HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1675 - fee & charges for activities an city services
Section 1. The City does hereby establish and reestablisl1 the fees and
charges shown in the attached Exhibit A, which is hereby incorporated il1tO tlns
ordinance by this reference for all purposes. The fee schedule heretofore ad.opted
is hereby amended in its entirety by this new sclledule.
Section 2. Revised fees and charges apply from and after the effective
date of this ordinance and shall apply to individual transactions as follows: (1)
completed applications for permits and passes filed on or after tIle effective date
of this ordinance, and (2) billing periods beginning on or after tIle effective d.ate
of this ordinance, for monthly or periodic services
Section 3. In the case of any activity, goods or services provided by tIle
City, including review of the applications, permits, approvals, etc., for Wllicll
there is a measurable cost to the City, or for which a fee or charge WOllld
traditiol1ally be collected,. tIle City Manager is authorized to establisll aJ.ld
reestablish fees and cllarges, but only in those CirClill1stances in whiell a fee or a
charge is not prescribed ill Exhibit A. In prescribing fees and cllarges, the City
Manager shall first determine tIle cost to the City of providil1g tIle activity, goods
or services, and the fees or charges shall be as equivalent as practicable to tIle
co st.
Section 4. All ordinal1ces aJ.ld parts of ordinances in COl1flict herewith are
hereby repealed to the extent of tile conflict only.
Section 5. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, sectioll, or
other part of tllis ordinance or the applicatiol1 thereof to allY person or
circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unCOl1stitutional by allY COllrt of
competent jurisdiction, neither tIle remainder of this ordinance, nor the application
of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragrapll, section, or otller part of tlTis
ordinance to any other persolls or circumstances, shall be affected tllereby.
Section 6. The City Council officially finds, determines alld declares tllat
a sufficient written notice of the date, 11our, place and sllbject of eacll Ineetillg at
which this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted UpOl1 was given ill tile
Iuanner required by the Texas Opel1 Meetings Act, as amellded, and. tllat eac11
suell lneeting l1as been opel1 to the pllblic as required by law at all tilues dllJ~ing
such discussion, consideration and action. TIle City COlll1Cil ratifies, approves
and confirms such notices and tIle contents and pOStillg tllereof~
Section 7. This ordinance shall become effective on the telltll day
following its publication, as provided in the City Cllarter~
, 2001.
Councilmembers Voting Aye:
Councilmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent:
/~ay of
, 2001.
Councilmembers Voting Aye:
Councilmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent:
City Attorl1ey
Fees and Cha rges Schedule
F ~oo I Ad ministration F~O J 3 Parks and Recreano n
F ~OO2 Ambulance Service F ~O 14 Pu b lie Rceo rds an d Do cu me n ts
F.OO3 Anima Is F.015 Plumbing and Gas
F.OO4 Building F.O 16 Sexually Oriented [).usine:sses and
F .005 B uUding and Sta ndnrds Commission Adult Arcnde5
F.OO6 EI cctrical \V 0 r k F.OI? Signs
F .007 Garbage Service F.OI8 Municipal Electric Costs
F .008 Health F.Ol9 Trees
F .009 Hcnting, Ventilation and F.020 \Vater and Sewer Scrvicc
Air Conditioning F.021 Zoni ng u nd Plan ning Commissnn
F ~O 10 Litl u or Lie. c-nscs an d Pe rmits F.022 Zoning Bon rd of Adj ustmcnt
F.OlI Munkip31 Court F.023 Pu b lie Sa fety
F.OI2 Parabolic Dish Antenna
Motor vehicle decal charges $ LOO
COffilllercial in1pact zone permit fee $ 10.00 For first .motor vehicle and $5.
per motor veh icle thereafter
Returned check (or ACH payn1ent) fee $ 20.00 Also applies to paYlnents retu rned. by aut0111U ted
or electroni c paymen t systems (ACH)
Lien reIea se fee $ 25.00
Acqui escence to encr oachment fee $ 100.00
Special events fee Actu a I cost
Use of City-owned photocopier $ 0.10 Per copy
Resprnse and transportation to hoopital $ 200.00
char ge (non -resi den ts 0 nl y)
Orig ina I reg istr ation and micr 0 chip pin g or $ 150.00 AI I owners.
other pennanent identification (fertile
Original registration and 111icro chipping or
other pelTIlanen t ideo tifica tiOD (spayed or $ 40.00 Exception: $15 for owners over 65 years of age.
neutered anim als)
Original registrat ion-, anilnal is already
111icro chip ped or penn anent ly identified $ 130.00
( fertile anima Is)
Origina 1 registrat ion, anima I is already
micro chipped or permanently identified $ 20.00
(spayed or neutered aninla Is)
Micro chipping aninlals other than domestic $ 40.00
cats and dogs (pets such as ra bbits, ferrets,
etc. )
Ann ual dang crans dog regi stra tion $ 250.00 (fee is in addition to the above registration fees)
First viola tion an d inlpound ment fee $ 50.00
Second vi 0 lation and itn poundnlen t fee $ 75.00
Third and all successive violations and $ 100.00
inlpoundm en t fees
F w 004
Daily kennel fees $ 7.50
Note: All original registration fees shown, with the exception of the dangerous dog .lee, are one-till1e fees that
register the ani mal for life.
Annua I contractor registration fee
Permit a pplicati on fee
New cons truct ion per mi t fe e (8 in gl e fa nil ly
resi den tial)
New construction pennit fee (Other)
Remodeling and repair perm.it fee (Single
family residential)
Renlcdeling and repair permit fee (Other)
Fence or wall permit fee
Driveway permit fee
Sidewalk penn it fee
Street or cur b permit fee
PWSF (low-impact) pernlit, for equipment
attach ed to existin g structur es with no new
e I ectri ca~ a I tera ti on 0 r coos tructi 0 n.
All other PWSF Qow-inlpact) pernlits
Registration for house movers fee
Renewal fee
Moving penn it fee
Occupancy inspection fee (Single nunity
res i dential)
Occupancy inspection fee (Other)
Water connection pern1it and Ineter (3/4U)
inst alia tico
Water connection pennit and nleter (1 11)
installa tion
Water conn ection penn it and meter (Over
1 U) in stallati on
$ 50.00
$ 5.00
$ 0.26 per
squar e foot
$ 0.33 per
square foot
$ 25.00
$100.00 per
$500.00 per
$ 500.00
$ 400.00
$ 500.00
$ 50.00
$ 100.00
$ 225.00
$ 275.00
$ 20.00 for $1 ,000 or less i n constru c-
tioD value plus $3.00 per $1,000 in construction
value ther eafter
$ 60.00 for $1,000 or less in construction value
plus $3.00 per $1,000 in constluction value
thereaft er
$0.50 per linear foot; $25.00 Inin.
Includes en tran ce ramp per mi t fee.
$0.40 per linear foot; $20.00 min.
For regulated facilities under Chapter 19, add
$150 for plan-checking plus application fees.
Non-Iow-inlpact PWSF pernlits require a special
except ion; see F. 022, be low.
Non-lo'N-i111pact PWSF pennits require a special
exception; see F.02 2, below.
If connection is to be made to a not-yet-
constructed City line, there is a deposit of$250
(not refundable unless, after new I ine is
constructed, a new pernlit is applied fur~ \vith
proper notice, inspection, etc.)
If connection is to be TIlade to a not-;et-
constructed City lin e, there is a d epos i t of $250
(not refundable unless, after new line is
constructed, a newpernlit is applied for, with
proper notice, inspection, etc.)
Actua I Cost plus $1 75.00. If con necti on is to be
made to a not-yet-constnlcted City line, there is a
depos.it of $250 (n at refundabl e unless, after ne\v
line is constructed, a new pertnit is applied for,
with proper notice, inspectiOl1~ etc.)
Sanitary seVIer connection permit
$ 125.00 If connection is to be l1lade to a not-yet-
constlucted City line:! there is a deposit of$250
(not refundable unless, after new line is
constructed, a new permit is appl ied fOf, with
proper notice, inspection, etc.)
Demo Ii tion pennit fee
Swiulmin g poo I permit fee
Plan review fee
Duplicate pern1it charge
.Dupli cate permit car d fee
Prenlature 'MJrk charge (Starting before
permit is issued)
Reinspection fee (following routine
j TIS P ecti on)
$ 250~OO
$ 150+00
$ 25.00
$ 50.00
$ 50.00
Reinspection fee (man datory reinspection
following noti ce ofviolation ofbui lding or $50+00
zoning ordinances or other applicable for the first
regulations) viola- tion i tern
for each
additiona I
Penuit renewal fee
Applicati on fee $ :1 00.00
App licati on fee (In aster el ectrician license) $ 20.00
Ann u al Ii cen~ fee (fila ster elec tri cia n) $ 50.00
Appl i.cation fee (Journeyman electrician $ 10.00
License fee (Journeyman electrician) $ 10.00
A pp 1 ica ti 011 fee (A p pren tj ce e lee tJi c j an) $ 10.00
License fee (Apprentice electrician) $ 5.00
Application fee (Maintenance electrician $ 10.00
License fee (Maintenance electricia n license $ 10.00
Penllit a pplicati on fee $ 5+00
Temporary service perm.it fee $ 20.00
Meter loop an d service perlll it fee $ 20.00
Outlet or li ght fixtu re permi t fee $ 0.50
Applian ce pern1it fee $ 2.00
Motor penni t fee $ 3.00
Service reconn ection perm it fee $ 10+00
Electrica 1 sign per lnit fee $ 10.00
50% of the perm .it fee
100% of the permit fee (additional)
Must be paid within 30 days ofreinsJ;ection, and
in an y event before any certificate of occupan cy
or situ Hac appr oval is issued. Fees 111 ay be
appea led to B SC, and may be pa i d \vi thou t
prejudice to such an appeaL
Must be .IX1id within 30 days of notice; and in any
event befor e any certifica te of occupa ncy or
sin1i lar approva lis issued . Fees Inay be appeal ed
to BSC, and n1ay be paid without prejudice to
such an appeaL BSe 111 a y reduce or abate th is fee
(and any appeal fees), .j f no viola tion occurred, or
for other gocrl cause shown.
50% of the orig innl per l11it fee
Minimum permi t fee $ 25.00
Prelnatu re work char ge (Start .ing before a 1 00 % of the p;:nni t fee (addi ti 0 na 1)
permi t is issued)
Reinspection fee $ 50.00
Pen11it r enewa I fee 50% of the orig inal per mit fee
Monthly dwelling unit charge $ 14.25 Bas ic fee, for bas Ie s ervic e on ly.
Month Iy dwelli ng un it eh arg e (Adul t 65 or $ 6.50 Bas ic fee, for bas ic service on ly.
Special pick-up ofitems at curbside, not on a $15.00 plus Spec ial service fee, in addi tion to basic fee.
regular collectioo day for those items at that $1.00
location. per bag or
Special handling of items not oogged, $15.00 plus Special service fee, in additicn to basic fee and
prepared 0 r placed a s required fer basic $1.00 any other a pp n ca b Ie speci a I servi ce fee
service. Exalnple: Leaves and grass per bag or
clippings in non-approved bags. equivalent.
Regular route pick-up of ordinary garbage at $4.00 per
constructi on sites, with special bag sti cker one-bag
( 40- pomd 1 in1i t per bag). sti cker .
Permi t a pplicati on fee $ 5.00
Annu a I food estab Ii ShUl ent pem1 it fee $ 120.00
Temporary food establishn1ent permit fee $ 8,00
(Special event)
Annua 1 contra etar regist ration fee $ 50.00
Hea ting an d air cond iti orrin g permit fee $ 15.00 .Per unit
Heating an d air cond itionin g permit fee $ 30.00 For first 140,000 btufs and $5 per 100,000 btu's
(Commerc i a l) the re aft er
Air condi tioning and refrigeration pelmit fee $ 5.00
Local vent perm it fee $ 3.00
Mininl urn permi t fee $ 25.00
Prematu re work char ge (8 talt ing before a 1 000/0 of the pernlit fee (addi ti ana I)
permit is issued)
Reinspection fee $ 50.00
Permit r enewa 1 fee 50% of the orig inal fee
Mixed Beverage license fee (Original)
Mixed Beverage license fee (First renewal)
$ 1,500.00
$ 1,125.00
Mixed Beverage license fee (Second $ 750.00
Mixed Beverage license fee (Subsequent $ 375.00
renewa l)
Wine only-package store licen se fee $ 37.50
Retail dealer off-prelnise licen se fee $ 30.00
Wi ne or beer retailer off-pr em ise license fee $ 30.00
Winery Iicen se fee $ 37.50
Mixed beverage la te hours Ii cense fee $ 75.00
Wine or beer retailer permit fee $ 87.50
Retail dealer on-premi se license fee $ 75~OO
Retail dealer on-premi se license fee $ 125~OO
Caterer permit fee $ 250.00
Package store permit fee $ 1 50.00
Daily permi t fee $ 25~OO
Comp laint and ju dgment copy charge $ 2.00
Defensi ve drivin g course dismi ssal fee $ 10.00
Arrest fee $ 5.00
Pennit a pplicati on fee $ 15.00
Installation permit fee $ 35.00
Daily smm.ming fee (Resident adult) $ 2.00
Daily swimlnin g fee (Resident chi ld under $ 1.00
Daily swi mlTI in g fee (Res ident child under 5) No charge
Daily svvimming fee (Non-resident adult) $6.00
Daily swimming fee (Non-res.ident guest) $ 3.00
Daily s'Win1ming fee (Non-resident child $3.00
under 16)
.Daily weight rOOlU fee (Resident) $ 1.00
Daily weight room fee (Non-resident) $ 2.00
Hour ly racquetball fee $ 3.00
Yearly Pass (Resident) . $ 100.00
Yearly Pass (Non-resident) $ 150.00
Tenni s court reservation fee $ 2.00
Full reef eation cent er Jllembersh ip fee $ 250.00 For first 3 persons and $50
(Resident adult) per person thereafter
Full recreation center 111embersh ip fee No charge
(Senior Resident adult)
Seaso n swi n1ming pass fee (Res i dent) $1 OO~OO For first 3 persons and $25
per person therea fier
Season swilulning pass fee (Non-resident) $ 200.00 Per per son
20-Switu punch pass fee (Resident) $ 35.00
20-Swim punch pass fee (Non-resident) $ 80.00
Season weight room pass fee (Resident) $ 40.00
Season weight room pass fee (No n- resi dent) $ 60.00
Yearly weight roanl pass fee (Resident) $ 100.00
Yearly weight roo m pa ss fee (Non -rem den t) $ 150.00
Hourly Activity Room reservation and use $ 20.00
charge (Resident)
Hour ly Activity Room reservati on and use $ 30.00
charge (Non-resident)
Hourly AuditoriuJTI reservati on a nd use $ 35.00
ch arge (Resident)
Hourly AuditoriulTI reservation a nd use $ 45.00
charge (Non-resident)
Hourly Kitchen r eserva tion a nd use cha rge $ 10.00
Houri y Kitchen reservati on and use charge $ 20.00
(N 0 n - resi dent)
Hourly Meeting Room reservation and use $ 15.00
charge (Resident)
Hourly Meeting Room reservation and use $ 25.00
c ha rge (Non-resident)
Hourly Scout House reservation an d use $ 35.00
charge (Res ide n t)
Hourly Scout House reservation an d use $ 45.00
charge (Non-resident)
Hourly Senior Wing reservation a nd use $ 30.00
charge (Resident)
Hourly Senior Wing reservation and use $ 40.00
charge (Non-resident)
Colon ial Park Swimm ing Pool res ervat ion $30 pe r hOll r pIu s $1 per person
and use charge
Institutional Exchallf!es. The Parks & Recreation Director may waive all or par t of the Park s & Recreation fees
prescribed bv this section~ subiect to the following regul ations: ( 1) The an Dlicant JTIust be an in stituti on~ either
public or non-Drofrt~ with facilitiES located widlin the o tv. (2) The portion of the fees waived nlav not exceed the
value of facilities made available bv the institution to the City for Dublic use (e. g.~ for meetings.. elections~
emergency ooerat ions~ etc.). (3) The maximum amount of fees ilia t maY be waived is $500 per institution per
yeaL (4) Passes and oennits issued to an institution under this section 111av be assigned or resold bvthe
inst itut jon~ but th e actua 1 user must q uali fv for the type of -pass or penn it in questi on~ and th e Ci tv 11111 st be
notified L
Record or docuJuent charge
Tree 0 rdinance and cri teria manual charge
Zoning Ordinance charge
Zoning map charge
$0.1 0 per page
$ 3.50
$ 6.00
$ 2.50
Annua I contra ctor regist ration fee
Pernlit a ppli ca ti on fee
Fixture or outlet peml it fee $ 5.00 each Applies to roch fixture and outlet.
Gas test perm it fee $15.00
Grease tr ap permi t fee $ 50.00
Irrig adon system permi t fee $ 25.00
Servi ce line p ennit fee $ 10.00
Minim urn permi t fee $ 25.00
Prenlatu re work char ge (8 tart ing before a 100% of the permit fee (additional)
permit is issued)
Reinspection fee $ 50.00
Permit renewal fee 50% of the original pertuit tee
Sexuall y orien ted business ap plica tion fee $ 350.00
Sexually orien ted business ap plication fee $ 100.00
Sexually orien ted business tr ansfer fee $ 300.00
Adul t ar cade a pp liea tion fee $ 75.00
Adult ar cade rein spection fee $ 60.00
Adult ar cade tran sfer or amen dlnent fee $ 15.00
Permit a pplicati on fee $ 5.00
F esti val Sign Permit Fee $ 5.00
Sign per mit fee $ 1.25 Per squar e foot of sign face
Minim urn peffili t fee $ 20.00
Prelnatu re work char ges (Stalt ing before a 1 00% of the pe fllli t fee (ad di ti ana I)
permit is issued)
Reinspection fee $ 50.00
Permit renewal fee 50% of the orig ina I per 111i t fee
Monthly dwell ing unit charge $ 2~85
Renloval permit fee $ 25.00
Low impact evaluat ion fee $ 25.00
Survey an d disp ositi on revi ew fee (Major $ 200.00
co nstrucn 0 n )
Survey an d disp ositi on revi ew fee (Min or $ 75.00
New service connect $ 25.00 Each ti lne se {vice is esta b Ii shed
Delinquen t cutoff fee
After hours delinqu ent reconn ect fee
$ 30~OO
$ 60.00
Periodic Charges:
$ 180.00
Recoonect service after 4 p.n1.
or befOre 8 a.m.
The total charge per month for each cllston1er is the sunl of th e applicable base monthly charges (for both water
and sewer}, for each meter, plus the charges for gallons (for both \Vater and seVIer) delivered through each lneter,
all calculated separately for each Ineter according to the schedules set out below. Each of the indicated fees and
charges takes effect for services provided on or after March 31,2001, except that fees and charges based on
periodic billing intervals take effect as to each customer for each of that Cl1stoIller's hill ing intervals scheduled to
begin on or after March 31, 2001.
Notes: (1) uResidential-only premises" refers to premises that are used onlyfor residential purposes.
(2) "Water-only meters" refers to llleters that serve only irrigation systenlS and other fixtu res fraln which
there is no return flow into the sanitary sewer s~teln; "regular meters" refers to aU other Iueters.
Water Rates
Base monthly charges:
Meters serving residential-only premises:
5/8 tI cr 3/4 tt J11eter:
1 tI meter
1-1/2" lneter
Meters serving any other premises:
5/8 or 3/4 it nleter
1 It llleter
1-1/2u lueter
2 u 111eter
3 n meter
$ 4.31
$ 9.61
$ 22.31
$ 12.65
$ 17.75
$ 32.00
$ 98.00
$ 265.00
Gallonage charges (per 1,000 gallons):
Regular meters:
First 3,000 gallons (0 to 3,000)
Next 12,000 gallons (3,001 to 15,000)
Each 1,000 gallons thereafter (over 15,000)
Water-only ,neters:
First 7) 500 gallons
Each 1,000 gallons thereafter (over 7,500)
$ 2.00
$ 2.18
$ 2.37
$ 2.18
$ 2.37
SeJver Rates
Base monthly charges:
Meters serving residen tial~on ly premises
Meters servin g any other p reluises
$ 2.24
$ 8.90
Gallonage charges (per 1,000 gallons)
Residentia I-only premi ses
Any other premises
$ 1.95
$ 2.13
$ 6.31 outside city linlits
$ 13.80 outside city limits
$ 26.22 outside city I iIni ts
$ 15.81 outside city limits
$ 22.14 outside city limits
$ 39.84 outside city limits
$ 122.24 outside city lin1its
$ 330.54 outside city limits
$ 2.30 outside city limits
$ 2.51 outside city I i-tllits
$ 2.74 outside city 1 itnits
$ 2.51 outside city linlits
$ 2.74 outside city limits
$ 2.79 outside city limits
$ 11.10 outside city liInits
$2.43 outside city lilnits
$2~66 outside city lilnits
Plats and replats
Categ ory A. Fu 11 pr epar ation
Category B L Review only
Rezoning requestErl by applicant fur that
person's spec ial benefi t
The fee is the City~s actual cost of plat preparation and revision (if
requ ired by the Z&PC), pI us in ciden tals. Th e prep ara tion is don e by
a planner retained or employed by the City. Incidentals include
legal notices, surveys, title and legal work, research, signature
requests, recordi ng, copies, etc., as .Jnay be required and n at
provided by the applicant.
DEPOSIT (non-refundable): A deposit amount (due 'Nith the
preliminary application) is estinlated by the City staff, but the
lnin i111Um deposit is a bas e fee of $400 .00, plus $ 10.00 tor ea eh lot
and reserve shown on the plat or replat; plus $100 for those
requ iring newspaper legal notice~ (All preli nlinary costs 111USt be
pa-id in full before plat or replat can be su rnnitted for final approval).
FINAL 'DEPOSIT (non-refundable): A deposi t anlQU nt j s due up on
submi ttal for fin al ap prova 1. Th e min inlllIn deposit is a bas e fee of
$150.00, pIus $10.00 for each lot an d reserve shown on pia tor
replat, plus $100.00 for each sepa rate lega I instrunlent needed
(ease Inents, etc.).
ADDITIONAL DEPOSIT. An additional deposit of $150.00 is due
each time the initial request is significantly changed by the applicant
Of at the request of the Z&PC.
FULL PAYMENT. The full actual cost for pI at preparation Inust be
paid before the plat will be released for recording.
The fee is the City's actual cost ofplat review, plus incidentals. TIle
review is done by a planner retained by the City or by City staff.
Incidentals include legal notices, surveys, title and legal work,
resea rch, sign ature requ ests, r ecordi ng, copies; etc., as Ina y be
required and not provided by the applicant.
DEPOSIT~ A depcsit amount (due with the prelitninary applicatioo)
is estimated by the City staff, but the nlinin1uln deposit is $200.00
base fee, plus $1 0.00 for each lot an d reser ve shown on tl1 e plat or
replat, plus $100 for those requiring newspaper legal notice, plus
$100.00 for each sep ara te legal i TIS trulU ent needed (eas etnen ts, etc.)
ADDITIONAL DEPOSIT. An additional deposit of $100~OO is due
each ti nle the plat is reSll bnli tted for rec heck i ng.
FULL PAYMENT. The ul11 actua ( rost nlust be pa id before the
replat is released for recording.
$500 plus out-of-pccket costs for drafting and review l:o/ planner,
engi neer, art orne y and at her consul tan t. A de posit i s estinl ated by
the building official, and nlay be increased as the matter proceeds.
The deposit must l:e increased to cover the estinlated nlll costs at
these stage;: (1) before the l11eeting of the COlll1nission to consider a
preliminary report, (2) before any hearing notices are sent out and
(3) before the lneeting atwhich the COlllnlission considers its final
rep ort.
F ~ 023
Appea I of buil din g offi cia I decis ion
Specia I except ion
Varian ce
Other app Heat ion
False at arnl
Type I Alarm Permit
Type II Alann Permit
Annua l permit renewal fee
Type II Inonthly renewal
$250.00, refundable if the applicant prevails and the ZBA so orders.
Exception: $500.00 plus out-of-pocket review costs for appeals
requiring review by planner, engineer, attorney or other consultant.
A depos it is estilna ted by the bu ild ing offici al. The full cast is
payable before the hearing.
$250.00 per exception per proposed building site affected.
Exception: $500.00 plus out-of-pooket review costs for exceptions
requiring review by planner, engineer, attorney or other consultant.
A deposit is estinlated by the bui ldi ng officiaL The full cost is
payable before the hearing.
$250.00 per variance per proposed building site affected.
Exception: $500.00 plus out-of-pocket review costs for variances
requiring review by planner, engineer, attorney or other consultant.
A deposit is estin1ated by the building officiaL The full cost is
payable before the hearing.
$250 per action item requested.
$ 50.00 Per occurren ce
$ 25.00
$ 25.00
$ 5,00
$ 25.00 Per nlonth