HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1689 - municipal court fees and costs
Ordinance No. 1689
Section 1. The Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas
is hereby amended as follows:
(1 ) Section 14~005 (entitled "Court costs and fees") is amended to read in its
entirety as set out in Appendix A, which is attached and made a part of
this ordinance.
(2) The Fees & Charges Schedule is amended to read in its entirety as set
out in Appendix 8, which is attached and made a part of this ordinance.
Section 2. This Ordinance applies from and after the Effective Date, but new or
changed fees shall only apply to municipal court cases and proceedings based upon
conduct occurring on or after September 1, 2001. Other cases and proceedings are
governed by the ordinances in effect immediately before the Effective Date (UPrior
Ordinances"). The Pri.or Ordinances are continued in effect for this purpose.
Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance
are repealed to the extent of the conflict only~
Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other
part of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall
ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction,
neither the remainder of this Ordinance, nor the application of such wordf phraseJ
clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this Ordinance to any other
persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby.
Section 5" The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a
sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which
this Ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner
required by the Texas Open Meetings Act, as amended, and that each such meeting
has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion,
consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices
and the contents and posting thereof.
Section 6~ The public importance of this measure and the requirements of the
taw create an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring that this Ordinance
be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and a state of emergency is
hereby declared~ This Ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency measure and
j ..
shaH take effect on the tenth day following its publication, as provided in the City
Charter ("Effective Daten)~
Councilmembers Voting Aye: ~
Council members Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent:
City Secretary ( I)
, :;xl" /.
Mayor ~
Reviewed: "...\', .
City Attorney
Recommended: ~
City nagar
cO 108 :\54 oboa rds
Appendix A
Sec~ 14~005. Court fees and costs.
ea) Generall~v. All applicable fees and costs shall be taxed~ assessed and collected. llnless
waived or reduced in accordance with state law or this Code. See the Fees & Charges Schedule
for a listin.g of fees and costs: others itnposed by state law Inay also apply~ fOI GdGh defendant
COli v iGt6d by a jury, tile applicable fees and costs aLe fnandatoxy, but In Gases tiled by thG GOtllt
'V\I itllont a jUlY, thG fees alld costs shall be, w Ithin the disGlctioll of the 'OUlt (anles5 othc.! w iSG
provided. GlsGwllGJ.e). \"/llell assessed, 5tlGIl Applicable fees and costs shall be collected frcIn
each defendant, and together with the fine inlpo5cd 'VV hen collected, shall be deposited in the City
general fund, unless another disposition is required by state law or this Code.
(b) Municinal court technology~ The Mu.nicipal Court Technology Fun.d of the City
("Fund") is hereby createdA Each defendant convicted of a nusdelneanor in the lTIunicipal court is
required to pay the additional fee prescribed by the Fees & Charges Schedule for this purpose~ as
a luunicipal court cost. Each Inisdelneanor conviction shall be sublect to a separate aSSeSSlTI.e.nt
of the fee. For purposes of this fee. a person is considered convicted if: (i) a sentence is illlposed
on the person: (ii) the person is placed on COlTIln.unity supe.rvisio.n~ includin.g deferred
adiud icati on. COlTIlnunity supervision: or (Hi) the court defers final disposition of tIle person's
case. Tile court clerk shall collect the fee and pay it to the Finan.ce _D.irector~ to be deposited iIlto
tIle Fund~ The Fu.nd is used and adtninistered as provided in. state law: see. e.g.~ Code of
Criminal Procedure.. art. 102.0172.
F ~002
F .003
F ~005
.F .006
F .007
F .009
F .010
Appendix B
Fees and Charges Schedule
Administrn tion
Am buluncc Service
An ima Is
Building and 8m n du rds Commission
EI ectricnJ \V ork
Garbage Service
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Liquor Lice nses and Permits
"M unicipal Con rt
Parabolic Dish Antenna
"F.O 14
"F .022
F .023
Parks and Recrea tiOD
Pu bUe Records a nd Documents
PIn m bing and Gas
Sexually Oriented Businesses and Adult Arcades
Municipal Electric Costs
Water Dnd Sc\vcr Service
Zoning and Planning Commission
Zoning Bonrd of Adj llstment
Public Safety
Motor vehicle deca 1 charges $ l.00
Commerci at impact zon e perm it fee $ 1 0 . 00 For first motor vehicle and $5.
per motor vehicle thereafter
Returned check (or ACH payment) fee $ 20.00 Also applies to payments returned by automated
or electronic payment systems (ACH)
Lien release fee $ 25.00
Acquiescence to encroachnlent fee $ 100.00
S peci al events fee Actua 1 cost
Use of City-owned photocopier $ OJO Per copy
Response and transporta ti on to hospital $ 200.00
charg e (non -residents only)
Original registration and micro chipping or $ 150.00 All owners.
other permanent identification (fertile
ani Ola Is)
Original registration and micro chipping or
other permanent identification (spayed or $ 40.00 "Exception: $15 for owners over 65 years of age.
neutered animals)
Original registration, animal is already micro
ch ipp cd 0 r perm anen tly identi fi ed (fertile $ 130.00
Original registration, anima I is already micro
ch ipped or permanently identified (spayed $ 20.00
or neutered animals)
Micro chipp ing animals othe r than d orne stic
cats and do gs (pets such as rab bits, ferrets,
etc4 )
Annual dangerous dog registration
First violation and impoundment fee
Second vi 0] ation and impoundment fee
Third and all successive violations and
impoundm ent fees
Daily kennel fees $ 7.50
Note: A II original registration fees shown, with the exception of the
register the anima 1 for life.
(fee (s in addition to the above registration fees)
1 00.00
dangerous dog fee, are one-time fees that
Annual contractor registration fee
Permit application fee
New construction permit fee (8 ingle family
res ideo tia 1)
$ 50.00
$ 5.00
$ 0.26 per
square foot
New construction permit fee (Other)
$ 0.33 per
square foot
$ 20.00 for $1,000 or less in construc-
tion va tue plus $3 ~OO per $1,000 in construction
va 1 u e th erea fier
$ 60.00 for $1 ~OOO or less in construction value
plus $3.00 per $1,000 in construction value
$0.50 per linear foot; $25.00 min.
Inc ludes entrance ram p permit fee.
$0.40 per linear foot; $20.00 min.
For regulated fac.iIities under Chapter 19, add
$150 for plan-checking plus app lication fees.
Exception: The permit fee for work affecting new roadways under Chapter 19 is $100, plus the
estimated out-of-pocket expenses that may be incurred by the City in connection with the work,
including engineering review, extra inspections or testing, supplemental traffic control~ etc. The
bui Id ing official shall estimate such expenses at the time of app I ication and shall collect at least
110% of the estima te as a deposit. The building official may require a perm i ttee to supp lement
the deposit as the work proceeds. When the work is finished, the building official shall refund
any part of the deposit that exceeds the actual permit fees due in connection with the \vork.
PWSF (low-impact) permit, for equipment $.100.00 per Non-low-inlpact PWSF permits require a special
attached to existing structures with no new site exception; see F .022, below.
electri ca I, alteration or construction.
All other PW SF (low-impact) pernlits
Remode ling and repair perm it fee (Single
fam i ty resid ential)
Remodeling and repair permit fee (Other)
Fence or \valJ permit fee
Dri yew ay p e rmi t fee
Side\valk permit fee
Street or curb permit fee
$500.00 per
NonMlow-impact PWSF permits require a special
exception; see F .022, below.
Registration for house movers fee
Renewa I fee
Moving permit fee
Occup ancy insp ection fee (S ingl e fam ily
-res ide n tial)
Occupancy inspect] on fee (Other)
Water connection permit and meter (3/4U)
in sta II a ti on
$ 500.00
$ 400.00
$ 500~OO
$ 50.00
$ 100.00
$ 225~OO
If connection is to be m.ade to a not-yct-
constructed City line, there is a deposit of $250
(not re funda ble un less; after ne\v line is
constructed, a new permit is applied fort with
proper notice, inspection, etc~)
Water connection permit and meter (:I U)
i nsta 11 a ti 0 n
$ 275.00
Water connection permit and nleter (Over 1 U)
instaJlati on
Sanitary sewer connection permit
$ 125.00
If conn ection is to be made to a no t~yet-
constructed City line~ there is a deposit of $250
(not re funda ble un less, after ne w I ine is
constructed, a ne\v permit is ap plied for~ with
proper notice, inspection; etc.)
Actual Cost plus $175.00. If connection is to be
made to a not-yet-constructed City line~ there is a
deposit of$250 (not refundable unless, after new
Ii ne is constructedt a new permit "is applied for,
with proper notice, inspection, etc.)
If connection is to be made to a not-yet-
constructed City line, there is a deposit of $250
(not refunda hIe un less) after new line is
constructed, a new permit is applied fOf, with
proper noticet inspection, etc.)
$ 250.00
$ 150 L 00
50% of the permit fee
$ 25.00
$ 50.00
Demolition permit fee
Swimnling P~Q I permit fee
P I an revic\v .fee
Du p 1 i ca te permit c ha rge
Dupl icate perm i t card fee
Premature work charge (Starting before
perm it is is sued)
Reinspection fee (following routine
$ 50.00
Reinspection fee (mandatory reinspection
following notice of violation of building or
zoning ord inance s or other ap plicab Ie
$50.00 for
the fi rst vie la-
tion item plus
$10.00 for
each additional
Perm i t ren c\va I fee
Application fee $ 100.00
Application fee (master electrician license) $ 20.00
Annual license fee (master electrician) $ 50~OO
Application fee (Journeyman electrician $ 10.00
License fee (Journeyman electrician) $ 10 L 00
Application fee (Apprentice electrician) $ 1 0.00
License fee (Apprentice electrician) $ 5.00
100% of the permit fee (additional)
Must be paid wi thin 30 days of reinspection, and
in any event before any certi ficate of occupancy or
similar approval is issued~ Fees may be appealed
to B se, and may be paid with out p rejud ice to
s.uch an app eat.
Must be paid within 30 days of notice, and in any
event before any certificate of occupancy or
similar approval is issued. Fees may be appealed
to BSC, and may be paid without prejudice to
such an appeal. BSe may reduce or abate this fee
(and any appeal fees), if no violation occurred, or
for other good cause sho\vn.
50% of the original permit fee
F ~007
Application fee (M"aintenance electrician
License fee (Iv! aintcnancc electrician license
Permit application fee
Temporary service permit fee
Meter loop and service pernlit fee
Outlet or light fixture permit fee
Appliance pennit fee
Motor permit fee
Service reconnection permit fee
Electrical sign permit fee
Mininlum permit fee
Premature work charge (Starting before a
perm it is issued)
Re i ns pecti 0 n fee
Permit renewal fee
Monthly dwcl ling unit charge
Monthly dwelling unit charge (Adult 65 or
Special pick-up of items at curbside, not on a
regular collection day for those items at that
Special han dling 0 f items no t bagged,
prep ared or pia ced as required for basic
service. Exalnple: Leaves and grass
cI ippings in no n-app roved ba gs.
Regular route pick-up of ordinary garbage at
construction sites, with special bag sticker
(40 -pOll nd Urn it per bag).
Permit application fee
Annual food establishment permit fee
Tern po rary food esta b I i shm e n t perm it fee
(Specia I event)
An nua 1 co n tra ct 0 r -rc gi s tra t [0 n fe e
H eating and a ir conditioning perm it fee
Heating and air conditioning permit fee
(Camm ercial)
Air conditioning and refrigeration permit fee
Local vent permit fee
Minimum permit fee
$ 10.00
$ 10.00
$ 5.00
$ 20~ 00
$ 20.00
$ 0.50
$ 2.00
$ 3.00
$ 10.00
$ 10.00
$ 25 ~OO
$ 50.00
$ 14.25
$ 6.50
$15.00 plus
per bag Of
equ ivalent.
$15.00 plus
per bag or
equ ivalent
$4.00 per
$ 5~OO
$ 120.00
$ 8.00
100% 0 f the permit fee (additional)
50% of the original permit fee
Basic fee, for basic service only.
Ba sic fee, for basic service only.
Special service fee~ in addition to basic fee.
Special service fee~ in addition to basic fee and
any other app I icabl e specia I service fee
Per unit
For first] 40,000 btu's and $5 per 100,000 btu1s
th creafte r
F.O I 0
Premature work charge (Starting before a
perm it is issued)
Reinspection fee
Permit renewal fee
Mixed B evera ge license fee (0 riginal)
Mixed Beverage license fee (F irst renewal)
Mixed B evera ge I icense fee (S eco nd renewa I)
Mixed Beverage license fee (Subsequent
Wine only-package store license fee
Retail dealer off-premise license fee
Wine or beer retailer off-premise license fee
Winery license fee
Mixed beverage late hours license fee
Wine or beer retailer permit fee
Reta"i I dealer on-premise license fee
Retail dealer on-premise license fee
ea terer p eml it fee
Package store perm"it fee
Daily permit fee
Comp laint and judgment copy charge
100% of the permit fee (additional)
50% of the original fee
COLI rt costs
An state~p rescrib ed court cas ts aVD Iv ~ with no 10 cal co urt CDS t add ed (i.e.~ no "five-d 0] lar'" court cost ad ded)'
$ 1,500.00
$ 1,125.00
$ 750.00
$ 375.00
$ 37.50
$ 30.00
$ 30~OO
$ 37.50
$ 75.00
$ 87.50
$ 75.00
$ 125.00
$ 250.00
$ 150.00
$ 25.00
For services of peace officers under art. 102.0 II.. Code of Criminal Procedure (Cep):
Arrest fee
W arran t fee
Sum m on iog a wi tness
Summoning a jury
Other costs (e. g.~ testifvin2)
Time D3yment fee
M un icioal Co urt Build ing S ecuritv
Municipal Court Technology Fund
Traffic Law Failure to Appear
S De c ia I Ex 0 ens e (e. g. ~ serving wa rran ts)
Jurv Fee
Case dismissal fees (~'Ten Dollar Fees';)
EXDircd DL or registration
I n so ecti on c e rti fi ca te ex D ired (1 ess
han 60 days)
Admin i strative fees
Dri vi ng safety course granted
Teen court granted
Aoolied only when driving safety course granted.
Tf convicted. See &51.9214 Government Code.
Per conv iction. A on] ies until exp i ration.
See art. 102.07124 CCP.
See Q 8521 . 026~ 502.407. 548.605. Tran sportation Code
$10.00 Ifremedied within] 0 work days: "proof required.
$ 10.00 If remed ied \vi th i n "10 \vork d avs ~ proof requ ired.
$ J 0.00 See art. 45.0511 (fl. CCP.
Permit application fee $ 15.00
I nsta llation permi t fee $ 35.00
Daily swimm iug fee (Resident adult) $ 2.00
Daily s\vimming fee (Resident child under $ l.00
Daily s\vimming fee (Resident child under 5) No charge
Daily s\vimming fee (N on~resident adult) $6.00
Daily swimming fee (N on-resident guest) $ 3.00
Daily swimming fee (N on-resident child $3.00
under 16)
Daily weight room fee (Resident) $ 1.00
Da ily weight room fee (N on-residen t) $ 2.00
Hourly racquetball fee $ 3.00
Yearly Pass (Resident) $ 100.00
Yea rly Pass (Non-resident) $ 150.00
Tennis court reservation fee $ 2.00
Full recreation center menlbership fee $ 250~OO For first 3 persons and $50
(Resident adult) per person ilierea fte r
Full recreation center membership fee No charge
(Sen lor Resident adu 1 t)
Season swimming pass fee (Resjdent) $1 OO~OO For first 3 persons and $25
per person thereafter
Season sw iUlming pass fee (N on-residen t) $ 200.00 Per person
20-Swim punch pass fee (Resident) $ 35.00
20-S wim punch pass fee (No n-resid ent) $ 80.00
Season weight rooln pass fee (Resident) $ 40.00
Season weight room pass fee (N on-resident) $ 60.00
Yearly \veight room pass fee (Resident) $ 100.00
Yearly \veight roo m pa 58 fee (N on-rcsiden t) $ 150.00
Hourly Activity Room reservation and use $ 20.00
charge (Re s iden t)
Hourly Activity Room reservation and use $ 30~OO
charge (N on-residen t)
Hourly Auditorium reservation and use $ 35.00
c harg e eRe sid en t)
Hourly Auditoritun reservation and use $ 45.00
ch arg e (N on~residen t)
Hourly Kitchen reservation and use charge $ 10.00
(Resid ent)
Hourly Kitchen reservation and use charge $ 20~OO
(No n-resid ent)
.Hourly Meeting Room reservation and use $ 15.00
charge (Residen t)
Hourly Meeting Room reservation and use $ 25.00
charge (N on-residen t)
Hourly Scout House reservation and use $ 35.00
charge (Resident)
F ~O 14
Hourly Scout House reservation and use
charge (Non-resident)
H"ourly Senior Wing reservation and use
charge (Resident)
Hourly Senior Wing reservation and use
charge (N on-resident)
Colonial Park Swimming Pool reservation
and use charge
$ 45.00
$ 30.00
$ 40.00
$30 per hour plus $1 per person
Institutional Exchanges. The Parks & Recreation Director may waive aJl or part of the Parks & Recreation fees
prescribed by this section, subject to the following regulations: (1) The applicant must be an institution; either
public or non-profit, with facilities located within the City. (2) The portion of the fees waived may not exceed the
value of facilities made ava ila bIe by the institution to the City for pu blic use (e.g~, for meetings, elections,
emergency operations, etc.). (3) The maximum amount of fees that may be waived is $500 per institution per yeaL
(4) Passes and permits issued to an institution under this section may be assigned or resold by the institution, but the
actual user must qualify for the type of pass or permit in question, and the City must be notified.
Record or document charge
Tree 0 rdinance and criteria nlanual charge
Zoning Ordinance charge
Zoning map charge
Annual contractor registration fee
Permit application fee
Fixture or outlet permit fee
Gas test permit fce
Grease trap permit fee
T rrig a tin n system pe rm it fe e
Service line permit fee
Minimum permit fee
Premature \vork charge (Starting before a
perm it is is sued)
Reinspection fee
Permit renewal fee
Sexually oriented business application fee
(Orig inal)
Sexually oriented business application fee
(Ren ewal)
Sexually oriented business transfer fee
Adult arcade appl ication fee
Adult arcade reinspection fee
Adult arcade transfer or aluendment fee
$0.10 per page
$ 3.50
$ 6.00
$ 2.50
$ 50.00
$ 5.00
$ 5.00 each
$ 50.00
$ 25.00
$ 10.00
$ 25.00
$ 50.00
$ 350~OO
$ 100.00
$ 300.00
$ 75.00
$ 60.00
$ 15.00
Applies to each fixture and ou tlet.
100% of the permit fee (additional)
50% of the original pernlit fee
F ~O 19
F .020
Permit application fee
Festival Sign Permit Fee
Sign permit fee
Minimum perm i t fee
Premature work charges (Starting before a
pernlit is issued)
Reinspection fee
Permit rene\val fee
Monthly dwelling unit charge
Rcnloval permit fee
Low impact evaluation fee
Survey and disposition review fee (Maj or
con s tru ct ion)
Survey and disposition revie\v fee (Minor
construe t io n)
New service connect
Delinquent cutoff fee
After hours deli nquent reconnect fee
Depos it
Periodic Charges:
Per square toot of sign face
100% of the permit fee (additional)
50% of the original permit fee
$ 25.00 Each time service is establ ished
$ 30.00
$ 60.00 Reconnect service after 4 p.m.
or before 8 a.m.
$ 180.00 Maximum
$ 4.31
$ 9.61
$ 2 2 ~ 3 "I
The total charge per month for each customer is the sum of the applicable base monthly charges (for both water and
sewer), for each meter, plus the charges for gallons (for both water and sewer) delivered through each meter, all
calculated separately for each meter according to the schedules set out be(o\v. Each of the indicated fees and
charges takes effect for services provided on or after March 31,2001, except that fees and charges based on
periodic billing intervals take effect as to each customer for each of that customer's billing in tervaJs scheduled to
begin on or after March 3 "I, 200") .
Notes: (1) "Residentialwonly premises" refers to preluises tha t are used only for residential purposes.
(2) ~'Water-only meters'~ refers to meters that serve only irrigation systems and other fixtures from \vhich
there is no return flow into the sanitary sewer system; "regular meters~' refers to all other meters.
Water Rates
Ba se moo tllly ch a rges:
Meters serving residen fial-only prem ises:
S/8H or 3/4" meter:
1 U meter
1-1/2" meter
Meters serving any other pre111ises:
$ 25.00
$ 25.00
$ 200~OO
$ 75.00
$ 6~3 1 ou tside city Urn its
$ 13.80 outside city limits
$ 26.22 outside city limits
5/8 or 3/4 It meter
J fI lllcter
"I - 1/2 U meter
211 meter
3 U meter
Gallonage charges (per ltOO 0 gallons):
Regular l11eters:
First 3,000 gallons (0 to 3,000)
Next 12,000 gallons (3,00 I to 15,000)
Each "1,000 gallons therea fier (over 15,000)
Water-only meters:
First 7,500 gallons
Each 1,000 gallons thereafter (over 7,500)
Sewer Rates
Base monthly cha rges:
Meters serving res identia 1-00 ly prem ises
Meters serving any other premises
Gallon age charges (per 1,000 gallons)
Res idential -on Iy prem ises
Any other premises
Plats and re pl ats
Category A. Full preparation
$ 12.65
$ 17.75
$ 32.00
$ 98.00
$ 265.00
$ 2.00
$ 2.18
$ 2.37
$ 2. 18
$ 2.37
$ 2.24
$ 8.90
$ L95
$ 2.13
$ ] 5.81 0 utside city limits
$ 22.14 outside city J j mits
$ 39.84 0 utside city I im its
$ 122.24 outsid e city limits
$ 330.54 outsid e city limits
$ 2~3 0 au tside ci ty lim its
$ 2.5 1 outside city Iim its
$ 2.74 outside city lim its
$ 2~5 1 outside city limits
$ 2.74 au tside city lim its
$ 2.79 ou tside city lim its
$ J 1 .10 outside city limits
$2.43 outside city limits
$2.66 outside city lim its
The fee is the City~s actual cost of plat preparation and revision (if
required by the Z&PC), plus incidentals. The preparation is done by
a planner retained or employed by the City. [ncidentals include legal
notices, surveys, title and tegal work, research, signature requests}
recording, copies, etc.~ as may be required and not provided by the
a pp li can t~
DEPOSIT (non-refundable): A deposit amount (due with the
preliminary application) is estimated by the City staff, but the
minimunl deposit is a base fee of $400.00, plus $10.00 for each lot
and reserve shown on the plat or replat, plus $100 for those requiring
newspaper legal notice. (All preliminary costs must be paid in full
before plat or replat can be submitted for final approval)~
FINAL DEPOSIT (non-refundable): A deposit amount is due upon
submittal for final approval. The minin1um deposit is a base fee of
$150.00, plus $ 10.00 for each lot and re serve shown on plat or replat,
plus $100.00 for each separate legal instrument needed (easements,
ADDITION AL DEPOSIT. An additional deposit of $"150.00 is due
each time the initial request is significantly changed by the applicant
or at the reg uest of the Z&PC.
FULL P A YM EN"T. The fu II actual cost for pia t preparation must be
paid before the plat \vill be released for recording.
F .023
Category B. Revie\v on ly
Rezoning requested by appl icant for that
person's special benefit
Appeal of building official decision
Special exception
Other a pp lication
Fa(se alarm
Type I Alarm Pernlit
Type II Alarm Permit
Annual permit renewal fee
Type lImon th ly rene\val
The fee is the City's actual cost of plat review ~ plus incidentals. The
review is done by a planner retained by the City or by City staff.
Incidenta Is include legal notices, surveys, title and legal work,
research, signature requests, recording, copies, etc., as may be
requ ired and not provided by the applicant.
DEPOSIT. A deposit amount (due with the preliminary application)
is estimated by the City staff, but the minimum deposit is $200600
base fee, plus $1 0.00 for each lot and reserve shown on the p (at or
replat, plus $100 for those requiring newspaper legal notice, plus
$100.00 for each separate legal instrument needed (easements~ etc.)
ADDITIONAL DEPOSIT~ An additional deposit of $100.00 is due
each time the pIa t is resu bmitted for rech ecking.
FULL P A YME NT L The fu II actual cost must be pa"id before the
replat is released for recording.
$500 P Ius out-of-pocket costs for drafting and review by planner,
engineer, attorney and other consultant. A deposit is estimated by the
building official, and may be increased as the matter proceeds. The
deposit must be increased to cover the estima ted full costs at these
stages: (1) before the meeting of the Comm ission to consider a
preliminary report, (2) before any hearing notices are sent out and (3)
before the meeting at which the Commis.sion considers its final
repa rt.
$25 O~OO ~ refundable if the applicant prevails and the ZBA so orders~
Exception: $500.00 plus 0 utMof-po cket review co sts for ap pea Is
requ iring review by planner, engineer,. attorney or other consultant.
A de pos it is estimated by the building 0 fficiaL The foIl cost is
payable before the hearing~
$250.00 per exception per proposed building site affected.
Exception: $500.00 plus out~of~pocket revie\v costs for exceptions
requiring revie\v by p tanner;. engineer, attorney or other consultant.
A deposit is estimated by the building official. The full cost is
paya b Ie before the hearing.
$250.00 per variance per proposed building site affected. Exception:
$500.00 plus out-of-pocket review costs for variances requiring
review by planner, engineer, attorney or other consultant A deposit
is estimated by the bui Iding official. The full cost is payable before
the hearing.
$250 per action item requested.
$ 50,00 Per occurrence
$ 25.00
$ 25.00
$ 5.00
$ 25.00 Per mon th