HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1809 - court costs
Ordinance No~ 1809
Section 1. (a) Section 14.005 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West
University Place, Texas, is hereby amended as follows:
Sec. 14.005" Court fees and costs.
(a) Generally. All applicable fees and costs shall be taxed, assessed and collected, unless
waived or reduced .in accordance with state law or this Code. See the Fees & Charges Schedule
for a listing of fees and costs; others imposed by state law may also apply. Applicable fees and
costs shall be collected from each defendant, and together with the fine, shall be deposited in the
Ci ty general fund) unless another d ispositi on is requ.i red by state law or th is Code~
(b) Municipal court techllology~ The Municipal Court Technology Fund of the City
("MeT Fund") is hereby created. Each defendant convicted of a misdelneanor "in the municipal
court is required to pay the additional fee prescribed by the Fees & Charges Schedule for this
purpose, as a. municipal court cost of court Each misdemeanor conviction shall be subject to a
separate assessment of the fee. For purposes of this fee, and unless otherwise provided by
applicable law, a person is considered convicted if: (i) sentence is inlposed on the person; (ii) the
person is placed on cOlnnlunity supervision, including deferred adjudication conlmunity
supervision; or (iii) the court defers fina.l disposition of the personls case. The court clerk shall
co.llect the fee and pay it to the P.inance Director, to be deposited into the MeT Fund. The MeT
Fund .is used and administered as provided in state law; see, e.g~, Code of Crilninal Procedure, art
102.0172, bv the Finance Director under the direction of the Ci ty Counci 1.
Ce) Municipal court built/in!!. securitv~ The Municipal Court Bu.ilding: Security Fund of
the City ("MCBS Fund") .is hereby created. Each defendant convicted of a misdelneanor in the
lTIunicioal court is required to pay the addi.tional fee prescribed by the Fees & Charges Schedule
for this PllrDose~ as a cost of court. Each misdelneanor conviction shall be subiect to a separate
asseSSlnent of the fee. For purposes of this fee~ and unless otherwise provided by applicable law~
a Rerson is considered con victed if: (i) sentence is imposed on the person: (j i) the person is placed
on cOlnmunitv supervision.. including deferred ad.iudication: or (iii) the court defers final
disposition of the person's case. The court clerk shall collect the fee and pay it to the .P.inance
D.i.rector~ to be deposited into the MCBS Fund. The MCBS Fund is used and administered as
provided in state law: see, e~g... Code of Criminal Procedure. art .I 02.017. bv the .Finance -.Director
under the direction of the City CounciL
(b) The Fees & Charges Schedule of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West
University Place, Texas is hereby amended to read in its entirety as set out in Appendix
A, which is attached and made a part of this ordinance.
Section 2. This Ordinance applies from and after its Effective Date. New or
changed fees shall apply only to a cost on conviction for an offense committed on or
after the Effective Date~ A cost on conviction for an offense committed before the
Effective Date is governed by the ordinances in effect on the date the offense was
committed, and the former ordinances are continued in effect for that purpose. For
purposes of this section, an offense was committed before the Effective Date Act if any
element of the offense occurred before that date.
Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance
are repealed to the extent of the conflict only.
Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other
part of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shalf
ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdictiont
neither the remainder of this Ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase,
clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance to any other
persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby.
Section 5. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a
sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which
this Ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner
required by the Texas Open Meetings Act1 as amendedt and that each such meeting
has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion,
consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices
and the contents and posting thereof.
Section 6. The ~'Effective Date" of this Ordinance is the tenth day following its
publication in accordance with the City CharteL
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED on first reading on ~~/..:f-~
Councilmembers Voting Aye:
Councilmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent:
~ED, APPROVED and ADOPTED on second reading AND SIGNED on
. ~d0 , ~eO'.
Councilmembers Voting Aye:
Councilmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent:
City Attorney
F ~OO 1
F ~002
F ~003
F ~004
F ~005
F ~006
F ~007
F ~009
.F ~O 12
Appendix A
Fees & Charges Schedule
A mbula nee Service
Building and Standards Commission
Electrical Wark
Garbage Service
llc~tI th
Hcating~ Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Liq nor Licenses and Permi ts
lVlunicipal Coorl.
Pa ra bol ic Dish Antenna
F ~020
F ~022
Parks and Rccrc3 tion
Public Records nnd Documents
Plulnbing and Gas
Sexually Oriented B usi ncsses and Ad ul t Arcades
Wafer and Sewer Service
Zoning and Planning Commission
Zoning Board of Adj ustment.
Pub) ic Safety
Motor vehicle decal charges $ :I ~OO
C0l11lnercial impact zone permit fee $ :I 0.00 For first .motor vehicle and $5.
per ITIatar vehicle thereafter
Returned check (or ACH payment) fee $ 35.00 Also applies to payments returned by autolllated
or electronic payment systenlS (ACH)~ Applies
to paymenls of all kind, e~g~, taxes, permits, fees,
charges, util:ity rates and all other purposes.
Lien release fee $ 25.00
Acquiescence to encroachnlent fee $ lOO.OO
Specia"J events fee Ac tual cast
Use of City-owned photocopier $ OJO Per copy
The total 3ITIOunt payable for each call or incident is the SU01 of the unit charges for the services provided and the
iteolS used, as shown below:
Routine disposable supplies $ 45.00
ALS speciaJized supplies $ 45~OO
B LS disposable s U PI' lies $ 35.00
IV supplies $ 45.00
Oxygen $ 85.00
BLS transport $ 425~OO
BLS emergency transport $ 5 J 0 ~ 00
ALS-l non enlcrgency transport $ 525.00
ALS~ 1 emergency trans $ 610.00
ALS-2 emergency trans $ 610.00
ALS or BLS mileage $ :1 0.00
G IUC01l1eter $ 39~60
Prumethazine 25 .mg $ 5.00
Defi brillation $ 225~OO
Drug admlnistrati 0 n $ 20.00
Chest decompression CPR $ 45.00
Cardiac monitoring $ 175~OO
External pacing $ 220.00
Infusion pump maintenance $ 55.00
In tu ba ti 0 n s upp l.i es $ 184.25
IV therapy (admin) $ 90.75
Oxygen therapy (.i n c Iud es Sat) $ 105.00
02 nasal can ld a $ 22~50
IInmobilization / splinting $ 75.00
As p.iri n 81 lTlg $ 1.00
Endo tracheal tube $ 41.25
Bandage supplies $ 20.00
B urn sheet $ 27.50
OB kit $ 44~OO
D is posabl e blanket $ 27.50
Phenegran 1M I IV $ 5.72
Isolation kit $ 49.50
Gloves - Infection control $ 5 ~50
D.isposable collar $ 51..70
D is posa b I e head hl DC ks $ 21.00
EKG electrodes (set) $ 33~OO
Acti vated charcoal $ 23.76
Adenocard / Adenosine 6 mg $ 123.00
AI butero.l / Proventi I 0.83% $ 6. 16
Atropine "1 .MG $ 16~65
Benedryl 50 MG $ 5.78
Dextrose 25 % 25 MG $ 75.1.3
Dextrose 500/0 25 MG $ 75.13
Bretylium 500 MG $ 120."1 1
Dopanune 400 MG $ 30~OO
Epinephrine 1: 1000 :I MG $ 3.29
Epinephrine .J ::1 0,000 .1 MG $ 57.75
FUrOSell1.ide 40 MG $ 5.00
Insta ... Glucose $ 15~20
Ipecac $ 3.:15
Lidocaine .100 MG $21.18
Lidocaine 2/5 drip $ 34.00
Magnesium Sulfate 5 MG $ 6.23
ROlnazicon I MG $ 79.00
T erb utal ine 1 mg $ 6~84
Nitriglycerine spray $ 6.54
Ni tro g I yceri ne tab $ 2.00
Procainamide "1 MG $ 8.00
Procardi a $ 2.00
Sodiuol Bicarb $ 4.82
Thialnine 100 MG $ 9.50
Valium 10 MG $ 8.62
VerapmH 5 MG $ 8~73
N onna.) sa.J i ne "1000 cc IV $ 4.) .34
Nonnal Saline 250 cc IV $ 18.60
Lactated Ringers J.OOO cc $ 51.79
D5W 500 cc $ 18.00
Morphine $ 13.50
Mannitol 100 lllg / 500 Inl $ 18.13
NaIoxone/Narcan 2 nlg $ 20.00
Norcuron $ 75.34
Anectine $ 12.83
Versed 2 Ing $ l5.56
Sol umedrol 125 lng $ 28.16
Lasix 20 MG IV $ 27.00
Cardizem 25 mg / 5 m.J IVP $ 81 .00
SuccyneJchol i ne 200 mg $ 4.85
Di azepam lO mg $0
Cordarone $ 109.85
Res po nse fee (res) $ 25.00
V eh i cl e / un it deeD n tanli nati 0 n $ l04.50
Exceptions: (1) Amounts billed to other governmental units are determined by the applicable contracts or
arrangen1ents with those units. (2) The City lnay accept ass.ignment or Medicare and Medicaid claims or
payn1ents, in which case, tbe amount payable is detennined by the appropriate regulations. Such amount shall
control over the charges set out above, in case of any difference.
Original registration of dogs and cats $ 20.00 Exception: $1. 5 for owners over 65 years of age.
Annual dangerous dog registration $ 250.00 (fee is in add i ti 0 n to the a bo ve re gistra ti on fees)
First violation and inlpoundn1ent fee $ 50.00 $100 if animal is: (i) not registered or (ii) a
dangerous dog
Second violation and inlpoundlnent fee $ 7 5 ~ 00 $150 if anilnal IS: (i) not regi stered or (ii) a
dangerous dog
Third and all successive violations and $ 100.00 $200 if animal is: (i) not re gi s tered or (ii) a
i In po undIne n t fees dangerous dog
Dai I y ken ne 1 fees $ 15.00
Note: All original registration fees shown, with the exceplion of the dangerous dog fee, are one-liole fees that
register the animal for life..
Annual contractor registration fee $ 50.00
Permit application fee $ 15.00 In addition to applicable plan checking or pennit
Plan checking fee (applies to aU plan 50% of the Plan checking fee must be paid each time plans
submissions, unless otherwise specificaUy corresponding are submitted or re-submitted. Exception: The
indicated; payable in addition to permit fee). permi t fee buildi ng official lllay reduce the re-subnlission
fee if the time required to check the re-
su b missi 0 n is matcri al J y lower than original
sub missi 0 n.
New construction pennit fee (Si.ngIe faJnily $ 0.32 per
resi den ti a I) sq uare foot
New construction pennit fee (Other) $ 0.38 per
square foot
Remodeling and repair permit fee (Single $ 20.00 for $1,000 or less in construction value
faIuiI y resi den tial) plus $ 3.00 per $1,000 In construction value
th ere after
Remodeling and repair permit fee (Other) $ 60.00 for $1,000 or less in construction value
plus $3.00 per $1 ; 000 in construe ti 0 n val ue
Fence or wall permit fee $ 0.75 per linear foot; $25.00 min.
Drive wa y perIni t fee $ 80~OO Includes entrance ramp pernl.it fee.
Fire systems
Plan checking fee: $:1 00 per set for original sublnission" $50 for re-subnlission (not
credited to permit fees). Pernlit fees are $50 for each automatic fire extinguishing
system and each alarm and detection system. For sprinkler systems, the fee is
increased by either $25 (residential) or $50 plus $1.75 per head (non-residential). Fire
system fees are payable in addition to all other fees.
Sidewalk permit fee $ 0.75 per
linear foot
Street or curb pernlit fee $ 25.00 For regulated fae i 1 i ti es under Chapter I 9, add
-. $150 for plan-checking plus application fees.
Exception: The permit fee for work affecting new roadways under Chapter 19 is $100,
plus the estiInated out-of-pocket expenses that may be incurred by the City in
connection with the work, including engineering review, extra inspections or testing,
supplemental traffic control, etc. The building officia.J shaH estinlate such expenses at
lhe time of application and shall collect at least .1.1.00/0 of the estimate as a deposit. The
building official Inay require a permittee to supplement the deposit as the work
proceeds. When the work .is finished, the building official shall refund any part of the
deposit that exceeds the actual pern1it fees due in connection with the work~
PWSF (low~impact) permit, for equiplnent $ 100.00 per Non-Jow-in1pact PWSF permits require a special
auached to existing structures with no new site exception; see F.022; below.
electrical, alteration or construction.
All other PWSF (low-i.mpact) pernlits
$ 500.00 per
Registration for house movers fee
.Renewal fee
M 0 v.i n g penni t fee
Occupancy inspection fee (S.ingle fam.ily
res.i den ti al)
Occupancy inspection fee (Other)
Water connection permit and meter
(3/411) ins tallati 0 n
$ 500cOO
$ 400.00
$ 500.00
$ 50.00
$ lOO.OO
$ 225.00
Water co nnecti 0 n perm i t and nleler
( I") installation
$ 275.00
Water connection peroli t and l11eter
(Over lIt) insta.llation
S ani tury sewer co n necti 0 n penni t
$ 1.25.00
DeUlontion permi t fee
S winuning poo"l penni t Fee
Dupl icate pennit charge
Dupl icate permit card fee
Prenlature work charge (Starting before
pennit is issued)
$ 250.00
$ 150.00
$ 25.00
$ 50.00
Non-Iow-inlpact PWSF permits require a special
exception; see F.022; below.
If connection IS to be Inade to a not-yet-
constructed City line~ there is a deposit of $250
(not refundable unless, after new line is
constructed, a new pernlit is applied for, with
proper notice~ inspection, etc.)
If connection is to be nlade to a not-yet-
constructed City line, there is a deposit of $250
(not refundable unless, after new line is
constructed, a new pennit is applied for, with
proper notice, inspection, etc.)
Actual Cost plus $175.00. If connection is to be
Inade to a not-yet-constructed City l.ine, there is a
depos i t of $250 (not refu nda b 1 e u nIess, after new
line is constructed, a new pern1it is appl ied for,
with proper notice, inspection, etc.)
If connection is to be Illade to a not-yet-
constructed City line, there is a deposit of $250
(not refundable unless, after new line is
constructed, a new pefll1it is appLied for, with
proper no ti ce, in spec ti 0 n, etc.)
"I 00% of the pern1it fee (additional)
Rei nspection fee (following routi ne $ 50~OO M.ust be paid wi lhin 30 days of reinspection, and
i nspec ti 0 n) in any event before any certi fi cate of occu pa ncy
or similar approval is issued. Fees .may be
a p pealed to BSC, and may be paid without
prejud ice to such an appeal.
Re.i nspection fee (Inandatory rei nspection Must be paid within 30 days of notice, and in any
following notice of violation of building or $ 75.00 event be fore any certi fica te of occupancy or
zoning ordinances or other applicable fo r the firs t s i m il ar appro val is .issued ~ Fees maybe appealed
regulations) violation i tern to BSC, and may be paid without prejudice to
plus $ 15.00 such an appeal. B S C Ina y red uce or abate this
for eac h fee (and any ap peal fees) , if no violation
additional ace urred, or for 0 ther good cause sh 0 wn.
Permit renewal fee 500/0 of the original penni t fee
AppJication fee $ 100.00
Appl ication fee (n1aster electrician license) $ 20.00
Annual license fee (nlaster electrician) $ 50.00
Application fee (Journeynlan e.lectrician $ 10.00
License fee (Journeynlan electrician) $ 10.00
Application fee (Apprentice electrician) $ 10.00
License fee (Apprentice electrician) $ 5~OO
Appl ication fee (Maintenance electrician $ 10.00
License fee (Maintenance electrician license $ ] 0.00
Pernli t application fee $ J 0.00
Temporary service permit fee $ 20.00
Meter loop and service permit fee $ 20.00
Outlet or light fixture permit fee $ 0 ~50
Appliance permit fee $ 2.00
Motor pernlit fee $ 3.00
Se rvi ce reeD n necti 0 n pernli t fee $ J 0.00
Electrical sign pernlit fee $ .10.00
MinilTIUm permit fee $ 25.00
Pre matu re work char.ge (S tarti n g be r 0 re a ] 00% of the pennit Fee (additional)
Rc ins pee ti 0 n fee $ 50 ~ 00
Pennit renewal fee I 150% of the original perolit fee
, j
Monthly dwelling unit charge $ 15.75 Basic fee, for basic service only ~
Month] y dwelling uni t charge (Adult 65 or $ 8.00 Basic fee, for basic service only.
Special pick-up of iteITIS at curbside, not on $ 15.00 plus Speciu"1 service fee, "in addition to basic fee~
a regular collection day for those items at $ 1.00 per bag
that location. or equi valent
Special handling of iteITIS not bagged, $ 15~OO plus Special service fee, in addition to basic fee and
prepared or placed as required for basic $ 1. 00 per bag any other applicable special service fee
serv i ce. Exanlp le: Leaves an d grass or equi va"lent.
clippings in non-approved bags.
Regular route pick-up of ordinary garbage at $ 4~OO per
construction sites, with special bag sticker one-bag
(40-pound "limit per bag). sticker.
Permit application fee $ 5.00
Annual food establishment permit fee $ 120.00
Temporary food estahlishment pernlil fee $ 8.00
(Special event)
Annual contractor registration fee $ 50.00
Heating and air conditioning pennit fee $ J 5.00 Per unit
Heating and air conditioning pernlit fee $ 30.00 For first 140,000 btu's and $5 per 100,000 btu.s
(Co n1 111erci al) thereafter
Air conditioning and refr.igeration permit fee $ 5.00
Local vent pern1it fee $ 3.00
Minimum permit fee $ 25.00
Prelnalure work charge (Starting before a 100% of the permit fee (additional)
pcrn1i tis iss ued )
Reinspection fee $ 50.00
Permi t renewal fee 50% of the orig.inal fee
Mixed Beverage 1 i cense fee (Ori gi nal) $ t ,500~OO
Mixed Beverage license fee (First renewal) $ 1,125.00
Mixed Beverage license fee (Second $ 750.00
ren e wa"J)
Mi xed Beverage license fee (Subsequent $ 375.00
Wine only-package store "J icense fee $ 37 T50
Retail dealer off-prelnise license fee $ 30.00
Wine or beer retailer off-premise license fee $ 30.00
Winery license fee $ 37.50
Mixed beverage late hours license fee $ 75.00
Wi n e or bee r reta i I er perml t fee $ 87.50
Retaj"J dealer on-prenlise "license fee $ 75.00
Retail dealer on-prenlise license fee $ "125.00
ea terer perOl i t fee $ 250.00
Package store permit fee $ 150.00
"Dai"1 y permi t fee $ 25~OO
COlnplaint and judglnent copy charge $ 2.00
Court costs
All state-prescribed court costs apply.:.-;-Wi.ffi no local court cost aaaed (i.e"~ no '~"H-ve-OOI+aF-€BHJt cost ~~dee(Bi
~crvicc:~ or peace n1+i-ecc; under art. 1 O~.O II, Code or Crirninal Procedure (CCP): J
,,'\rrc sf. fee ~ ~\pplicd only Vo'her:. drh"in; ~;afcty 2our:;c ;;r4ntcd.
Warrant fee NtA r
&ui:t-lH-lffilffi.g-a MfA I
&UfHH-leH-ffi.g-a NtA j
Gt-He r l: O:,;t~,~ (c. g. ~ NtA I
'Tinle paYffil~ ~ If con '/"ictcd. S;:c 351..92! ~ GO\'crnInent (~o~
Municipal Court Building Security i 3.00WIA I
Municipal Court Technology Fund $4.00 Per con viction. Applies un ti I expiration.
See arL I 02~07 .12, CCP.
+ffitl1~"O /\pPCQf ~ I
&j3ec i a I Ex pc nsc (c. g. ~ S~ ryi ng-wafFa-Ht&1 ~ J
~ ~ I
Case cnmpliance fecC~-:.~;c di~;rnissJ.] fcc~-; See Sec. 548.605. Tral1~~ortat!on Code.~~ t;:~ .~:6, 50~
~n Dollar Fcc~";") J 3.60), Tran~;p( ~ll Ie. -, ~
Expired D1... or rcgjstration ~ 1. f rc Bled i c d ~~;v i th in 1 0 ~xor.k da y~.~; l~:ro 0 f rcq 4tro4
$ 10.00 If remedied within 10 work days; proof required~
Inspection certificate
expired (less than 60 days)
/\.dluin istrati \'C fees f
Dri v.i n t! saret V co u rse ~i J 0.00 See an. ~12l. 05.11 (1). CGll:
Qranted Driving s~1f~t-y
course bf~ntea
+ecn court ~rantcd NI-A I
Permit applicati"on fee $ 15~OO
InstaUation pernlit fee $ 35.00
Daily swimoling fee (Res"ident adult) $ 2.00
Daily swim"mjng fee (Resident child under $ I ~OO
Daily SWilTI1Uing fee (Resident child under No cbarge
Daily swi"m"ming fee (Non-res"ident adult) $ 6~OO
DaiJy SWiITIlning fee (Non-resident guest) $ 3.00
:Oai"ly SWilTIlning fee (Non-resident child $ 3.00
under 16)
Daily weight room fee (Resident) $ LOa
Daily weight rOOll1 fee (Non-resident) $ 2.00
Hourly racquetball fee $ 3.00
Yearly Pass (Resident) $ 100.00
Yearly Pass (Non-resident) $ .1 50~OO
T e nni s court reservati 0 n fee $ 2.00
Pul I recreation cenler nlembership fee $ 250.00 For first 3 persons and $50 per person thereafter
(Resident adult)
Full recrealion cenler lnernbership fee No charge
(Senior Resident adul t)
Seasa n s w i 111 1l1i ng pass fee (Res i den t) $ lOO.OO For first 3 persons and $25 per person thereafter
Season swimming pass fee (Non-resident) $ 200.00 Per perso n
20-Swinl punch pass fee (Resident) $ 35~OO
20-Swinl punch pass fee (Non-resident) $ 80.00
Season we"ight room pass fee (Resident) $ 40~OO
Season weight rOOIn pass fee (Non-resident) $ 60.00
Yearl y weight rOOTIl pass fee (Resident) $ 100.00
Yeady weight room pass fee (Non-resident) $ .l50~OO
Ho url y Ac ti vi ty Roo m reservati 0 nand use $ 20.00
charge (Resident)
Hourly Activity Roanl reservation and use $ 30.00
charge (Non-resident)
Hourly Auditorium reservation and use $ 35.00
charge (Resident)
Hourly Auditoriunl reservation and use $ 45.00
charge (Non-resident)
Hourly Kitchen reservation and use charge $ (0.00
Hour'ly Kitchen reservation and use charge $ 20.00
Hourly Meeting Roanl reservation and use $ 15.00
charge (Resi den t)
Hourly Meeting Room reservation and use $ 25~OO
charge (Non-resident)
H 0 url y Scou tHo use reservati 0 nand use $ 35.00
charge (Resident)
H"ourly Scout House reservation and use $ 45.00
charge (Non-resident) ...--.......--........-........................--.-----.-.-.- .................
Hourly Senior Wing reservation and use $ 30~OO
charge (Resident)
Hourly Seni or Wi ng reservation and use $ 40.00
charge (Non-res id en t)
Colonial Park Swinllning Pool reservation $30 per hOllr plus $] per person
and use charge
W es t U ni vers i ty Recreati 0 n Ce n ter
Daily Gym Pass:
Resident Adult (.18 and older) $ 2.00 N on- Resident Adul t $4.00
Resident Youth (under 18) $ 1.00 Non-Res"ident Youth $2.00
10- Visit Gym Pass:
Resident Adu"Jt $ 15.00 Non-Resident Adult $30.00
Res i de n t You th $ 7.50 N on- Resident Youth $ 15.00
Quarterly Gym Pass:
Res idcnt Adul t $ 30.00 N on- Resident Adu t t $60.00
Resident Y Duth $ 15.00 Non-Resident Youth $30.00
Resident Faolily $ 60.00 Non-Resident Fanlily $120.00
Institutional Exchcul,ges~ The Parks & Recreation Director .Inay waive all or part of the Parks & Recreation fees
prescribed by this section, subject to the folJow.ing regulations: (I) The applicant 01ust be an institution, either
public or non-profit, with facil.ities located within the City. (2) The portion of the fees waived nlay not exceed the
value of facilities nlade available by the institution to the City for publ ic use (e.g., for meeti ngs, elections,
en1ergency operations, etc.). (3) The maximum amount of fees that may be waived is $500 per institution per
year. (4) Passes and permits issued to an instilution under this section may be assigned or resold by the
institution, but the actual user lnust qualify for the type of pass or pennit in question, and the City Blust be
Record or document charge $0.10 per
Tree Ordinance and criteria manual charge $ 3.50
Zoning Ordinance charge $ 6.00
Zoning map charge $ 2.50
Annual contractor registration fee $ 50 L 00
Permit application fee $ 10.00
Fixture or outlet perm.it fee $ 7 ~OO each Applies to each fixture and outlet.
Gas test permit fee $ 25.00
Grease trap pernli t fee $ 50.00
Irrigation systenl pern1it fee $ 25.00
Service line permit fee $ 10.00
Mi nin1 unl penni t fee $ 25.00
Prenlature work charge (Starting before a 100% of the permit fee (additional)
permit is issued)
Reinspect.ion fee $ 50.00
Permi t renewal fee 50% of the original perm.i t fee
Sexually oriented business application fee $ 350~OO
Sexually oriented business application fee $ 100.00
(Re ne wa.l)
Sexually oriented business transfer fee $ 300~OO
Ad u 1 t arcad e appli ea ti 0 n fee $ 75.00
Ad u1 t arcade rei nspecli 0 n fee $ 60.00
Ad u It arcade transfer or aOle ndmen t fee $ 15.00
Permit application fee $ 5.00
Pes ti val Sign Pe rmi t Fee $ 5.00
Sign permit fee $ 1.25 Per square foot of sign face
Minilnuln pennit fee $ 20.00
PreIl1ature work charges (starting before a 100% of the perolit fee (additional)
permit is issued)
Reinspection fee $ 50.00
Permi t re ne wal fee 50% 0 f the original permit fee
Sign operating permit fee (Payable per sign, $10.00 plus ":Display areaH and "sign" are defined in Chapter
per tefln of permit. Term is one year for $0.50 per sq. 3. Exceptions: Fees do not apply to signs
temporary signs, 24 nlonths for all others~) ft. of display co vered by affi rn13 ti ve defe nses or signs for
area conforming uses allowed in residential districts.
F.O 18
Renlova.1 pennit fee $ 50.00 Exception: There is no fee for dead, dying~
diseased; hazard 0 us 0 r CI ass 4 trees.
Low i.mpacl evaluation fee $ 35.00
Survey and disposition review fee (major $ 225.00
co ns true t ion)
Survey and disposi tion review fee (minor $ 100.00
co n s true ti 0 n
New serv.ice connect $ 25.00 Each ti.mc service is established
Delinq uent cutoff fee $ 30.00
After hours delinq uent reconnect fee $ 60.00 Reconnect service after 4 p.n1. or before 8 a~In.
Deposi t $ I 80.00 .Max i n1 U 111
Return check (or ACH) charge $ 35.00 (see "Adnlinistration")
Periodic Cltarges.~
The total charge per "month for each cllstolner is the sum of the appl icable base monthly charges (for both water
and sewer), for each "meter, plus the charges for gallons (for both water and sewer) delivered through each oleter,
all ca"lculated separate"ly for each nleter according to the schedules set out below.
(1) "Residential-only preInises" refers to preInises that are used only for residential purposes.
(2) "Water-only ll1cters" refers to lneters that serve only irrigation systems and other fixtures from which
there is no return flow into the sanitary sewer systenl; "regular meters'; refers to all other oleters. M
Water Rates ~
Base monthly charges:
Meters serving residential-only prenlisesL~
5/8H or 3/411 meter: $ 7 ~49
111 Ineter $ 16.77
1_1/21t meter $ 3 I. 94
Meters serving any other prel11ises:
5/8 or 3/411 meter $ 21.98
111 meter $ 30.98
l-1/211 meter $ 45~82
21t nleter $ 140.32
311 meter $ 374.95
Gallonage charges (per 1,000 gallons):
Regular nleters:
'"First 3,000 gaUons (0 to 3,000) $ 2.97
Next 6,000 gallons (3,001 to 9,000) $ 3~61
Next 6,000 gallons (9,001 to 15,000) $ 4.28
Each 1,000 gallons thereafter (over 15,000) $ 5.09
Water-only nleters.~
First 7,500 gallons $ 3~95
Each 1,000 gallons thereafter (over 7,500) $ 5.09
Selver Rates
Base monthly charges:
Meters serving reside n tia"J-o nl y preluises $ 4.40
Meters serving any other pren1ises $ 17.47
Gallonage charges (per 1,000 gallons)
Residential-only pren1ises $ 2.40
Any other premises $ 2.59
P"l ats and repJats
Rezoning requested by appJicant for that
person'8 special benefit
Appeal of building official decision
The fee is the City's actual cost of plat review, plus incidentals. The
review is done by a planner retained by the City or by City staff.
Incidentals include legal notices, surveys, title and legal work,
research, signature requests, recording, copies, etc., as may be
required and not provided by the applicant
DEPOSIT. A deposit amount (due with the preli"minary application)
is estinlated by the City staff, but the "minimum deposit is $500 base
fee (or $200.00 base fee for an1ending plats only), plus $"10.00 for
each lot and reserve shown on the plat or replat, plus $1.00 for those
requiring newspaper legn") notice, plus $100.00 for each separate
legal instrument needed (easements, etc.)
ADDITIONAL DEPOSIT. An additional deposit of $ J 00.00
($50.00 for amending plats) is due each tilne the plat is resubmitted
for rechecking.
FU"L"L .PAYMENT. The full actual cost lTIUst be paid before the
replat is released for recording.
$500 plus out-of-pocket costs for drafting and review by planner,
engineer, attorney and other consultant. A deposit is estilnated by
the city planner, and may be increased as the "matter proceeds. The
deposit "must be increased to cover the estiInated ruB costs at tbese
stages: (1) before the meeting of the Comnlission to consider a
preliminary report, (2) before any hearing notices are sent out and
(3) before the nleeting at which the COlTIlnission considers oilS final
$250.00. Exception: $500.00 plus out-of-pocket review costs for
appeals requiring review by planner, engineer, attorney or other
consultant. A deposit is estinlated by the city planner and must be
paid with the application. The full cost is payable before the
hearing. In addition to all other fee itenls, the applicant "must pay
the actual cost of notices; see below.
Special exception
V ari ance
Other application
Cas t of noli ces
Non-valid alarnl
Type I Alann Pennit
Type IT A"Jann Pernli t
Annual pern1it renewal fee
Type II monthly renewal
Copies of accident reports or accident
in forn1ation
Certification that no such report or
information is on fi le
$250.00 per exception per proposed building site affected.
Exception: $500.00 plus out-ofMpocket review costs for exceptions
requiring review by planner, engineer, attorney or other consultant.
A deposit is estimated by the city planner and nlust be paid with the
application. The full cost is payable before the hearing. In addition
to all other fee ite"ms, the applicant must pay the actual cost of
notices; see below.
$250.00 per variance per proposed building sHe affected.
"Exception: $500.00 plus out-oi-pocket review costs for variances
requiring review by p:lanner, engineer, attorney or other consultant.
A depos i t is estimated by the ci ty plan ner an d 111 ust be paid with the
application. The full cost is payable before the hearing. In addition
to all other fee iten1S, the appl.icant 1l1ust pay the actual cost of
notices; see below.:.
$250 per action itelTI requested. Exception.: $500.00 plus out-of-
pocket review costs for appeals requiring review by planner,
engineer, attorney or other consu"ltanL A deposit .is estilnated by the
city planner and ITIUst be paid with the application. The full cost is
payable before the hearing. In addition to all other fee HeITIS; the
appLicant must pay the actual cost of notices; see be"low.~
In addition to aH other fee items~ the applicant must pay the City's
actual out-oT-pocket cost of giv.ing notices and recordi ng decisi ons
in the real property records. A deposit of $.1 OO~OO "is due at the tjrne
of appl.ication~ Any excess cost nlust be paid before the hearing or
release of decision.
No fees or costs are refundable unless: (i) the applicant prevails, (ii)
the ZBA reverses or modifies an adnlinistrative interpretation or
other decision; and (iii) the ZBA determines that a refund (full or
partiaJ) would be just and equitable under the facts and
CirCUITIstances of the case.
$ 50.00
Per occurrence (subject to slate law regarding
number chargeable)
$ 25.00
$ 25cOO
$ 5.00
$ 25.00
Per month
$6.00 or the actual cost of the preparation of the copy, whichever is
less; plus $2~OO per copy for certification (if requested).
$ 6.00