HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1720 - Budget 2003 l. ORDINANCE NO. 1720".:. ...< AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2003 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2003; APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR SUCH BUDGET; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY WHEREAS, as required by tIle City Cllarter and state law, the City Manager has prepared and submitted to tIle City COUI1Cil a blldget witll estimates of expendiulres and revenlles of all city divisions and activities for tIle year begiIulil1g Janu.ary 1, 2003 alld el1dil1g Decelnber 31, 2003; and. WHEREAS, such budget has beell timely filed witll the City Secretary, the City Councilllas had. sufficient time to review and revise stIch bu.dget and 110tice of a pu.blic llearing upon SUCll budget llas been duly given; and WHEREAS, a pllblic l1earing has been l1eld, and. all tax.payers and interested persons were provided an opportunity to atten,d and participate in su.ch hearing; and WHEREAS, public participation, il1pllt alld suggestions regarding the budget l1ave been received alld considered by tIle City COUllCiI, and. tIle City Council has :made cllanges as the City Council COl1sid,ers warral1ted by law in tile best illterest of tIle 111lmicipal taxpayers, and tIle City COlillCil has fOlll1d al1d determined tllat tIle b.udget adopted by tllis ordinance does not allow expenditures dllril1g tIle blldget period in excess of funds estimated to be 011 hand during the same period; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. TIle matters alld facts set out ill tile !Jreml1ble of tllis ordillance are f01Uld and determil1ed to be true and correct and are 11ereby approved and adopted .by tIle City Council. Sectioll 2. TIle eigllt page document entitled "City of West University Place ( Budget, For tile l~lscal Year Begilll1ing Jalluary 1,2003 alld Ending Decernber 31,2003" ("Bu.dget") is llereby approved and adopted. A true copy of tIle Blld.get is attac11ed to ao.d made a part of this ordinance. Funds in tIle amounts indicated. in SllCll Blldget for eacll ftInd are appropriated for the purposes and projects described ill SllCll Blldget. Section 3. Tllat tllis ordinance approving and adopting tIle Blldget is made in all tIlings ill accordance witll tIle terlns and. provisiol1S of tIle City Cllarter of tIle City of West University Place, Texas alld the laws of tile State of Texas al1d sllall be illterpreted and COllstrued ill compliaI1Ce therewitll. Section 4. All ordinances and. parts of ordinances in conflict herewitl1 are l1ereby repealed to the extel1t of the C011flict only. SeetiO!l 5. If any word, pInase, clause, sente.nce, paragraph, section or otller part of tllis ordinal1ce or tile application. 111ereof to IDlY person or cirCllffistance, s11all ever be 11eld to be invalid or UllCOllstitutiollal by allY COtut of competellt jurisdictiol1, neitl1er the remainder of this ordinal1ce, 110r tIle applicatiol1 of sllell word, pllrase, clause, selltellce, paragraph, section, or otller part of tllis ordinatlCe to allY otller persol1s or circumstaI1CeS, sllall be affected. thereby. Section 6. The City COUllCil officially finds, determil1es alld declares tllat a sufficient writtel1 notice of tIle date, 11ol1r, place and sllbject of each Ineetillg at Wllicll tllis ordinallce was disclIssed, considered, or acted UpOll was given ill tile Inanner required by tIle Opell Meetings Act, Cllapter 551, Texas Local Govern.ment Code, as aIl1el1ded, alld t11at each such Ineeting l1as been open to the pllblic as required. .by law at all tilnes duril1g SllCh discussion, COl1sideration and action. TIle City Council ratifies, approves alld cOl1firms suell notices and tile COlltents Cllld posting thereof. Sectiol1 7. After adoption of the Budget, tIle City Ma11ager sllall provide for tIle filil1g of a trlle copy of tIle Budget (atld eacll amel1dment) in tIle office of tIle COl111ty Clerl< of Harris COUl1ty, Texas. Section. 8. TIle pllblic importal1ce of tllis measure alld the requirelnents of tIle law create an emergency alld an urgellt public necessity requiril1g tllat this Ordinance be passed. and take effect as an emergency nleaSllfe, alld. a state of ernergel1CY is l1ereby declared, and tllis Ordinallce is accordingly passed as an emergel1CY 111eaSllre al1d sIlall talce effect inlmediately llpon adoptiol1 and signature. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST AND FINAL READING, tllis 7t11 day of October 2002. Voting Aye: ~~~~~~,,~ ~ Voting Nay: ~d~ ~ Absent: 71~ Recolrunel1d.ed: ....~ Reviewed: CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY P.LACE :BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2003 AND ENDING .O.ECEMBE.R 31, 2003 2001 Actual 2002 Estim ated 2003 Budget GENERA.L FUND BEGINNING .BA:LANCE Cash $ 5)132~316 $ 4,963,411 $ 5,238,470 Less: 0 b ligati 0 os (1,138,786) (1,970,163) (2,377,242) N.El' .B.EG.lNNINU BALANCE 3,993,530 2,993,248 2,86.1 ~228 .REVENU.ES Ad Valorelll Taxes 4,166,847 4,470,150 4,770,270 City SaJes Tax 896,958 908,560 9] 5,000 Fran ch ise Fees 533,646 558,000 565,000 Licenses and Perolits 472,081 439,000 453,000 Fees for Services 338,277 462,000 350,000 Other Charges and Fees 190,629 148,000 191,000 Recreation Fees 372,637 41.5,000 415,000 Fines and Court Costs 274,332 300,000 325,000 Other Revenues 444,332 530,400 53 O~400 I nterfund Transfers 631,000 631,000 844,000 'l'O'l'A.L REVENUES 8,320,739 8,862,110 9,35~,670 EXPENDITURES Ad In in i strati on 575,171 539,500 564, 11 0 Finance 2,235,006 1,616,560 1,432,730 Po Ii ce 2,468,250 2,737,700 2,933,260 F.ire 1,663,331 1,809,790 "1,906,400 Public Works 1,558,319 1,417,580 "1,663,200 Parks and Recreation 820)944 873,000 856,130 'TOT'A.L EXPENDl'l'URES 9,321 )021 8,994,130 9,355,830 NET .ENDING BALANCE 2,993,248 2,861,228 2,864,068 as Obligations CITY OF WEST .UNIVERSITY PLACE B.U.DG.ET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUA.RY 1,2003 AN.D .ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2003 Actual EstiInated Budget DEBT SERVICE FUND BEGINNING SA.LANCE Cash $ 838,547 $ 633,071 $ 569,981 Less: Obligations NET .BEGINNING BALANCE g3 8,547 633,07 ] 569,98 1 REVEN.UES Ad Valorel1) Taxes 4,366,026 5,104,250 5,970,000 Interest 120,834 100,000 50,000 rrO'l'AL KEVENUES 4~486,860 5,204,250 6,020,000 EXPENDITURES Debt S ervi ce 4,691,936 5,256,340 5,940,100 Fiscal Fees 400 11 ,000 11,000 ;l;O]~AL EXPENDiTURES 4,692,336 5,267,340 5, 9 5 I., 1 00 NET ENDING BALANCE 633,071 569,981 638,881 as 1 Ob ligations $ $ $ CITY OF WEST .UNIVERSITY PLAC:E .BU.DG.ET FO.R THE FISCAL YEAR .BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2003 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2003 .2001 2002 200::' A ctu a I .Estima ted Budget SOLID WASTE FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 1 7,8 8 :1 $ - $ - Less: Obligations - (58,358) (27,538) N.E'j' BEGINNING BA.LA.NCE 17,S 81 (58,358) (27,538) REVENUES Service Charges 855,130 925,000 1,003,200 Sales of .Recyclab Ie Material - - 100,000 lnterest 5,998 10,000 10,000 Transfer froIn Other Funds - 50,000 t 00;000 "rO'l'AL liliVENUES 861,IZg 985,000 ~ ,213,200 .EXPENDITURES Operati OilS 747,367 764,180 854,4 1 0 Administration 190,000 190,000 190,000 TO'[,AL EXPENJJl'!'UH..ES 937,367 954,180 1,044,410 NET EN.DING BALANCE (58,358) (27,538) 141,252 Cash - - 141,252 Obligations $ (58,358) $ (28,739) $ - CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAC.E BU.DGET FO.R THE FISCA.L YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2003 AND E.NDING .DECEMBER 31,2003 Actual Estimated .Budget WATER FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 2,247,253 $ 1,789,044 $ 1,813,944 Less: Obligations NET BEGINN.INU BALANCE 2,247,253 1, 789,044 .l ,S 13,944 REVENUES Servi ce Cha rges 3,115,030 4,100,000 4,605,000 Interest 159,309 275,000 200,000 Other 5,000 10,000 TOTAL REVENUES 3,274,339 4,380,000 4,~.l 5,000 EXPENDITURES Public Works 2,857,602 2,940,100 3,217,390 Non- Departluental 874,946 1,415,000 1,562,050 "rOT'AL EXPENDITURES 3,732,548 4,355, 1 00 4, 779,440 NET ENDING BALANCE 1,789,044 1,813,944 "1,849,504 as Obi igati ons $ $ $ CITY OF WEST UNIVE.RS1TY PLACE BUDGET FO.R T.HE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING J.ANUAR.Y 1, 2003 AN.D ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2003 Actu a 1 Esthnated WATER FUND CAPITAL RESERVE BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 308,512 $ 196,443 $ :Less: Obligations NET BEGINNING BALANCE 308~5.12 196,443 REVENUES Transfers from: Water and Sewer Fund 200,000 Interest 15~399 10,000 'l'O'rAL KEV.ENUES 15,399 210,000 EXPENDITURES Cap ital Projects Wakeforest GST Autonlated Ineter reading 11.0)000 .L iftstati on repairs 127,468 64,040 Fiscal 2002 repair contingency 50,000 rrOT'AL EXPbN.D.I.TU.RES 127,46g 224~040 NET ENDING BALAN.C.E 196,443 182,403 ~ .." Budget 182,403 182,403 250,000 1 0,000 260~OOO 25,000 110,000 75,000 50,000 260,000 182,403 as Obligations $ $ $ CITY OF WEST .UNIV.ERSITY PLACE B.UDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2003 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2003 2001 2002 2003 Actua 1 Estitnated Budget CAPIT AL PROJECTS FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ - $ 336,365 $ (92,36.1 ) Less: Obligations (226~884) - - NET BEGINN.l.NG BALANCE (226,884 ) 336,365 (92,361 ) REVENUES Transfers from~ General Fund 800,000 250,000 - Water and Sewer Fund - - - Parks Fund - - - Recycl i ng Fund 25,000 25,000 25,000 Gran ts - - 2,362,080 Interest 17,086 50,000 35,000 Other Revenues - - - Certificates of Obligation 3,325,000 - - Contributions - - 400,000 T'OT'AL REV EN U ES 4,167,086 325,000 2,822,080 EXPENDITURES Street lights - 25,000 1,500,000 Gateway signage - - 37,500 Geograpic Information Study - 20,000 - Acquire YMCA Property 3,395,314 25,000 - WestU Community Center - - "125,000 .Downtown/Edloe Project - 50,000 "1,055,000 Whitt Johnson Park 208,523 - - Conlpleted proj ects - 633~726 - Fiscal Year 2003 Contingency - - 15,000 I'O'TAL EXP.END.lTURES 3,603,837 753,726 2,732,500 NET ENDING BALANCE 336,365 (92,361 ) (2)781) .Cash - 841,189 - Obligations $ 226,884 $ - $ (2,78 'I) CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET .FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2003 AND :ENDING D.ECEMBER 31.,2003 2001 A ctu a I 2002 .Esti mated 2003 .Budget SIDEW ALK CONSTRUCTION FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 4,993,301 $ 4,975,333 $ 4,624,593 Less: Obligations - - - NET BEGINNING BALANCE 4,993,301 4,975,333 4,624,593 R.EVENUES Interest 149,260 149,260 120,000 120~OOO TOTAL REVENUES .EXP:END ITURES Sidewalk Construction Fiscal Year 2003 Contingency TOTAL EXPEND ITURES 17,968 500)000 4,744,593 17,968 500~OOO 4,744,593 NET ENDING BALANCE Cash Obligations 4,975,333 4,975,333 4,624)593 4,624,593 $ - $ $ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BU.DGET FOR T.H.E FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING J.ANUARY 1,2003 A:N.D .ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2003 2001 2002 2003 Actual .Estitnated Budget .EQ.UIPM.ENT .REPLACEM:I~NT FUND BEGINNING BALANC.E Cash $ 145,420 $ 201. )81 0 $ 248,450 Less: Obligations - - - NET BEGINNING BALANCE 145,420 201,810 248,450 REVENUES Transfers from other Funds 334,600 339,390 276,160 Other Revenues - - 5,000 Interest 14;287 7,250 7,250 TOTAL REV.ENUES 348,887 346,640 288,410 EXPENDITURES Replacement Equ iplnent 292,497 300,000 298,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 292,497 300,000 298,000 NET .ENDING BALANCE 201,810 248)450 238,860 Cash 201,8"10 248,450 238,860 Obligations $ - $ - $ - CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY P:LAC.E :B.U.DG:ET .FOR T.HE .FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JA.N.UARY 1,2003 AND ENDING :D.ECEMBER 31,2003 20Ul 20U2 2003 Actu a I Est imated Budget PARKS FUND .S.EGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 5,773 $ 8,070 $ 1,270 .Less: 0 b ligati 0 os - - - .N.Err BEG.lNNING BALANCE 5,773 8,070 I ,270 REVENUES Co n trib uti ons 1,926 2,000 2,000 Interest 371 200 200 'ro'rAL REVENUES 2,297 2,200 2,200 EXPEND ITU.RES Parks and Recreation - 9~OOO - 'rO'l'AL EXPENDl'fUH.ES - 9,000 - N.ET ENDING .BALAN.CE $ 8,070 $ 1,270 $ 3,470 Cash 5,461 J.,270 .),470 Obligations - - - THE RECYCLING FUND BEGINNING BA.LANC.E Cash $ 34,308 $ 82,891 $ 84,391 Less: 0 b ligati ons - - - NE'l' BEGINNINU BALANCE 34,308 82,89 1 84,391 REVENUES Sales of Recyclables 68,105 110,000 15,609 Grants - - - .Interest 6,604 1,500 - T'orrA.L .REVE.NUES 74,709 111,500 I 5,609 EXPENDITURES Recycling Programs 1 ~ 126 35,000 - Transfers out 25 ~ 000 75,000 100,000 '!'O'l'AL EXPENO.I.TU.RES 26,.126 l10,000 100,000 N.ET ENDING BALANCE 82,891 84,391 - I Cash ~2,HY I ~4,.) Y 1 - o b ligati ons $ - $ - $ - CITY OF WEST UNIVE.RSITY PLAC.E :B.UDGET FOR TH.E FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2003 AND ENDING .DECEMBER 31, 2003 Actual Estitnated Budget INFRAST.RUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND BEGINNIN.G BALANCE Cash $24,335,199 $ 18)945,925 $ 11,626,471 Less: Obligations N Err .BEG INNING BALANCE 24,335, 199 1 ~,945,Y25 11,626,471 .REVENUES Gran ts 259,000 260,000 Bond Proceeds 6,390,000 12,639~ 160 Interest 952,675 958,106 To'rAL .REVENUES 7,60 l,675 13,857,266 :EXPENDITURES Area 4.B/5A 69,643 Area S.B/6A 274,473 Slip Lining of sewer line Area 6B 121,435 Area 7 A 2,648,483 251000 Area 7 B 3,467,192 3,3341420 Area 8 1 ,74 1 , 1 94 6,700,000 Area 9 388,711 5,061,300 Area to 185~949 547,200 Area I I A 309,454 4,088,500 Area liB 122,607 545,200 Area 1.2 3 )349,429 800,100 Completed projects 194,445 50,000 Adnlinistrative & Issuance Costs 117,934 25 ~ 000 Contingency TO'l'AL EXPENOfl'URES 12,990,949 21, 176~720 NET ENDING SA.LANCE 18,945,925 11,626~471 aS1 o b ligati 0 ns $ $ 260,000 8,400,000 984,096 9, 644, 096 112,000 1,000,000 500,000 .1,695,400 11.0,000 2,500,000 4,500,000 663,040 3,200,000 100,000 25,000 100,000 14,505,440 6,765) 1.27 $ r CITY OF WEST .UNIVERSITY PLAC.E BUDG.ET FOR TH.E FISCAL V.EAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2003 AND ENDING D.ECEMBER 31, 2003 Actua I Esti mated .Budget BEGINNING .BALANC.E Cash $ $ 922 $ 1 ,022 Less: Obligations NE'r BEGINNING BALANCE 922 .l , 022 REVENUES Interest on investments 100 100 Senior Citizen's Activity Fees 2, 1 73 2,500 2,500 ;rO~rAL REVENUES 2, 1 73 2,600 2,600 .EXp.END ITU.:RES Senior Activities 1,251 2,500 2,500 'l'O'!'AL EXPEN.DrrURES 1,251 2)500 2, 500 N.ET ENDING BALANCE 922 1 ,022 1 , 122 as 1 Obligations $ $ $ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET :FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2003 AN.D :ENDING DEC.EM.BER 31, 2003 Actu a 1 EstiJnated Budget BEGTNNIN.O BALANCE Cash $ $ 2,489 $ 5,489 Less: Obligations NET B.EGJNN1.NG BALANCE 2,489 S,4gy REVENUES Interest on investments 5 Court Fees 2,484 1 5,000 15,000 '!'O'l'AL llliVENU.ES 2,489 15 ) 000 15, 000 EXPENDITURES Equipment Maintenance 1,000 2,000 Data Processing .Equipment 11,000 10,000 'rO'rAL EXPENlJl'fU lZES 12,000 12,000 NET ENDING BALANCE 2,489 5,489 8,489 as 1 Ob ligations $ $ $