HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1774 - trees Ordinance No. 1774 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO TREES; AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. The Fees & Charges Schedule of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas is hereby amended to read in its entirety as set out in Appendix A, which is attached and made a part of this ordinanc8A Section 2" This Ordinance applies from and after the Effective Date. New or changed fees shaH appJy to applications made and services requested on or after the Effective Date. In all other circumstances, the fees and charges in effect immediately before the Effective Date C'Prior FeesU) shall govern. The Prior Fees are continued in effect for this purpose. Section 3~ All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed to the extent of the confHct on[y~ Section 4~ If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be jnvalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this Ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance to any other persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby. Section 5. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this Ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at aU times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section 6. This Ordjnance and shall take effect immediately upon adoption and signature ('~Effective DateU). Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 1 PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED on first reading on 4: slI/4 dOOy CounciJmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: d PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED on second reading AND SIGNED on 0< J'. sr' ;;1..3 ,~ r · ;p Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent City Secretary eaf) Recommended:~~ City nager Signed: ReView::~J~~ City Attorney ~'--.. . Fees & Charges Ordinance; Page 2 .F.OO I F,002 F .003 F .004 F .005 F .006 F~007 F,008 F~009 F,OlO F.Ol1 F.O 12 F.OOI F.002 Appendix A Fees & Charges Schedule Ad mi n is tration Anlbulancc: Service A nimnls Building Building and Standards Com mission Electrica I \V ork Ga rb age Service Hen It It Healing, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Liq uor Lice nscs a nd Permits lVI unicipa I Court Parabolic Dish Antenna ~ADM.INISTRA TION r i lMotor vehicle deca l charges ICoIn lnerci al llTI pact zon e penn it fee I ! i IReturned check (or ACH payment) fee ILien release fee i jAcquiescence to encroachlnent fee ';Special events fee iUse of Ci ty-o\vned photocopier lAMBULANCE SERVICE F.013 F.O"I4 F.015 F.O 16 F.017 11',0 J 8 F~019 F.020 F.021 F .022 F .023 $ 1 .00 $ 10.00 $ 35.00 $ 25.00 $ lOO.OO $ 0.10 Parks and Rccren lion Public Records and DOClllllcnts Plum bi rIg and Ga s SCXII ally Oricll ted Bu sinesscs and Ad u It AI"Cadcs Signs iRcscrvcd J Trees \Vater and Sewer Service Zoning nnd Planning Commission Zoning Board of Adjustment Public Sorety i i ! ! iF 0 r n rst motor vehicle an d $ 5. Iper tnotor vell iclc thcrea fier i IAlso applies to paYlnents returned by automated lor electron ic paYlnent systems (AC H). A pplies to ' IpaYJnen ts of a 11 kind~ e.g., taxes, perm its~ fees~ Icharges, uti lity fates and all other pu rpo ses. i f ~Actual cost I !Per copy I The tota I aJnount payabl e for each ca 11 or incident is the sum 0 f the u n it cha rges for the scrvi ces provided and the ~itetns used~ as sho\vn below: Routi ne disposab Ie supp lies ALS spec ia lized supp Ii es BLS disposable supplies IV su pp lies Oxygen BLS transport BLS enlergency transport ALS-I non em crgency transport ALS-I elnergency trans ALS-2 emergency trans ALS or B LS mi] eage G 1 ucometcr Promethazine 25 mg $ 45.00 45.00 35.00 45.00 85.00 425.00 5 10.00 525.00 610.00 610.00 10.00 39.60 5.00 Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 3 Dcfib ri 11 ati on Drug adln in istratiol1 Chest decompression CPR Cardiac mon itori ng Exterlla I pacing Inft] sian pu nlp Inn in tcnancc I ntu ba ti on supplies IV therapy (adl11i 11) Ox ygen the rapy (i n elude s Sat) 02 nasal en nula I lTI mobi Uzatio n I spli n ti ng Asp idll 8 lIng Endo tracheal tu be Bandage supplies Burn sheet DB kit D ispos ab Ie b Ian ket Phenegran 1M flV Iso latio n ki t Gloves - Infection control D isposab I e co lIar Disposab Ie head blocks EKG electrodes (set) A c ti v ate d c hare 0 a 1 Adenocard I Adenosine 6 ll1g Albuteroll ProventH 0.83% Atropine 1 MG Benedryl 50 MG Dextrose 25 % 25 MG Dextrose 50% 25 MG Brctyliulll 500 MG Dopanline 400 M G Epinep hrine 1 : 1000 1 M G Epinephrine 1 :10,000 1 MG Furosclllide 40 M G Insta - Glucose Ipecac Lidocaine 100 M G Lido caine 2/5 drip M agneshllTI Sulfate 5 MG Romazicon 1 MG Te rbu tal in e lIng N itriglyceri ne spray Nitroglycerine tab Procainamide 1 MG Pro card j a SodiuITI Bicarb Thialninc 100 M G Val i UlTI 10M G Vera pnlil 5 MG N onna 1 sa] ine 1000 cc IV Nanna I Sa] ine 250 cc IV Lactated Ringers 1000 cc 225.00 20.00 45.00 ] 75.00 220.00 55.00 ( 84.25 90~ 75 I 05.00 22.50 75.00 1.00 4 I .25 20.00 27.50 44.00 27.50 5.72 49.50 5.50 51.70 21.00 33.00 23.76 (23.00 6.16 ]6.65 5.78 75.13 75.13 120.11 30.00 3.29 57.75 5.00 15.20 3. ] 5 21.18 34.00 6.23 79.00 6.84 6.54 2.00 8.00 2.00 4.82 9.50 8.62 8.73 41.34 18.60 5 1.79 Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 4 F.003 F.004 D5W 500 cc Mo rphine "Mannitol 100 mg /500 ml Naloxone/Narcan 2 mg Norcuron Anectine Versed 2 lng Sol umedrol 125 mg Lasix 20 MG IV Cardizem 25 mg / 5 ml IVP Succynelchol ine 200 mg Diazepam] 0 mg Cordaronc Response fee (res) V eh ic Ie I un it decon tami nation ] 8.00 13.50 l8.13 20.00 75.34 12.83 15.56 28.16 27.00 81. 00 4.85 o 109.85 25.00 1 04.50 I I IExcePliOI1S; (I) Amounts billed to other governmental units are determined by the applicable contracts or !arrangements with those units. (2) The City may accept assignJnent of Medicare and Medicaid clainls or payments, lin which case~ the amount payable is detennined by the appropriate regulations. Such amount shall control over Icharges set out above, in case of any difference. I j 1 $ 20.00 [Exception: $15 for owners over 65 years of age. $ 250.00 ICfee is in addition to the above registration fees) $ 50.00 $100 if anilna I is: (i) not registered 0 r (i i) a Idangerous dog 75.00 1$150 if aniJnal is: (i) not registered or (ii) a Jdangerous dog $ 100.00 :$200 if an i mal is: 0) not reg istered or (i i) a idangerous dog i Daily kennel fees $ 15.00 r !Note: All original registration fees shown, with the exception of the dangerous dog fee~ are one-time fees that !regi ster th e anilnal for life.. ANIMALS j lOrig i nal registration of dogs and en ts !Annual dangerous dog registration !First violation and impoundment fee Isecond violation and impoundment fee Third and all successive VlO I atio os and irnpoundlnent fees iBUILDING f Annua 1 contractor regi stration fee Perm it a pp lication fee PI an checking fee (applies to a II p la n subln issions, un less othe rwise sp eci fically indicated; payable in addition to permit fee). I I i Ne\v construction permit fee (8 ingle falnily reside ntial) New construction permit fee (Other) $ $ 50.00 $ 15.00 I I I l I I i 1111 ad di tion to app I (cab lc plan check ing or perm it "Ifee. I Plan checki ng fee Inust be pai d each ti Ine p I a ns are sub m itted or re-su bmi tte d. Exception: The ; jbui 1 ding offici al may reduce the re-su bm iss ion feel l if the time required to c heck the re-sub mission is l j Ina te ria 11 y I owe r thana ri gina I sub In i 55 ion. j Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 5 50% of the corresponding permit fee $ 0.32 per square foot $ 0.38 per squa re foot !Rem ode 1 i ng and repa ir penn it fee (S ing Ie rami Iy residential) RClTIodcling and repair permit fee (Other) ~ 20.00 for $1,000 or less in constnlction value .plus $3.00 per $1 ~OOO in construction value ~h e re aft er ;S 60.00 for $1,000 or less in constnlction value phIS $3.00 per $1 ~OOO in construction value 'thereafter [$ 0.75 per linea r foot; $25.00 In in. II He I udes entrance ra Inp penn i t fee. i !Fence or \vall permit fee IDriveway pennit fee IF' ! He systems ! Plan chec king fee: $100 per set for 0 rigina] subInission, $50 for re~sub lTIlsslon (not credited to pennit fees). Pcnnit fees are $50 for each autolnatlc fire extingll ish ing SystCITI and each a larm and detection systeln. For sprinkler systems, the fee is increased by either $25 (residential) or $50 plus $1.75 per head (non-residentia I). Fire system fees are payable in add iti?11 to all other fees. ;Sidc\valk permit fee [S treet or curb pcnnit fee l $ 80.00 $ SO.75 per l incar foot 25.00 iF 0 r regu]a ted fae j] ities under Chapter 19, add ;$150 for plan-checking plus app lication fees. Exception: The pennit fee for work affecting ne\v road\vays under Chapter 19 is $1 OO~ plus the estilnated out-of-pocket expenses that may be incurred by the City in connection with the \vork~ including engineering review, extra inspections or testing, supp~enlental traffic control, etc. The building official sha 11 cstilnatc such cxpc nscs a t the tilne of app 1 [cation and shal] co] lect at least 1100;0 0 f the estllnate as a deposit. The bu ilding official JTIUY require a permittee to supp lement the deposit as the work proceeds. W hen the \vork is fi ni shed ~ the bu ild i ng offic in l sha II rc fund any pa rt of the depos it tha t exceeds the actu al penn it fees due in connection \vith the \vork. IPW SF (low-iJnpact) pertuit, for equiplnent $100.00 per !Nonwlo\v-itnpact PWS F penn its requi re a special ia ttuched to ex lsting structu res \vi th no nc\v si te iexception; see F .022, below. jel ectrica I, a ltera tion or construction. ! jAil other PW SF (lo\v-inlpact) pennits ]Registration for house I110VerS fee ! Renc\val fee It\1ovi ng perIni t fee jOccupancy insp ection fee (Single fam j]y : reside ntial) ;Occupancy inspection fee (Other) =W a ter co nneetion penn it and meter (3/4 U) install a tion lWater connection permit and Jneter (1 U) i nsta II a ti on Water connection permit and [neter (Over 1 It) install a ti 0 n $500.00 per site $ 500.00 $ 400.00 $ 500.00 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 $ 225.00 $ 275.00 jNon-lo\v-hnpact PWSF pcnnits require a special lcxception; see F .022, be low. jt f con nection is to be 111 ade to a no t-yet- :constructcd City Ii ne~ th ere is a deposi t 0 f $ 25 0 I(not re fundable un less~ after new line is !constructed, a ne\v p ennit is applied fOf) with 1 jpro per noti cc, ins pee tion~ etc.) h f conn ection j s to be In ade to a no t-yet- I ,constructed City line, there is a deposit of $250 ICnot re funda bl e un less, after new line is Iconstructed~ a new pen11lt is ap plied for, with ipro per 11 otice, i os pee tion~ etc.) \ ! iActual Cost p] us $175.00. I f connection is to be inlade to a not-yet-constnlcted C ity linc~ there is a !deposit of$250 (not refundable unless, after ne\v Iii ne is con structed, a new perOl it is app Ii ed for ~ ' I i\vi th pro per n oti ce, ins pee tion~ etc.) ! Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 6 F.ODS F.006 ;Sunitary sewer connection pennit i IDemolition permit fee !Swilnlning pool pennit fee !Duplicate permit charge rDup I icatc pcrmi t curd fee !rrenla tu re \vork charge (Starti ng before permit is issued) !Reinspection fee (fa Ilowing routi ne Ii 11 spectiol1) jReinspection fee (mandatory reinspection i follo\ving notice of violation of building or zoning ord inances or other applicab Ie regu lations) ~Pennit renewal fee :BUILDING AND STANDARDS ;COMMlSSION :Application fee iELECTRICAL WORI( jApp I lea tio n fee (l11astcr el ectric ia n license) jAnnua t license fee (Inaster electric ian) jApp I ication fee (J ou rneyman e lectri c ian : license) ILicense fee (JourneYlnan electrician) IIAPP] ication fee (Apprentice electrician) License fee (Apprentice electrician) ,App Ii cation fee (Maintenance el ectri c ian I license) ILicense fee (M aintenancc elec trician license IPcrrnit application fee Temporary service permit fee [Meter loop and service permit fee lOut] et or light fi x ture perm it fee lAppliance pennit fee lMotor permit fee IService reconnection pennit fee IE lcctrical sign penni t fee Minilnum pernlit fee $ 125.00 $ 250.00 $ 150.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 75.00 for the fj rst via I ation i tern plus $ 15.00 for each add i tional $ 100.00 $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $ ]0.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 S 5.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 0.50 $ 2.00 $ 3.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 ] f conn cction is to be In ade to a no t~yct- :constructed City Ii nc~ there is a deposi t of $250 :(not refundable un less., after ne\v line is :constructed, a ne\v permit is applied for, \vith Iproper notice, ins pee bon, etc.) i i ! i I i1 00 % 0 f the penn i t fee (additio nal) i irvlust be paid \vithin 30 days of reinspection~ and liB any event before any certi ficate of occupancy or 15 hn il ar approva I is issued. Fees Inay be appealed jto B SC~ and B1UY be paid with out prejud ice to lsuch an appeal. !Must be paid within 30 days of notice, and in any. ~event before any ccrti ficate of occupancy or ~s i Inilar approval j s issu ed. Fees lnay be a ppea led ita B SC, and may be paid with out p rejud ice to !such an appeal. BSC l11ay reduce or nbate this fee: ~!.( and any appeal fees t if no violation occurred, or for other good cause shown. [50% of the 0 riginal penllit fee Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 7 F.OO? F.ODS F.009 F.OIO !p rClna ture \vork charge (Starti ng be fore a i permit is issued) IReinspection fee tPerm it rene\va I fee ! * i iFIRE DEPARTME'NT FEES. See ~'BU ILDIN G, Fire systems'~ :GARBAGE SERVICE "Monthly dwelling unit charge lMonthly dwelling unit charge (Adult 65 or i over) [S pecial pick..up of i tenlS at curbside, not on (] ~ regular collection day for those items at that II ocation. ! iSpecial handling of itenls not bagged, prepared or placed as required for ba sic service~ Exa mple: Leaves and grass cli ppings in no n-app roved ba gs. Regular route pick-up of ordinary garbage at construction sites, with spec ia l bag sticker (40 -pOll nd I tIn it per bag). !1-fEALTH Irerm ita pp Ii en ti on fee !Annual food establislllnent pennit fee !Telnporary food establishJnent pennit fee I (Special event) !HEA TING~ VENTILATION, AND AIR ICONDITIONING i IAnn ual co ntractor registration fee II.r eating and air conditioning permit fee i (Resid entia I) jl-l eati ng and air conditi on ing penni t fee I (Co 11101 erci a l) IA i r cond itio n ing and refri gera ti 0 n pcrnl it fee Local vent pennit fee IMinilTIUm permit fee Premature \vork charge (Starting before a I pennit is issued) IReinspection fee ,Pennit renewal fee !LIQUOR LICENSES AND PERMITS 1M ixed Beverage license fee (Original) $ 50.00 100 % 0 f the pennit fee (a ddi tj 0 nal) 00/0 of the 0 rigi na l pernl i t fee ! IBasic fee, for basic service only_ !Basic fee, for basic service only. IS pee ial serv ice fee~ in addi tio n to bn sic fce. ! i i lSpecial serv Lee fee~ in add ition to bas i c fee and lany other a p pI ica b I e spec ial servi ce fee ! unit )For first ]40,000 bttt's and $5 per 100,000 btuts ~thereafter 1 100 % 0 f the penn it fee (a ddi tic nal) 50% of the origina I fee Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 8 $ 15.75 $ 8.00 $15.00plus $ I L 00 per bag or equ ivalent. $J5.00plus $ 1 .00 per bag or equ ivalent. $4.00 per one-bag sticker. $ 5.00 $ 120.00 $ 8.00 $ $ 50.00 15.00 $ 30.00 $ $ $ 5.00 3.00 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 1,500.00 F.OIl F.012 ~ ixed Beverage license fee (F irst renewal) I"M ixcd Beverage license fee (Second renewal) I fMixed Beverage license fee (Subsequent i renewal) Iw i ne on Iy-package store I icense fee !Rctai Idea 1 er off-premise liccnse fee !W ine or beer retailer off-prelnise license fee iW i n e ry lice n s e fee iMixed beverage late hours license fee iW ine or beer retailer pennit fee ~Retail deal er on~pre~nise license fee [Retai I deal er on-pretnise license fee ICaterer permit fee IpaCkage store permi t fee IDailY pennit fee ! ! I fMUNICIPAL COURT i !Colnp laint and judglnent copy charge $ C 125.00 $ 750.00 $ 375.00 $ 37.50 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 37.50 $ 75.00 $ 87.50 $ 75.00 $ J25.00 $ 250.00 $ 150.00 $ 25.00 $ 2.00 :Co u ."t costs jAil state-prescribed court costs app Iy, with no local court cost added (i.e., no "five-dollar" court cost added). ~ 1Fees ]For services of peace officers under art. ] 02.0] [, Code of Crilninal Procedure (C CP): i Arrest fee $5.00 [Applied only when driving safety conrse granted. Warrant fee N/A Sumnl ani ng a \vi tncss N/ A SUITIlllOning a jury N/ A [ Other costs (e.g.~ testifying) N/A ! :Ti me payment fee $25.00 fI f conv icted. See 95 1 .921 , Government Code. ;M unicip al Co u rt B u i lding Security Nt A i ~Municipal Court Technology Fund $4.00 I"per conviction. Applies until expiration. jSee art. 102.0712, CCP. I ~ 'Traffic Law Failure to Appear !Spec ial Expense (e.g., serving warrants) lJury Fee lease d i SIn issa [ fees ('~Ten Do II ar Fees'~) Expired DL or registration Inspection ce rti ficate expired (less than 60 days) IAdmi nistrative fees ! Driving safety course granted I ! Teen court granted i IPARABOLIC :DISH ANTEN"NAS IPermit application fee iI nsta II ati on penn j t fee "N/A N/A N/A See S 9521.026, 502.407, 54S.605~ Transportation Code $ J 0.00 !If rC111cdied within] 0 work days; proof required. $10.00 ilf renledied within J 0 work days: proof required. $10.00 N/A $ $ 15.00 35.00 lSee art. 45.05 [1 (f), CCP. Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 9 F.013 ;PARKS AND RECREATION [Daily s\vimm ing fee (Resident adu It) I!~:;IY swimming fee (Resident child under Da i ly SWlnlln i ng fee (Rcsidcn t ch i Id under 5) IDa i ly S\ViInln ing fee (N on-residen t adu I t) IDa i Iy s\vinlJl1 i ng fee (N on-residen t guest) jDa ily swilnln i ng fee (N on-residen t chi Id :undcr 16) [Du i Iy \veigh t ro om fee (Residen t) ~Da i Iy weight ro on1 fee (N on-res iden t) fH 0 U rI y ra cq u ct b all fee i Yearly Pass (Residen t) ! Yearly Pass (No n-rcsident) ITennis court reservation fee IFUII recreation center membership fee I (Resident adult) iFu 11 recreation center Inelnbersh i p fee j(Sen ior Resident adult) !Season s\virnming pass fee (Resident) iSeason swiInming pass fee (N on-resident) IZO-S\VllTI punch pass fee (Res ident) 120-S\ViTTI punch pass fee (No n~resjdent) jSeason weight room pass fee (Resident) lScason weight rOQJn pass fee (N on-rcsiden t) lYearly \veight room pass fee (Resident) lVearly weight rOOlTI pass fee (Non-resident) ]1-10 u r l y A c ti vi ty Roo In res erva ti 0 n and use 1 charg e (Re siden t) jI-Iourfy Activity Room reservation and use j charge (Non-residen t) jlalourly Auditorium reservation and use [charge (Resident) !I-Iourly AuditorllHn reservation and use lcharge (N on-resident) lHourly Kitchen reservation and use charge ; (Resident) lI-Iourly l(itchen reservation and use charge i (Non-resident) IHourly Meeting .Rooln reservation and use I charge (Resident) I'Hourly Meeting Rooln reservation and use ! charge (N on-resident) 1,1-1011 rl Y S cou t H ous C resc rva ti 0 n and use ! charge (Resident) Il~Iouriy Scout I-fouse reservation and use I . I charg c (N on..rcslden t) !HOllrlY Senior Wing reservation and lIse f charge (Residen t) [Hourly Senior Wing reservation and use charge (N on-resident) $ 2.00 $ 1.00 i i !No charge $6.00 S 3.00 $3.00 $ 1 .00 $ 2.00 $ 3.00 $ [00.00 $ 150.00 $ 2.00 $ 250.00 $ ] 00.00 $ 200.00 $ 35.00 $ 80.00 $ 40.00 $ 60.00 $ 100.00 $ 150.00 $ 20.00 $ 30.00 $ 35.00 $ 45.00 $ 10.00 $ 20.00 $ 15.00 $ 25.00 $ 35.00 $ 45.00 $ 30.00 $ 40.00 IFor first 3 persons and $50 per person thereafter I ! !No charge j lFor first 3 persons and $25 per person thereafter lPer person Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 10 F.014 F.OlS F.G 16 ~Colonia l Park Swinllning Pool reservation 'and use charge $30 per hour plus $] per person West Un i vers ity Recrcn tion Center [Daily GYln Pass: ! Resident Adult (18 and older) i Res ident Y Dutil (u nd er 18) !1 0- V isit Gym Pass; Resid ent Ad ult Resid ent Youth iQuarterly GYITI Pass: Resid ent Ad u 1 t Resid ent Y otlth Rcsid cnt Fa 111i ly $2.00 $ I .00 $15.00 $ 7 .50 $30.00 $15 LaO $ 60 .00 No n- Resident Ad uI t $4.00 Non-Resident Youth $2.00 NonMRcsident Adult $30.00 Non-Resident Youth $15.00 ! Non-Resident Adult $60.00 : NOllMRcsident Youth $30.00 ! Non-Resident Family $120.00 lInstitutionul Exchanges. The Parks & Recreation Director lnay waive all or part of the Parks & Recreation fees lprescribed by this section, su bj ect to the fa Hawing regu lati ons: (i) The app l lean t must be an institu ti on, either ~public or non-profit, \vitb facilities located within the City. (2) The portion of the fees waived [nay not exceed the ~va Ille of fac itities [nade a va il able by the institution to the Ci ty for pu bI ic use (e .g., for nleeti ngs~ el ections, r femergency opcratjons~ etc.). (3) The lnaxilTIU1TI aJTIount of fees that Inoy be \va ived is $500 per institution per year. Ie 4) Passes and penn its issued to an institution under this section Inay be assigned or resold by the institution~ but the lactua 1 user must qualify for the type of pass or perin it in qu estion~ and the City lllust be notified. . I l tUBLIC RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS !Record or document charge iTree 0 rdinance and criteria manual charge iZoning Ordinance charge IZoning Inap charge IPLUMBING AND GAS i I;Annual contractor registration fee PCrlnit application fee IFi xture or ou t]et pcnnit fee lGas test pennit fee ~Grcase trap perm it tee ~Irrigation systeITI perini t fee !Servi ce [i ne penn i t fee lMinimUlTI permit fee lprclnaturc work charge (Starting before a 1 penn it is issued) IReinspection fee IPermit renewal fee ! i is EXUALL Y ORt ENTED B USIN ESSES !AND ADULT ARCADES i ~SexuaUy oriented business application fee , (Original) $0.10 per page $ 3 .50 $ 6.00 $ 2.50 $ 50.00 $ 10.00 $ 7.00 each $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 350.00 IApplies to each fixture and ou tlet. I I i 1100 % 0 f the pernlit fee (a ddi tio nal) i ! 150% of the original pernlit fee ! i i Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 11 F.017 F.OIS F.019 F.020 lSexually oriented business application fee l (Renc\val) iSexually ori ented busin ess transfer fee [Adu It arcade app I icnti on fee I^du It arcade reinspect ion fee fAdu It arcade transfer 0 r amendment fee ISIGNS ! ! iPenn it app lication fee !Festival Sign Permit Fee !Sign permit Fee iMinimum permit fee !Pretnaturc \vork charges (starting before a j perm it is issued) lRe ins pecti on fee !Pennit renewal fee lSign operating permit fee (Payable per sign, ~per tenll of permit. TcnTI is one year for ;!temporary signs, 24 months for all others.) i rrREES 1 ~ ... removal permit tee ]Low iUlpact evaluation fee i !Survey and disposition revie\v fee (lnajor icon structio n) iSurvey and disposition review fee (Ininor ! con struc ti on I I IWATER AND SEWER SERVICE lN e\v servi ce co nnect pel i nquent cutoff fee ;^ fter hall rs del i nqucn t reconnect fee lDepos it IRetu rn check (or ACH) charge i $ ( 00.00 $ 300.00 $ 75.00 $ 60.00 $ 15.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 1.25 $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $10.00 plus $0.50 per sq. ft. of d i sp 1 ay a rea $ z-s-:.ee 50 rOO $ z-s.:.oo 35.00 $ z-oo.:.w 225.00 $ 7-5-:-B-6 100.00 $ 25.00 $ 30.00 $ 60.00 $ 180.00 jPer square foot of sign face )100% of the pennit fee (additio nal) 150% of the original pennit fee l"D isp I ay area" and Hsign" are defined in Chapter ~3. Exceptions: Fees do 110t app ly to signs ',covered by affinnative defenses or signs for [con 1'OfE11 ing uses a Ho\ved in res j den tl a 1 di stricts. 'f-xceDtio11 : There is no fee for dead. dvi n g~ :d iseased. haz ardou s or C [ass 4 trees. i \ ! i ! lEach time service is established [Reconnect service a fier 4 p.m. 'or before 8 a .tTI. ~M ax i nll11n ~(see ~'Ad]ni nistration") Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 12 F. 02 ] Periodic Charges: trhe total ch3rge per rnonth for each cllstolner is the sum of the applicable base monthly charges (for both water and Ise\ver)~ for each meter~ plus the charges for gallons (for both water and sc\ver) delivered through each Ineter ~ all : !calculated separately for each Ineter according to the schedules set out below. Each of the indicated fees and ~harges takes effect for services provided on or after March 31,2001, except that fees and charges based on periodic billing intervals take effect as to each cllstolner for each of that cnstoluer's bjUing intervals scheduled to jbeg in on or after March 3 L 2001. /'Iotes: ( 1 ) "R eside ntj a I-on ly p remises" refers to prelnises tha t arc llsed on ly for resid enti al pu rpo ses. (2) HWater-only Ineters~' refers to nlcters that serve only irrigation systenlS and other fixtures rronl \vhich there is no return flow into the sanitary sc\ver systeln; ~~regu lar Ineters" refers to all other Inetcrs. itVater Rates iB3 se Inon tltly cha rges: ~\1eters serving residen lial-only prem ises: 15/8 u or 3/4 n IHe tcr: i 1 U lneter 11-1/2 u Ineter ~\1eters serving any other prel11ises: 1518 or 3/4 It Ineter I n Ineter II ... 1/211 n1 C t c r 12 u Ineter i !3 u Incter S 6.90 $ 15.44 $ 29 .4l $ 20.24 $ 28.52 $ 42. I 9 $ 129.21 $ 349.38 \Gallonnge charges (per 1,060 gallons): !Reglllar nleters: !First 3~OOO gallons (0 to 3,000) !Next 6~OOO gallons (3,001 to 9,000) iNext 6,000 gallons (9,001 to 15,000) jEac h 1,000 gal Ions therca fter (over I 5,000) lWater~on/y meters: jFirst 7 ~5 00 gallons jEach I ,000 gall 011S thereafter (over 71500) $ 2.74 $ 3.33 $ 3.94 $ 4.68 $ 3.64 S 4.68 ISewer Rales iBn se m on thly cha rges: IMet.ers serving res i dential-on ly preJTI ises !Meters serving any other premises IGallon .age ell arges (per 1,000 gallons) I Res ide n ti a 1-0 n I y r rem is es IAny other prelnises ! i i i IZONING & PLANNING COMMISSION ~Plats and rcplats $ 4. 11 $ 16.33 $ 2.24 $ 2.42 Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 13 F.022 !Rezoning requested by applicant for that jperso n' s spec ial ben efit 1Z0NING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ~Ap pea I of bu i ld j ng 0 ffi c ia Idee j si on 1S pee i al exception lVariance i ! The fee is the City's actual cost of plat review" plus incidentals. The revie\v is done by a planner retained by the City or by City staff. I nciden ta 1 sine l ude ] ega I notices, surveys, title and I ega] \vork~ res.earch~ signature requests, recording~ copies, etc., as may be requ ired a nd no t prov idcd by the a ppl ic ant. DEPOSIT. A deposit amount (due \vith the prelhninary application) is csti Inated by the City staff, but the In i nl mu 111 d cpos it lS S5 0 0 base fee (or $200.00 base fee for amending plats only), plus $10.00 for each lot and reserve sho\v n on the p I at 0 r replat, plus $100 for those rcqu iri ng new spap er lega 1 notice" plus S 1 00.00 for each se para te ] ega I instru men t need ed (e aselTI ents, etc.) ADDITION AL DEPOSIT. An additional deposit of $ (00.00 ($50.00: for a Inend ing pIn ts) j s du e each tinle the plat is rcsu bIn itted for rechecking. FULL PAY MENT. The full actual cost must be paid before the repla tis released for record i ng. $500 plus out-of-pocket costs for dra fti ng and revi c\v by pJ anner, : engj neer, attorney and other cansu Ita nt. A deposit is estilna ted by thef ci ty p lanner~ and Illay be increased as the matter proceeds. The depo sit lTIUst be increased to cover the estiJna ted full costs at these stages: (I) before the Ineeting of the COlnm ission to consider a " prelilninary report, (2) before any hcari ng notices are sent out and (3)!! before the Jl1eeting a t which the COlnlni ss ion cons i ders its fina l ! repo rt. $250.00. Exception~ $500.00 plus outwofMpocket review costs for appeal s requ i ring rev ie\v by planner, engi n eer, attorney 0 r other con suI ta n t. A depos it is estiInated by the city pIa nil er and lTIU st be pa id with the a p pI icatio 11. Th e fuI [ cost is p ayab Ie befo re the he ari ng. In add i tion to all other fee itelns~ the app Ii can t 11lUSt pa y th e actua [ cost of notices; see bel Q\V. $250.00 per exception per proposed building site affected. Exception: $500.00 pins out-of-pocket review costs for exceptions rcqu i ri ng rev iew by planner, engi neer, attorney or other C onsu ltant. A deposit is estiluatcd by the city planner and Jnust be paid \vith the a pp l ica tion. The fu II cas tis paya b Ie befo rc th e 11 eari ng. In ad d itio n to all other fee items~ the applicant must pay the actual cost of notices; see bel O\v. $250.00 per variance per proposed building site affected. Exception: $500.00 plus out~of-pocket revie\v costs for variances requiring : review by planner, engineer, attorney or other consultant. A deposit "i is estimate d by the city p lann er and Inust be pa id \vith the ap p l icatio n.: The full cost is payable before the hearing. In addition to all other .. fee j tenlS, the a pp liea n t In u st pay the a ctu a I cost 0 f n oti ces~ see bclo\v..: Fees & Charges Ordinance1 Page 14 F.023 ::Other application Icost of notices JRefunds iPUBLIC SAFETY ! i iN on-va 1 id al arnl ,Type J Alann Penuit iType II Alann Pennit iAnnual permit renewal fee !Type I J JTIonth Iy renewal !Copies of accident reports or accident ii nforlna tion iCertifica tio n that no such repo rt 0 r !,i n fa fln a ti 0 n is 0 n fi I e $250 per action iteIn requested. Exception: $500.00 plus out-of.. pocket revie\v costs for appeals requiring review by planner, engineer, attorney or other consultant. A deposit is cstitnatcd by the ci ty plann er and Inust be pa id with the ap pI lca tj 0 n. Th e full cost is payab I e before the hearing In addi ti 0 n to a II other fee i tenlS ~ the app licant Hlust pay the actua I cost of notices; see belo\v.. In ad dition to all other fee itclns ~ the applican t lTIUst pay the City's actual out-of-pocket cost 0 f giving no tices and rceo rding decisions in the rea 1 property records. A deposit of $ ] 00.00 is due at the ti Jne of application. Any excess cost nUlst be paid before the hearing or rei ease of decis ion. No fees or costs are refun dab Ie unless: (j) the ap plican t preva i I s, (i i) the ZBA reverses or Jnodj ties an adEninistrative interpretation or other decision; and (iii) the ZBA dctenn ines that a refund (full or partial) \VOldd be just and equitable under the ~1CtS and cirCUlnstanCes! of the en se. ' $ I I I ]Per occurrence (subject to state la\v regarding IntllTI her chargeab 1 e) ! i I ! i 50.00 $ $ $ $ 25.00 25.00 5.00 25.00 irer lnon th $6.00 or the actual cost of the prepara tion of the copy, \vhichever is ] ess; p [us $ 2.00 per copy fa r certi ficatio n (if reql1 ested). $6.00 Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 15