HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1699 - Ad Valorem 2001 ORDINANCE NO. 1699 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AD VALOREM TAXES FOR TAX YEAR 2001; CONFIRMING AND GRANTING EXEMPTIONS; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY WHEREAS, tIle City of West Ul1iversity Place Texas (the "City") l1as .bo.Dds outstanding which are payable from ad valorelll taxes; and WHEREAS, altllougll tIle ordil1ances authorizing such bonds COl1taill geJleral levies of taxes, it is necessary for the City COlU1Cil to fix a specific rate of tax for the year 2001, based on tIle City's appraisal rolls for tax year 2001 wllic11 :have beell prepared, reviewed and certified by tIle Harris County Appraisal District; aIld. WHEREAS, the tax rate for the tax year 2001 lllllst not DIlly provide fl1l1ds Sllfficient for debt service on tile City's bOlld.s, but l11U.st also provide for l11ai.lltel1al1Ce and operation of tIle City; and WHEREAS, tile assessor a11d collector of tIle City ("Assessor") l1as certified an anticipated collection rate to the City COlulcil, 11as perfOflned tIle calClllati.olls required by Section 26.04 of the Texas Tax Code, has reported tile tax rate al1d. otller i11forll1ation required to be reported to tIle City COUI1Cil and has publislled the il1foI'lnatioll reqllired to be published, havil1g been designated to do so by the City COl111Cil; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectiol1 1. The Inatters aIld. facts set out i11 tIle .preall1ble of tllis ordi11al1ce are found and determined to be true llild correct, 811d tIle City COllll.cil adopts, cOl1firllls~ and ratifies all of the calculatiol1S, publications, 11otices, illld other preparatory steps preceding the consideration of this ordil1ance. Section 2. The City Council hereby levies, assesses an adopts tile follo\vil1g tax rate per $100 valuatiol1 for tax year 2001, sue!l tax beillg levied alld assesseclllpOl1 all property subject to taxation by tIle City: $0.195 0.225 $0.420 For the plrrposes of lllaintel1allce al1d operatio11S For the pllrposes of debt service Total tax rate Section 3. Suell tax is llereby levied alld assessed :ill accordance \vit11 the terms and provisions of Article VIII of tIle City Cllarter alld tIle COl1Stitlltioll alld la\vs of tIle State of Texas, an.d suclllevy aIld asseSSlnent are l11ade to provid.e fun.ds for tile 2001 blldget of tb.e City for the purposes indicated~ Section 4. TIle Assessor is l1ereby directed to assess al1d collect taxes on nll property subject to taxatioll by tIle City 011 the basis of 100% of tIle assessed "valuation thereof at the rate set by tllis ordinance. The taxes levied llereby sllall be delillquellt after January 31, 2002. Seetioll 5 ~ TIle City Council Ilereby confirll1s alld re-grallts tIle following exemptions, subject to tIle legal requiremel1ts applica.ble to eacll eXell11Jtio:n: (A) $72,850.00 of tIle appraised vallIe of tIle residellce 110l11estead of ~11l individual WI10 is 65 years of age or older. (B) tIle statutory exemptiol1 for eacll disa.bled veteral1~ Section 6. All ordinances and prots of ordinaI1CeS in conflict l1erewit11 are l1ereby repealed to the extent of tIle COl1flict only ~ Sectiol1 7. If any word, phrase, clause, selltence, paragrapll, section. or other part of this ordinance or the applicatioll thereof to any perSOll or cirCUlllstallce, shall ever be held to be invalid or un.constitutional by any COlut of COlnpetel1t jurisdictio.l1, neitller tIle remail1der of this ordinallce, nor the application of such word~ IJ11rase, clallse, sentellce, paragraph, sectioll, or other part of tllis ordinaJlce to allY otller persol1s or circumstances, shall be affected tllereby ~ Sectiol1 8. TIle City Council officially fillds, d.etermilles alld declares that 8 sufficient written notice of tIle date, 11ol1r, place alld sllbject of eacll 11leetillg at \vh.icll this ordillllilce was discussed, COl1sidered, or acted UpOll \vas gi\!ell ill the nl(1n.n.~1 required by tIle Opell Meetings Act, Cllapter 551, Texas Local Goverlllllellt Code~ as amended, and tllat eacll such meeting l1as beell opell to tIle ptlblic as requ.ired. by lavv a1 all tilues during su.ch discussion, consideration aJ.ld actioll~ TIle City COll.llCil ratifies~ approves and. confirms such notices aIld tIle contents and posting tllereof. Section 9. The pllblic importance of tllis meaSllre alld tIle requjrell1ellts O~r the law create an emergency and ill1l1rgellt Pllblic l1ecessity reqllirillg t11at this Ordinance be passed and. ta!(e effect as all elnergellCY llleasure, llild a state of ell1ergency is hereby declared, and this Ordinance is accordingly passed. as illl emergel1cy l11eaSllTe alld shan talce effect inunediately UpOl1 adoption and. sigllature. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING, this 1st day of October 2001~ V otillg Aye: Votillg Nay: AbseIlt: PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING, this 8th day of October 2001. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: \J') ATTEST: ~ City Secretary Jim DOtlgllerty City Attofl1ey (SEAL)