HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1855- Budget 08 ORDINANCE NO. 1855 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR .-THE ,'~ FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2008 AND ENDING DECElVIBER 31,2008; APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR SUCH BUDGET; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN El\1ERGENCY. WHEREAS, as required by the City Charter and state law, the City Manager has prepared and submitted to the City Council a budget with estimates of expenditures and revenues of all city departments and activities for the year beginnillg January 1,2008 and ending December 31,2008; and WHEREAS, such budget has been timely filed with the City Secretary, the City Council has had sufficient time to review and revise such budget and .notice of a .public hearing upon such budget l1as been duly given; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held, and all taxpayers and interested persons were provided an opportunity to attend and .participate in such hearing; and WHEREAS, public participation, in.put and suggestions regarding the budget have been. received and considered by the City Council, and the City Council has made changes as the City Council considers warranted by law in the best interest of the municipal taxpayers, and the City Council has found and determined that the budget adopted by this ordinance does not allow expe.nditures during the budget period in excess of funds estimated to be on hand during the same period; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section 1 ~ The matters and facts set out in the preamble of this ordinance are found and determined to be true and C011~ect and are hereby approved and adopted by the City Council. Section 2. The document entitled "City of West University Place Budget, For the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2008 and E.nding December 31, 2008" ('~B udget") is hereby approved and adopted. A true copy of the Budget is attached to and made a part of this ordinance as Exhibit A. Funds in the amounts indicated in such Budget for each fund is appropriated for the purposes and projects described in s.uch Budget. Section 3. That this ordinance approving and adopting the Budget is made in all things in accordance with the terms and provisions of the City Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas and the laws of the State of Texas and shall be interpreted and construed in compliance therewitll. Section 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 5. If any word, phrase't clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or other part of this ordinance to any other persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby. Section 6. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed, considered, or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Local Government Code, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required .by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section 7. After adoption of the Budget, the City Manager shall provide for the filing of a true copy of the Budget (and each alnendment) in the office of the County Clerk of Harris County, Texas. Section 8. The public importance of this measure and the requ.irements of the law create an emergency and all urgent public necessity requiring that this Ordinance be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and a state of emergency is hereby declared, al1d this Ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergellCY measure and shall take effect immediately upon adoption and signature. PASSED, APPROVED ADOPTED AND SIGNED ON, this 12th day of November 2007. VotingAye:~d~ ~,J~~.{4-/~/d~ rr ~dd V oting Nay: fi/c:J~fZ-. Absent: //C,LIJtE- Signed: IP/~ Bob Kelly Mayor ~~~ Kaylyrm Holloway City Secretary (SEAL) RECOMMENDED: REVIEWED: ?k/? . City Attorney n Exhibit AU 1 of 11 2008 Budget crry OF WEST UNIVERSITY I'LACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUAUV 1, 2007 AND ENDING n"ECEi"ffiER 31,2008 2006 2007 2008 Act ua 1 Esti n13 ted Budget GENERAL FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash S 3,333,452 $ 4,801,342 $ 5,]2],342 Less: Obligations (633, (35) (2,668~645 ) NET BEGINNING BALANCE 3~333,452 4~ J 68~207 2~452,697 REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes 5,865,156 6, ] 7 6~250 6,632,630 Franchise Fees 1,015,725 953,090 961 ~OOO City Sales Tax 1 ,028 t 946 830,000 864,600 Licenses and Perm its 554~263 482,200 693,070 Fees for Services 409,139 439,000 447,000 Other Charges and Pees 2f4,595 224,990 221, r40 Recreat ion Fees 639,853 702~ 140 659 ~3 30 Fines and Court Costs 250,849 226~450 248 ~200 Investment earnings 268,377 360~OOO 250,000 Other Revenues 153,215 249,000 219~960 Interfund Transfers 870,000 940,000 940,000 TOT AL REVENUES 1 L270J 18 11 ,583, ] 20 12, 136~930 EXPENDITURES Adm in j strati on 91 1,548 806,020 868,380 Finance 1,469,606 1,465,540 1,488,870 Pol ice 2J07J28 2.762~ l20 3J 23,280 Fire 2,321,400 2, 3 34~3 60 2,528310 Pu b] ic Warks 1,557,955 1,902,0 [0 2,064,360 Parks and Recreation 1,467,726 I ~643~580 1 ,906,780 Transfer lo Capital Reserve Fund 1,850,000 Transfer to Capital Improvement Fund 271,000 Transfer to Streetlight Improvenlent Fund 264,000 TOT AL EXPENDITURES 1 O~435J63 13,298,630 11,979,980 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 834,755 (I ,715,51 0) 156~ 950 NET ENDING BALANCE 4, 168,207 2~452~697 2,609,647 Cash 4,80] ,342 5,12[~342 4,921,342 Obli nations (1 ) $ (633, l35) $ (2,668~645) $ (2311,695) (I) Includes $ 145,000 for the City Managerls employment contract ... r II Exhibit An 2 of 11 2008 Budget CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2007 AND ENDING DECEIVIDER 31, 2008 2006 2007 2008 Actual Estimated Budact DEBT SERVICE FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash S 996~927 $ I ~ 169,072 $ 1,202,652 Less: Obligations NET BEGINNING BALANCE 996~927 I , 169~O72 1,202,652 REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes 6,748,355 6,732~O90 6,403,500 Interest I J 8,703 104,000 7 5l 000 Proceeds froln refund i ng bonds TOT AL REVENUES 6,867,058 6,836,090 6,4 78~500 EXPENDITURES Debl S erv ice and Fees 6,694~ 913 6~802;5 ] 0 6,805,270 TOT AL EXPENDITURES 6,694,913 6,802,5 10 6,805,270 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 1 72J 45 33,580 (326,770) NET ENDING BALANCE 1, 169~O72 1,202,652 875,882 Cash 1, 169~O72 11202,652 875,882 ObI icrations $ $ $ WATER FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ L (02~728 $ L096~619 S I ~216,6 (9 Less: Obligations (299,470) (I 06~312) (672,702 ) NET BEGINNING BALANCE 803,258 990~307 543,917 REVENUES Serv ice Charges 4,800~O28 4~302,800 5 ,465 ~OOO I nteresl 42,3 l4 20~OOO 20,000 Olher TOT AL REVENUES 4,842~342 4,322,800 5~485,OOO EXPENDITURES Pu bl ic Warks 2~737~998 2,8 l 7,3 1 0 3~ 112~590 N on~ Dcpartlnenla l [ ~917~295 l ~95 1,880 2,179,320 TOT AL EXPENDITURES 4,655~293 4,769~ (90 5,291,9 fa NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 187,049 ( 446,390) 193,090 NET ENDING BALANCE 990~3 07 543,917 737~OO7 Cash 1 ~096,6 l 9 1,216,619 ] ,216,619 ObI i (lations $ (1 06~3 [2) $ (672~702) $ (479~612) II Exhibit An 3 of 11 2008 Budget CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2007 AND ENDING DECEl\rIBER 31, 2008 2006 2007 2008 Actua [ Est [mated Budget SOLID WASTE FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash S 465 ~ 191 $ 279.844 $ 350.000 Less: Obligations (81 ~952) ( 40~249) (8~285) NET BEGINNING BALANCE 383~239 239,595 34 L 7 15 REVENUES S ervi cc Charges 944~897 940.000 940~OOO Sales of Recyclable Material 134~85 0 300.000 300~OOO Interest 30J04 30.000 30~OOO TOT AL REVENUES L J 1 O~O51 I ~2 70,000 1 ,2 70~OOO EXPEN DITURES Operat ions 1 ,028~69 5 887,880 l,024J50 Adnl i n i stra ticn 225~OOO 280,000 280~OOO TOT AL EXPENDITURES 1 ,253 ~69 5 1, 167,880 1 J04~350 NET REVENUES (EXPENDfTURES) (.l 43 .644) 1 02, 120 (34,350) NET ENDING BALANCE 239,595 34 L 715 307~365 Cash 279.844 350.000 355~OOO Net Ob l i galions $ ( 40~249) $ (8.285) $ (47~635) CAI)ITAL PROJECTS .FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ ] 44~419 $ 569,643 $ Less: Obi igations (32~O23) (75) (280~072 ) NET BEGINNING BALANCE 112,396 5 69 ~568 (280,072 ) REVENUES Transfers fronl: Infrastructure replacemenl 150.000 Cap i La [ reserve 500~OOO Genera I Fu nd 264.000 Inleresl 15 ~O91 15,000 15 ~ 000 Friends of West U Parks 23,852 ( OO~OOO Debt 473,285 2,000.000 TOT AL REVENUES 662,228 3 79 ~OOO 2,5 15 ~OOO EXPENDITURES Fire .Appratus 483~333 Rice Pocket Park/Coul1yard 25 ~ 063 325307 25,000 Police Station/EOe Expansion 9~895 Acqu istion of Parks 420.000 1.580,000 Cansol idatc COOlputer Servers 45 ~OOO Elncrgcncy power generators 500,000 Com p leted proj eels 1 70~O98 Fi sea] Y car 2006 Conl ingcncy 25,000 TOT AL EXPENDITURES 205.056 1 ~228~640 2~ 175~OOO NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 457. 172 (849~640) 340,000 NET ENDING BALANCE 569 ~568 (280~072 ) 591928 Cash 569~643 12~396 ObI i ('rations $ (75) $ (280~O72) S lJExhibit AU 4 of 11 2008 Budget CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGE1~ FOI~ ~rHE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY.1, 2007 AND ENDING DECElVIB.ER 31, 2008 2006 2007 2008 Actua 1 Estinlalcd Budcrct INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEiVIENT FUN.D BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 3~669, 110 S 1 ~003 ,83 7 $ 50~OOO Less: Obi iga t ions NET BEGINNING BALANCE 3~669~ ( 10 1 ,003 ~83 7 50,000 REVENUES G ranls Bond Proceeds Interest 165,039 Other L 173~668 TOT AL REVENUES 1338,707 EXPEN DITURES Area 10 & I I B 3,336,197 650,000 Arbitrage Rebate Calculations 25 ~OOO Transfer (0 sidewalk fund 303~83 7 A llowence for Arb itrage Rebate 25,000 Relurn METRO Grants 667,783 TOT AL EXPENDITURES 4,003,980 953,837 5 O~OOO NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) (2,665 ~27 3 ) (953,837) (50~OOO) NET ENDING BALANCE 1 ,003~83 7 50,000 Cash [,003~83 7 237,000 ObJ i oa tions $ $ $ SIDEW ALK CONSTRUCTION FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 3~061 ~275 $ 541,475 $ 49~372 Less: Obligations NET BEGINNING BALANCE 3~061 ,275 541,475 49,372 REVENUES Interest 110,859 30~OOO 25,000 COl1lribution from Cily of Houston 286~OOO Metro Allocation 543~O38 380,000 259.000 Transfer from I nfrastructu re 303~837 TOT AL REVENUES 653~897 713~837 570~ 000 EXPENDITURES Sidewalk Construction 3~ 173,697 J ~205? 940 6] 9 J 72 TOT AL EXPENDITURES 3~ 173,697 1 ~205, 940 619,372 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) (2~519~800) (492J 03) (49J72) NET ENDING BALANCE 54 L4 7 5 49J72 I Cash 54L475 2~442~607 ;:I Obligations $ $ $ U Exhibit AU 5 of 11 2008 Budget CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI.TY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2007 AND ENDING DECE~mER 31, 2008 2006 2007 2008 Actua [ Estinlated BudGet TRANSPORTATION IlVIPROVE~mNT FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ $ $ 2,257,5 (7 Less: Obligations (92,483 ) (92,483 ) NET BEGINNING BALANCE (92~483 ) (92,483 ) 2~257j 17 REVENUES METRO Transportation Grant 500~OOO 3~833~OOO Transfer from the General Fund I ~850,OOO I ntercst on invcstnlcnts IOO~OOO Debt 2,200,000 TOT AL REVENUES 2,350,000 6, 133~OOO EXPEN DITURES I ssuance costs 50,000 Trans fer to Cap i tal Reserve 1,850,000 Transportation (lnprovements 6,490,520 TOT AL EXPENDITURES 8,390,520 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 2350,000 (2,257,520) NET ENDING .BALANCE (92~483 ) 2~257 ,517 (3) Cash Obi iaations $ (92~483 ) $ (92~483 ) $ STREELIGHT IMPROVE~IENT FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash S $ $ Less; Db (igation s NET BEGJNNlNG BALANCE REVENUES Allocation from METRO Grant Fund 589,000 Transfer from Genera 1 Fund 271,000 Transfer froln Cap ita 1 Reserve J ~200,OOO TOT AL REVENUES 860,000 ] ~200,OOO EXPENDITURES Dra inage I mprovemcn ts 860~OOO 1 ~200~OOO TOT AL EXPENDITURES 860~OOO 1 ~200,OOO NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) NET ENDING BALANCE I Cash ~ I Db 1 igal ion s $ $ S UExhibit AU 6 of 11 2008 Budget CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR "BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2007 AND ENDING DECElVffiER 31, 2008 2006 2007 2008 Actual Esti ma ted Bud o-et CAPrrAL RESERVE FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ $ $ Less: Obi igat ions NET BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUES Transfer fronl Transportalion Improvement Fund 1 ~850,OOO TOT AL REVENUES t ~850~OOO EXPEND ITURES Transfer to Streetlight .Improvement Fund [ ~2001000 Transfer to Capital Improvement Fund 500iOOO Any purpose authorized by Council [ 50~OOO TOT AL EXPENDITURES I ~850,OOO NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) NET ENDING BALANCE I Cash ~ I Obi igat ions $ $ $ WATER AND SEWER CAPITAL RESERVE FUND BEGINNLNG BALANCE Cash $ 6 15~651 S 306,557 $ 306~5 5 7 Less: Obligations NET BEGINNING BALANCE 615 ~651 306~557 306~5 5 7 REVENUES Transfer from Water Fund 250,000 TOT AL REVENUES 250~OOO EXPENDITURES Pa irH s(orage tank 309,094 253,000 Repl ace belt press 195~OOO Any pu rpose authorized by Cou nc it TOT AL EXPENDITURES 309 ~O94 448.000 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) (309~094 ) ( 198 ~OOO) NET ENDING BALANCE 3 06~557 306.557 ] 08~557 I Cash 3 06 ~557 306.557 ~ I ObI igations S $ $ II Exhibit AU 7 of 11 2008 Budget CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE I?ISCA.L YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2007 AND ENDING D ECEl\'IBER 31, 2008 2006 2007 2008 Actual ESli ma ted Bud (Tel EIVIPLOYEE BENEFrr FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash S 2, 182 $ 14~ 503 Less: Obi i gat iOllS 20,457 NET BEGINNING BALANCE 2~ 182 14,503 (20~457) REVENUES Interest on investnlcnts 1 ~OOO 1 ~OOO Transfer from other funds 59 ~ 72 I 1,225380 1 ,491,560 Employee contributions 167,200 [86~ [00 Other revenues 11378 TOT AL REVENUES 71,099 ( ,393~580 I ~6 78 ~660 EXPENDITURES Benefits 58,778 1 ,428~540 1,633,430 TOT AL EXPENDITURES 58,778 ] ,428,540 1,633,430 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 12,321 (34,960) 45~230 NET ENDING BALANCE 14,503 (20~457) 24,773 Cash 14,503 24,773 o bl i ations $ S 20~457 $ EQUIPlVlENT REPLACEl\tffiNT FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 61,957 $ 207 ~23 6 S 340,566 Less: Obligations NET BEGINNING BALANCE 61,957 207 ~ 236 340~566 REVENUES Transfers from other Funds 257 ~ 799 286,900 33 6J 00 Other Revenues ( 8,343 l ,800 Interest 8,526 [ 4~ 000 3,500 TOT AL REVENUES 284~668 302~700 339~600 EXPENDITURES Rep lacement Equ i pment l39J89 169,370 518~OOO TOT AL EXPENDITURES 139,389 169,370 518,000 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 145~279 133,330 (l78~400) NET ENDING BALANCE 207,236 340~566 162~ 166 Cash 207,236 340,566 287,666 Ob t i gal ions $ $ $ "Exhibit AU 8 of 11 2008 Budget CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2007 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2008 2006 2007 2008 Actual Estimated Bud o-el TECHNO.LOGY lVlANAGEiVffiNT .FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ $ $ 19~830 Less: Obi igat ions NET BEGINNING BALANCE 19,830 REVENUES Trans (ers fronl other Funds 465,210 645~510 Other Revenues Interest 4,500 3 ~OOO TOTAL REVENUES 469,710 648~51 0 EXPEN DITURES Adol inislra t ionIT ech no(ogy 449,880 641, 91 0 TOT AL EXPENDrTURES 449 ~880 64l ~ 91 0 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 19 ~830 6~600 NET ENDING BALANCE 1 9 ~830 26,430 I g~~~ga I ions 19~830 26,43~ I $ $ $ P ARI(S FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 13,344 $ I 0,808 S 208 Less: Obligations NET BEGINNING BALANCE 13344 10,808 208 REVENUES Contributions 4~367 4~300 4~300 Interest 372 100 100 TOT AL REVENUES 4,739 4~400 4~400 EXPENDITURES Parks and Recreation 7,275 15 ~OOO 4,400 TOT AL EXPENDITURES 7 ~27S 15~OOO 4,400 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) (2~536) (l0,600) NET ENDING BALANCE $ 1 O~808 $ 208 $ 208 I Cash 1 O~808 208 20~ I Obi igations \ .. Exh ibit A It 9 of 11 2008 Budget Cll~Y OI~~ "VEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDG.ET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING .JANUARY 1,2007 AND ENDING DECElVIBER 31, 2008 2006 2007 2008 Actu al ESlima ted Budget COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 2594 $ 6~436 S Less: Obi igat ions (2,039) NET BEGINNING BALANCE 2,594 6~436 (2~O39) REVENUES Interest on lnvestnlents 99 25 30 Cou rt Fees 81243 9 ~500 9,500 TOT AL REVENUES 8~ 342 9,525 9,530 EXPENDITURES Data Processing Equipment 4~500 I 8 ~ 000 4~500 TOT AL EXPEN.DITURES 4,500 I 8 ~ 000 4~500 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 3~842 (8~4 75) 5 ~O30 NET ENDING BALANCE 6~43 6 (2~O39) 2,99 ] Cash 6~436 2,986 Obila-alions $ $ (2~O39) $ lVlETRO GRANT FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ $ 259,000 $ Less~ Obligations NET BEGINNING BALANCE 259~OOO REVENUES Interest on investments METRO Grant 259,000 259,000 259,000 Unused METRO - Infrastructure 450~OOO TOTAL REVENUES 259~OOO 709 ~OOO 259,000 EXPENDITURES Any purpose authorized by Granl 968,000 259 ~OOO TOTAL EXPENDITURES 968~OOO 259,000 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 259~OOO (259~OOO) NET ENDrNG BALANCE 259.000 I Cash 259~OOO 3 30~OOO ~ I Obi igations S $ $ UExhibit AU 1 0 of 11 2008 Budget CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGE~r FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2007 AND ENDING DECEIVffiER 31, 2008 2006 2007 2008 Actua l Es tilnated Budael COURT SECURITY FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ S I ~O20 $ 8~520 Less: Obi igations NET BEGINNING BALANCE 1 ~O20 8,520 REVENUES Interest on investments Court Fees 1,020 7 ~500 7500 TOTAL REVENUES 1 ~O20 7500 7,500 EXPEN DITURES Building Security 16~OOO TOT AL EXPENDITURES 16~OOO NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 1,020 7,500 (8~500) NET ENDING BALANCE I ~O20 8~520 20 Cash 1 ~O20 8,520 I ,744 Db] i ations $ $ $ TREE REPLACl\'IENT FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 13,875 $ 39~589 $ 52~589 Less: Obi igaliol1s NET BEGINNING BALANCE 13~875 39,589 52,589 REVENUES I nterest on in veslmelHs 1 ~OOO Fees 27,0 (2 30~OOO 3 O~OOO TOTAL REVENUES 27 ~O 12 30~OOO 3 1 .000 EXPEND ITURES Pu b 1 ic works 1 ~298 17,000 50~OOO TOT AL EXPENOrTURES I ~298 i 7 ~OOO 50~OOO NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 25~714 13 ~OOO (19~OOO) NET ENDING BALANCE 39,589 52~589 33~589 Cash 39,589 52,589 33,589 Db l i a(ions $ $ $ U Exhibit A" 2008 Budget 11 of 11 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCA.L YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2007 AND ENDING DECElVillER 31, 2008 2006 2007 2008 Actu al Estima led Bud get RECREATION CENTER GRAN~r BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ I 0,000 $ 125,423 $ L018,111 Less: Obi igalions NET BEGINNING BALANCE t 0,000 l25~423 L018J II REVENUES In tereSl on in vestments 3,611 4,500 50,000 Grants III ~812 888~ 188 TOT AL REVENUES 115~423 892~6 88 50~OOO EXPENDITURES Public works 1,068, III TOT AL EXPENDITURES I ,068J II NET REVENUES (EXPENDiTURES) 115,423 892,688 (l ,0 i8, ill) NET ENDING BALANCE ] 25~423 I.OI8~111 Cash ] 25,423 1,018,11] Obligations $ $ $