HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1752 - budget 2004 ORDINANCE NO. 1752 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2004 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2004; APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR SUCH BUDGET; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY WHEREAS, as reqllired by the City Charter al1d state law, tIle City Mmlager l1as prepared aIld sublnitted to tIle City COUllCil a budget witll estinlates of expellditllres aJ.ld revenues of all city divisions illld activities for tile year begilming J anllary 1, 2004 alld ending Deceluber 31, 2004; alld WHEREAS, such blldget has been timely filed with tIle City Secretary, tIle City Cowlcilllas had sufficient time to review and revise stIch budget and notice of a public llearing llpon stIch budget has been duly given; 811d WHEREAS, a public l1earing has beel1 11eld, and. all taxpayers and illterested persons were provided atl opporuluity to attel1d and participate in suell hearillg; and WHEREAS, public participation., input alld suggestions regardillg the budget llave been received and COllsidered by tile City Council, and tile City Council has made cllanges as tIle City COlll1Cil considers warranted by law in tIle best illterest of tIle municipal taxpayers, and the City Council l1as found and deterlnined tllat the budget adopted by tl1is ordinllilce does not allow expenditllres dllring tIle budget period in excess of fiUld.s estilnated to be on hand durillg tIle Salne period; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectiol1 1. ~ TIle Inatters and facts set Ollt ill tIle preamble of this ordillallce are found. and d.eterlnined to be true al1d correct illld are l1ereby approved al1d adopted. by tIle City COUI1Cil. Sectioll 2. TIle eigllt page docUlnellt elltitled. "City of West University Place Budget, For the Fiscal Year BegilU1ing Jmll1ary 1,2004 and En.di11g Decem.ber 31,2004" ("Bu.dget") is Ilereby approved aIld adopted. A trlle copy of tIle Budget is attaclled. to alld made a part of this ordil1ance. FUl1ds ill tIle amounts illdicated ill suell Budget for eac11 nUld are appropriated for tIle purposes and .projects described ill sllell Budget. Sectioll 3 ~ Tllat tllis ordinatlCe approvillg and adopting tIle Bu.dget is Inade ill all tllil1gS in accordance witll tile terll1S alld provisiol1S of tIle City C11arter of tIle City of West University Place, Texas and tile laws of tIle State of Texas alld sllall be illterpreted al1d construed in compliance therewitll. Section 4~ All ordinal1ces alld parts of ordinallces ill COllflict llerewitll are llereby repealed to tIle extel1t of tIle C011flict only. Section 5. If any word, plnase, clause, se11tel1ce, paragralJll, section or otller IJart of tllis ordillance or tIle ap.plicatiol1 tllereof to any perSOll or circrullstal1ce, sIla.I.l ever be l1eld. to be illvalid or llnconstitutiol1al by any court of competeJlt jllrisdiction, 11eitller tIle remail1deroftllis ordillal1ce, 110rtIle application ofsu.cll word,.pl1fase, clallse, selltellce, paragraph, section, or otb.er part of tllis ordinance to allY otller persons or circu.rn,stances, sllall be affected tllere.by. Sectioll 6. T.he City COllncil officially finds, deterlnilles an,d declares t11at a sufficiel1t vvrittel1 notice of tIle date, hOllr, place alld su.bj ect of eacll1neeting at Wllicll tllis ordinllilce was disclIssed, considered, or acted llpOl1 was given ill t11e ll1a1111er reqllired by tIle Open Meetil1gs Act, Cllapter 551, Texas Local Goveolluellt Cod.e, as anlellded, and. t11at eac11 SllCIl meetillg l1as been opell to tile pu.blic as required by law at all tilnes durillg stIch discussiol1, COllsideratiol1 and. actioll. The City COllllCil ratifies, ap.proves al1d confirms suell notices and tIle COlltellts llild poStil1g thereof. Section 7 ~ After adoption of tIle Blldget, tIle City Manager s11all provide for the filing of a true COIJY of tIle Bu.dget (alld each amendluent) in tIle office of th.e COUllty Clerl< of Harris County, Texas~ Sectiol1 8. TIle Pllblic ilnportance of tllis measure and tIle requirelnellts of tIle law create all elnergency alld all llrgellt pu.blic l1ecessity requirillg tllat tllis Ord:il1al1ce be passed. and tal<e effect as all elnergellCY nleasure, aIld. a state of ell1ergel1CY is l1ereby declared, and tllis Ordillal1ce is accordingly passed as all el11ergency Ineasure alld s11all talce effect il1ll11ediately u.pan adoption and signature. PASSED AND APPROVED AND ADOPTED, this 8tll day of October 2003. VOtil1g Aye: Mayor Pro Tern Sega I, Council Members Fog fer and Woods Voting Nay; None Absent: Mayor Ballanfant and CounciJ Member Farley ATTEST: (SEAL) Ka Yilll Holloway City Secretary Steven Segal Mayor Pro Tern Recommended: Reviewed: Michael R ~s City Manager (SEAL) Jim Dougherty City Attofl1ey CITY OF WEST .UNIVE.RSITY :PLACE .BU.DG.ET .FOR T.H:r~ FISCAL YEAR .BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2004 AND .ENDING DECEM.BER 31, 2004 2002 2003 2004 Actual Estin1uted Bud_get I G.ENE.RAL FUND .BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 4,963,411 $ 4~3 88,69 I $ 5,366,754 Less: ObI igati ons (1,970,163) (1. )607,096) (2,377,242) NET BEGINNING BALANCE 2,993,248 2,781~595 2,989 ~512 REVENUES Ad ValOrelTI Taxes 4,519,428 4,770,270 5,058,480 City Sales Tax 939,577 780,000 585,000 Franchise Fees 877,185 892,890 929,600 Licenses and Pennits 386.J24 451,000 467,100 Fees for S ervi ces 466,467 485,000 552,000 Other Charges and Fees 154,244 187,500 ] 62,950 .Recreation Fees 325,209 420,000 417,700 Fines and COUlt Costs 304,811 325,000 340,000 Other Revenues 390,868 380,400 3 6 8~400 Interfund Transfers 631 ~OOO 631 ~OOO 710,000 TOTAL REVENU:ES 8,994,913 9,323,060 9,591,230 EX PEN 0 l.TU.RE S AdJnin i stration 771,888 554,260 632,460 Finance 1,642~909 1,432,520 1. ,467,800 Police 2,669,209 2,775,735 2,754,430 Fire 1,758; 732 1,906,400 2,096,820 Public Works 1,521,344 1,580,598 1,713,590 Parks and Recreation 842,484 865 )630 923~940 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,206,566 9,115,143 9,589,040 NET REVENUES (.EXPEND.ITURES) (211,653) 207,917 2,190 NET .ENDING BALANC.E 2,781,595 2,989,512 2,991,702 Cash 4,388,691 5,366,754 4,991,702 Obligations (1) $ (1 ;607,096) $ (2,3 77 ,242) $ (2,000,000)1 (1) Includes $145,000 for the City Manager's eluploy.!nent contract CITY OF W.EST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDG.ET FOR THE :FISCAL .V.EAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2004 AND .ENDING DECEMBE.R 31, 2004 2002 2003 2004 I Actual Estilnated Budget :D.EBT S:ERVICE :FUND .BEGINNING .BALAN.CE Cash $ 633,071 $ 3,696,119 $ 3,697,000 Less; Obligations - (3,128,294) (3,056,265) NET BEGINNING BALAN.CE 633,071 567,825 640,735 REVEN.UES Ad ValorelTI Taxes 5,198)477 5,970,000 6,366,000 Interest 5 1 ) 907 50,000 10,000 TOT AL .REVENUES 5,250,384 6,020,000 6,376,000 EXPENDITU.RES .Debt Service and Fees 5,315,630 5,951,100 6,429,050 TOT AL .EXPENDITU.RBS 5,315,630 5,951,100 6,429,050 NET R.EVENUES (EXP.ENDITU.RES) (65,246) 68,900 (53,050) NET ENDING BA.LANCE 567,825 636,725 587,685 Cash 3,696,119 3,697,000 3,697,000 I Obligations $ (3)] 28,294) $ (3,O60~275) $ (3,109,3 15) CITY OF WEST UNIVE.RSITY PLACE BUDG..ET .FOR THE FISCA..L YEAR BEGINNING. JANUA.RY 1,2004 AND :ENDING DECE.MBER 31, 2004 2002 2003 2004 I Actual Esthnated Budget WATER .FUND B:EGINNING :BALANCE Cash $ 1,625,490 $ 836,770 $ 174,240 Less: Obligations - - - NET .BEGINNING BALANCE 1,625,490 836,770 l 74,240 REVENUES S erv ice Charges 3,115,030 3,500,000 4,500,000 Interest 159,309 150,000 lOO,OOO Other 11 9, "I 72 lO,OOO 10,000 TOT AL REVENUES 3,393,5"\1 3,660,000 4,610,000 EXp.ENDITURES Public Works 2,416,602 2,544,480 2,527,460 Non-Depattmental "1,765,629 1,778,050 1,730,340 TOT AL EXP..ENDITU.RES 4, 182,231 4,322,530 4,257,800 NET REVENUES (EXPEN.DITURES) (788,720) (662,530) 352,200 NET ENDING BALANCE 836)770 174,240 526,440 Cash 11,547 1,990,663 526,440 Obligations $ - $ - $ - CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY .P.LACE BUDGET :FOR THE FISCAL Y.EAR B.EGINNING JAN.UARY 1, 2004 AND :ENDING D:ECEMBER 31, 2004 2002 Actual 2003 EstiJnated 2004 Budget W A T.E.R FUND CAPJ.T AL RESERVE .BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 196,443 $ 347,042 $ 117 ~ 023 Less: Ob ligations - (21,159) - NET BEGINNING BALANCE 196,443 325,883 11 7,023 REV.ENUES Transfers from: Water and Sewer Fund 200,000 - 25,000 Interest 6,497 5,000 5,000 TOTAL REVENUES 206,497 5,000 30,000 EXPENDITURES Ca p ital Projects M.eter replacelnent progralTI - .129,000 75,000 Water rate study - 40,000 - Liftstation repairs 77,057 - 50,000 Fiscal 2002 repair contingency - 44,860 20,000 TOT A.L EXPEN.DITURES 77,057 213,860 145,000 NET R.EVEN.UES (EXPENDITURES) 129,440 (208,860) CI15~OOO) NET ENDING .BALANCE 325,883 117,023 2,023 Cash 345,796 115,730 20,730 Obligations $ (19,913) $ - $ - CITY OF WEST UNIV.ERSITY .PLACE BUDGET FOR T.HE FISCA.L YEAR B:t~GINNING JANUARY 1,2004 AND .ENDING DECEMBER 31,2004 2002 2003 2004 Actual .Estimated Budget SOLID WASTE FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ - $ 57,814 $ 103,673 Less: 0 b ligati ons (58,358) (111,891) - NET BEGINNING BALANCE (58,358) (54,077) 103,673 REVENUES Service Charges 864~748 938,000 940,000 Sa} es of Recyc) ab Ie Mated a 1 - 100,000 100,000 Interest l,796 .J 0,000 10,000 Transfer frcIn Other Funds 50,000 87 ~670 - TOTAL REVENU.ES 916,544 1,135,670 1 ,O50~OOO .EXPENDITURES Operations 722,263 787,920 820,960 Admin is tra tion 190,000 190,000 200,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 912,263 977 )920 :1 ,020,960 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 4,281 157,750 29,040 N.ET ENDING BALANCE ( 54,077) 103,673 132,713 Cash 57,814 103,673 132,713 Ob ligations $ (111,891) $ - $ - CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET .FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2004 AND ENDIN.G DECEMBER 31, 2004 2002 2003 2004 Actual Esthnated Budget CA.PIT AL .PROJECTS FUN.D BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 336,365 $ 446,449 $ 197,949 .Less: Obligations - - - NET BEGINNING BALANCE 336,365 446,449 197,949 REVEN.U.ES Transfers from: General Fund 250,000 - - Recycling Fund 25,000 25,000 - Grants 16,498 35,000 835,000 Interest 5,222 5,000 35,000 Friends of West .U Parks 529,111 - - Contributions 25 - - TOT AL REVENUES 825,856 65,000 870,000 EXPENDITURES IlnaginglAgenda M.anagement - - 35,000 WestU Recreation Center - 125,000 - Downtown/Edloe Project 64,976 55,000 954,180 Multi - 11led ia fo r C.i ty Ha II - - 25,000 COlnpleted projects 650~ 796 133~500 - Fiscal Year 2002 Contingency - - 25 )000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 715,772 313,500 1,039,180 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 110,084 (248,500) (169,180) N.ET ENDING BALANCE 446,449 197,949 28,769 Cash 429,926 441,426 88,769 Obligations $ - $ - $ - CITY O:F WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JA.N.UARY 1,2004 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2004 2002 2003 2004 Actual EstiInated Bud_get J "INFRASTRUCTURE .REp.LACEM.ENT FU.ND BEGINNING .BALANCE Cash $18,945,925 $ 16,689,468 $ 16,011,238 Less: ObI igati OTIS - - - NET BEGINNING BALANCE 18,945,925 16,689,468 16,011,238 REVENUES Gran ts 259~OOO 259,000 2591000 Bond Proceeds 12,596,240 9,918,330 - Interest 469,478 470,000 350,000 TOT AL REVENUES 13,324,718 10,647,330 609,000 .EXPENDITU.RES Area 5.B/6A - 820,000 200,550 Pipe .Bu rsti ng 63,185 25,000 494,220 Area 78 3,787,685 1,035,360 2 1,200 Area 8 4,887,359 2,000,000 1,048,820 Area 9 2,697,208 4,000,000 1,11.4,140 A.rea 1 0 35,189 2,000,000 6,756,520 Area IIA 3,607,804 750,000 712,320 Area lIB 15,169 545,200 6,754,920 Area 12 296,148 - - Drainage study 45,057 - - C0l11p leted proj ects 11,077 - - Ad Luiu istrative & Issuance Costs l35,294 150)000 - Contingency - - 100,000 TOT AL EXP.ENDITURES 15,581,175 11,325,560 1 7,202,690 NET REVEN.UES (EXPENDITURES) (2,256,457) (678,230) (16,593,690) N.ET .ENDING BALANCE 16,689,468 16,0.l 1,238 (582,452) Cash 16,689,468 15,517,018 - Ob li gati OTIS $ - $ - $ (486,452) 1 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET .FOR THE FISCAL Y.EAR BEGINNlNG JANUARY 1,2004 AND ENDING DECEM,BER 31,2004 2002 2003 2004 Actual Estimated Budget I SID.EW ALK CONSTRUCTION FUN.D BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 4,975,333 $ 4~884,616 $ 4,734,616 Less: Obligations - - - NET BEGINNING BALANCE 4,975,333 4,884,616 4,734,616 REVENUES Interest 113,143 100,000 120,000 TOT A.L REVENUES 113,143 100,000 120,000 EXP.ENDITURES Sidewalk Construction 203 ~860 250,000 4,854,620 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 203,860 250,000 4,854,620 NET .REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) (90,717) (150,000) ( 4,734,620) NET ENDING .BALANCE 4,884,61 6 4,734,616 (4) Cash 4,975,333 4,624,593 - ObI igati ons $ - $ - $ - CITY OF WEST U.NIVERSITY .PLACE BUDGET FOR T.H..E .FISCAL Y.EAR BEGINNING JANU.A.RY 1, 2004 AN..D ENDING D.ECEMBER 31, 2004 2002 2003 2004 A ctua' Estinlated Budget .EQUIPM.ENT R.EPLAC.EMENT F.UND .B.EGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 201,810 $ 252,181 $ 269,641 :Less: Ob ligations - - - NET BEGINNING BALANCE 201,810 252,181 269,64 I REVENUES Transfers from other Funds 256,000 279,060 173,050 Other .Revenues 14,760 - - Interest 6,335 7,250 7,250 TOTAL REVENUES 277,095 286,310 180,300 EXPEN.DITURES Rep lacenlent Equ iplnent 226,724 268,850 230,000 TOT AL EXPENDITURES 226,724 268,850 230,000 NET REVENU.ES (EXPENDITURES) 50,371 17,460 (49~700) N.ET ENDING :BALANCE 252,181 269,641 219,941 Cash 201,810 248,450 238,860 I Ob ligations $ - $ - $ - CITY OF WEST UNI.VERSITY PLACE BUDGET .FOR THE FISCAL V.EAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2004 AND ENDING D.ECEMBER 31, 2004 2002 2003 2004 I Actual Estimated Budget PARKS FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 8,070 $ 9,416 $ 11 ~616 Less: Obligations - - - NET BEGINNING BALAN.CE 8,070 9,416 11,616 REVENUES Contributions 1,156 2,000 2,000 .Interest 190 200 200 TOT AL REVENUES 1,346 2,200 2,200 EXPENDITURES P arks and Recreation - - 13,800 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - 13,800 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) 1,346 2,200 (11,600) N.ET ENDING BALANCE $ 9,416 $ 11,616 $ 16 Cash 5,461 1,270 3,470 Obligations - - - CITY OF WEST UNIV..ERSITY P..LACE BUDGET FO.R THE FISCAL YEAR BEGIN.NING JANU.ARY 1,2004 AND .ENDING DECEM:.BER 31, 2004 2002 2003 2004 Actual Estimated Budget SENIOR CITIZ.ENS ACTIVITY .FUND BEGINNING BALANC.E Cash $ 923 $ 248 $ 248 Less: 0 b ligati ons - - - NET BEGINNING BALANCE 923 248 248 REVENUES Interest on investInents - 100 100 Senior Citizen's Activity Fees 271 2~ 400 2~400 TOTAL REVENUES 271 2~500 2,500 EXPENDITURES Senior Activities 946 2,500 2,500 TOT AL E.XPENDITURES 946 2,500 2,500 N.ET .REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) (675) - - N.ET ENDING BALANCE 248 248 248 Cash 264 264 274 I Obligations $ - $ - $ - CITY OF WEST UNIV.ERSITY PLACE B'UDG.ET FOR TH.E .FISCAL V.EAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2004 AND EN:DING 'DECEMBE.R 31,2004 2002 2003 2004 I Actual Es ti nlated Budget COURT TECHNOLOGY FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 2,489 $ 1 ,604 $ 1,604 Less: Obligations - - - N'ET BEGINNING BALANCE 2,489 1,604 1,604 REVENUES Interest on investlnents 43 - - Court Fees 14,576 14,000 14,000 TOTAL REVENUES 14,6 t 9 14,000 14,000 EXP:ENDITURES Data Processing Eq u i plnent 15,504 14,000 15,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 15,504 14,000 1 5,000 NET REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) (885) .. (1,000) NET ENDING BALANCE 1 ,604 :1 ,604 604 Cash "1 ,604 1,604 1 O,60~ I Obligations $ - $ - $ CITY OF WEST U.NIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2004 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2004 2002 2003 2004 Actual 'Esti Inated .Budget DIRECT DENTAL REIMBURSEMENT FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ - $ (1,059) $ 4,041 Less: Obligations - - - NET B:EGINNING BALANCE - (1,059) 4)041 REVEN'UES Interest on investnlents - 100 100 Contributions 24,857 15,000 15,000 TOT AL REVENUES 24,857 1 5, 100 15,100 NET REV.ENUES (.EXP'.ENDITURES) (24,857) (16,159) (11,059) EXPENDITURES Benefits 25,916 10,000 10;000 TOT AL EXPEND ITU.R'ES 25,916 :I 0)000 10;000 NET ENDING BALANCE (l,059) 4,041 9,141 Cash 1,604 1,604 I O,60~ I Obligations $ - $ - $