HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1778 - water and sewer rates
Ordinance No. 1778
Section 1 ~ The Fees & Charges Schedule of the Code of Ordinances of the City
of West University Place, Texas is hereby amended to read in its entirety as set out in
Appendix At which is attached and made a part of this ordinance~
Section 2. This Ordinance applies from and after the Effective Date~ New or
changed rates and charges shaH apply to each billing period beginning on or after the
Effective Date. In all other circumstances, the fees and charges in effect immediately
before the Effective Date ("Prior Fees") shall govern~ The Prior Fees are continued in
effect for this purpose~
Section 3~ All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance
are repealed to the extent of the conflict only~
Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause} sentence, paragraph, section or other
part of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall
ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction,
neither the remainder of this Ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase,
clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance to any other
persons or circumstances, shalf be affected thereby~
Section 5.. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a
sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which
this Ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner
required by the Texas Open Meetings Act~ as amended, and that each such meeting
has been open. to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion}
consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices
and the contents and posting thereof.
Section 6. This Ordinance and shaff take effect immediately upon adoption and
signature ('~Effective DateU).
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 1
PASSEDJ APPROVED and ADOPTED on first reading O#~I .P, :;;co.,/
Councilmembers Voting Aye: /
Councilmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent:
;L. PASSED, A~PROVED and ADOPTED on second reading AND SIGNED on
~/~ .;}2.- , ~Y ~
Councilmembers Voting Aye:
Councilmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent
Recom mended:
A- ~5F- ~
City Attorney
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 2
F.O I 1
F~O 12
Appendix A
Fees & Charges Schedule
Administra ti on
Ambulan cc Service
Anima Is
Building and Standards Commission
Electrical \Vork
Ga rbage Service
Hen ti ng, V cntiJa tion a nd Air Con d itionin g
Liq nor Licenses and Pcrntits
lVlII nicipa I Court
Parabolic Dish Antenml
F.O 16
F~O 18
F .020
F .021
F .022
Parks and Recreation
Public Records and Documents
Plumbing and Gas
Sexually Oriented Businesses and Adult Arcades
f Res ervcd J
\Vater and Selver Service
Zoning and Planning Commission
Zoning Board or Adjustment
Public Safety
I ,
rO- 0 ___ __I_j.._._._~
$ l.OOi
$ I 0.00
r~ool--hQ-MIN I S TRA Tl 0 N
1~~~~~~~-~-~~6 ~t~~--~ ~I~i~l~d~-~~i-~ I;-~ ~g~~-------- -- - -----
II Fommercia' impact zone permit fee
j j
t...-.. ,. ~..........- .~~.~l~.--.--~,~...~-.m.Y_.~_..._...~,~._...-. ....,.._...~ .~~-- ~~~_.-
Returned check (or ACH payment) fee
II~........ ...._.. _.~_..I ~:~.. ..~....... -~~ ~~. ~.- -_.._.........................0...
. ~len release fee
I !Acq~iescence to encroachment fee
1--------. . . pp~c.:lalevcnts fee _
I. ._~se..of City-o\vned photocopier
jF or fi rst ITID lor v~hi~ Ie and $5.
per mo tor veh ic le thereafter
I ~~..._ _..~. i
!Also applies to payments returned by autom~aed
Fr electronic pay~ent systems (ACH)" Applies to
payments of all klnd, c"g., taxes, penn ItS,. fees, .
............., ........_d.~_....~....^,... _.__.~char_ges, utility rates and all other purpos.t?~._l
$ 25,00 I
$ 100.00 ~ ....j
i $ 0.10 I--f" -~;~~;O~!-~~i
! ~ ~
..............~..l.... ...~... ....._,..~--_. I
r ----..- j
-. ;
fhe total anlount payable for each cal f or incident is the sum of the unit charges for the services provided and the ,
..... ... -foeo~ ~.. ~'s~~~~~~~l)~~!ti~~\~i ~p~ ~ ~bi~~-l;PP ii~'S[ $m. ..........45,001 - -r-~o ___ ..~. -- '-~~-I
1 I ALS specialized supplies; 45.00 l J
j . . . I BLS disposable sllpplie~ 35.00 I. ..'~~J
i:-~~~~-~:-=-~ ..... ............... .......mmm ... ...._mm ...... ....... .... .......Iv -~~ ~p'i~4. ...... .... ..... ...........45:001.~1=-__ --_. .. ....-...~ ~~l
i OxygenL 85.001
BLS transporu 425.0oi-._Y~-. ~.."'-1
BLS eme;.g.;;~.~y_.t;~..;~.porr 510.001_______.___ _ _ . ~.~~
-.- --- ----- -.. .--......-..---..-~~~~~=~.~~~~~~~}~_~~E~-~~~_l~g-~~_~l~~~~;_~~p ?~~-~~__-_-~~_-~.~~-=--~~? ~9~.L~ __. ._-.... ~ _.. _.... ~............-.._ .... ~----- ------ - t
. ... ~.m.. _ ~_-: ......I~~-~.-_-~:-~:------------ -~t}~t:~-~~~~ ~ E:;:! . . -~ ::: :!~ l=::----.-- ------- ----..~:~:~.-=:--------~.-._.. _om: .-- .-=-:--- .":-... .----r
1 ....-.. ._-- .-...... .....- .....,.. -_.- ,... .-..... ..... ,-.-..~_. -.-... .... f"-. .-~.-_. ~._.. _.....d...... r...~.- ......... . -.. -.- ---.-.----------.--~ ~ ..... -~---~
1---- . --- .'. -I-~-.-~-~-:- :~~===~==~i~~~~tli~i~~rtr~~l=~:=_=:-=~:=~~~~t~~ - -. . .. ........ .. .. .. . .. _ _____________~==:_:= -- ......-1
.... ~...-...l
Fees & Charges OrdinanceJ Page 3
i-------T . De fi ~ r i 113 I i ~~!--~2 25.~O[-~~L~_~~___________~_~ - - - - ~--~~-=---== :~_ ~-l
.. _.O....-~________.............-..
.... ... .._~._.... _..._~_ IV therapy (adlnin)] 90.75; --------=-.=J
!! =~=jl== ........~-.. _~9.~lg~n~!~~~~!~;~~~:~:,t~i l~~:~Lj=- .........~____- .... ... ......1
I Inlmo.?J.~izati.Qn / sl?li~.~.~iEg1 7 5.00~ ' I
;~~~l _________~~~;~~a~I\~;~ --- 4: :~~I _--~~--~~~
l_______~______--- Bandag~lies; 2o.0_QI__I_ -~----
i j
_ I . ... . . .. Isolation ki~ 49.50~--==-~--j
I ==Jl- 'G-i~~:;O~~~~:::'~~:b~~~:t-="""""""~'::'~'~1 --...-~~
i. EKG electrodes (set); 33..00.1_.,., __._...._~~_~_jl
I Activated charcoall 23.76
f--~--~ ~~~ ~ ~ ^- ~- Adenocard I Adenosine 6 mg\ 123.00\ \ . -.~. _....~
I----L Albuterol /:~:i~~~;~5~EiJ--- 1~:~:~__~__~==1
!~I.""~'-' i-- D~:~t~'~:e2~0~o ~~ ~~~I-~1!1-' .....Ii~
.. ... .. BretyliulTI. .5oo.M.ol
. .., ~._~i).~.p.~.I~.I~.... 4.0 0" "ivi Gr-~'"
[--=-==::.:1- Epinephrine 1:1000 IMG 3.2Sr--r--~~~------ ---l
!: Epineehr~~,,~s::I~i~~04~ ~~i?~:~~:~~i
.________~~'~_____~_.__.___Insta ~ C!.lucosel 15.201_.1
I P e ca cl 3. .1 51 ! "~~--_.---~.==J
_____ Lidocaine 1 O()Mq==-~~~-t i
.---~:-- ----Magll~S~;:rir~~;~~Bgt_ :i:~i,_______~~1
__m'.m_ - ~. ~~~~~~ ~::i~I------=~~==j
~. Procainamide I Mol ..............8...60.' ..._..~~~1
r..~.~..~...:~~~...~:_..~...l~- Procardiar - 2.00 T---~-~~.._-"". ~--------.~ ... .~,
l-~-- --~ ---- j-= =-~--~---~---~---- ---- f~~~~:~~i-~gl=.-. ~-~ -~'.~-~-i~!~i~:~i:~=~=~~--"" --=~~~ ~:~....-...'- ~-~::-=I
t~-~~~~= 1ilii~-~~=~~~j
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 4
f~"".'=+~~=~~~-~'~~ann'ltol"I~~-~:E~J;~I;;i ".-~11~f~r:=.~==~:~=~==-~~~----"-'~--~--~-==~~ .....=1
I i_______ Solumedrol125 mg!__ 2&.16: [-~---------====~_~~--~-=-~
l~=~l'" ......... .... .............. ........ ...... _.....g.~.rt~;~~~~~f~;~;~;..~v~~i ....._..-..~~~~~_i_._ .~~==~-~
: ' _ __ _ Diazepam 10 _J.llgL__ OL_J--l
l. - i ._~~ . Co~darone: 1~! .....--=l
I - r-~-=~=--veh-~~-i~n~~~:~l~:~~~:.~;~i~ --- l~t~~i----~b=-----~:=~-~
1-- -. bxcep/iolls: (I) Amounts billed to other governmental units a~e determined by the applicable contracts or -.- ~~-I
iarrangelnents \vith those units. (2) The City lnay accept assignment of Medicare and Medicaid claims or payments, ,
~n which case~ the amount payable is determined by the appropriate regulations. Such amount shall control over thel~
bharges set ou t above, in case 0 r any difference. '''f ' ~ ~
I --- --- ..,----- -r--- --r I
r'oo) ~NI~_~~_~_______________I______i__f- -. ~ ___ ~
o rigi!l.~J_!~Ki~t!'.a. tion~I.<!Q~_ an~__ca!~ __ _ --=1= $ 20.00: r,xception: $!.? for owners over 65 years 0 f ag~~ J
!____~.nnu~:-~~~gerolls ~~gr..c:g~~~~li'?11.--------J $ 250.00 I (fee is. in a.~diti?n t? the abo:e registrat~~n fee~
I : Irst vlolatJon and lmpoundluent fee I $ 50.00 $ t 00 If animal JS: (1) not regIstered or (ll) a
i J ; 1
I I l ................................._ _.~~pangerous dog ~ _ __~j
Second violation and impoundlnent fee $ 75.00 ~ 150 if animal is: (i) not registered o~".(.ii) -a ill
! I ~angerous dog ...........___.
~hird a~d' ~ll ~~i~~- ~iol~ti;ns--;;d- U - $100.00 ' ~200 if animal is: (i) not registered or (ii) a
I impound men t fees ~ 1- _ ~, _ ^ (la ngerous do g j
~;~; ~~~:;:;:1:~1 registration fees shown, witl~ the-;;~~::;i~~ of ~L dangerolls d~gi~~, arc one-time fe~~:hat ----I
:~:-~~~~n~~ ~~:~j_l---- _-~~~~--~
I Permit application fee $ 15.00 II n addition to applicable plan checking or permit I
1 \ 1 fee. ~.
~I...._.............._..,..~.~p.l~.~..ched~g fee (~p-pfi~s-t~-;llpl~--~- 50% of thc~, Plan checking fee must b~""p~id~ach tim~plans
bu brn j ssi 0 ns, un less other\vise speci fically correspond ing are sub m i ttod or re-su bin i ttcd. Exception: The
"ndicated; payable in addition to permit fee). pennit fecll i~ui1di~g officia~ may reduce the re-sLlbm~s5~on ~ee i
! 1 f the tIme requ Ired to ch eck the rC-Sll b m] 5510 n IS I
l I. 11] I .. 1 b . . I
! ;matcna Y Q\ver t lan onglna su miSSion.
New construction permit fee (Singl~ family -~ 0.32 -p~~-r-I---------- ~ -~--------- .....
t::-:~~E-~~tl~~Jt~~~ti~l~ pe-r;nit f~;-(Otl~~;) - - - ------- ~:~:.:~~- ~::~t] ............ ................. _ ____________~~~~-==~ _=.J
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 5
.... ...' -. ..'._~.-r--- .-..^--_........"'..............~.._.. ............ .............r...~~~---.--------T-'-..-.~ .... .......... . ....... ...... ..... ----~_.y~---- -. _. .... -...... ".~.'.I
Remodeling and repair perm it fee (S ingle i ! f 20.00 for $1,000 or l~ss in const:uction value
.. .. .. .... ... ..... .. ... ..... ... . . ... ........ -........ I~. ...........
: p~~;:\::~:~Z~~~~._ __ 1--~8~1~=~f~~;~~:::;;:;:.~~~~~:lt~:;:~~---~=-~~ j
r, J re system S I
Plan checking fee: $100 per set for original submission, $50 for re-submission (not credited to pennit
j fees). Permit fees are $50 for each autolnatic fire extinguishing system and each alarm nnd detection
I system. For sprinkler systems, the fee is increased by either $25 (residential) or $50 plus $1. 75 per head I
! 1_ . - ....-..- (non-residential). Fir~_sys[em fees.. ale J:l!l.yable in adrtion to all other fees. . . ----1
1~------~id~~~~lk.permit fee - - --~ - -. 1 ~0.75 pe~ 1- ~Ii
: l ! lInear foo _ I
I '8 treet or curb p~;;:;';i.if~~ J..-"$ 25.00 r-r 0 r re gu I ~ ted fa c m ti e sun d ~~Ch ap t;; 19, ad d--.
1_____ ---------- 1j; 150 for lal1~EI~~ck~g_plus application fees._j~
i Exception: The pennit fee for \vork affecting ne\v road\vays under Chapter J 9 is $1 DO, plus the estimated
j out~o f-pocket expenses that rnay be incurred by the City in connection \vith the work, including
! engineering review, extra inspections or testing, supplemental traffic control, etc. The building official I
shall estilnate such expenses at the tilne of application and shall collect at least 110% of the estimate as a I
deposit. The bu i Iding 0 fficia 1 may requ ire a perm i ttee to supp lemen t the depos it as the \Vo rk pro ceed s.
W hen the work is fin ished, the bu i Id i ng 0 fficiaJ shall refund any part 0 f the depo si t that exceeds the actual I
p ennit fees due in co nnection \vi th the \VO rk.
i WSF (low-impact) permit, for equipment l $100'OO".pejl ron-low-impact PWSF permits req~ire a special
attached to existing structures \vith no ne\v site lexception; see F ~022, below.
'I . l l' . l
e ectncal, a teratIon or construction. ~~
I~~her PWSF (1ow-imp;ct)per~i~-------1 $500.00 pe -Non-low-impact PWSF permits require a special
l~. si tel bxce~~~i..~.~.~. F,.022, be lo\v. .. ~
I e~:~::~~(_!::!~~~I~~I!l~ y~r~.f~~----.'l-~~=m ... .,
-~:~:;~~~~~:ee~ion fee (Single family i ~ 5~~:~~ I ~-:"- .. ....- _____..~__._..__. j
. Decu ancy ins .-~~ii.~~~~f~.~-~..oiil~~.._.~~.-'...l $ 100.00 .. ...._...~
!---------F~~~a~;~~:~i~~p-~~ii-~~"d;~~i~~.(3)4;;)m-". $ 225 .00 ~:~~~r~I~~;~~~yt~i::, ~~:~::~ : ~:;::s~:-o f $-2~~-1
! '( not refunda b Ie un less, after ne\v Ii n e j SI '
I ' :constructed, a new permit is applied for, with
I~ ater connection perm it and meter (lit) I -$--27S.00!-r;~~~:~~tti~:'i~nt~~:t~:d;t~~) a ,~~t:y~i~~----I
installation ronstructcd City line, there is a deposit of $250 ;
(not refundable unless~ after new line is !
I I i ~;~;~ru~~~1~e~ ~;;~~~i;~i,t ~~c~fPlied ror~=i:~~______J
. --""-~-~~=~--~::;:~~~~::~ti~;-p~~~~it-;~;d-~~te; -(-O~~;- i~; )1- L~ ~~~u: ~~::lto~~~:t~::!}~~~~~~~ ;:~~l~~:ntl~:;~ ~e:1
II ~deposlt of $250 (not refundable un less, after nc\v J
I 1 i nc is constructed, a ne\v penn it is ap p lied fa r,
_ . ______ _______1._________ __ ._. . _ i ....... tv i.t Il.r- r~r_~~~~~~~~_~_~~:~ ~~:~~~_~~:_~. ~ t~ :-~-- .-~~~-. --_ .__
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 6
.. ..r ani ta ry. se wer con n ec ti 0 n p-~~;~it---------------------r-----i----12"5~o 0 f.. - . ~ ~ ~~-;~:~ :~:;~ ::}fi: :,l~: ~:~:: ~; ;:S~: ~o f $ 2 ~~---I
I I i I (not refundable un less, a fter new line is i
III =:==~i~I~~~~~i~~~:=~=:=~=~~=--b:-~~=~S:~~9!JJ=:1~~~~:~~~1~:' ~:s::c~~:I,t ~~e~ f.~.lie~~:~_~~~t~: I
! .~~---=~~~~:~:gt:~~f;~~. -~...- ................. -..--...-..................1 .....!..........I.~t::I._.. . !-.-. ..... --.-----------~~===~- ..--....-1
i-~mature work charge (Starting b~fore I I 1100% of the permit fec-(~dditi~11al) I
F-~-~~i~~~l:{i~;~j~~(f~il~~i~g~~utine 1--$-5o:ool~ust be paid within 30 days of r~inspection, and I
! lnspection) ,in any event before any certi ficate of occupancy orj
j ~imilar approva I is issued. Fees may be appealed
, ~o B SC, and may be paid without prejudice to
1- ............~_..--~:f:~;~r~~~~~~:~~;!~:;:(o:~e;~~~1:~1: or for th~ ;~~~o-...-.I..........r.J.~~f~~f~:~~~~:!~:~~-f;:e~~~~~~:~l::;;:a:::
I regu lations)
~lus $ .15.00 i Euch an appeal. BSe ~ay rc~uce.or abate this fee
~for ~~ch j[ j( a nd a ny a ppeal fees), 1 f no v 10 la bon occurred, or ~
add 1110nal fa r other good cause sho\vn. ~
_~~~~~~~~y~~~~ ~f==~~:-==fF~e~::;::::~~=___-'~
~plication fee $ 100.00 1--1 I
.1 -----------------------.--+1--- -j
l~6ELECTRICAL WORK f ~( - .~-------- - .. ..._-=~-.~.....~j
i 1 Li i
i~~~;;~i[ ~::re -l--i---~~!i~=~ --~-~- -~____~_~~
~ l i
_~~lli~;~ssee fee Uourt~)lman electrician) ! $ 10.00 !---------------~_==_~ --I
__ ________hJ~J~_hi c ~ t i 0 ~ fe e (~PJ~~ n t i ce ~ lee t!!~! ~!l)_~. - $ ___.:1_ ~oO..:oO~oO _j,~~--~_----- ____ _ _. .__~~
j license fee (A~prc nticc electrician) $. . .... _ .. j
j ~~lication fee (Maintenance electrician $ !
I license) ,
r.. - - ~ I ic~;~e rec M aintenance .~l~~t~i~ian'ii.~e~~se $ .......N.,
ennit a lication fee $ (O.OO! r-~ ~~- ~ 'H 1
._ ~ee~0~~ ~:;~:;~v _~: ~0 ~ :~i~~;tf~~=~===~~J=-~~~~----~~;~ ~_ ----1 _ . __.. __. _-~~ .=~~-. .. ._-~-=~--:=-=-= _~_______I
-- --~-~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ll:~;~ii!f~; _l? ~Ellt (e ~ ~-- -- -1- -i:6 ~~ 1- -+ - .. ---- --- ------~=--:=:--.=_: _ ,__ _ _ ___ _________
-~: _::= ~_:::::=_~~~~~~~:::;~~~~!!~ ~!!~~-~~ii~jt~f!~:=::::~-:=~===!~~--~ -~---~~:~j~ :~_~_ !:~_~_: =__:~:_:_ _~~~_~::=-=--=--==-=-=---=--_.. - ---=:-: ----~ i
I ~______&~;~~~ ~~;~;r~::t fe~ :~~~- __ ___ _ __ _ i:_~i~~Ll_______________~:=~_---------~-------=__-~-~__:~~~:~~-n-]
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 7
; - ~. .-- - - - -,. -..r ... ..-.... .......... ..... .--' .. . '.. -- ... ---.--' -----------.------------.~---.--.----- ------'----------------'-r------------. -'---'--.. .... - ~-. ... .... . ... .....- ... --------;-~---..... ~ ------1
1~=~~=:_;~I~:;~I~:. ~S:~~~~:~~~~( Starting before a! I : I 00 ~~ f th~ pe~m :~~::_~:~~~t::~al) .. -"--i
1 RClnspectIon fee . i $ .?.Q:QQ1__J ~ ___ __________~ ....... t
I_-----~f it;t~~ ~~~ ;e: ~~::s~~~--~~ ---:----- -- -:~-- ~-r-:-:--:------ -- --------- -----1 ~J~ % 0 f_ ~ ~_ ~~~ i ~ ~ I ~ ermJ!f~~ -----~----~~~:::~
i~~_==_b ARBA G E S E~Y-!IT_ .--~.-.-..~...-...-~-~=i--~............~..-.--..............I~ .- ......~-.....~~~
I___~ onthlr.-SL'Yel!.i~l!R~l!!!1.t.~.~.hfll~ i $ 15.751 ~asie fe~'_.X~~...~.~.~.i..f?.-,s._~rvice onl~__.. !
I ~onthly d\velling unit charge (Adu It 65 or $ 8.00 l Hasic fec, for basic service only. r
i lover I ~
r rPeCial pick-up of items at curbside, not on a $15.00 PIUSj. ~pecia[ service fee, in addition to'"l~.~.~.i.~...f~e. 1
regular collection day for those items at that! $1.00 I.
location. I per bag o~
i---bpecial handlingofit~;~~t bagged:--I-$-T5l:~V;:t~llL.rpecial servic: fee, in ad~ili~~ ba;ic fee a~-dl.
prepared or placed as required for basic 1 $ I .00 any other applicable specIal service fee
service. Example: Leaves and grass ! per bag o~
.......... ..................--........
1 ~eollnd lill!JLeer bagh! StlCker.t--_____ __Ii
~QL-1' EALTH ,-~~:~==I=- ~- I I
1- ----~~r_: I
iI, Permit application fee I $ 5.00 !_-~-=I
~nnual food establishment pennit fee j $$ 120.00 N..._. ~
! _~_~____~porarY food establishment permit fee! 8.00 I I
Special event) I I ------ i
r-i 1----------- J
~~09 ~~::::~::;,::::Tr~::~r::i:~~;, D_:~:~=r--....;-~~~.oo- i---"':~_~=____ ..__.==~~_:~__._I
IHeating and air conditioning pennit fee $ 15.00 rer unit --l
.... .. ..- ~ Ji ~~~ ~~: e: ~~ a;i r con d i ti ~-;;-i~g P ~-~';;-i-t- "fe-e-- --$ - . -30-:(>0 --IF 0 r first 140,000 b tu r s and $ 5 per I 00.00 (j-b Itl Is-I
( Corn mere ia 1) ! j ~herea rtcr
i.- .'. .............................. ~~:~~~:I;t:~e~~~i~~:~~~frig~.~ati~ll. p~r~.it..re~ ..(-.......-: ...:.~.:!~t~I-- ..............................__~_ .. ...-....... -- _.~===I
! rematllre work charge (Starting before a 1---1', 00% of the permit fee (additiona~)_~________~
.. ~~-------------------- --,----.- .. ... .... --==~I
t:.:. -:. -:':"::~:3vl~~ d ~-~ ~;~~jl~~:~-_~~~-{Qi;[gi;;~~li._. ._-~=~]~~... .~=l_~~;:Q_.Q~J__~~=~. ._-~---~~~=~ ~.~~~~__-_:' ....... _~------ ~.~~~=~j
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 8
!_~~ ixed Be~~-r~g; lice_~~ fee (First ;-ene\v;})--!----$I:i~5 .Q~r=---. ,~- ^ .------------- ... ....... ...... ..............- 1
!~..- ~~r-~~~:: ::~:~:: ~:: ~~:~~~~l;::tewal)1 ~ ~~~:~~ I +~m~=~-_~~=~_~:::_=_:::_______mmm~
1_ ~etall dealer on-premise hcensef~~__~. , $ 125.00__..~_________-_______=i
L-.-----.- _j~'l!.~r~.rJ?~-rE1it..f~-~.--- _ J__t_~~Q:Q~_ ~I-- -- _ ===-J
~_~~j~g~:~~~ef;ermit fee L--!~H~T--r ---- -- _ ~___~===_~~~~
------- ----__---------------------------j---- -~..........-.....-.-N~ ~ ~
-~~==4 -----------T- -.. ["-., _u
Court costs
1_---~:~~~~:QreSCribed court c~::~::_~ith no local cour~~~ed (Le.J no "five-dollar.... c:l:.rt cost add:~==J
for services of peacc officers under art. 102.0 II, Code of Criminal Procedure (fCP):_.._~=
Arrest fee ! $ 5.00 !A. lied on ly when driving sa ret}' course granted.
~____,~.._~... Warrant fee N/A._.... i .........___
_~.. ~_....-........ .......... ......~......,. ......~.~~.~.,~.9..~.~.~~.g....~...y(i tness .............-w.. ._....~,~.....~/~! _._
Sum m 0 n i 11 g a jury N / Al ..........._..._.__.._._, 1
_ Other costs (e.g., testifyi!!gL NI A _ _ _ ..I'
_~~n.~~;~~~~:~~~~ ul ld ing Securit~ _$2~ ~2 =rr{;(ln.\'icte~~s~e_:_~~~.~~~I~~(I\'(:rll ~en ~_C2(1~., ""j
~unicipal Court Technology Fund $4.00: ~er c~nviction. Applies until expiration.
--------+-;;-fri~L;w F;;I~re to All.... ear -------N1Ali ee'!!.!:J~?:Q712, CCP.
___gp_~cial g~~ense (e.g., serving warrants}, N/Ar-I--- -----------~=~_~~_.
~----. ~tu::;~;~f~~;;~clia~f~~~~---!~s~5R~t2 6~02.40 7,. 5-'!?~1Q~~i;~~~po rtatio n Code ===j
1~_i_~~Qlre~ DL or _reglstratlO~ I $10.001_ ~f remed~ed w~th:n I 0 w(lr..!<:~..!l..Y..:>i_proo f ~
~-f Inspection certificate expIred (less I $10.00i H remedied Within 10 work days; proof reqlllred'l
..._~~ than 60 da~.. ~..., I j _~ "
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 9
[9)T~: _ ~~ ~K~~jfD- REC-R~~Il 0 N .~~==~~----~[=-~~~-:-~~- ::. -~:~LJ- ._~=----~~~-~-'--'----==--'=-~-====--=l
1--=.....-~:~:~-)~~1~~:1~H~~~~~~~ffti~\;~der--1 f~:=f~ri~ i ---~I-- - -..---:~-~=---:--~~-=-~=~-_..... .,
~ -------~ ~-~~l~~~&:l;;j~;~~r::~dc~~!~~:~~Y~il~==-~~-;g~~~--=---- ........~---~=-====:I
f-- ~:):~ :::;:~:~:i::-i~~:~;::::::~ ~I~~~~~$j:riri-I--I- .......... ---~.......... .....J
1--:-~~=g~~j;!~:~b~~=~~=I- :--~t~--------~-==--j
I Full recreation center membership fee ~$ 250.00 for first 3 persons and $50 per person thereafter
!---_Lf~sident adult) ___~'I. j ._..~~~~--~
1_ G~~~;~~::ii~::te~~:~I~~=~~~S~iP fee _ ..i _ to charge __
L-__ . ~~l!_s~n swimmin~~ fee (Resident) _I $100.00\ for first 3 pe~sons and $25 per pl~rson !hereafte~
1___~peason~':Yillllllillg ass fee Non-resident) $ 290.00 ~_person
l:__~_____~~~~:~:;:~~::: i:: ~~:~~~~~i~~nl) _J_J: ~~:~~ ~T==-_-__ ~
~___~eason weigh! roOll!__P~ss fee {Resident)__ I $ 40.90 I I . _-----==~I!
1________Feason we.ig1!!!~PJtl pass fee (No~-resic:!(l~lfI $ 60.0or=r== _
F;...._.---~~~~;~::;:. ::.~ ;:-:; :;;;;J~:~~:~I~~J___t~=L_~-----
1__rc~l:r::e~~~~;d:~~om reservat:on an~~~~ I $ 20.00 rm--j
I ~ourlY ActiVIty Room reservation and use $ 30.00 --1
j l cha rge eN on-residen 1) I I
[ Hourly Auditorium reservation a-~d use I $ 35."00 I"-~---- )
) ~:~;]: l~;~t:r~:~ ;~;-~~~~ti~;l and LIse --~45,OOI ..i~-- -'~-I
1=::_~~~~~~:t~~Il:1~~~~~~;;:~~on _:~_~_se~11arge ~~IJ-$- i -9=t-=<~------- !
! ~r;~I~:~~~~~~:::I) reservation and _use charge i.$_~~~J_I'~--~--~
1- !Hourly Meeting Room reservation and use I $ H- I
f----- - ~~{~;e~~::iil~:~~om reservation and ~~~ - . jlm $ ~:::: Ii ---1
i _i char_ge (Non-residenQ. _ _ __ , _ !
1- ....... ..----- ~~:~~(l:~~~i;;::~: ::::::::;:::~~~;:-----l-. -~:....... - :: ::: ~f ~------------ - ---1
; : c~:~~~es~~r~7~i~~~~~~~~;;ti~I~~;~d~I~+;- 30~OO ,-- r-- .. - _n --------~==--~~
1-----_. :_.~:~~~::s~:~~~~:~s_~rva!ion and u_~:~_:~~t_.~-.~~_~~~oo_!j=~__~~......:=~_~-=~~_.:~~_=__=::_ j
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 10
r ..~~-._~~..,..........--------------------..---------~ _._.....,..................'.~~--I-~ - ------- ----1--~ ~-- ~------ -----~ ~-----,
l ICo Ion ia 1 Park S \vimm ing POD l reservation I I $ 30 per hOLE r plus $ 1 per pcrso n j
I=--=~~:-<~:~~l:-~~i~::~- ~'.. -... ~.~. - -------:~=~=~-~~s~~~Iy :ii t y.. ::;ea t:~:~:~~-~:=-=-=~~~_~__... ~------~-----~~---:.. - -I
II____~I . . R_~~~;:~~~~~~~~nndd:~dle;l. ~~:~~JI~:~-~~:::::~~ ~~~~:1 $$~~OO<!___~_~-I
.1 O.VISlt Gym Pass: I I 1 . l
j I Re~ident Adul~ $] 5.00 . INon-Res~dent Adult $30.00
~ ReSldenl Y Duth) $7.50 i N on-ReSldent Youth $15.00
r-- Quarterly Gym Pass. I'~I! -...~.
] Resident Adu]U $30.00 J /Non-ReSident Adult $60.00
! i - -. --- . Resident Youth! $15.00 [ Non-Resident Youth $30.00 I
~._ !',., ~________ __ _ Resident .Famil1: . $~_~_~_~lJ~~~Resident Fa~ilY ~ 20~~._~__ _
I' ~IlSlltlltlOllal Exchanges. The Parks & RecreatIOn DIrector may waive all or part oCthe Parks & Recreation fees==1
prescribed by this section, subject to the following regulations: (1) The applicant ITIUst be an institution~ either I
public or non-profit~ \vith faci lilies located within the City. (2) The portion of the fees \vaived may not exceed the
jValue of facilities made available by the institution to the City for public use (e.g.~ for meetings~ elections; I
elnergency operations~ etc.). (3) The maximum amount of fees that may be '\vaived is $500 per institution per year.
I( 4) Passes and permits issued to an institution under this section may be assigned or resold by the institution, but thel
I _~~t~~l_llser mllst qUa!ify::r_ul~~Ye~i!Lpass ~rr-=~:l~Ja_lld the City must be notiD~~. . _I
~9.1'!_-1'pUBLlC RECORDS AND DOCUM-g%~=FI__ =1
1---_~j~~r~~~~~:::~~if:~~~.~~~(T::~-f1!1=1. _ -~
f= roniI1K~~p~c~se $- 2,* .....~
i_015 iLUMBlNG AND GAS 1:::-~1..5:-o:..o.:...o.r.O.o-o-=I-:-I==-----. .... ----....--1,1
:=:~~=.-- ~~~I~l~~~~~~~~~~~.r~;istration fee I' .
1._______ri~l~I~~-;;-~~jif~~- ___,:$7.0o~~_;;]i!=~I!Q!ie~~_~ach fixture a~doutlet. '.. - __I
_ ___t9as testJ~er!!lit fee _==f..n.. --~,~~....~ 25.001 I _. I~
! prellse trap permit fee ...>$$......._,...?2j}s-..9000 1--1-.- ,......_--._~- l
!=------,_i rrigation .syste~ pye~~!t fee
~ ----fe;:i~:~I1;:~~~::ee -~-L~}--l~:~~ . ! ===J
I=--_{;~;~l~: ~S~~:d~harge (Starting before a _~_=.:=-!Jl~~_~rthe per;iiiee (additional) .......-. i
f--~~_-=-=~~~n-~p.e~tiOI! fee _L '.' .~........... ?~-L~-~--____-. .~--=~
_~==~~=:_------~~~-===-____m~ ____ ... . . .----~-:~ J____ ~_=~_::_~~-~--==-~~==_=- ----_---,
SexuCl lly oriented business application fee $ 350.00 r l ......... -----1
'L__.-... ........~ .c9..r.igt~~!tJl____~_.................~___.,........ ..... . ... __.___..___ .....~.. ......_L_-L-__,.~ ...... ....... "'__'__~"~__"_... ...------._....~._.J
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 11
r :__:__:::__:_-_' ~nt~~.~~~;~::_~~tl_s_: l::~_S_~ '_:~:~~_i_:_:_~~:~::__~~_~:_____1______~. _ . .l.~.~. .~.~. .1.. . ...1. .. -..... .~----- - ... ........ -------......l
!=_~...~~~~1r:r~~~~!~:1ff~!i:.~~r~r..r~-e.............. _........-I....~--~!=-=i:!F~j:~-~-::~==:=-==::~---_.. -..---------~~~-==~=~~-===..:...I
_=___~~~~~:~:~~-d-~~::-~~~-------!----L...~[r.........-...----- - -- -------:~_==_~~- ___-==-__ .'. -----_~-::-I
t;J;~~a~p~;,;~-.'-'~<:'.-"......'..:~=-.""".I~-~.~--.._-~.~~...!...........t-...._-- .....:::~-==I
!~--~--"'-~;l~~~;:i~::;~:I~::f.~~............ ...---..-- .._...~.........! _ 2~:~~ t~~_~q~l~r.~foot o;:::~====---_____J
~1 remature \vork charges (starting before a Ii i1 00% of thl;:_per_mit fee ('!...~J.!i2I1~I)__-~
__ _. ~_ permit is issued) _ ________~___________ _ ~
. .... ...-.. i--.eins ection fee I ......~..~50~~_. I
: ermit renewal fee . ]-- ~O% of the origi;;-;i permitf~-:-~-----~---'
Sign operating permit fee (Payabte per sign,! $10.00 plusj r'D isplay area" and "sign~' are defined in Chapter i
per term of per mil. Term is one year for i$0.50 per sq. fL 13. Exceptions: Fees do not apply to signs I
temporary signs, 24 months for all others.) I of display area ~overed by affirmative de fenses or signs for
i.~~."y ....~.-~~,~.-~-
r.019 [fREES
--~kemova' permit fee $ 50.00 ~xcePtiOI1: There is no f~e for dead, dYiIl~' --
I ~iseased, hazardous or Class 4 trees. 1
1____10w impact evaluation fee $ 35.00 i I ---- -- --I
! ~ u rv e y and d isp 0 S iti 0 n re vie \v fe e (In a j 0 r $ 225.00 /_._.. ~,_................._._.._.. ___ __ <
! construction) _ _._ .,
1==r~~~:~:~~O~ljSPOSition review fee (minor j----~~~~;=f==-.-..----:=- I
W.020 [e:vT::::~~~:~~?~,~?~YIg?- - ._.I~-~ $ --25~OO ~J-~~h lime service is establiSll~~~----'-==~~
............P.~.F~g~~~J~.~~cutorf fee j $ 30.00 i ......^.~~=----_....~l
I fter hours delinquent reconnect fee $ 60.00 econnect service a rter 4 p.m.
I I pr before 8 a.m.
: eposit ~'.rM"--$ 180.00 Ma~_i~,.~~.__________ _.
!~.~=~~~!_~_~J~I;:~_~J~r-~-~t! L~_~rg_~_ -- ---- --.. - --- -- -." --[-- ..' .. - --. .........L ... ... r ~~e ~~ ~ _~ ~~~::~~_ ~::~~:: '~).: -~ --- ----------.
-_. .... . ._~ ----- ~
. ... __...__ _ _. t
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 12
!----------~~~~:~~~::::~~~::--l:~~:~- for -:~Ch-~::::-:::-~:-:::-~-~l-:-:-~-;~:~pp ~:~~~:..:.~.se m~ n~I~~~-:-:-~-:~e~..(fOr .b~tJ:-:~ter and-I
~ le\ver)~ for each meter, plus the charges for gallons (for both \vater and se\ver) delJvered through each meter, all I
calcu luted separate ly for each meter according to the schcd u lcs set out belo\v. [dGll u r Un.. ~1J J ~"""'Ll,",J r~c~ and
L l1a 1 g. C ~ lit h.c 6 c.fr v (..1 f u 1 ,s" 1 \j ~ v~~ P l U \' ~ J ~ J v ~ ~ U 1 tJ n~d ?v 1 a 1 (..11 J. 1 ~ :: 0 0 1 ~ \..A '-'...... p l. t1 w.l f \..-....,:) (.tu d (..1 h.H 5'"' i) L u,;)...... J U l ~ l
. ~.... ;.vJ;" b; 11; Hl;; ; "I..., . ,.\~ 1,,1-... ...ff"..[ ,,~ Iv ...".,.\, ""~ Iv."..., [v, ..." "I. v r [h,ll "",, tvUl'" '" L; II; "15 ;..1..... "b "" I,,,J II I..J tv I;
i L......,OUI VII VI Un.....I 1-[UH...,L J 1, 2001.
I WOles: (1) "Residential-on Iy premises" refers to premises that are used only for residential purposes. I
I (2) "Water-only meters" refers to meters that serve only irrigation systems and other fixtures from which I
1==i~:I;~r~~:::~i~1l0 returll flow int~ -t~~s_a~itar sewer s~;t=r:r meters'.' refers to. ~ll other meters. --1
F==-~~~~~-=-~:::l~~~~ar::--~ . _U~~ ~
F:=~=~~~f~~~-;~~~i:~:;id~;lti~I~;;~iY~~~T~:~:~~:8r----r----------. -- ~I
~.--~--~~~~~~~~~~.;s~-~~I=~-J _--... .. -. ~ ~=___~
l "" "[111 meter . I $2-ft::5"2-30.521 ~
.r11~~~;~etermm--m--~--- I $ ~~i -.1
r--;;- m~ter [ _$-~m-r- . j
l 373.&41 -
~~-J[? eRl!!f!!-E1 e t f!!~~~____.."~"~, __ _ ! ~, ~_____
: irst 3 ~OO 0 ga 11011S (0 to 3,000) $ Z:-7-4- 2.9 3t I
. ........... :~;~: t~~~ i;tl~~~~:~~::f:~~~(~;e~}l?,gqg) ~i~-~__~____ ..........__ _____ __ . . ..... ... m_~~
~~~i;-,~~& ;:~:;::: -----1 $ ~3.89H-------- ~
I==_=_-==~z~~;~g;:~~n~ _:::~~:~:_~~__;~~~.5~;1~;;~... ....~-~~- ......--.-:..-.-1
I~---F~~~~~~~~~l~~al-Ollly premises r-$~~~:mo~- i--~--~
'~______~f!f;~~;;~O~~;:;;~i:~~;~~iL~ I $ :~~="---.~
~-- - ----- --~-:-~-~=~-- =- --_:_-==~-j
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 13
........ ............ .... ....-.-r-. .-.-..........-~-.-._.........-.........--.---........-..---.-"='.. -.-.-......-.-.----~.-~..... .... .........r................. ...............~___- ... ...... . ~.. ..... _____---.--.-.-.............-. ~
rrhe fee is the City's actual cost 0 f p la t revic\v ~ plus j neiden tals. The
review is done by a planner retained by the City or by City staff. 1,1
II ne idcntals inc lude legal notices, surveys, titl e an d lega I \vork,
research, signature requcsts~ recording, copies~ etc., as may be Ii
tequired and not provided by the appl leant.
I .
tD EP 0 SIT. A deposit amount (due \vi tl1 the prelim i nary ap pi icatio n)
lis estimated by the City staff, but the minimum deposit is $500 base I
ifee (or $200.00 base fee for amending plats only), plus $10.00 for ;
! I
teach lot and reserve sho\vn on the plat or replat, plus $100 for those
requiring newspaper legal notice, plus $100.00 for each separate I
!Iegal instrument needed (easelnents~ etc.) l
! J
~~eZOning requested by applicant for that
I persoll's specia I benefit
1 I
; 1
. I
L~..-~ __.1
I j
!Appeal of bui Iding official decision ~250.00. .Exception: $500.00 plus out..o r~pock.~"t'.~evie\v costs for
\. :appeals requiring reViC\lf by planner, engineer, attorney or other
:consuItant. A deposit is estimated by the city planner and must be ,
I paid \vith the application. The full cost is payable before the hearing. I
! IIn addition to all other fee items, the applicant must pay the actual
... ........ ~ ..... ......_,..~_ __ ~ .~..~._... _~ __~_~~_.__~___~ _._.._._~)~.!?~.~_.~..r..~~.~.~.i ces; see bel 0 \V . ...Y i
Special exception ~250.00 per exception per proposed building site affected.r ~i
!Exception: $ 5 00.00 plus ou t-o f-pocket revic\v costs for exceptions
requiring revie\v by planner, engineer~ attorney or other consultant
lA deposit is estimated by the city planner and must be paid witb the I
!application. The full cost is payable before the hearing. In addition j
Ito all other fee iterTIs, the app licanl must pay the actua i cost of I
notices; see belo\v.
......~... .~. ~.M~. --~~ 25 0.00 per varian~~ j;-cr pr~p~~.~d..b.~l.ildi~g-;i~ .~ff~~ied. E~~c-pt-i~~~.1
, 1
[$500.00 plus Qut-Q f-pocket review costs for variances requiring ,
fevie~v by planner, e~lgineer, attorney or other ~ons~ltant. A d~po~it I.
lls estllnn ted by the CIty p [an ner and must be pa Id with the app Ilea tJ on.
~he fult cost lS payable before the hearing. In addit.ion to all other j
..... _.. .~__._Jf~~. i!.~ln s, th e a pp] icant ITIUst paLll~.~...~.C..t~l_~ 1__~~~_!_._QS_~~ptice~i.~.~e bel O\V ~
tAD 0 ITION AL DEPOSIT. An additional deposit 0 f $100.00 ($50.00
Ifor amending plats) is due each time tbe plat is resubmitted for ;
rechecking. I
~ULL PAYMENT. The full actual cost must be paid before 111e 1
rePlat is released for re~:rding. . _m'. j
$500 plus out-of-pocket costs for drafung and reVIC\V by planner, j
!engineer~ attorney and other consultant. A deposit is estimated by the'
;city planner, and may be increased as the matter proceeds. The
ideposit must be increased to cover the estimated full costs at these
Ftages: (I) before the meeting of tbe COlnmission to consider a
preliminary report, (2) before any hearing notices are sent out and (3)
:before the lTIceting at \vhich the Commission considers its final
)"ep ort.
.;V ariance
Fees & Charges Ordinance, Page 14
.... .............._.ptj~~..~-.;..p.p'] icat'i'~"ll .....-...-. .._.~..__._.~... _.....~ ..........~ ~250p~~-~~tion il~'~' .~~q.ll~.~t.~~i.....Ji1;--;;eptio};.:'._$~5-00.oo--pi~.~..~.~l't'~~f~---_.nj
I ~ocket review costs for appeals requiring review by planner, I
I je~gineer, attorney or other ~ons~ltant. A d~po~it is estimated by ~he ]
i !Cl ty plan ner and In ust b~ paId \Vlth. t.he app hcatlo n. Th~ full cost IS I'
I~ payable before the hearing In addlhon to all other fee ItelTIS, the
tapplicant lnust pay the actual cost of notices; see belo\v.~ !
fast 0 f no tices .......----....-- ....' t:t~I~~~~Ot~otf-:E~:~:~~~~o~i;~:~~~h~;~r:~~c:;~-:~:tr~~:~:c~~:;:lsS in I
[. [the real properly records. A deposit of $100.00 is due at the time of Ii
i japplication. Any ex-cess cost must be paid before the hearing or
i ;rc 1 e as e g f...~.~,?~.~.~g.~~~. ~._'.. . ..._...... '.. ..... ...... .._..._~~ _.._;
r. efunds fO fees or costs are refundable unless: (i) the applicant prevails, (ii) 1
~he ZBA ~e.verses or .~odifies an admjni~trative interpretation or i
I pther decIsion; and (1]1) the ZBA detennlnes that a refund (full or ;
I ~artial) would be just and equitable under the facts' and circumstancesl
~:~::~_:_:~:~~;:;~~~~_____._____=i:f~::_:~l~I-==.===-" _._~_~~=~~
I:~ -Ion-valid alarml.~~~~~:I-~:~~~:~:I::~;:a~I~~.iect to st~te law rega~di~g-l
1~=~~i~~r::P~~1:1 fee----------U~I~-i-. ---J
1_ _____ttxP~U_~~9nJ!1.!y renewal I $ 25.00' er man tb__!
; ~=! 1
i--~-- Fopies o.f accident reports or accident l~6:00-or the actual cost of the pr~para~ion ~f the copy, whichever~!
[_______ ~nfo~mal1~n ~_~~___.~_._ less; plus $2.00~rr copx.ior certtficatwn (If requested)._~___1
fCertJ ficatton that no such report or $ 6~OOI; i
j linfo rmali on is on fi le .. ~
Fees & Charges OrdinanceJ Page 15