HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1670 - fees & charges for activities and city services ORDINANCE NO. 1670 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND REESTABLISHING FEES & CHARGES FOR ACTIVITIES, GOODS AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CITY ; CONTAINING A PROVISION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH FEES AND CHARGES IN CERT AIN CIRCUMSTANCES; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVE,RSITY PLACE: Section 1 ~ The City does hereby establish and reestablisll the fees alld charges shown in the attached Exhibit A, which is hereby incorporated il1tO t11is ordinance by this reference for all purposes~ TIle fee schedule heretofore adopted is hereby amended in its entirety by this new schedule~ Section 2. Revised fees and charges apply from and after the effective date of this ordinance and shall apply to individual transactions as follows: (1) completed applications for permits and passes filed on or after tIle effective date of this ordinance, and (2) billing periods beginning on or after the effective date of this ordinance, for montll1y or periodic services Section 3. In the case of any activity, goods or services provided "by tIle City, including review of the applicatiol1S, permits, approvals, etc~, for Wllicll there is a measurable cost to the City, or for Wl1ich a fee or charge would traditionally be collected, the City Manager is authorized to establ:isll and reestablish fees and charges, but only in those circUlllst811CeS ill which a fee or a charge is not prescribed in Exllibit A~ In prescribing fees and charges, tIle City Manager shall first determine tIle cost to tIle City of providil1g tIle activity, goods or services, and the fees or charges shall be as equivalent as practicable to tile cost. Sectiol1 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict l1erewitll are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict OIlly ~ Section 5 ~ If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, sectiol1, or other part of this ordinance or tIle application thereof to llilY perSOl1 or circumstance, shall ever be lleld to be invalid or unconstitlltiol1al by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither tile remainder of this ordinance, 110r tIle application of such word, phrase, clause, selltence, paragraph, section, or other part of this ordinance to any otller persons or circumstances, sllall be affected thereby~ Section 6~ The City Council officially finds, determil1es atld declares tllat a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and sllbject of eaclllneetil1g at which this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted llpOl1 was givell ill t11e lTImUler required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amel1ded, llild tllat eacl1 such meeting llas been open to the public as required by law at all times duril1g such discussion, consideration and action. Tile City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the COl1tents and posting tllereof. Section 7. This ordinance sllall become effective 011 March 31, 2001. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING, THIS /~ day of ~<~"L~A\J ' 2001. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: t6-SSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING, THIS :J{,"<< day of b .A~"""/__ , 2001. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councillnembers Absent: Reviewed: Fees and Charges Schedule F .001 Ad ministrntion .F.OJ3 Parks and Re:cre:nnon F .002 Ambulance Service F.014 .Public Reco rds nnd Do cuments F .003 Anima Is F.OIS Plu mbing 4) nd G as F,004 "Building F.016 Sexually Oriented Businesses and F.OOS B uildine. and Standnrds Cammisshn Adult Arend es F.OO6 Electricnl \Vork F, 0.1 7 Si gns F .007 Carbage Service F.Ot8 1\'1 u nicipul Electric Cas ts F .008 Hculth F.O 19 Trees F .009 Heating, Ventilation and F.020 \Vutcr nnd Sewer Service Air Conditioning F.021 Zoning and Plan ning Commissil-n F.O 1 0 Li q u or Lie cnses R nd Pc rmits F.022 Zoning Board of Adj ustment F.Oll Municipal Court F.023 Public Safety F.012 Parabolic Dish Antenna F.OO1 ADMINISTRA TION Motor vehicle decal charges $ 1.00 Commercia I impact z one permit fee $ 10.00 For first motor vehicle and $5. per lTIotor vehicle thereafter Returned check (or ACH paynlent) fee $ 20.00 Also applies to paYlnents retu rned byalltonlated or electroni c paynlen t systelTIS (ACH) Lien relea se fee $ 25.00 Acqui escence to encr oachmen t fee $ 100.00 Special events fee Actua I cost Use of City-owned photocopier $ 0.10 Per copy F . 002 AMBULANCE SERVICE Respoose and transportation to hC8pital $ 200.00 charge (non -resi den ts only) F ~OO3 ANIMALS Orig inal registration and luicro chipping or $ 150.00 All owners. other permanent identification (fertile animals) Origina I registration and micro chipping or other penn anen t iden tifica tion (spayed or $ 40.00 Exception: $15 fer owners over 65 years of age. neutered aniIn als) Original regi strat i on, animal is already 111icro chip ped or perm anent ly identified $ 130.00 ( fertile anima is) Original registration, aniInal is already micro chipped or permanently identified $ 20.00 (spayed or neutered anilna Is) Micro chipping anin1als other than domestic $ 40.00 cats and dogs (pets such as ra bbits, ferrets, etc~ ) Ann ual dang erous dog regi stra tion $ 250~OO (fee .is in addition to th e above registration fees) First via la tion an d impound ment fee $ 50.00 Second violation and im poundnlen t fee $ 75.00 Third and all successive violations and $ 100.00 im poundnl ent fees F.004 Daily kenn el fees $ 7.50 Note: All original registration fees shown, 'Nith the exception of the dangerous dog fee, are ooe-tinle "fees that register the ani mal for life. BUILDING Annua 1 contra etar regist ration fee Permit a pplicati on fee New construction permit fee (8 ingle fanlily residential) New construction permit fee (Other) Ren10deling and repair permit fee (Single family residential) Renlooeling and repair permit fee (Other) Fence or wall per mit fee Driveway pennit fee Sidewalk pen11 it fee Street or cur b permit fee PWSF (loVl-impact) permit, for equipnlent attach ed to existin g stnlctur es with no new electrica~ alteration or ccostruction. All other PWSF (low-impact) permits Registra t ion for house lTIOVer s fee Renewal fee Moving penn it fee Occupancy inspection fee (Single m111ily res idential) Occupancy in~ection fee (Other) Water connection permit and meter (3/4U) inst alia ti on Water connection permit and meter (1 U) installa tion Water conn ection penn it and m eter (Over 1 U) in stallati on $ 50.00 $ 5.00 $ 0.26 per square foot $ 0.33 per squar e foot $60.00 $ 25.00 $100.00 per site $500.00 per site $ 500.00 $ 400.00 $ 500.00 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 $ 225.00 $ 275.00 $ 20.00 for $1 ,000 or less i n construc- tion value plus $3 .00 per $1,000 in construction val ue ther eafter $ 60.00 for $1,000 or less in constnlction value plus $3.00 per $1,000 in construction value thereaft er $0.50 per I inear foot; $25.00 nlin. IDe ludes en tran ce ralllp per Ini t fee. $0.40 per linear foot; $20.00 luin. For regulated facilities under Chapter 19, add $150 for p lan-checkin g p Ius application fees. Non-lo\V=-impact PWSF permits require a special exception; see F.022, below. Non -1 o\v- inlp a ct PWS F pe 1"111 its requ ire a spec"j a 1 exception; see F.02 2, below. If connection is to be n1ade to a not-)et- constructed City line, there is a deposit of$250 (not refundable unless, after new line is constructed, a new p enni tis a pp 1 i ed fa r, wi th proper notice, inspection, etc.) If connection is to be Inade to a not-)et- constructed City line, there is a deposit of$250 (not refundable unless, after new line is constnlcted, a newpennit is applied for~ with proper notice, inspection, etc.) Actua I Cost plus $1 75.0 O. If con necti on is to be l1lade to a not-yet-consttucted City I ine, there is a deposit of $250 (not refundabl e unless, after new line is constructed, a new pertuit is applied for, with proper notice, inspection, etc.) Sani tary sewer connection permi t $ 125 ~oo If connection is to be Inade to a not-;.et- constructed City line, there is a deposit of$250 (not refund a b 1 e unl es s, a fier new 1 i n e is constructed, a newpermit is applied fur, with proper notice, inspection, etc.) Demo I j tion pem1 it fee Swimming pool permit fee Plan review fee Duplicate permit charge Duplicate permit car d fee Premature \VO r k charge (8 tarting before permit is issued) Reinspection fee (following routine insp ecti on) $ 250.00 $ 150&00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Reins pection fee (man dator y rein specti on followin g nati ce of via tat ion of bui ldin g or $ 5 0.00 zoning ordinances or other applicable for the first regulations) viola- tion i ten1 plus $10.00 for each add i ti ana I Permit renewal fee F.OOS BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION Applica ti on fee $ 100.00 F . 006 ELECTRICAL WORK Appljcati on fee (n1Ester eJ ectrician license) $ 20~OO Ann u a III c enre fee (master el ectri ci an) $ 50.00 Application fee (Journe)ffian electrician $ 10.00 license) License fee (Journeyman electrician) $ 10.00 App licatim fee (Apprentice electtici an) $ 10.00 License fee (Apprentice electrician) $ 5.00 Application fee (Maintenance electrician $ 10.00 license) License fee (Maintenance electricia n license $ 10.00 Pennit a pplicati on fee $ 5.00 Telllporary service permit fee $ 20.00 Meter loop an d service perill it fee $ 20.00 Outlet or Ii ght fixtu re permi t fee $ 0.50 App lian ce permit fee $ 2.00 Motor permi t fee $ 3.00 Service reconn ection perm it fee $ 10.00 Electrica I sign permit fee $ 10.00 50% of the perm it fee 1000/0 of the pern1it fee (additional) Must be paid within 30 days ofreins}Xctioo, and in an y event before any celii fi cate of occu pan cy or sim ilar appr ova I is issued . Fees In ay be appealed to BSC, and may be paid without prejudice to such an appeaL Must be paid within 30 days of notice, and in any event befor e any cer tifica te of occu pa ncy or sinlilar approva lis issued . Fees 111ay be appeal ed to BSC, and .may be paid -without prejudice to such an appeal. BS C .ma y reduce or abate th j s fee (and any appeal fees), if no viola tion occurred, or for other gam cause sho\VI1. 500/0 of the orig inal per nli t fee M in irn urn penni t fee $ 25.00 Prematl1 re work char ge (Start ing before a 100% of the ~rmit fee (additional) permit is issu ed) Rei nspection fee $ 50.00 Permit renewal fee 50% of the orig inal per Init fee F.OO? GARBAGE SERVICE Monthly dwelling unit charge $ 14.25 Bas ic fee, for bas ic service only. Month ly dwelli ng un it ch arg e (Adul t 65 or $ 6.50 Bas ic fee, for bas ic service on ly. over) Special pick-up of items at curbside, not on a $15.00 plus Special service fet; in addition to basic fee~ regular collectioo day for those items at that $1.00 1 oca ti on. per bag or equ i va lent. Special handling of items not oogged, $15.00 plus Special service fee, in addition to basic fee and prepared or placed as required fer basic $1.00 any other applicable specia 1 service fee serv i ceo Example: Leaves and grass per bag or clippings in non-approved bags. equ iva 1 ent. Regular route pick-up of ordinary garbage at $4.00 per constructi on sites, with speci al bag sti eker one-bag (40- pOillld limit per bag). sticker. F.OO8 HEALTH Permit a pplicati on fee $ 5.00 Annua I food estab lishm ent perm it fee $ 120.00 Tempo rar y food estab lislunent penni t fee $ 8.00 (Special event) F ~OO9 REA TING, VENTILATION, AND AIR CONDITIONING Annua I contra ctor regist ration fee $ 50.00 Hea ting an d ai r cond i ti onin g pernlit fee $ 15.00 Per unit (Resi dential) Rea ting an d air cond i tionin g permit fee $ 30.00 For first 140,000 l:tuts and $5 per 100,000 btu's (Conlmercial) thereaft er Air condi ti onin g and r efrigerat ion perm it fee $ 5.00 Local vent perm it fee $ 3.00 Minim urn permi t fee $ 25.00 Prematu re work char ge (8 tart ing before a 100% of the ~nnit fee (additional) permi t is issu ed) Reinspection fee $ 50.00 Permit renewal fee 50% of the orig inal fee F.OIO LIQUOR LICENSES AND PERMITS M"jxed Bewrage license fee (Original) $ 1,500.00 Mixed Bewrage license fee (First renewal) $ 1,125.00 Mixed Beverage license fee (Becan d $ 750.00 renewa I) Mixed Beverage 1 icense fee (Subsequent $ 375.00 renewal) Wine only-pack age store licen se fee $ 37.50 Retail dealer off-premise Been se fee $ 30~OO Wi ne or beer r eta iler off-pc elnise license fee $ 30.00 Winery Been se fee $ 37.50 Mixed beverage la te hours li cense fee $ 75.00 Wine or beer retailer permit fee $ 87.50 Retail dealer o n-p rem i se license fee $ 75.00 Retai I deal er on-premi se license fee $ 125~OO Caterer pennit fee $ 250.00 Package store permit fee $ 150.00 Daily permi t fee $ 25.00 F.G 11 MUNICIPAL COURT Complaint and judgment copy charge $ 2.00 Defensive drivin g course dismi ssal fee $ 10.00 Arrest fee $ 5.00 F.O 12 PARABOLIC DISH ANTENNAS Pennit a pplicati on fee $ 15.00 Installation permit fee $ 35.00 F.O 13 P ARKS AND RECREATION Da i ly s\\limming fee (Re; i dent adu 1 t) $ 2.00 Daily swimmin g fee (Resident chi ld under $ 1.00 16) Daily swimnling fee (Resident child under 5) No charge Daily swimming fee (Non-resident adult) $6.00 Daily swimnling fee (Non-resident guest) $ 3.00 Da i ly swi nlming fee (Non - resi dent eh i 1 d $3.00 under 16) Daily v.;eight rOOIU fee (Resident) $ 1.00 Daily vveight room fee (Non-resident) $ 2.00 Hourly racquetball fee $ 3.00 Yearly Pass (Resident) $ 100.00 Yearly Pass (Non-resident) $ 150~OO Tenni s court reservation fee $ 2.00 Fu II reef eation cent er Inen1 bersh ip fee $ 250.00 For first 3 persons and $50 (Res ident adu It) per person thereafter Fu 11 reef eati on cent er membersh ip fee No charge (Senior Resident adult) Season swimming pass fee (Resident) $100.00 For first 3 persons and $25 per person thereafter Season swimming pass fee (Non-resident) Per per son $ 200.00 20-Sw irn punch pass fee (Resident) $ 35.00 20-Swim punch pass fee (Non-resident) $ 80.00 Season weight room pass fee (Rffiident) $ 40.00 Season weight room pass fee (Non-resident) $ 60.00 Yearly vveight roonl pass fee (Resident) $ 100.00 Yearly weight room pass fee (Non-resident) $ 150.00 Hourly Activity Rocnn reservation and use $ 20.00 charge (Resident) Hourly Activity Room reservation and use $ 30.00 charge (Non-res ident) Hourly Auditorium reservation and use $ 35.00 charge (Resident) Hourly Auditorium reservation a nd use $ 45.00 charge (N on - res ident) Hourly Kitchen r eserva tion and use cha rge $ 10.00 (Resident) Hourly Kitchen reservation and use charge $ 20.00 (N on - resident) Hourly Meeting RooIn reservation and use $ 15.00 cha rge (Res iden t) Hourly Meeting Room reservation and use $ 25.00 charge (Non-residmt) Hourly Scout House reservation an d use $ 35.00 charge (Resident) Hourly Scout House reservation and use $ 45.00 charge (Non-resident) Hourly Senior Wing reservation and use $ 30.00 charge (Resident) Hourly Senior Wing reservation and use $ 40.00 charge (Non-resident) Colon inl P ark Swimming Pool res ervat ion $30 per hour = $1 per person and use charge F.014 PUBLIC RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS Record or document charge $0.10 per page Tree Ordinance and criteria manual charge $ 3.50 Zoning Ordinance charge $ 6.00 20 ning lTI3 p ch arge $ 2.50 F.OIS PLUMBING AND GAS Annua 1 contra ctor reg ist ration fee Permit a pp 1 icati on fee Fixture or outlet penn it fee Gas test perm it fee Grease tr ap penni t fee Irrigation systeln permit fee Service line p etmit fee Minim urn penni t fee $ 50.00 $ 5.00 $ 5~OO each Applies to each fixture and outlet. $15.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 Prematu re work char ge (Start ing before a "1000/0 of the p::rmit fee (additional) permi t is issued) Reinspection fee $ 50.00 Permit renewal fee 50% of the orig inal per lni t fee F.016 SEXUALL Y ORIENTED BUSINESSES AND ADULT ARCADES Sexually orien ted business ap plication fee $ 350.00 ( Original) Sexually orien ted business application fee $ 100.00 (Rene\VaI) Sexua lly orien ted business tr ansfer fee $ 300.00 Adult ar cade app liea tion fee $ 75.00 Adult ar cade rein spection fee $ 60.00 Adu It ar cade tran sfer or alnen dment fee $ 15.00 F.G 17 SIGNS Penui t a pplica ti on fee $ 5.00 Festival Sign Permit Fee $ 5.00 Sign permit fee $. 1.25 Per squar e foot of sign face Minim unl pem1i t fee $ 20.00 Prematu re work char ges (8 tart ing before a 100% of the pern1it fee (additional) permit is issued) Reinspection fee $ 50.00 Permit renewal fee 50% of the orig inal per 111it fee F.Ol8 MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC COSTS Monthly dwelling unit charge $ 2.85 F.019 TREES Rernoval pennit fee $ 25.00 Low impact eval uat ion fee $ 25.00 Survey an d disp osi ti on revi ew fee (Major $ 200.00 constru en 0 n) Survey an d disp ositi on revi ew fee (M"in or $ 75.00 co n structi 0 n) F.020 WATER AND SEWER SERVICE New service connect $ 25.00 Each ti lTIe service is esta b Ii shed Delinquen t ell toff fee $ 30,00 After hour s de I inqu ent reconn ect fee $ 60.00 Recmnect service after 4 p.n1. or befure 8 a.B1. Deposit $ 180.00 MaxitnUlll Periodic Charges: The total charee per 1110nth fer each customer is the SU1U of the apol icable base 1110nthlv charge; (for both water and se\Vert fur each meter~ plus the ChargES for gallons (for both \Vater and sewer) delivered through each meter~ all calculated separately for each meter accu'ding to the schedules set out below. Each of the indicated fees and charges takes effect for services provided on or after March 3L 2001. exceot that fees and charges based on periodic billing intervals take effect as to each customer for each of that custolller's billing intervals scheduled to begin on or after March 31 ~ 2001. Notes: (I) "Residential-only premises~ refers to premires that are uged onlyfor residential purposes. (2) "Water-onlv meters" refers to meters that serve only irrigation systems and other fixtures fi'OIU which there "i s no rem.. n flow into the sani ta TV sewer svsten1: "re gular meters" refers to aJ loth er lneters. WATER RES.l.TfJEl,r"T{r1L RATES Base monthly charges: RGsrd"htI~1 c.lJ.s6 Meters serving res idential-onlv vremises: 5/8 fI or 3/4rt meter: (in(.luJ".5 llJ.... ~16L 1,500 ~allOJ15) 1 t1 meter 1-1/2u meter Meters servin!! anv Dther premises: 5/8 or 3/4 Ii meter 1 it meter I-112ft meter 2 tI meter 3 n n1eter $ 4.31 6:6e $ 9.61 $ 22.31 $ 12.65 $ 17.75 $ 32.00 $ 98.00 $ 265.00 GaUona4le char-zes (ner 1,,000 -zallons): Ref!ular meters: First 3~OOO eallons (0 to 3~OOO) Next 12~OOO gallons (3~OO 1 to 15~OOO) Each 1,00 0 gallons thereafter (over 15 ~ 000) Water-only meters: First 7 ~500 gallons Each 1.000 gallons thereafter (over 7~500) $ 2.00 $ 2.18 $ 2.37 +:99 $ 2. 18 $ 2.37 SEWER RATES Base monthly char2"es: Meters servin g residen tint-on Iv premises Meters servin g any other premises $ 2~24 $ 8.90 Gallona!!e charg-es (per 1..000 1!:allons) Resi dentia I-onlv prelTI i ses Anv other Dr emises $ 1 ~95 $ 2~ 13 COllJ.1UU. ",,;l1 1 da66 J n 111'..101. D d6.(' l1101) tIll j ,,] ,till g.~ L~vL 1 ,000 gail6h~ ~ 2G5~OO $ 1.90 S...t"^fIT..1.R. Y SETf'ER .R.ES!DEJ."\'TL 1L R 1 TE S* R.....;:)~Jvuti.aI c.lil.5s 5/8 It unici. Du~(. luonthlj c.htt1!:,..... (~n clad"6 tIl'- J:1St 1,5 00 ~dlloh6 of '^" '" l~) Lacb 1, 000 ,gullon S of W l.L t'-l tlt"l '-.Iarkl $ $ $ 6~31 outside city limits $ 13.80 outside city limits $ 26.22 outside city lin1its $ 15.81 outside city Iinlits $ 22.14 outside city linlits $ 39.84 outside city limits $ 122~24 outside city linlits $ 330.54 outside city limits $ 2.30 outside city lilnits $ 2.51 outside city limits $ 2.74 outside city limits $ 2.51 outside c"itv litnits $ 2.74 outside city litnits $ 2& 79 outside city Iilllits $ 1 I ~ 1 0 outside city limits $2~43 outside city linlits $2.66 outside city lin1its 4.50 1.70 RGsid'-htit\l ,laS3 1 tI HJ\.I tGi . Da[)" 11Jol1[111y GhatS'- (iil "ludl".,5 the. fit 5t 1,500 gclUai6 of wo.tu) LeiG 11 1, 000 g~ HUH ~ vI ~ at,! t!i(.! (,aft..A RcsiJ'htial "ld{)~ 1 )~ n tBetel. D as" hluulll1)' \...1Jo.J @,,, (iJl ,,1 uJ"J Un;. .Gi 6t 1,500 .:;.ulloo5 of~t.\la.) :CiiGh 1) 000 ~a llou;} u f ~ ate.l ll,.,,,... ,",Clftvl SA~V!T.ARY SErVE}? COl-~{J1ERCL1L _PLATE~ COlu1l1aGilll dlL55 S/8t1 O( J/4u InGK.L Dase Inontllly "{la1 gv La"I1 1, 000 ::;a.llvu ~ u r ~ al(.l CVHJJ1ia "ia I dcl66 1 rI llH...lvJ. D~6<' lJ.iOlitll1y \;IHu::;e La"lt 1, 000 g",llon 5 0 f 'Wal,:.! CUHUna Gial da65 I j), n llH1Gl. Dl:l5' Jllohtl11y \;llQl ge La..JI 1,000 gaUolJ,:) u[ WCll~J COtul1iCl (,;",} J(J.~~ 2. n lucl<:.L D d.5...... lllVH nIl y (,1 ul.l g'- LllGh 1,000 gallo115 of "' utci C01J.uJ.1Cl ";al ,--1u.~5 J n lnct<:'l. n il;s'(" U1UlJ. thly Clul' gG La"ll 1,000 gal101J6 of Vv~t(.l o [}TSIDE c:nr LJ.TJ.;';J.TT H'A iE_l?' ..T:lEStDE},YTL1L RATES* R'6id(.11hal ....1..55 5/Su Ol J./4u u:..'-tGl. D,,~v !nonthly ~lilhg" (;11 (.luJG~ thG fi15t 1,500 gaUO!15) Ca"h 1, 000 g~lluH~ tI1Gl GaR (,1 R..:;~i d<'htioJ "L.a;:);} lit HH_J~;;l ~ DilS'- l:uolltllly ~.JJt.uQc. (ilJ ~lud,,;) tIIG GIst 1 ,500 ballull~) ta"h. 1, 000 5ctllon.s tI:..('l (,'4fi '-1 R"61J.....u:hul ~b55 1 )2 n d.l'-k..t. D~~l..- lnonthly G(u.\18'- OJi(..luJv~ tb:G filst 1 ,500 ~411ol.l&) Cii,Jl 1, 000 b"lluH~ thc.l,aR<'l QfJTS.rJJE em' LIJ~lr.rr rVA'rER CO}.1J~fERCIA~ P..A TES* CouHAClGial clast; 5/8 It Vi J/4't Jnete~. D115G dionthl} "ll,h {;v LeiGh 1,000 gidloLIS $ 4.50 $ 1.'70 $ 4.50 $ 1.70 $ 7.15 $ 1.85 $ 7.15 $ l.SS $ 7.15 $ 1.85 $ 7.15 $ l.BS S; 7.15 $ 1.85 $ 8.:5 $ 2.10 $ 11.55 $ 2.20 $ 15.99 $ 2.:0 $ $ 15.81 2.10 COUJJUU .....~ul Jil55 1 tI 1:"1(.1"1. Da5C lHonthly "lull~(. Cae-Ii 1 ,000 i5MloJJ~ $ $ 21.14 2.20 CUUHUU. v~~ I d<<6's' 1 ;.s. u ll1i.li,;J. Dds'- JJ)OlllL,.1y (.IJ,h5~ $ J 9.84 [it"II 1 ,000 5Jlol15 $ :.20 *La(..IJ of the. hidi'ilt(.d [....\.1., and Gli(ug("5 .;11",11 tak" "ffu..t [01 SGl \I k.(,.i:l }J! U v ~dGd 011 Vi aftGi ?...f'H ell J 1, :'001, GXG'-f-Jl tllo.l f<.v5. "'\~ld <..11,u(!;j(..,s bAS<.d oh P(,l ~uJiG bit lihg i~,lv1 'oJ al6. tak<. <..[f~vt a.~ to <"d,,,l~ <"U~h..n.U"i rut GaGll uf tlu.,t GU.6t(hu.....r' s bllEub intGI vaLs .5GhGdak,J lu LV5~n. O.l! 01 (in.....! ?vItil Gll J 1, :001. F.021 ZONING & PLANNING COMMISSION Plats and replats Category A. Full preparation The fee is the City's actual cost of plat preparation and revision (if requ ired by the Z&PC), pI us in ciden tals. The prep ara tion is don e by a planner retained or employed by the City: Incidentals include legal notices, surveys, title and legal work, fe3earch, s.jgnature requ ests) r ecordi ng, cop ies, etc., as ma y be requi red and n at provided by the applicant. DEPOSIT (non-refundable): A deposit alTIOunt (due with the prelinlinaryapplication) is estimated by the City staff, but the min imum deposit is a base fee of $400 .00, plus $10.00 for each lot and reserve shown on the plat or replat, plus $100 for those requ iring newspaper legal notice. (All p reliminalY costs lllust be paid in full before plat or replat can be submitted for final approval). FINAL D EPOSI T (n on-r efund ab Ie): A deposi t anlOU nt is due up 0 n subnli ttal for fin al ap prova 1. Th e J11in inlUl11 deposit is a bas e fee of $150.00, plus $1 0.00 for each lot an d reserve shown on pIa t or rep I at, plus $100. 00 for each sepa rate I ega 1 instr ument need ed (easements, etc.). ADDITIONAL DEPOSIT. An additional deposit of$150.00 is dlle each tinle the initial request is significantly changed by the applicant or at the request of the Z&P C. FULL PAYMENT. The full actual cas t for pI at PI' epar ation l11USt be paid before the plat will be released for recording. F~022 F . 023 Category B. Review only Rezoning requested by applicant for that person's special benefit ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Appea I of bu it din g officia 1 decis ion Specia 1 except ion Varian ce Othe r app lieat ion PUBUC SAFETY False alarm Type I Alarnl Permit Type II Alann Permit Annua 1 permit renewal fee { \... The fee is the City"s actual cost of plat review, plus incidentals. TIle review is done by a planner retained by the City or by City staff. Incidentals include legal notices, surveys) title and legal work, resea rch, sign atur e requ ests, r ecordi ng, copies, etc., as 111 a y be required and not provided by the applicant. DEPOSIT. A depooit amount (due with the preliminary application) is estitnated by the City staff, but the tninitnunl deposit is $200.00 base fee, plus $1 0.00 for each lot an d reser ve shown on th e plat or replat, plus $100 for those requiring newspaper legal notice, plus $100.00 fur each reparate legal instrument needed (easelnents, etc.) ADDITIONAL DEPOSIT. An additional deposit of $1 00.00 is due each time the plat is resu bmi tted for rechecking. FULL PAYMENT. The filII actual cost Jllust l:e paid before the rep la t is released for record ing. $500 plus out-of-pocket costs for drafting and review by planner, engi neer, att orne y and other consul tan t. A de POS) tis estitn a ted by the building official, and maybe increased as tlle matter proceeds. The depooit must be increased to cover the estimated full costs at these stages: (1) before the l11eeting of the COlnnlission to consider a prelu11inary report, (2) be10re any hearing notices are rent out and (3) before the 111eeting atwhich the COIllluission considers its final report. $250.00, refundable if the applicmlt prevails and the ZBA so orders. Exception: $500.00 plus out-of-pocket review costs for appeals requiring review by planner, engineer, attorney or other consultant. A deposit is estimated by the building official. The full cost is payable before the hearing. $250.00 per exception per proposed building site affected. Exception: $500.00 plus out-of-pccket review costs for exceptions requiring review by planner, engineer, attorney or other consultant. A deposit is estinlated by the building officiaL The fuli cost is payable before the hearing. $ 2 5 0.00 per va ria nce per p fa po sed bu i I ding si te afrecte d. Exception: $500.00 plus out..ot:pocket review Caits fur variance; requiring review by planner, engineer, attorney or other consultant. A deposit is esti ma too by the bu il ding 0 ffi ci a 1. The fu 11 cost is pa yab Ie b efo re the hearing. $250 per acti on i telTI requested. $ 50.00 Per occurren ce $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ 5.00 Type II monthly renewal $ 25.00 Per ITIonth