HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1776 - budget 2005 ( ORDINANCE NO. 1770' AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005; APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR SUCH BUDGET; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. WHEREAS, as required by the City Charter and state law~ the City Manager has prepared and submitted to the City Council a budget with estimates of expenditures and revenues of all city divisions and activities for the year beginning January 1, 2005 and ending December 31, 2005; and WHEREAS, such .budget has been timely filed with the City Secretary, the City Council has .had Sllfficient t.ime to review and revise such budget and notice of a public hearing upo.n su.ch budget has been duly given; and WHEREAS, a :pu.blic .hearing has been held, and all taxpayers and interested persons were provided an opportunity to attend and participate in such hearing; and WHEREAS, public participation, input and suggestions regarding the budget have been received and considered by the City Council, and the City Council has made changes as the City Council considers warranted by law in the best interest of the municipal taxpayers, and the City Council has found and determined that the bu.dget ado.pted by this ordinance d.oes not allow expenditures during the budget period in excess of funds estimated to be on hand during the same period; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,: Section 1. The matters and. facts set out in the preamble of this ordinance are found and determined to be true and correct and are hereby approved and adopted by the City Council. Section 2. The dOCUlnent entitled "City of West University Place Budget, For the . ( Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2005 and Ending D.ecem.ber 31, 2005" ("Budget") is hereby approved and adopted~ A true copy of the Budget is attached to and made a part of this ordinance as Exhibit A. Funds.in the amounts indicated in such Budget for each fund are appropriated for the .purposes and projects described in such Budget Section 3. The Employee Positio.n Schedule in the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place is hereby amended, approved and adopted as shown in Exhibit B, attached to and made a part of this ordinance Section 4~ That this ordinance approving and adopting the Budget is made in all things in accordance with the terms and provisions of the City Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas and the laws of the State of Texas and shall be interpreted and construed in compliance therewith. Section 5. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 6. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other .part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of corn.petent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or other part of this ordinance to any other persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby. Section 7. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, .place and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed, considered, or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Local Government Code, as amended, and that each such meeting has .been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section 8. After adoption of the Budget, the City Manager shall provide for the filing of a true copy of the Budget (and each amendment) in the office of the County Clerk of Harris County, Texas~ Section 9~ The pu"blic importance of this measure and the require"ments of the law c.reate an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring that this Ordinance "be passed and take effect as an enlergency measure, and a state of emergency is hereby declared., and this Ordinance is accordingly "passed as an emergency rneasure and shall take effect im"mediate.ly upon adoption and signature~ PASSED, APPROVED ADOPTED AND SIGNED ON~ this 4th day of October 2004 ~ Voting Aye: Mayor Ballanfant, Council Members Farley, Fog ler I Segal and Wood 5 Voting Nay: No..ne. Absent None Signed: &z !jLl2/~ Burt Ballanfant "" Mayor ATTEST: ~ Kaylynn Holloway City Secretary (SEAL) RE:)ED: Ci ty Attorney .Exhibit A CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECErvlBER 31, 2005 2003 2004 2005 Actual Es ti mated Budaet GENERAL FUND BEGINNING BALANC.E Cash $ 3,524,799 $ 3,676,19.1 $ 3,500,000 Less: ObJ igations (376,764 ) ( 686,029) (632,575) .NET .BEGINNING BALANCE 3, 148,035 2,990, 162 2,867,425 .REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes 4,762,649 5,13.1. ,000 5,446,630 City Sales Tax 777,290 640,000 663,000 Franchise :Fees 873,649 930,000 953,000 Li censes and Pe rm its 432,144 484,600 475,340 Fees for Services 445,511 279 ~O80 299,480 Other Charges and Fees 185,810 187,850 207,160 Recreati on Fees 455,631 439,700 539,680 Fines and Court Costs 243,93.1 250,000 273,400 Other Revenues 248,768 298,400 312,190 In ter fun d Trans fers 63.j ,000 897,000 870,000 TOT AL REVENUES 9,056,383 9,537,630 ] 0,039,880 EXPENDITURES Admi nistration 587,280 639,890 615,440 Fin ance 1 ,365,028 1.,562,720 1,427,620 Po"li ce 2,732,486 2,666,050 2,677,480 Fire 1 ,969, 198 2,060,350 2,240,250 Public Warks :1 ,429,878 1,404,247 1,687 ,9.J 0 Parks and Recrea ti 0 n 1,130,386 1'f327,110 1 ;330,490 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,214,256 9,660,367 9,979,190 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) (157 ;873) (122,737) 60,690 NET ENDING BALANCE 2,990,162 2,867,425 2,928; 115 Cash 3,676,19.1 3,500,000 3,500,000 Obliaations (1) $ (686,029) $ (632,575) $ (57"] ,885) (1) lncl udes $145,000 for the City Manager's employment contract CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY .PLACE BUDGEt"f FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 2003 2004 Actual Esti ma ted DEBT SERVICE FUND BEGI.NNING BALANCE Cash $ 567,825 $ 656,145 $ 734,045 Less: Obligations NET BEGINNING BALANCE 567,825 656,145 734,045 REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes 6,002,628 6,496,950 6,504,600 Interest 34,181 10,000 1. 0,000 TOT AL REVENUES 6,036,809 6,506,950 6,514~600 EXPENDITURES Debt Service and Fees 5,948,489 6,429,050 6,478,140 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,948,489 6,429,050 6,478,140 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 88,320 77,900 36,460 NET ,ENDING BALANCE 656,145 734,045 770,505 I Cash 768,010 770.50~ I Obligations $ $ $ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 2003 2004 2005 Actual Es ti mated Bud {Jet WATER FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash Less: Obligations NET BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUES S crv ice Charges lnterest Other TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Puhlic Works No n- Departnlen ta] TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET REVEN.UES (EXPENDITURES) NET ENDING BALANCE Cash ObI i aations $ 830,882 830,882 3,:1 06,875 7; 103 937,130 4,051 ~ 1 08 2,357,195 1 ,7.J :1,805 4, 069 ~ 000 (1.7,892) 812,990 3,066,843 $ (2,253,853) $ 3,066,843 (2,253,853 ) 812,990 4,285,000 "10,000 4,295~OOO 2,584,840 1,915,840 4,500,680 (205,680) 607,31.0 3,100,000 $ (2,492~690) $ 3,100,000 (2,492,690) 607,310 4,755,000 :1 0,000 10,000 4,775,000 2,755,460 1,975,340 4~730,800 44,200 651,510 3,250; 000 $ (2,598~490) CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 2003 2004 2005 Ac tua! Es ti mated Bud oe t WATER FUND CAPITAL RESERVE BEGINNING BALANCE Cash Less: Obligations NET BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUES Transfers :fro m: Water and Sewer Fund Interest TOT AL REVENUES EXP.ENDITURES Capital Projects Water rate study Water metering project Li ftstation repai rs Fiscal 2005 repair contingency TOT AL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) NET ENDING BALANCE $ 323,629 $ 323,629 3,656 3,656 28,875 lOO,652 63,034 192,560 (188,904 ) 134~725 134,725 $ 134,725 $ 134,725 5 ~ 000 5,000 20,000 50,000 70,000 (65,000) 69,725 69,725 $ 69,725 69,725 50,000 5,000 55,000 100,000 100,000 ( 45,000) 24,725 24,725 $ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING Jf\NUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 2003 2004 Act ual Es ti 1l1ated SOLID WASTE FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 33,592 $ 262,877 $ 207,89.l Less: ObI igations (166,696 ) NET B.EGINNING BALANCE 33,592 96t 181 207,891 REVENUES Serv j ce Charges 941,585 938tOOO 940,000 Other 106,586 100,000 .l25~OOO In lerest 3,177 10,000 1 0,000 Transfer from Other Funds TOT AL REVENUES 1,05.l ,348 l,048,OOO 1,075,000 EXPENDITURES Opera ti 0 os 372,503 736,290 848,200 Ad mi n i strati 0 n 426,256 200,000 225,000 Transfer to Other Funds 190,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 988,759 936,290 :I. ,073,200 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 62,589 111,710 1 ,800 NET :ENDING BA.LANCE 62,589 207,89 I 209,691 262,877 207,891 209,691 $ (166,696) $ $ { CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2005 AND ENDING DECEIVIBER 31, 2005 2003 2004 2005 Ac tua I Esti mated Budget CAPIT AL PROJECTS FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 446,449 $ 320,496 $ 45,228 Less: Obligations NET BEGINNING BALANCE 446,449 320,496 45~228 REVENUES Transfers from: General Fund Recycling Fund 25,000 Gran ts 48,784 Interest 3,225 10,000 269,000 Friends of West U Parks 40,000 215,000 Con tri bu ti 0 ns 1 0,000 TOTAL REVEN.UES 77,009 60,000 484,000 EXPENDITURES InlagingJAgenda Managelnent 15~OOO .1.0,000 WestU Recreation Center 44,852 25,000 50,000 Colonial Park Downtown/Edloe Project 63,542 188,908 Multi-media for City Hall 25,000 25,000 Gateway signs 50,000 Parks and Recreat.ion Software 30,000 Drainage/Pol I ution Control at City Fac. 25,000 Rice Pocket Park/Courtyard 125,000 WestU Rec Center/Colonial Park MP 40,000 Police StationlEOC Expansion 50,000 Railroad crossing quiet zone 25,000 Street Light Replacement Program 75,000 Completed projects 94,568 Fiscal Year 2005 Contingency 31 ,360 25,000 TOTAL EXPEN.DITURES 202,962 335,268 480,000 NET REV.ENUES (EXPEN.DITURES) ( 125,953) (275,268) 4,000 N.ET ENDING BALANCE 320,496 45,228 49,228 I Cash 441,426 49,22~ I Ob ligations $ $ $ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING .DECEMBER 31, 2005 2003 2004 2005 Ac tu at Es ti mated Buduet INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 17,892,309 $ 14,942,025 $ 9,001,025 Less: Obligations N.ET B:EGINNING BALANCE 17,892,309 14,942,025 9,001,025 REVENUES Ora n ts 259,000 259,000 Bond Proceeds 9,789,277 In leres t 320,633 300,000 91,000 Other 259,000 TOT AL REVENUES .1.0,368,910 559,000 350,000 EXPENDITURES Area 5B/6A 884,831 15,187 Pipe B llfS tin g 533,731 Area 7B 755,175 7,036 Area 8 2,753,699 674,4.14 Area 9 4,626,567 708, 142 Area "I 0 88,297 2,309,921 5,743,680 Area IIA 1,267,432 2.1 ,906 Area lIB 1,776,:1 26 2,664,478 2,839,880 Area 1 2 5,080 4,600 Drainage study 23,340 Completed projects 449,755 74,471 Administrative & Issuance Costs 155,161 15,000 25,000 Contingency 4~845 500,000 TOT AL EXPENDITURES 13,319, 194 6,500,000 9,"108,560 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) (2,950,284 ) (5,941,000) (8,758,560) NET ENDING BALANCE 14,942,025 9,00 I ,025 242,465 Cash 16,733,613 :1.5,517,018 242,465 ObI i uations $ $ $ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE B.UDGET FOR THE FISCA.L YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECE.MBER 31,2005 2003 2004 2005 Ac tunl Es tirna ted Bud ue t SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION FUND BEGINNI.NG BALANCE Cash Less: ObI igations NET BEGINNING BALANC:E R.EVENUES Interest Other TOTAL REVENUES $ 4,884,616 $ 4,809,408 4,884,6 16 4,809,408 77,061 35,000 1,009,644 77,06 I 1,044,644 EXPENDITURES Sidewalk Construction 152,269 3,050,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) NET ENDING BALANCE I Cash . Obligations 152,269 (75,208) 4,809,408 $ 3,050,000 (2,005,356) 2,804,052 2,804,052 $ $ 2,804,052 2,804,052 30,000 490,356 520,356 3,324,408 3,324,408 (2,804,052) $ ~ I CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 2003 2004 Actu al .Es t in1ated EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT .FUN.D BEGINNING BALANCE Cash Less: Obligations NET BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUES Transfers from other Funds Other Revenues In terest TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Replacement Equipment $ 252,18 I $ 252, 18 1 303,840 4,147 307,987 281,065 TOTAL EXPENDITUR.ES NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) NET ENDING BALANC.E Cash ObI igations 28 1,065 26,922 279,103 201,810 $ $ 279,103 $ 279,103 173,050 7 ~25 0 180,300 212,680 2 12,680 (32,380) 246,723 230,038 246,723 246,723 298,820 5,000 7,250 3 11 ,070 357,000 357,000 (45,930) 200,793 200,793 $ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FO.R THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 2003 2004 2005 Actua I Es ti ma tcd Bud net .PARKS FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash Less: ObJ igations NET BEGINNING BALANCE 9,416 $ 1 2, 153 $ $ 9~416 12,153 .REVENUES Contri butions Interest TOTAL REV.ENUES 2,573 164 2,737 2,000 200 2,200 EXPENDITURES Parks and Recrea ti 0 n TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) NET ENDING BALANCE I Cash . ObI igalions 2,737 12,153 $ 12, I 53 2,200 14,353 $ l,270 $ 14,353 14,353 2,000 100 2, I. 00 .1.5,000 :1 5,000 ( 12,900) 1,453 3,47~ I CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ~NDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 2003 2004 2005 Ac tua! Esti mated Bud oe t SENIOR CITIZENS ACTIVITY FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash Less: Obligations NET BEGINNING BALANCE $ 254 $ 3,492 $ 254 3,492 .REVENUES Interest on investments Senior Citizen's Activity Fees Con tri b uti 0 ns TOTAL REVENUES 34 599 5,548 6, 181 2,400 2,400 EXPENDITURES Senior Activities TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) NET ENDING BALANCE I Cash Obligations 2,943 2~943 3,238 3,492 3,492 2,400 2,400 3,492 264 $ $ 3,492 3,492 15,000 15,000 15; 000 1 5,000 $ 3,492 24~ I l...-ITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUu~ET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 2003 2004 Actual Es ti mated COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash Less: Obligations NET BEGINNING BALANCE $ 1 ,604 $ 1 ,604 :R.EVENUES Interest on investments Court Fees TOT A.L .REVENUES 43 12,143 121186 EXPENDITURES Data Processing Equipment TOT AL EXPENDITURES NET REVENUES (EXP.EN.DITURES) NET ENDING BALANCE Cash Obli uations .10,854 10,854 1,332 2,936 2,996 $ 2~936 $ 2,936 14,000 14,000 1.4,000 14,000 2,936 1 ,604 $ 2005 Budget 2,936 2,936 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 2,936 .1 0,604 $ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BU.DGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 2003 2004 2005 Ac tua] Es ti Ina ted Bud o-e t DIRECT DENTAL REIMBURSElVlENT FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash Less: Obligations NET BEGINNING BALANCE $ (1,059) (1,059) REVENUES Interest on investments Contri butions TOTAL REVENUES NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) EXPENDITURES 15 18,294 18,309 (19,368) Benefits TOTAL .EXPENDITURES 15,376 15,376 N.ET ENDING .BALANCE Cash Obli ations 1,874 3,353 $ $ 1,874 $ 1,874 100 15) 000 15,100 ( 13,226) 10,000 10,000 6,974 1 ,604 $ 6,974 6,974 100 .I 5,000 15, 1 00 (8,126) 10,000 lO,OOO 12,074 "10,604 $ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31,2005 2003 2004 Ac tu al Es ti 01U ted ElVIPOLYEE SEPARATION FUND 2005 Budget BEGINNING BALANCE Cash Less: ObI i gati 0 os NET BEGINNING BALANCE $ $ $ R:SVENUES Interest on investments Transfer from other funds TOTAL REVENUES NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) EXP.ENDITURES Benefits TOT AL EXPENDITURES NET ENDING BALANCE I Cash Obligations 48,000 48,000 ( 48,000) 30,000 30,000 18,000 $ $ $ 18,OO~ I CITY OF WEST .UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 2003 2004 Ac tu al Es tiffin ted METRO GRANT FUND BEGINNING BALANC.E Cash Less: Obligations NET BEGINNING BALANCE $ $ $ REV.ENUES Interest on investments METRO Grant TOT AL REVENUES N.ET REVENUES (.EXPEN.DITURES) 5,000 259,000 264,000 (264,000 ) 259,000 259,000 5,000 $ $ $ 5,OO~ I EXPENDITURES Transfer Out TOTAL EXPENDITUR.ES NET ENDING BALANCE I Cash ObI igations CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2005 AND ENDING .DECEMBER 31, 2005 2003 2004 Ac tual .Es ti Inn ted DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT FUND B.EGINNING BALANCE Cash Less: ObI igations N.ET B.EGINNING BALANCE $ $ $ REVENUES In terest 0 n invest me n ts Grant - Harris Count Flood Ctl Dist. TOTAL REVENUES 110,000 l J. 0,000 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITUR.ES) (110,000) EXPEN.DITURES Proiect expenditures TOTAL EXPENDITURES :I 10,000 110,000 400,000 400,000 NET ENDING BALANCE I Cash ObI igati 0 ns $ $ $ ( 400,000) (400,OO~) I Exhibit "B" Personnel Tables Finance Department Positions are hereby created, established and classified For the Finance Department, as set out in this schedule. The duties of each position are as prescribed in the City's Charter, ordinances, resolutions, motions, rules, regulations, adnlinistrati ve orders, departmental rules and orders and job descriptions as amended from time to time. The salary for each position is prescribed by this schedule. This schedule takes the place of all lists, classifications, and schedules previously adopted or observed. The departlnent is hereby reorganized as shown in this schedule, and any position not included in this schedule is abol ished.. Position Description Fi nance Oi rector Assi sstan t Fi nance Di rector Deputy Tax Assessor Collector Cashi er Accou n ti ng S pee ial i st M un i ci pal Cou rt Clerk De puty Court Clef k N u rnber Authorized I I 1 1 3 ] I Salary (per year, unless otherwise indicated) Mini mu m Maxi mum Ad d i ti on a [ Base Pay Base Pay Pay items See Note / See Note / See Note 2 $ 63,857 $ 85,569 A;L;B $ 49,502 $ 66,526 L;B;J $ 41,803 $ 56,179 L;B;I $ 26,032 $ 34,986 L;B;I $ 30,884 $ 41,506 L;B;I $ 41 ;803 $ 56,179 L;B;I $ 26,032 $ 34,986 L;B;I Other Provi si on s Note 3 Note 1: The actual rate of compensation is determined by the City Manager w.ithin the parameters of this schedule Note 2: Ex planati on 0 f codes~ A - Expense allowance as determined by City Council L - Longevity pay is $5 per month for each year of service. B - Ci l Y benefi ts and el i gi bi I it yare d etermi ned by the Ci ty Counci I from li me to ti me I - Incentive pay is determined by the City Manager} not to exceed $120 nlonthly: a. $30 monthly maximum for training in an additional specialty b. $24 monthly maximum for professional certificalions. c. $ 120 monlhl y maxi mu m for academic degrees Exhibit "B" Personnel Tables Police Department Positions are hereby created, established and classified for the Police Department, as set out in lhis schedule~ The duties of each position are as prescribed in the City's Charter, ordinances, resolutions, motions, rules, regulations, administrative orders, departmental rules and orders and job descriptions as amended from lilne to tilne. The salary for each position is prescribed by this schedule~ This schedule takes the place of all lists, classifications, and schedules previously adopted or observed. The department is hereby reorganized as shown in this schedule, and any position not included in this schedule is abol ished. Position Description Police Chief Police Captain Po lice Lieu tenan t Po Ii ce Sergeant Po lice Ofti cer Administrati ve Assistant Police .Dispatcher Police Officer Intern (Part time) Number A u tho rized 1 1 2 4 15 1 8 "1 Salary (per year, lulless otJzerlvise indicated) Minimum Maxinlum AdditionaJ Base Pay Base Pay Pay itenls See Note J See Note .I See Note 2 $ 82,29.1. $ .I 02~305 A;L;B $ 63,965 $ 82,645 L;B;1 $ 58,626 $ 78,789 L;B;I $ 50,979 $ 68,5"12 L;B;1 $ 40,784 $ 54,810 L;B;1 $ 35,737 $ 48,029 L;B;1 $ 3"1,66 ( $ 42,549 L;B;I $9.00 per hour Other Provisions Note 3 CPO CPO CPO CPO CPO Note l; The actual rate of compensation is determined by the City Manager within the parameters of this schedule Note 2: Explanation of codes: A - .Expense allowance as determined by City Counci I L - Longevity pay is $5 per ITIonth for each year of service. B - City benefits and eligihility are determined by the City Council from time to time T - Incentive pay is determined by the City Manager, not to exceed $300 monthly. a. $90 monthly maxio1um for acadeo1ic degree held. b. $90 ITIonthly maximum for professional certifications c~ $1.20 monthly maximum for in-service training and other certifications Note 3: Explanation of codes CPO - Certified police officer Exhibit "B" Personnel Tables Fire Department Positions are hereby created, established and classified for the Fire Department, as set out in this schedule. The duties of each position are as prescribed in the City's Charter, ord inances) resolutions, motions, rules, regulations, administrative orders, departmental rules and orders and job descriptions as amended from time to time. The salary for each position is prescribed by this schedule~ This schedule takes the place of all lists, classifications, and schedules previously adopted or observed. The departn1ent is hereby reorganized as shown in this schedule, and any position not included in this sched ule is abolished. Posi tion Descri p ti on Number Authori zed 1 :1 3 3 15 0.5 "] 12 Fire Chief Fire Marshal Fire Captain Fire Lieutenant Fire Fighter/Paramedic Ad mi n is tra ti ve Ass is tan t IT /Commu nica tion Special is t Fire Fighter/Paranledic~ part-time Salary (per year, unless otherwise indicated) Minimum MaxilTIUITI Additional Base Pay Base Pay Pay itenlS See Note 1 See Note J See Note 2 $ 82,374 $ 102,305 A;L;B $ 61,904 $ 77,470 L;B;1 $ 57,645 $ 77,470 .L;B;I $ 48,037 $ 64,559 L;B;I $ 38,463 $ 52,592 L;B;I $ 35,738 $ 48,028 L;B;1 $ 53,214 $ 71 ,3 13 L;B ;1 $13.96 per hour Other Provisions Note 3 CPO CPO(.l. ) CPO(.I ) CPM;CPO(l) ePE Note I: The actual rate of compensation is deternlined by the City Manager within the parameters of this schedule Note 2: Explanation of codes: A - Expense allowance as determj ned by City Council L - Longevity pay is $5 per ITIonth for each year of service. B - City benefits and eligibility are determined by the City Council fronl time lo tio1e I N Incentive pay is determined by the City Manager, not to exceed a. $90 monthly for academic degree held. b. $90 monthly for professional fire fighter certifications c. $120 monthly for in-service training and other certitlcations Note 3; Explanation of codes: CPO - Must be certified peace oftlcer CrOCi) - Must be a certified peace officer if designated arson investigator for a shift. CPM - Must be certified as a Paran1cdic. CPE - Must be certified as EMT or Paramedic. Exhibit "B" Personnel Tables Public Works Department Positions are hereby created, established and classified for the Fire Department, as set oul in this schedule~ The duties of each position are as prescribed in the City's Charter ~ ordinances, resolutions, motions, rules, regu [ations~ administrati ve orders, deparlmenlal rules and orders and job descriptions as amended from time to time. The saiary for each position is prescribed by this schedule~ This schedule takes the place of all lists, classifications; and schedules previously adopted or observed. The department is hereby reorganized as shown in this schedule, and any position not included in this schedule is abolished. Mini mUlTI Maximun1 Add i tional Other NUlllber Base Pay Base Pay Pay items Provisions Descriplion Authorized See Note J See Note 1 See Note 2 Note 3 Ass! stan t Ci ty Ma nager 1 $ 84,291 $ 112,950 A;L;B G Office Manager 1 $ 41., 802 $ 56, 179 L; B ;1 G Pu b lie Warks Secretary 1 $ 26,032 $ 34,986 L;B ; I G Chief Building Official 1 $ 53,214 $ 71,3.12 L;B ;1 G Plans Examiner 1 $ 4:1 ,802 $ 56,179 L; B ;1 G Senior Building Inspector I $ 4 1 ,802 $ 56,179 L; B ;1 G Building Inspector 1 $ 35,737 $ 48,029 L;B ;1 G Code Enforcen1entlACO .I $ 35,737 $ 48,029 L;B ;1 G De v. S yes Secretary 2 $ 26,032 $ 34,984 L;B ;1 G Ci ty Planner/Forester .l $ 53,2 I 4 $ 7 .1 ,3 12 L; B ;1 G Planning and Dev. Assistant I $ 35,737 $ 48,029 L;B ;1 G Genera I Serv ices Super in tende n t 1 $ 53,214 $ 71,312 L;B ;.1 G Crew Leader 4 $ 30)884 $ 41,506 L;B ;1 O,U Traffic Technician 1 $ 30,884 $ 41,506 L; B ;1 G Mechanic 1 $ 29,672 $ 39 t877 L;B ;1 G Maintenance Worker I 3 $ 22,393 $ 30,095 L;B ; I G Eq u i p ITlen t Operator 1 $ 28,458 $ 38,246 L;B ;1 G Matenance Worker II 2 $ 22,393 $ 30,095 L;B ;1 G Operations Superintendent I $ 53,214 $ 7 I ,3 12 L; B ;1 U Projects Coordinator 1 $ 35,737 $ 48,029 L;B ;1 U Field Services Supervisor I $ 41,803 $ 56,179 L;B ; I U Plant Supervisor I $ 4.1 ,803 $ 56, 179 L;B ;1 U .Equipment Operator I $ 28,458 $ 38,246 L;B ;1 U Lead Plan t 0 perata r "1 $ 30,884 $ 41 ,506 L;B ;1 U Data Acquistion Technician 1 $ 28,458 $ 38,246 L; B ;1 U Plan t Opera to r 2 $ 28,458 $ 38,246 L;B ;1 U Crew Chief - Solid Waste 1 $ 30,884 $ 41,506 L;B ; I S Dri ve r 5 $ 23,606 $ 3 1 ,725 L;B;T S Equipment Operator - Recycling 1 $ 28,458 $ 38,246 L;B ;1 S N ate I: The actual rate of compensation is determined by the City Manager within the parameters of this schedule Note 2: Explanation of codes: A - Expense allowance as determined by City Council .L - Longevity pay is $5 per month for each year of service. B ~ City benefits and eligibility are deteflnined by the City Council From time to time I - lncenti ve payis detern1ined by the City Manager~ not to exceed $240 monthly: a. $120 monthly for academic degree held. b. $120 n10nthly for professional certifications Note 3: G - General Fund; U - Water and Sewer Fund; S - Solid Wasle Fund Exhibit "B" Personnel Tables Parks Department Positions are hereby crealed, established and classified For the Parks Department, as set out in this schedule. The duties of each position are as prescribed in the City's Charter, ordinances, resolutions, motions, ruJes, regulations, ad[ninislrative orders, departInental rules and orders and job descriptions as amended from tinle to time. The salary for each position is prescribed by this schedule.. This schedule takes the place of all lists, classi Fications, and schedules previously adopted or observed. The department is hereby reorganized as shown in this schedule, and any position not i neI uded in this schedule is abolished. Posi ti 0 n Salary (per yearf unless otherl-vise indicated) Minin1um Maximun1 Additional Other Number Base Pay Base Pay Pay items Pro vi si 0 ns Description Authorized See Note 1 See Note 1 See Note 2 See Note 3 Parks and Recreation Director 1 $ 63 ~857 $ 85,569 A;L;B Ad mi nistrati ve Assistant ] $ 35.,737 $ 48,029 L;B Friends of WestU Parks Dir. ] $ 30 ~ 997 L;B P Selli or Servi ces Manager 1 $ 43,622 $ 58,624 L;B S en i or Acti vi ty Coordinator 1 $ 26~O32 $ 34,986 L;B B u i I di ng Maintnenace Su per. "I $ 41,803 $ 56,179 L;B Parks and Rec reasti on Mai n t I 1 $ 22,393 $ 30,095 L;B Recreation Manager 1 $ 43,622 $ 58,624 L;B Note .1: The actual rate of compensation is detennined by the City Manager within the parameters of this schedule Note 2: Explanation of codes: A - Expense allowance as determ i ned by Ci ty Co unci I L - Longevity pay is $5 per month for each year of service. B - City benefits and eligibility are determined by the City Council froIn tilne to tilne Note 3: Ex p lanati on 0 f codes: P - Position not classified, pay is set by City Manager Exhibit "B" Personnel Tables Administration Positions are hereby created, estahlished and classified for the Administration Departlnent, as set out in this schedule~ The duties of each position are as prescribed in the City~s Charter't ordinances, resolutions, motions, rules, regulations, administrati ve orders, departlnental rules and orders and job descriptions as amended from time to time~ The salary for each position is prescribed by this scheduIe~ This schedu"le takes the place of all lisls, classifications, and schedules previ OilS I y adopted or observed.. The departlTlent is hereby reorgan ized as sho\vn in this sched ule, and any position not included in this schedule is abolished. Descri pti 0 n Number Authorized Salary (per year~ unless otherwise indicated) .Minimulu Maximum Additional Base Pay Base Pay Pay itelTIS See Note 1 See Note .I See Note 2 Other Provisions Pasi ti 0 n Ci ty Man ager Ci ty Secretary HRlRisk Manager Administrati ve Assistant Ass is tan t to the City Manager .1 I I O~5 I Determi ned d irec tI y by Cou nci I Determi ned di rectI y by Co unci I $ 63,857 $ 85,569 $ 35,738 $ 48,028 $ 41,803 $ 56,179 A;L;B A;L;B L;B L;B L;B Annual Contract Note 1: The actual rate of compensation is detemlined by the City Manager within the parameters of this scheduJe except for the City Manager and the City Secretary whose actual rate of compensation is determined directly by the City Council. Note 2: Explanation of codes: A - Expense allowance as determined by City Council L - Longevity pay is $5 per month for each year of service. B - City benefits as determined by the City Council from time to time