HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1718 - amending budget 2002 ORDINANCE NO. 1718 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2002 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2002; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT WHEREAS, it is fOUlld al1d determined. that cllal1ges in tile current blldget are l1ecessary for IDlll1icipal pllrposes atld tllat amendln.ents are necessary for emergencies of tIle l<.illd. COl1templated by state law, and it is fonnally found, determined and declared. tllat such emergellcies exist; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectioll 1. Tllat the budget of tIle City of West University Place for tIle 12 montll period .beginning Jal1uary 1, 2002, and el1dillg December 31, 2002 as 11eretofore adopted be~ illld it is l1ereby, amended. as SllOWl1 in Attaclunel1t A attaclled. Sectiol1 2. TIle City COllncil approves, adopts and ratifies tIle fil1dings set out in tIle prealnble l1ereof al1d directs tllat tIle City Secretary file a copy of tllis ordinallce with tIle COllnty clerk, ill tIle same manner as original budgets are required. to be filed.~ Section 3. All ordinances alld parts of ordil1ances ill conflict l1erewitll are l1ereby repealed to tile extent of tIle conflict DIlly Section 4. If allY word., pllrase, clallse, sel1tence, paragrapll, sectioll or otller part of this ordil1ance or the application t11ereof to any person or cirClunstallce, sllall ever be l1eld. to be invalid. or unconstitutional by allY COllrt of COlnpetel1t jurisdiction, n.eitller the relnaillder of tllis ordinal1ce, 110r the applicatioll of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragrapll, section, or other part of tl1is ordil1ance to any otller persol1s or circumstances, sllall be affected tllere by. Section 5. TIle City Call..neil officially finds, deterlnines alld. declares that a Sllfficient writtell 110tice of tile date, llour, place atld sllbject of eacll Ineetil1g at Wllicll tillS ordinal1ce was discussed, COllsidered, or acted llpon was given in tIle rnalUler reqllired. by tile Open Meetings Act, Cllapter 551, Texas Local Goverrunent Code, as amend.ed, and that eacll suc11 lneeting l1as .been open to the pllblic as required by law at all tilues duril1g sllell discussioll, consid.eratiol1 and action. The City COl111Cil ratifies, approves al1d confirms suell 110tices and. tile COlltents 8l1d posting tllereof. Sectiol16. This ordillilllce sllall become effective llpOl1 adoptio11 and. signatu.re. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading on~ f' l ~O2.,.. Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: PASSED AND APPROVED on second reading on ~~..?:3 I ;J.co~ Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: Signed: Reviewed. City Attorney .Exhib it II A tr CJ.'l'Y UF W.ES'j' U.NIV.b.KSrrY PLACE, lbXA~ BUDGET AMENDMENT 2UU2 Original Budget Amendment 2UU2 Amended Budget GENERA.L FUND ~mmrsrrar=.~~~~~<~r~~%$.zv,^~,/':'.x,.~_t~,~~~rrrzt;:rrz);t7'"~..tt%~~8^,5'0"O~~0>'('.~~'^~~~~~Y~'."~<~<'::::>:Y/$<-'.(N"-'\~1'42-:OOo~^f~)^.y-~,;.-:.,.y,v/<'<-'<..;"'S';:%$0'?ig86*9Cr:850~Y:';<'; Finance 1,632,090 1,632,090 Police 2,878,150 2,878,150 Fire 1,696,680 125,000 "1,821,680 Public Works l,612,230 1,612,230 Parks and Recreation 89"] ,900 891,900 TOTAL $ 9,259,900 $ 267,000 $ 9,526,900 SOLID WASTE FUND rt~~1~ksr."v,",,'"';".(~0;~0.~s>>>0PW","<G<~~r;""'<;'?0:0~<~r:--">.,,~7..^(., 'Y.(~"//d ~~<;~~,/......~z:v.<:f\n""~w'%'/:;'.;;:;;$~'77380~=$";("~<<:O'/Y'''~2~OO~011$"'>-<~~""'772,38trM Administration 190,000 190,000 TOTAL $ Y37,3KO $ 25,000 $ Y62~3~U