HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1700 - fees & charges for activities and city services ORDINANCE NO. 1700 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND REESTABLISHING FEES & CHARGES FOR ACTIVITIES, GOODS AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CITY; CONTAINING A SPECIAL PROVISION FOR SIGNS AND A PROVISION TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH FEES AND CHARGES IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VlEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1. TIle City does l1ereby establis11 and reestab.lisll tIle fees aIld charges shovvn in the attached Ex11ibit A, wIliell is hereby incorporated. into tllis ordinance by this reference for all purposes~ TIle fee scIledllle lleretofore adopted is hereby amended in its entirety by this new schedule. Section 2. Revised fees and charges apply from and after tIle effective date of this ordinance and shall apply to individual trallsactiollS as follows: (1) completed applications for permits and passes filed on or after tIle effective date of this ordillance, and (2) billing periods begirulillg on or after the effective date of this ordinance, for monthly or periodic services. TIle new requirelnent for sign operating permit fees applies to all new or reconstructed sign,s ilumediately 111J011 tIle effective date of tllis ordinrulce, and it applies to all otller signs frolll alld. after Noveluber 1,2002. It sIlall be lll11awfUl for allY person to OWl1, operate or COlltrol a Sigl1 unless a Sigl1 operating perluit fee is paid as required by tllis ordil1ance. Section 3~ In the case of any activity, goods or services provid.ed. by the City, includil1g review of the applications, pen11its, approvals, etc., for "Vvl1ich tllere is a l11easurable cost to tIle City, or for wllicll a fee or cllarge ,voll.ld traditionally be collected, the City Manager is autllorized. to establis11 and reestablish fees and charges, but DIlly in those circumstances in Wl1icll a fee or a charge is not prescribed in Exhibit A. In prescribil1g fees and. charges, tIle City Manager shall first determine the cost to tJle City of providillg tile activity, goods or services, and tIle fees or cllarges shall be as equivalent as practica.ble to tile co st. Section 4. All ordinances and parts of ordil1al1ces in conflict l1erewit11 are h,ereby repealed to the extent of tIle conflict only. Section 5. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence~ paragrapll, sectioll, or otller part of this ordinance or the application tllereof to atlY perSOll or circumstance, silall ever be held to be invalid or ullconstitlltional .by an,y COlllt of competent jurisdictiol1, neither tIle remaind.er of this ordil1atlCe, 110r tile applicatio11 of suell word, plu.ase, clause, sentence, paragraph, seetio11, or otller pmt of tllis ordil1ance to any otller persol1s or cirCllmstmlces, sllall be affected tllereby. Section 6~ The City Council officially find.s, determines al1d. declares that a sufficient written llotice of the date, hOllr, place alld sllbject of eacb 111.eetillg at Wl1ich t11is ordinance was discussed, COl1sidered or acted 11]J011 was gi,'en ill the Inanner reqllired by tile Texas OIJen Meetillgs Act, as an1ellded, and t11at each such meeting has been open to tile public as required by law at all till1es dUTi11g such discussiol1, COl1sideratiol1 alld actiol1. TIle City COllllCil ratifies, appro,res and confirms such notices 811d tIle contents and postillg thereof. Sectiol1 7 ~ Tllis ordil1ance shall becolne effective 011 tile tel1tll day following its pllblication, as provided ill the City Cllarter~ pi P ~~ED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING, THIS e clay of ~~ ,2001. Councilluembers V Otil1g Aye: C0U11cillnembers VOtil1g No: COlll1cilmembers Absellt: ~ P~ APPROVED ON SECOND READING, THIS d?;t day of & ,2001. COUllcillnembers V Otil1g Aye: Councilmelnbers VOtil1g No: Councilmembers AbseIlt: Signed: . Reviewed: F.OOl .F .002 F.003 F.004 F.OOS F.OOG F.007 F.OOS F.009 F.OIO F.Olt F.012 Fees and Charges Schedule Adnunistratio n Amb ulance Service Anilnals Building Building and SL'1ndards Commission Electrical Work Garbage Service Health Ifcating, Ventilotion and Air Conditioning Liquor Licenses and Permits i\'lunicipal Court Para balk Dish Antenna F.013 F.014 F.01S F.016 F.017 F.OIS F.019 F .020 F .021 F ,022 F ,023 ParliS and Recreation Pu blie Records 3 nd Documents Plum bing and Gas Sexually Or.iented Businesses and Adult Arcades Signs !VI unicipal Elc ctric Costs Trees Water and Sewer Service Zoning and Planning Conunission Zoning Board of Adjustment Public Safety F. 00 I ADMINISTRA TION Motor vehicle decal eh arges $ 1.00 COlnmercial impact zone permit fee $ 10.00 For fi rst lTIotor vehicle and $5. per motor vehicle thereafter Returned check (or ACH paYInent) fee $ 20.00 AI so app lies to paYJnents retu rned by au t01TI a ted or electron ic paYlnent systems (ACI.T) Lien release fee $ 25.00 Acquiescence to encroachment fee $ 100.00 Special events fee Actual cost Use of City-owned photocopier $ 0.10 Per copy F,Q02 AMBULANCE SERVICE Response and transportation to hospital $ 200.00 charg e (non-residents only) F.OO3 ANIMALS Original registration and micro chipping or $ 150.00 All O\VnerSL other permanent identification (fertile anima Is) OriginaJ registration and micro chipping or o th er pe rm an en t i dent ific at io n (sp a y cd or $ 40.00 Exception: $15 for Owners over 65 years of age. neutered an i ma 1 s) Origina I registration, animal is already micro chipped or permanently identified (fertile $ 130.00 anilnals) Original registration, animal is already micro chipped or permanently identified (spayed $ 20.00 or n eu tered anima Is) Micro chipping animals other than domestic $ 40.00 cats and do gs (pets such as rab bits, ferrets, etc. ) Annual dangerous dog registration $ 250.00 (fee is in add ition to the abo vc registrati on fees) First violation and impoundment fee $ 50.00 Second violation and inlpoundment fee $ 75.00 F.004 Third and all successive via I ations and $ 100 r 00 impoundment fees Daily kennel fees $ 7.50 Note: All original registration fees shown, with the exception of the dangerous dog fee, are one-ti [TIC fees that register the an i mal for life. BUILDING Annual contractor registration fee Permit application fee Plan checking- fee (aoolies to all olan subm issions. un less otherwise so ecificallv indica ted: D avabJe in ad clition to oerm i t fee). New construction permit fee (S ingle fam ily residential) New construction permit fee (Other) Rem ode ling and repa ir permit fee (Single falnily resid ential) Remodeling and repair permit fee (Other) $ 50.00 $ 1 0 .00 5-:-&e 50% of the co rres D on di n g permit fee $ 0.26 per square foot $ 0.33 per square foot In addition to apo licable clan c heck in Q or p enni t fee. Pl an ch ecki n g fee lllUst be pa id each ti Ine D laDs are sub mitted or re~su bm itted. ExcentioJ1: Th e building officiallnav reduce the re-sublnisslon fee if the time required to check the re~subInission is Hlateriallv lower than 0 ri rrinal sub Iniss ion. $ 20.00 for $1 ~OOO or less in construc- tion value p lu s $3.00 per $1,000 in co nstru c tion va l u e thereafter $ 60.00 for $1 ~OOO or less in construction value plus $3.00 per $1,000 in construction value th e reaft er $0.50 per Ii near foot; $25.00 J11 in. Includes entrance raOlp pernlit fee. Fence or wall permit fee Driveway permit fee Fire systems Plan checking fee: $100 oer set for original submission~ $50 for re-subnlission (not credited to ncrnlit fees). Permit fees are $50 for each autolnatic fire extin gU i shil1Q system and each ala rnl and de tee tio n svstem. For sprinkler systems, the fee is increased bv either $25 (residential) or $50 DillS $1.75 Dcr head (non-residential). Fire system fees are payable in add itiol1 to all other fees. $60.00 $0.40 per I inear foot; $20.00 lui 11. For regulated facH ities under Chapter 19, add $150 for plan-checking plus app lication fees. Exception: The permit fee for work affecting new roadways under Chapter 19 is $100, plus the estilnatcd out-of-pocket expenses that may be incurred by the City in connection \vith th e \vork, ine l u di ng engineeri ng review, extra inspection s or testing, snpp I Clnen tal traffi c con tro I~ etc. The bu i (d iug ofti ci al shall estimate such expenses at the time of application and shaH collect at least 1100/0 of the estilnate as a deposit. The building official may require a permittee to supplement the deposit as the work proceeds. W ben the work is finished, the building official shall refund any part of the deposit that exceeds the actual permit fees due in connection with the work. PWSF (low-impact) permit~ for equiplnent $100.00 per Non-Iow-itnpact PWSF pcnnits requi rc a special attached to existing structures with no new site exception; see F .022~ belo\v. electrical, a Iteration or construction. All other PW SF (low-ilnpact) pennits Sidewalk pernlit fee Street or curb permit fee Registration for house movers fee Renewal fee Moving permit fee $ 25.00 $500.00 per site $ 500.00 $ 400.00 $ 500.00 Nonwlow~ilnpact PWS F pernlits require a special exception; see F .022, below. Occupancy inspection fee (Single family residential) Occupancy inspection fee (Other) Water co.nnection permit and .meter (3/4U) installation Water connection permit and meter (1 ") instal lati on Water connection permit and meter (Over "1 U) instaUation Sanitary sewer connection permit Demolition permit fee Swimming pool permit fee Phl1.. I {. v ic. ~ fuc. Duplicate permit charge Duplicate pennit card fee Premature work charge (Starting before permit is issued) Reinspection fee (fo.) lowing routine inspection) $ 50.00 $ 100.00 $ 225.00 $ 275.00 If connection is to be made to a not-yet- constructed City line, there is a deposit of $250 (not refundable unless, after new line -is constructed, a new permit is applied for, with proper notice, inspection, etc.) If connection is to be made to a not-yet- constructed City line1 there is a deposit of$250 (not refundable unless, after new line is constructed, a new permit is applied for, with proper notice, inspection, etc.) Actual Cost plus $175.00. If cotlllection is to be made to a not-yet-constructed City line, there is a deposit of $250 (not refundable unless, after new line is constructed, a new permit is applied for, with proper .notice, inspection, etc 4) $ 125.00 If connection is to be made to a not-yet- constructed City line, there is a deposit of $250 (not refundable unless, after new line is constructed, a new permit is applied for, w.ith proper notice, inspection, etc.) $ 250.00 $ 150~OO $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Reinspection fee (mandatory reinspection following notice of violation of building or $50.00 fo.r zoning ordinances or other app licab 1 e the first viola- regulations) tion item plus $10.00 for each additional Permit renewal fee F.005 BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION Application fee F~006 ELECTRICAL WORK $ 100.00 50~'\, of Hl!. pClll.dt fee. 100% of the permit fee (additional) Must be paid within 30 days of reinspection, and in any event before any certificate of occupancy or similar approval .is issued~ Fees may be appealed to BSC, and may be paid without prejudice to such an appeal. Must be paid within 30 days of notice, and in any event before any certificate of occupancy or similar approval is issued. Fees may be appealed to BSC, and may be paid without prejudice to such an appeal. BSC may reduce or abate this fee (and any appeal fees), if no violation occurred, or for other good cause shown. 50% of the original permit fee F.OO? F .008 F .009 A P P Ii c a ti 0 n fee (m aste rei e ctr ic i a n Ii c en se) Annual license fee (master electrician) Application fee (JourneYlnan electrician 1 icense) License fee (Journeyman electrician) Application fee (Apprentice electrician) License fee (Apprentice electrici an) Application fee (Maintenance electrician license) License fee (M aintenance electrician license Permit appl ication fee $ Telnporary service permit fee Meter loop and service permit fee Outlet or light fixture permit fee Appliance permit fee Motor permit fee Service reconnection permit fee E I e ctrica I sign permit fee Mininlum permi t fee Premature work charge (Starting before a perm it is is sued) Reinspection fee Permit renewal fee * FIRE DEPARTMENT FEES. See HE UILD IN G ~ Fire svstems;~ GARBAGE SERVICE Monthly dwelling unit charge Monthly dwelling unit charge (Adult 65 or over) Special pickMup of items at curbside, not on a regular co I lection day for those items at that location. Special handling of items not bagged, prep ared or placed as required for basic serv ice. Exa nip Ie: Leaves an d grass cIippill gs j 11 non-app roved bags. Regular route pick-up of ordinary garbage at construction sites, with special bag sticker (40-pound limit per bag). HEALTH Perm ita pp I i ca ti 011 fee Annual food establislunent penn j t fee Temporary food establisluucnt permit fee (Special event) HEA TING, VENTILATION, AND AIR CONDITIONING $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 5.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 1 0 .00-5:00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 0.50 $ 2.00 $ 3.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 14.25 $ 6.50 $15.00 plus $ 1.00 per bag or equ ivalent. $J5.00 plus $1.00 per bag or equivalent. $4.00 per one- bag sticker. $ 5.00 $ 120.00 $ 8.00 1000/0 0 f the perini t fee (a dd i ti 0 nal) 50% of the original permit fee Basic fee, for basic service only. Bas ic fee, for basi c service only. Special serv ice fee, in a dditio 11 to ba si c fee. Specia ( service fee, in addition to bas ic fee and any other applicable special sCJvice fee Annual con tractor registration fee $ 50.00 I-Ieating and air conditi oning permi t fee $ 15.00 Per unit (Res i d enti al) .Iieating and air conditioning permit fee $ 30.00 For first 140,000 btu's and $5 per J OO~OOO btuts (Co mm ercial) th e reafte r Air conditioning and refrigeration permit fee $ 5.00 Local vent permit fee $ 3.00 Minimum permit fee $ 25.00 Premature work charge (Starting before a 100 % 0 f tbe permit fee (addi tio na l) permit is issued) Reinspection fee $ 50.00 Permit renewal fee 50% of the original fee F.OI0 LIQUOR LICENSES AND PERMITS Mixed B evera ge Ii cen se fee (0 ri ginal) $ 1,500.00 Mixed Beverage license fee (First renewal) $ 1,125.00 Mixed Beverage license fee (8 econd renewal) $ 750.00 Mi xed Beverage I j cense fee (8 u bsequent $ 375.00 renewal) Wine only-package store license fee $ 37.50 Retai 1 dealer off-prernise license fee $ 30.00 Wine or beer retailer off~premise license fee $ 30.00 Winery license fee $ 37.50 Mixed beverage late hours license fee $ 75.00 Wine or beer retailer permit fee $ 87.50 Retail dealer on-premise license fee $ 75.00 Retai 1 dealer on-prelnise license fee $ 125.00 Caterer pennit fee $ 250.00 Package store perm i t fee $ 150.00 Daily permit fee $ 25.00 F.Oll MUNICIPAL COURT COlnp laint and judgment copy charge $ 2.00 Defensive driving course dismissal fee $ 10.00 Arrest fee $ 5.00 F.012 PARABOLIC DISH ANTENNAS Permit application fee $ 15.00 Install ati on perm it fee $ 35.00 F. 0 .1 3 PARKS AND RECREATION Daily swimm ing fee (Resident adu It) $ 2.00 Daily swimming fee (Resident child under $ 1.00 16) Da i Iy swimm i ng fee (Resjden t eh lid under 5) No charge Daily s\vimming fee (N on-resident adult) $6.00 Da ily s\vimming fee (N on-resident guest) $ 3.00 Da i fy swi mIn ing fee (N all ~ res iden t eh i ] d $3.00 under 16) Da i ly weight ro om fee (Residen t) $ 1.00 Da ily weight fO om fee (N oll-residen t) $ 2.00 Hourly racquetba II fee $ 3.00 Yearly Pas s (Residen t) $ 100.00 Yea rly Pas s (No 11- res i dent) $ 150.00 Tennis court reservation fee $ 2.00 Full recreation center membership fee $ 250.00 For first 3 persons and $50 (Resid ent ad ult) per person thereafter Full recreation center membership fee No charge (Sen lor .R esident adu I t) Season swimming pass fee (Resident) $ J 00.00 For first 3 persons and $25 per person thereafter Season swimming pas s fee (N on-re siden t) $ 200.00 Per person 20-Swim punch pass fee (Resident) $ 35.00 20-Swim punch pass fee (Non-resident) $ 80.00 Season weight room pass fee (Resident) $ 40.00 Season weight room p ass fee (N on-resident) $ 60.00 Yearly weight room pass fee (Resident) $ 100.00 Yearly weight room pass fee (N on~resident) $ 150.00 .H.ourly Activity Room reservation and use $ 20.00 charge (Resident) Hourly Activity Room reservation and use $ 30.00 charge (Non-resident) Hourly Auditorium reservation and use $ 35.00 charg e (Residen t) Hourly AuditoriulTI reservation and use $ 45.00 charg e (Non-residen t) Hourly Ki tchen reservation and use charge $ 10.00 (Resid ent) I-Iourly Ki tchen reservation and use charge $ 20.00 (Non-resident) Hourly Meeting RODIn reservation and use $ 15.00 charg e (Re s i den t) Ho urly Meeting Room reservation and use $ 25.00 charge (N on-resident) Hourly Scout T-J Quse reserva ti on and use $ 35.00 charg e (Re sidell t) I-Iourly Scout I-louse reserva ti on and use $ 45.00 charge (N on-resident) Hourly Senior Wing reservation and use $ 30.00 charg e (Re s i den t) Hourly Senior W iug reservation and use $ 40.00 charge (N on-residen t) Colonial Park Swimluing Pool reservation $30 per hour plus $1 per person and use charge Institutional Exchanges. The Parks & Recreation Director nlay waive all or part of the Parks & Recreation tees prescribed by this section, subject to the following regulations: (I) The applicant ITIUst be an institution~ either public or non-profit, with facilities located within the City. (2) The portion of the fees waived lnay not exceed the value of faci lities made ava ilable by the institution to the City for publ Ie use (e.g'1 for lneetillgs, elections~ emergency operations, etc.). (3) The maximum amount of fees that may be waived is $500 per institution per year. (4) Passes and pennits issued to an institution under this section nlay be assigned or resold. by the institution~ but the actual user must qualify for the type of pass or permit in question, and the City JTIust be notified. F.014 F.OI5 F.016 F.OI7 PUBLIC RECO.RDS AND DOCUMENTS Record or dOCUlnent charge Tree 0 rdi nance and criteria manual charge Zoning Ordinance charge Zon i ng map charge PLUMBING AND GAS Annual contractor registration fee Pernlit app I ication fee Fixture or outlet penuit fee Gas test permit fee G reas e trap p ermi t fee Irr iga tic n sys telTI p enni t fee Service line permit fee Minimum permit fee Premature work charge (Starting before a perm it is issued) Reinspection fee Permit renewal fee SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES AND ADULT ARCADES Sexually oriented business application fee (Original) S exua lly 0 ri en ted bu s in es s ap p Ii ca ti 0 n fee (Ren ewal) Sexually oriented bus iness transfer fee Adult arcade application fee Adult arcade reinspection fee Adult arcade transfer or anlendment fee SIGNS Permit application fee Festival Sign Permit Fee Sign perm it fee Min irnum permit fee Premature work charges (Starting before a perm it is is sued) Reinspection fee Permit renewal fee Sign operating permit fee (Pavable per Si.$!l1. ocr term of Dermit. Tenn is one year for teJn DO rarv si gns" 24 Inoo ths fo rail 0 tilers. ) so. 10 per page $ 3 .50 $ 6.00 $ 2.50 $ 50.00 $ 10.00-5:00 $ 5.00 each $15.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $ 350.00 $ 100.00 $ 300.00 $ 75.00 $ 60.00 $ 15.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 1.25 $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $10.00 plus $0.50 per sa. ft. of disnlav area Ap plies to each fixture an d ou t[et. 100% of the pefJnit fee (additional) 50% of the original permit fee Per square foot of sign face 100% of the permit fee (additional) 50010 of the original permit fee ~'Displav area" and "sign" are defined in Chanter 3. ExcelJtions: Fees do not app lv to si Qns covered bv affinna tive defenses 0 r s iUllS tor con fonning uses allowed in res [dentin I districts. F.018 MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC COSTS Mo nthly dwelling un it charge $ 2.85 F.019 TREES .Removal permit fee Low impact evaluation fee Survey and disposition review fee (Major con stru c tio 11) Survey and disposition review fee (Minor con stru ctio n) $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ 200.00 $ 75.00 WATER AND SEWER SERVICE F.020 New service connect Delinquent cutoff fee After hours delinquent reconnect fee $ 25.00 Each time servi ce is established $ 30.00 $ 60.00 Reconnect selvice after 4 p.lTI. or before 8 a.m. $ 180.00 Maximum Deposit Periodic Charges: The total charge per lllonth for each customer is the sum of the applicable base nlonthly charges (for both \vater and sewer), for each meter, plus the charges for gallons (for both water and sewer) delivered through each nleter~ aU calculated separately for each meter according to the schedules set out below. Each of the indicated fees rlnd charges takes effect for services provided on or after March 31 ~ 2001, except that fees and charges based on periodic billing intervals take effect as to each customer for each of tha t customer's billing in tervals so heduled to begin on or after March 3 I, 200 L Notes: (1) "Residential-only prelnises;~ refers to premises tha t are used on ly for residential purposes. (2) "Water~only meters" refers to meters that serve only irrigation systeulS and other fixtures n'on, which there is no return flow into the sanitary sewer system; "regular Jneters'" refers to aU other 111cters. Water Rates Base mOD thly cha rges: Meters serving residen lial-only prenlises: 5/8 If or 3/41t meter~ 111 ill eter I-I/2u meter Meters serving any other prenlises: 5/8 or 3/41' meter I u flleter 1-1/2u meter 211 meter 3lt meter $ 6.3 1 outs ide city 1 i01 its $ j 3 .80 ou tside city limits $ 26.22 outside city lilnits $ 4.3 J $ 9.6J $ 22.31 $ 12.65 $ 17.75 $ 32.00 $ 98.00 $ 265.00 $ 15.81 outside city limits $ 22.14 outside city limits $ 39.84 outside city I inllts $ 122.24 outsid e city 1 iInits $ 330.54 outside city limits Gallonage charges (per 1,000 gallons): Regular Jneters: First 3 ~OOO gallons (0 to 3,000) Next 12,000 gallons (3,001 to 15,000) Each I ,000 ga Hans therea fier (over 15 ~OOO) Water-only Jneters: $ 2.30 all tside city lim its $ 2.5 I outside ci ty 1 lm its $ 2.74 ou ts ide city Ii m i ts $ 2.00 $ 2.18 $ 2.37 F.021 First 7,500 gallons Each 1,000 gallons thereafter (over 7 ~5 00) Sewer Rates Base monthly cha rges: Meters serving residential-only premises Meters serving any other premises Gallon age ch arges (per 1,000 gallons) Res i den ti a 1-0 n I y p rem i s e s Any other premises ZONING & PLANNING COMMISSION Plats and re plats Category A. Full preparation $ 2.18 $ 2.37 $ 2.5 1 au ts ide city I iJn its $ 2.74 ou tside city I ilTI its $ 2.24 $ 8.90 $ 2.79 ou tside city lilTI its $ I ] ~ ] 0 0 utside city litnits $ 1. 95 $ 2.13 $2.43 outside city Hln its $2.66 ou tside city Ii lTI its Th e fee is the City's actual cost 0 f plat pre para tiOD an d rev i sian (if required by the Z&PC), plus incidentals. The preparation is done by a planner retained or employed by the City. Incidentals [nel ude legal notices, surveys, title and legal work, researc h, signature rcquests~ recording, copies, etc., as Inay be requi red and not provided by the app 1 icanL DEPOSIT (non-refundable): A deposit amount (due \vith the prelinlinary application) is estimated by the City staff, but the minimUlTI deposit is a base fee of $400.00, plus $10.00 for each lot and reserve shown on the pl at or rep la t, pI us $ J 00 for th ose reg u i ri ng ncwsp aper legal no tice. (A 11 P relitn ina ry costs III ust be paid in fu Ii before plat or replat can be subtnitted for final approval). FINAL DEPOSIT (non-refundable)~ A deposit anlount is due upon submittal for final approval. The minimum deposit is a base fee of $150.00, plus $ 10.00 for e aeh lot and rc serve show n on pia t or re plat. plus $10 0.00 for each separate legal i nstnllnent need ed (easeln ents. etc. ). ADD ITION AL DEPOSIT. An additional deposit of $150.00 is due each time the initia I rcque,st is sign i ficant]y changed by the app I lean t or at the request of the Z&PC. FULL PAYMENT. The full actual cost for plat preparation Blust be pai d before the plat wi (] be rel eased for recordi ng. F .022 F . 023 Category B. .Review on ly Rezoning requested by applicant for that person~s special benefit ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Appeal of bui lding official decision Special exception V ari ance Other app 1 icatio n PUBLIC SAFETY False alarm Type I Alarm Perlnit Type II Alarm Permit Annual pennit renewal fee Type II monthly rene\val The fee is the Ci ty' s actual cost of plat review, plus inci den ta Is. The review is done by a planner retained by the City or by City staff. Incidentals include legal notices, sUrveys~ titl e and legal \vork, research, signature requ ests ~ record ing~ cop ies, etc., as 111 ny be required and not provided by the applicant. DEPOSIT. A deposit amount (due \vith the preliJninary application) is cstilnated by the Ci ty staff~ but tbe lninimulll deposit is $200.00 base fee, plus $10.00 for each lot and reserve s hOWl1 011 the plat or rep lat, pI us $100 for those requ iring newspaper 1 ega 1 notice, plus $100.00 for each separate legal instrulnent needed (easeJnents, etc.) ADD ITION AL DEPOS IT. An additional deposit of $1 00.00 is due each time the plat is resubmitted for rechecking. FULL PAY ME NT. The full actu a ( cost must be pa id befo re the replat is released for recofding~ $500 plus out-of..pocket costs for drafting and revie\v by planner~ engineer, attorney and other consultant. A deposit is estiIna ted by the building official~ and may be increased as the lnatter proceeds. The depo sit must be increased to cover the esti J11a ted fu II costs a t these stages: (1) before the meeting of the Commission to consider a prelilninary report, (2) before any hearing notices are sent Ollt and (3) before the lneeting at which the Cornmission considers its final rcpo rt. $250.00, refundable if the app licant prevails and tbe Z SA so orders. .Exception: $500.00 plus out-ofMpocket review costs for appea ls requ iring rev iew by planner, engineer ~ attorney or other consu l tan t. A de pos j t is estimated by the bui Iding official. Th e full cost is payable before the hearing. $250.00 per exception per proposed building site affected. Exception: $500.00 plus out-of-pocket review costs for exceptions requ iring rev iew by planner, engineer ~ attorney or other consul tant. A deposit is estitnated by the building official. The J\IIl cost is payable before the hearing. $250.00 per variance per proposed building site atTected. .Exception: $500.00 plus out-of-pocket review costs for variances reql1l ring review by planner, engineer, attorney or other co nsul tant. A dep osi t is estimated by the building official. The full cost is payab I e be fore the head ng. $ 25 0 per action item requested. $ 50.00 Per occu rrence $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ 5.00 $ 25.00 Per mOll th