is estab 1 ished I "~~---.~Delinquent cutoff fee $ 30.00 _. J A ner hours deli nquen t recon neel fee I $ 60.00 Reconnect service after 4 p.m. j -.. I ~or bero re 8 a.m. Depos it J--~_-_J8_~. 00 MaximU1TI - - Return che~k (or ACH) charge (see ~'Adm in i stration") -~._-- I ! .~ .~___---...i Fees & Charges OrdinanceJ Page 12 ~~"-M-"-'~"'-'-~'-^- '---~-~I c-^ I eters serving residential-only premises $ 4.11 ~ ~------:Met~~ servi ng~:L other premises $ 1 6. 3 3! l I ~-~~,-~.~.~....._..._.~._-,..._~~.~._-_.....~.._-....~. .....~~ [Gallonage ell ar~per 1,000 gallons) I Res i den ti a 1 ~on 1 y premi ses $ 2~24 ~_............ . ~-- Any other premises $ 2.42 -'~'--'~~--"'-'-'-"'-~"""~^-"'-'~'~~~~.-~~~I~'---~- 1-----. . j .- -~ F.021 lZONING & PLANNING COMMISSION I ~-~f~~---~~~'~-~"- .......~~............ --I jPlals and re plats ..................................... Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 13 l I--~----ll $250.00. Exception: $500.00 plus Qut-o f-pocket review costs for appeals requiring review by planner, engineer, attorney or other consultant. A deposit is estimated by the city planner and ITIUst be paid \vith the application. The full cost is payab Ie before the hearing. In addition to all other fee items~ the applicant must pay the actual cost of notices; see below. $250.00 per exception per proposed building site affected. Exception: $500.00 plus out-of-pocket review costs for exceptions req u iring rev iew by planner, engi neer, attorney or other consu llant. A deposit is estimated by the city planner and must be paid with the application. The full cost is payable before the heari ng. In addition to aU other fee items, the applicant nlust pay the actual cost of notices; see below. "~~..~~._"-_.~.~~-1$256.00 per variance per proposed building site affected. Exception: I $500.00 pI us out-of-pocket revie\v costs for variances requiring lrevie\v by planner, engi nee r ~ a ttorne y or oth er co nSllltan 1. A dep os it lis estimated by thc city planner and must be paid with the application. The. full cost is pa~ab[e before the hearing. In addilioI~ to all other J fee 1 telns, the appltcant must pay the a~~.~~~l. C_?_S_~_~~__~.~?_!~es; see b.elo\v... 1-----------1---------------------------------------------- .. ~ Rezoning requested by applicant for that perso n' s spec ia 1 ben eJi t I j 1 ._..~_.~_i~- ~~.,.~..~.~~_..~..~-~~. F.022 !ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT j 1 Appea 1 of building official decision S pee i al except ion Variance ~I~~ fe~-~-ih;-Ciiy;-;_;;~-hlal c~st of plat re~i~\~: plus i;~i-de]11~ls.TI;~--, Tcvi C\v j s don e by a planner reta ine d by the Ci ty or by City sta fr. I ~ n ci dental s include lega I notices, surveys, tille and I ega I work, ; ~esearch, signature requests~ recording, copies, etc., as may be li_ Ireq u ired and not provided by the applicant. jDEP OSIT. A deposit amount (due \vith the preliminary application) 1- IliS estilllated by tbe City staff, but the minimum deposit is $500 base fee (or $200.00 base fee for amending pIa ts only)~ pI us $ 10.00 for leach lot and reserve sho\vn on tbe plat or replat, plus $] 00 For those 1- [requ iring ne\vspaper legal notice, plus $100.00 for each separa te Ilegal instru men t needed (easements, etc.) I JA DO ITI O:S AL DE~OSIT. An a.dditional de~osit of $ ~ 00.00 ($50.od jfar amend lng plats) 1 s due each 11m e the plat IS res II bm ltted fo r j ~!eehCC ki ng. ! FULL PAY MENT. The full actual cost must be paid before the eplat is released for recording. I j -11$500 P Ius out~of-pocket costs for drafting and review by pi"~'nner, engi n ecr, attorney and other consu I ta nt. A depos j tis estiInatcd by the city planner, and may be increased as the matter proceeds. The I Ideposit must bc increased to cover the estimated full costs at thesc lstages: (I) before the meeting of the Co nun ission to consider a prell m inary report, (2) be fore any heari ng notices are sen t out and (3) before the meeting at which the Commission considers its final repo rt j Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 14 -- ---~Ot'I~'~;'~pplic~-tjo~l-' -. ....... ... ......... ......... _. '--~"-'~---'--~-r$25'O pc"r '~~'ti'~I; 'iiClTI re(i~~~t~d ~-i.;;~Piion: $500.00- plu-~~t-=~'f='" .~-.. .. l I ~ockel revie\v costs for appeals requiring revie\v by planner, ' bngilleer, attorney or other consultant. A deposit is estimated by the rcity planner and must be paid with the appJicatio 11. The full cost is I I 'payable before the hearing In addition to all other fee items, the ;l?':lcost 0 f notices -- ......- -------li;~~~~fn~: t~s~~a~t:ll:; ~:~l:~~I~~~tt~: :;~il~:~~-~~~~!:;;th;-City ;~-~' ; lactua] out~of-p ock et cost 0 f gi ving no tices and reeD rding deci sio ns in Ithe real property records. A deposit of $100.00 is due at the ti Ine 0 f . 1___________J::I~~~:~;~.e:~~~l~xcess cost must be paid before the h~a~i~~~~J ,-- !Refunds ~o fces or costs are refundable unless: (i) the applicant prevails, (ii) i I t~e ZBA reverses or modi tics an administrative interpretation or I f pther dec isi on; and (i ii) the ZBA determines th at a rc fu nd (fu II or 1________l-----------------------------I~:~i!:~~~Fust and equitable ullder the facts and circumstancesl ....... ....... I .-.. ......_... ~.....,...... . ..--..v-. ~ .........-.J Non-va-lid ;larr~----~-._.~...-~~ ...............~~r.......~.__..~~ -_.r.._..~... I $ 50.00 Per occurrence (subject to state law regarding j number chargeable) ...._ ~~t!yp eJ.!:] ~ ~!1_P :!!.l:~i ~.~~. ~.~_ ~ $ 25.00 i iType II Alarm Permit I $ 25.00 ... Annual permit renewal fee $ 5.00 I (Type n lTIonthly rene\val I $ 25~OQ Per mon th ~ ~~--"~'rC~pies of accident reports or accident 1$6.00 or the actu a 1 cost 0 f the pre para tion 0 f the copy, wh i cne veT is !information fless; pI us $ 2.00 per copy fa r certi ficati 0 n (i f req u ested). ~--~- $6.0 I -- ree rt i ficat lO n that no such report or 1ll1formatlOn IS on me iJ Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 15