HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1721 - Ad Valorem 2002 ORDINANCE NO. 1721 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AD VALOREM TAXES FOR TAX YEAR 2002; CONFIRMING AND GRANTING EXEMPTIONS; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, tIle City of West University Place Texas (the "City") l1as bOl1ds outstanding which are payable from ad valorem taxes; atld WHEREAS, altllougll the ordil1ances autllorizing suell bOl1ds COlltain general levies of taxes, it is necessary for the City Council to fix a specific rate of tax for tIle year 2002, based on the City's appraisal rolls for tax year 2002 wIliell I1ave been prepared, reviewed and certified by the Harris County Appraisal District; alld WHEREAS, tIle tax rate for the tax year 2002 lllust not only provide funds sufficient for debt service on the City's bonds, but must also provid.e for maintel1ance and operatioll of the City; and WHEREAS, tIle assessor and collector of the City ("Assessor") l1as certified an anticipated collection rate to tIle City Cou~ncil, Ilas perforll1ed tIle calcu.latiollS required. by Section 26.04 of the Texas Tax Code, has reported tIle tax rate and otller informatiol1 required to be reported to tIle City Council and llas published. the infornlatioll reqllired to be published, having been designated to do so by tIle City Council; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1 ~ The matters and facts set out in tIle prealnble of tllis ordinallce are fOUIld. and. deterluined to be true and correct, and tIle City COUllcil adopts., cOllfirms, and ratifies all of the calculations, publications, 11otices, alld other preparatory steps preceding tIle consideration of tllis ordinance~ Section 2. TIle City COllnciIIlereby levies, assesses all adopts tIle followil1g tax rate per $100 valuation for tax year 2002, stIch tax being levied and assessed UpOl1 all property subject to taxatiol1 by tIle City: $0.1900 0.2400 $0.4300 For tIle purposes of In aintel1ance and operations For the purposes of debt service Total tax rate Section 3. Such tax is l1ereby levied and assessed in accord.ance with tIle terms and provisions of Article VIII of the City Charter alld. tIle COl1Stitutioll and laws of tIle State of Texas, aJ.ld such levy and assessment are made to provide ful1ds for tIle 2003 budget of the City for tIle purposes indicated. Sectio114. Tile Assessor is hereby directed. to assess and collect taxes on all property subject to taxation by the City on tIle basis of 100% of tIle assessed valuation thereof at the rate set by tllis ordinance. The taxes levied hereby sllall be delinqu.ent after January 31,2003. Section 5. The City Council here.by cOl1firms and re-gratlts tIle following exemptions, su.bject to tIle legal requirements applicable to eacll exemption: (A) $72,850.00 of tIle appraised value of tIle residel1ce 1101nestead of all individual who is 65 years of age or old.er. (B) tIle statutory exeluption for each disabled veteran. Section 6. All ordillances and parts of ordillallces ill conflict herewith are l1ereby repealed to tIle extent of tIle conflict only. Section 7. If any word, phrase, clause, sel1tel1ce, paragraph, sectiol1 or other part of this ordinance or tIle applicatioll thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or l111Constitution,al by any cOlui of competent jurisdiction, l1either the remainder of tllis ordinance, 110r the appIicatioll of such. word, pIrrase, clause, selltellce, paragrapll, section, or otller part of tllis ordinance to allY otller perso.ns or circumstaI1CeS, shall be affected tIlereby. Sectioll 8. Tile City Cou.ncil officially finds, deterll1ines alld. declares t11at a Sllfficient written notice of the date, 11ol1r, place and sllbject of eac11 Ineeting at Wllicl1 t11is ordinance was discussed, considered, or acted llpOl1 was givell ill tIle lualUler required by tIle Open Meetings Act, Cllapter 551, Texas Local Governmel1t Code, as amel1ded, and. tllat eacll suell meeting has beell open to tIle pllblic as required. by law at all times during suell discussion, consideratiol1 and actiO!l. Tile City COllilCil ratifies, approves al1d cOllfirms SUCll110tices and the contellts and posting tllereof. Section 9. TIle public ilnportance of tllis meaSllre and tIle requirelnellts of the law create all ernergency and an urgent pllblic l1ecessity requirillg tllat this Ordil1al1ce be passed. alld take effect as an emergency measure, and a state of ell1ergel1CY is l1ereby declared, al1d tllis Ordil1aI1Ce is accordingly passed as an emergel1CY 111eaSllre and s11all take effect il11111ediately UpOl1 ad.option and. signature. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING, this 7th day of October 2002~ VotingAye~~J~U/~./~/~ ~ ~.$.,r1..--' VotingNa~~~ ~ Absellt: 7t~ Recommellded: Reviewed: ~ City al1ager City AttoIlley