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ORDINANCE NO. 169.~ i AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2002 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2002; APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR SUCH BUDGET; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY WHEREAS, as required by tIle City Cllarter and state law, tile City Manager l1as prepared and sublnitted to the City Council a blldget witll estilllates of expellditllTes alld revenues of all city divisions al1d activities for tIle year begilmil1g January 1, 2002 alld ending December 31,.2002; and WHEREAS, stIch .budget has been timely filed wit11 tIle City Secretary, tIle City Council has had sufficiel1t time to review and revise stIch blldget alld 110tice of a }Jublic l1earil1g UpOl1 such budget has been duly given; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held, and all taxpayers 811d i11terested perSOllS were provided an opportunity to attend and participate in such 11earil1g; alld WHEREAS, public participation, input alld suggestions regardil1g tIle bltdget have been received and considered by the City Council, and tIle City COl111Cill1as Inade cha.tlges as tile City Council COl1siders warrmlted by law in tIle best il1terest of tile lTIunicipal taxpayers, and tIle City Council 11as fOllnd atld deterlnilled tllat tIle blldget adopted by this ordinance does 110t allow expellditures dln~il1g tIle blldget period. ill excess offunds estimated to be on hand during tIle same period; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Sectiol1 1. TIle luatters and facts set out ill tIle preatnble of this ordillance are found and determined. to be true atld correct aIld are l1ereby approved and adopted .by tile City Council. r . ( Section.~...L. TIle l1ine page d.ocU1l1ent entitled '''city of West Ulliversity Place Budget, For tIle Fiscal Year Begilmi11g January 1,2002 and Elldjllg Decel11ber 31 ~ 2002~~ ("Budget") is l1ereby approved alld adopted. A trlle copy of the Blldget is attacl1ed to and luade a part of tl1is ordinance. FUllds in the mTIOU.11ts indicated. in. sue11 Bud.get for eacll fulld are appropriated for tIle purposes al1d projects described ill SllCll Blld,get. S.ection 3. That this ordillance approvillg ffild ad.opting tlle Bu.dget is l11ad.e ill all things ill accordance witll tIle terms aI1d provisions of tIle City C:harter of tIle City of West Ulliversity Place, Texas and the laws of tIle State of Texas and. s11all be il1terpreted and construed ill compliance tllerewith~ Section 4. All ordinances al1d patiS of ordinances ill conflict l1erewitll are llereby repealed to the extent of tIle COl1flict only. Section 5. If any word, plu~ase, clause, sentel1ce, paragrapll, sectioll or otller part of this ordinallCe or tIle applicatioll tllereof to IDlY .person or CirClUTIstance, sllall ever be held to be invalid or lillCOllstitutional by any court of compete!lt jurisdictio:n~ l1either tIle remaillder of this ordinance, 110rtIle applicatiollofsllellword, pllrase, clallse~ sel1tel1.ce~ paragrapll, section, or other part of tllis ord.il1ffilce to allY otller perSOlls or cirClUl1sta11ces~ sllall be affected thereby. Sectioll 6. TIle City COl111Cil officially finds, deterll1illes and declares that a sufficiel1t written 110tice of tIle date, 11ol1r, place and sllbject of eaclll11eetillg at Wllicll this ordinance was discussed, considered, or acted llpOll was givel1 ill tile l11atuler reqllired by tIle Open Meetillgs Act, Chapter 551, Texas Local Goverl1Jl1el1t Code, as all1e11ded~ and tIlat each stIch meeting l1as beell opell to tIle pllblic as required by law at all till1es dllrillg such. discussion, consideratiol1 aIld actioll. TIle City COllllCil ratifies, a}Jproves al1cl confirms such notices and the contents aJ.ld posting tllereof. Section 7. After adoption of tIle Budget, tIle City Mal1ager sllall provide for tIle filing of a true copy of the Budget (and each amendlnel1t) ill tIle office of tIle COllllty Clerk of Harris County, Texas. Section 8. This ordinal1ce s11all becolne effective llp011 ado:ptiol1 al1d sig.nature. f, Sectio119. TIle pllblic :il11portance of tllis lueasllre. and the reqllirell1eJ1ts of the law create an elnergel1cy a11d. an llrge11t public l1ecessity reql1iril1g tllat tllis Ordina11ce be passed and tal(e effect as all emergel1CY l11eaSllre, and a state of ell1ergellcy is hereby declared, alld tllis Ordillal1ce is accordil1gly passed as an ernergeJ1CY ll1eaSllre and shall tal<e effect immediately upon adoption. and sigl1atuTe. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING, this I ~day of &~ 2001. Voting Aye: VOtillg Nay: Absent: PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING, this ~y of ~ 2001. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Siglled.: ATTEST: I( IYlm Holloway City Secretary (SEAL) Jill1 DOllgl1eliy City Attorney CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY P.LAC.E .BUDGET FO.R THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2002 AND .ENDING DEe.EMBER 31, 2002 2000 Actual 2001 Est ima ted 20U2 Budget GENERAL FUND :SEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 5,285,710 $ 5,132~316 $ 5; 7 I 7 ~ 744 Less: Obligations (1,064,510) (1~138,786) (2,377 ~242) NET' BEGINNING BALANC.E 4,221,200 3;993,530 3,340,502 .REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes 3,605,950 4,130,000 4,467,150 City Sales Tax 828,5 12 862,850 558,000 Franchise Fees 786,672 550,000 875,000 .L icen ses an d Permits 492,778 445,530 502,500 Fees for Services 372,955 352,100 482,000 Other Charges and Fees 160,828 .170,000 199,250 Recreati on Fees 380,902 401,000 404,500 Fines and Court Costs 274,000 326,000 365~OOO Other Revenues 698,230 370,600 525,500 Interfund Transfers 631,000 631,000 631,000 ]'01'AL .REV.ENUES g,231 ,~27 g,23 9,080 Y~OOt),YUO EXPENDITU.RES Adln ini strati on 596,942 563,920 548,850 Finan ce 1,830,321 2,064,230 "] ,632,090 Police 2,087,53 1 2,383,681 2,878, 150 Fire 1 )584~O36 1,629,969 1,696,680 Public Works 1,548,034 1,490,418 1,612,230 Parks and Recreation 812,636 759,890 891,900 'l'O'l'AL EXPENVrrUIZES ts,459,500 S ,892, 108 l),25Y~YOU NET :ENDIN.G BALANCE 3,993,527 3,340,502 3,090;502 $ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY .PLACE B.U.DGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2002 AND ENDING DEe.EMBER 31, 2002 2000 2001 2002 Actual Esti ll1a ted .Budget WATER FUND BEGINNI.NG BALANCE Cash $ 3,044,569 $ 2,247,253 $ 1 , 990~663 .Less: ObI. i gati 0 n s NErr BEGINNING BALANCE 3,044,569 2,247,253 1,9<)0,663 REVENUES S erv ice eh arges 3,084) 1.22 3,500,000 4,:1 00,000 Interest 343,699 325,000 325~OOO Other 5,000 I 0,000 'l'O'!'AL REVENUES 3,427,821 3,:-)30,000 4,435,000 .EXP.ENDITURES Public Works 3,123,245 3,461,590 3, .185,2.10 N on-Departmental 1,101,892 948,940 1,215,000 'l'O'rAL EXPEN.DrrU.RES 4,22,),137 4,410,530 4,400,210 NET ENDING BA.LANCE 2,247,253 1,666,723 2,025,453 I Cash 2,247,253 1,YYO,663 1 ,984, l) J ~ I Ob ligations $ $ $ CITY OF WEST U.NIV.ERSITY PLAC.E B.UDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2002 AN.n .ENDING :DECEMBER 31, 2002 2000 2001 2002 Actual .Estilna ted Budget .DEBT SERV.IC.E F.U.ND .BEGINNIN.G BALANCE Cash $ 811,335 $ 838,547 $ 771~937 Less: 0 b ligati OTIS N.El' BEU1NNtNG BALANCE Sll,335 ~3 K,54 7 771 ~LJ37 .R.E.VENUES Ad Valorem Taxes 3,770,737 4,327,000 5,150,250 Interest 94,81.8 "100,000 lOO,OOO Transfers in 1'OT'AL HEVENUES 3,865,555 4,427,000 5 ~250 ,2)0 .EXPEND ITURES Debt Service 3,831 )501 4,483,610 5,263~356 Fiscal Fees 6)842 lO,OOO I O~OOO rrO'rAL .EXPEN.D.l.'1'U R.ES 3)838,343 4,493,610 ),273,356 NET ENDING BALANCE 838,547 771,937 748,83 1 1 Cash g3 ~,54 7 77 l,937 74S,S3 ~ I Obligations $ $ $ CITY OF WEST .UNIV.ERSITY P.LACE II GET .FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2U.02 AN:O ENDING DECEMBER 31,2002 2000 2001 2002 Actual Estiluated Budget W A T.ER FUND CAPITAL RESERVE .BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 196,270 $ 358,420 $ 283~420 Less: Db 1 igations NE'f' BEGINNING BALANCE .l96,270 35S,420 2g3,420 REVENU.ES Transfers from: Water and Sewer Fund 270,833 250,000 250,000 Bank Loan Interest 15,849 1. 0,000 1. 0,000 , I '0'.1 'AL .RE V EN U ES 286~6S2 260,000 260,000 EXPENDITURES Ca p i tal Projects Wakeforest GST 25~OOO WWWTP Chlorination Upgrade Repair Well No.7 210,000 Rutgers sewer repair 50,000 Automated meter reading .110,000 Li ftstati on repairs 124,532 115,000 Wakeforest water tower repairs West clarifier renovation Fiscal 2002 repair contingency 75)000 75,000 TOTAL EXPENOrrU.RES 124,532 335,000 325,000 NET ENDING .BALANCE 358,420 283,420 218,420 I Cash 35~,42U 1~3 ~410 2 18,42~ I Obligations $ $ $ CITY OF WEST UNIVE'RSITY PLACE BUDG.ET .FOR T.RE FISCAL .YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2002 AND ENDING .DECEMBER 31, 2002 2000 2001 2002 Actual .Estimated Budget THE PARKS FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 5,461 $ 5,773 $ 5,973 .Less: Obligations N.El' .BEGINN.LNG BALANCE 5) 46 .1 5,773 5,973 REVENUES Contribut ion s Interest 312 200 200 'TOTAL REVENUES 312 200 200 EXPENDITURES Parks and ..Recreation 't'O'l'AL EXPENDrrUHBS NET ENDING. BALANCE $ 5,773 $ 5,973 $ 6,173 I Cash 5,461 7,66 1 9,86 ~ I Obligations TH.E .RECYCLING FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 542 $ 34,308 $ 88,808 Less: Obligations NE'l' BEGINN.lNG ,BALA,NC,E 542 34,308 gt), ~OS .REV.ENUES Sales of Recyclables 98,676 90,000 90,000 Grants 48,335 Interest 1,076 l,500 1,500 l'Ol~AL REVENU.ES 148,087 9 1,500 l) l,500 EXPENDITURES Recycling Programs 62,238 12,000 44,000 Transfers out 52,083 25,000 75,000 <r01'AL EXPEN.U.ITU.RES 114,321 37 ,000 II Sl,OOO N..ET ENDING BALANCE 34,308 88,808 6] ,308 I Cash 34,308 ~~;~O~ 82,04~ I Obligations $ $ $ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY :P.LACE .BUDGET FOR TH.E .FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2002 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2002 ~OO~ 2~O 1 A ctua I Estinla.ted SENI01{ CIT.lZEN A TIV.lTY.FUN. 2002 Budget BEG INNJNG .BALANCE Cash $ $ $ 100 Less: Obligations NE'r BEGINNING .BALANCE IOU REVENUES Interest on investn1ents 100 Senior Citizenls Activity Fees t ,500 15~OOO 'rO'!'AL REVENUES 1 ,600 l 5 ~ uoo EXPENDITU.RES Senior Activities 1,500 15,000 1'o'rAL EXPENVrrUIZES 1,500 15,UOO N.ET ENDING .BALANCE 100 100 j Cash IOU I o~ I ObHgations $ $ $ :EQUIPMENT REPLAC.EMENT .FU.ND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash Less: Obligations NET' BEGINNING BA.LANCE REVENUES Transfers froIn other Funds General Fund Water and Sewer Fund Solid Waste Fund Other Revenues Interest 'T'OI'AL .REVENUES .EXPENDITURES Replacement .Equiptuent ']'OI.l~AL EXPENDfl'UlZES N.ET .,ENDING BALANCE I Cash . Obligations $ 105,924 I. 05,924 403,867 4,680 5~4 78 414,025 374,529 374,529 145,420 14),420 $ $ 145,420 l45,420 339,390 5,000 7,250 351,640 3 18,000 3 I. 8,000 I 79,060 17~,U60 $ $ 179,060 179,060 3 19,800 5,000 7,250 332,050 $ 357,000 357 ~OOO 154~ 1 ] 0 1)4,11~ I CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY .PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEG.INNING JANUARY 1, 2002 AN.D ENDING D.ECEMBER 31,2002 2000 2001 2002 Actu a 1 EstiIn ated .Budget SOLID WASTE FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 97,806 $ 17,881 $ (28,739) Less: 0 b ligati 0 n s .N.E'!' BEGINNING BALANCE 97,806 17,881 (28,73tJ) R.EVENUES Service Charges 831,259 845,000 923,000 Interest 4,788 5,000 [ 0,000 Transfer froIn Other Funds 50,000 T'O'rAL .REVENUES 836,047 850,000 9 S3 ,000 EXPEND ITU.RES Operations 725,972 706,620 764~ 180 Administrati on 190)000 190,000 190~OOO l'o'rAL EXPENDfl'UH..E::) Y.15,972 896,620 954,1 gO NET ENDING BALANCE .1.7 )88 I (28,739) 81 I Cash 17 ,~ ~ 1 a ~ I Obligations $ $ (28,739) $ SIDEW ALK CONSTRUCTION FUND BEGINNIN.G BA:LANCE Cash $ $ 4,993,301 $ 5,2"] 8~30 ] .Less: Obligations NE'[ BEGIN.NINU BALANCE 4,993,301 5,218,30.l REVENUES .Bond Proceeds 5,000,000 Interest 225,000 234,830 Transfer from Other Funds 'IO'rAL REVENUES 5, 000 ~ 000 225,000 234,830 EXPENDITURES Sidewalk Construction 6,699 5,453, 130 'rO'l'AL EXP.ENDrrURES 6,699 J~453~ 130 NET ENDING BA.LANCE 4,993,30 1 5,218,301 I Cash 4,YY3,30 I 5,11 g,3U I : I o b ligati 0 os $ $ $ CITY OF WEST U.N.IVERSITY P.LACE :B.UDG.ET .FO.R THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2002 AND ENDING :DECE.MB.E:R 31, 2002 2000 2001 2002 Actual Es t itnated Budget CAPIT A.L PROJECTS FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ $ $ 85"1,189 Less: Ob I.i gations (657,397) (226,884 ) NE'l' BEGl.NNiNG .BALANCE (657,397) (226~884 ) S51~lgt) .RE VENUE S Transfers from: General .Fund 900,000 800,000 250~OOO Water and Sewer Fund Parks Fund Recycling Fund 52,083 25,000 25,000 Grants 350,000 512~O80 Interest 16,426 35,000 50,000 Other Revenues Certificates of Ob ligation 3,370,000 Contributi 0 n s 250,000 'l'O'l'AL REVENU.ES 968,509 4,830,000 g37,080 EXPENDITURES Street ] ights 300,000 Gateway itnprovements 25,000 Colonial Park 150,000 Online Re gi strati on 30~OOO Geograpi c Infoll11ati on SystelTI 20,000 Com.lTIunity Bdng Rep. and Ilnp. 40 ~ 000 YMCA Facility 3;3 70~OOO 30~OOO Public Warks Facilities 3 0 ~ 000 Storm Water System 50,000 ADA Compliance 20,000 Police Station Repairs and hnp. 35;000 ISO upgrade 3,073 171,927 Edloe Linear Park 50,000 Downtown/Edloe Project 100,000 967;300 Whitt Johnson Park 165,571 25,000 Completed proj ects 369,352 Other improvements and cant. 25~OOO I'O'TAL EXPE.NDrrURES 537,996 3,7S 1,927 l~6g7~30U NET ENDING BA.LANCE (226,884 ) 851,189 969 I Cash ~41,1~S> %~ I ObI i gati OTIS $ 226,884 $ $ CITY OF WEST UNIV.ERSITY PLACE BUDGET .FO.R THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2002 AN.D .ENDING DECEMBER 31,2002 2000 2001 2002 Actual .Esti Inated Budget INFRASTRUCTURE REPLAC..EM..ENT FUND B.EGINNING BALANC.E Cash $ 13 ~450,43 8 $ 23,381,436 $ 18,203,469 .Less: Obligations (2,000,000) NEzl' BEGINNING BALANCE 13,450,438 23,381,436 16,203,46lJ REVENUES Grants 841,753 260,000 260,000 Bond Proceeds 16,107,933 6;OOO~OOO Interest 547,825 l,402,900 1~362~.150 TO'IAL HEVENU.ES 1 7,497,511 1,662,900 7 ,622~ 15U EXp.END ITV.RES Area 5B/6A 4,956 50,000 Slip .Lining of sewer line Starin Sewer Area 63 2,443,848 26,522 50,000 Area 7 A 2,015,032 l,OOO,OOO 500,000 Area 7B 297,524 2,227,930 5,277,500 Area 8 385) 146 2,007,660 7,416,950 Area 9 1.43,264 147,730 4,400,000 Area 10 550,000 Area ItA 89,039 150,000 2,500,000 Area 118 550,000 Area 12 174,969 2~834,O20 I ,570~OOO C DIn pI eted projects 2,0"12,735 347,005 Administrative & Issuance Costs "] 00,000 25,000 Other improvements and cont. 100,000 TOTAL EXPEN.Dll'U.RES 7,566,5 13 8,840,:-)67 22,989,450 N.ET EN.DING BALANCE 23,381,436 16,203,469 836,169 as Obligations $ $ (2,000,000 ) $ ( l ,000,000)