HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1753 - Ad Valorem Taxes for 2003 ORDINANCE NO. 1753 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AD VALOREM .TAXES FOR TAX YEAR 2003; CONFIRMING AND GRANTING EXEMPTIONS; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City of West University Place Texas (tile "City") l1as bonds outsta11ding which are payable from ad valorem taxes; and WHEREAS, altllough the ordinances autllorizing snell bOllds COlltain gelleraI levies of taxes, it is necessary for tIle City Council to fix a specific rate of tax for tax year 2003, based 011 tIle City's appraisal rolls for tax year 2003 Wl1ich have beell prepared., reviewed and certified. by tIle Harris COllnty Appraisal District; al1d WHEREAS, tIle tax rate for tile tax year 2003 Ulust not GIlly provid.e funds Sllfficient for debt service 011 tIle City's bOl1ds, but llll1St also provide for :maintenance atld operation of the City; atld WHEREAS, tIle assessor and collector of the City ("Assessor") l1as certified an anticipated collectiol1 rate to tIle City COUI1Cil, l1as perfoflued tIle calculations reqllired by Section 26.04 of the Texas Tax Code, l1as reported. tIle tax rate and otller illfoflnatiol1. required. to be reported to tIle City COllllCil and l1as publislled tIle informatioll required to be pu.blished, having been designated. to do so by the City Council; alld WHEREAS, tIle City COllncil has proposed a tax rate and l1eld a pllblic llearing on that rate, after givil1g the reqllired notice, atld, after tIle hearing, tIle City COllllCil set alld arulol1nced tllis meetillg, at Wllich tile tax rate would be set; and WHEREAS, tile City llas caused .notice of tllis meetin,g 311d. tile setting of tIle tax rate to be given as reqllired by law, and. the City 118S take11 all otller steps necessary to set the tax rate for the currel1t tax year; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,: Sectioll 1 ~ The matters and facts set Ollt ill tIle prealnble of tllis ordinance are fOl111d an.d determined to be true alld COITect, illld the City COlI11Cil adopts, confirll1s, and ratifies all of tIle calculatiollS, publicatiollS, 11otices, 81ld otller preparatory steps precedil1g the consideration of tllis ordinance~ Sectio112. TIle City COl111Cilllereby levies, assesses an adopts tIle follo\villg tax rate per $100 valuation for tax year 2003, stIch tax beillg levied and assessed llpOll all property sllbject to taxatioll .by tIle City: $O~ 1967 0.2500 $O~4467 For tIle purposes of maintenance al1d operatiol1S For tIle purposes of debt service Total tax rate Section 3. Suel1 tax is l1ereby levied and assessed in accordal1ce wit11 tIle terms and provisions of Article VIII of tIle City Cllarter al1d. tIle Constitutioll llild laws of tIle State of Texas, and suclllevy lli1d assessrnellt are luade to provide fl111ds for tIle 2004 blldget of tIle City for tIle purposes indicated. Section 4~ The Assessor is l1ereby directed to assess and collect taxes all. all property Sllbject to taxatioll by the City 011 the basis of 100% of tIle assessed valuation tllereof at tIle rate set by tllis ordinance~ TIle taxes levied l1ereby s11all be delil1qtlel1t after Jall11ary 31, 2004. Section 5. Tlle City COUI1Cil 11ereby cOllfirms and. re-grallts tIle followil1g exemptions, subject to the legal requiremel1ts applicable to eacll exeluption: (A) $110,000.00 of tIle appraised value of the residel1ce 110l11estead of all individual who is 65 years of age or older. (B) the statutory exemption for eacll disabled. veterall. SectiO.ll 6. All ordinances 811d parts of ordinances in COl1flict l1erewitll are l1ereby repealed to the extent of the conflict OIlly. Sectiol1 7. If any word, pIllase, clause, sel1tellce, })aragrapl1, sectioll or otller part of t11is ordinance or tIle application tllereof to any perSOll or circumstal1ce, sllall ever be l1eld to be invalid or lUlconstitutiol1al by allY COlIrt of competent jurisdiction, l1eitller tIle remainder of tl1is ordinance, nor tIle application of suell word~ pllrase, clause, sentence, paragrapll, section, or otller part of tllis ordinal1ce to any otller perS011S or cirCUlDstances, sllall be affected tllereby. Sectioll 8. TIle City Council officially fil1ds, deterll1ines alld. d.eclares t11at a sufficient writtell llotice of tIle date, 11ol1r, place alld subject of eac.h meeting at wbicl1 tllis ordinance was discussed., considered, or acted llpon was giVe!l ill tile Inanner required by tIle Open Meetings Act, C11apter 551, Texas Local Government Code, as a 111 ell d ed, al1d tllat eacl1 SllCll meeting llas been opell to tIle pu.blic as required by law at all times during SlICh discussion, consideration and action. TIle City Council ratifies, approves al1d cOl1firms such notices alld tIle COlltellts and posting tllereof. Sectioll 9. TIle public ilnportallce of tllis meaSllre al1d tIle reqllirelllellts of tIle law create an emergency and all urgel1t public l1ecessity reqlliring that tllis Ordillffilce be passed and talce effect as all elnergency l11eaSllre, alld a state of enlergellCY is l1ereby declared, al1d tllis Ordinallce is accordingly passed as an emergellCY l11eaSllre al1d shall take effect imnlediately upon adoptiol1 alld sigl1ature. PASSED AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 8th day of October 2003. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro Tern Segal, Council Members Fogler and Woods VOtillg Nay: None AbseIlt: Mayor;: BaHanfa'ot ,-and Council Member Farley :&i Rejd: City Attoflley