HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1657 - budget 2001 \.. ( ORDINANCE NO. 165'-/ AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2001 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2001; APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR SUCH BUDGET; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY WHEREAS, as required by the City Charter and state law, tile City Manager has prepared and submitted to the City Council a budget witll estiluates of expenditures and revenues of all city divisions and activities for the year beginning January 1, 2001 and ending December 3 1, 2001; and WHEREAS, such budget has been timely filed with the City Secretary, tIle City Councilllas had sufficient time to review and revise such budget and notice of a pllblic hearing upon such budget has been duly given; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held, and all taxpayers and. interested. persons were provided an opportul1ity to attend and participate in such llearing; and WHEREAS, public participation, input and suggestions regarding the btldget have been received and considered by the City Council, and the City Council has made changes as the City Council considers warranted by law in the best il1terest of tlle municipal taxpayers, and the City Council has found and determined tllat tIle blldget adopted by this ordinance does not allow expenditures during the bud.get period in excess of funds estimated to be on hand during the same period; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The matters and facts set Ollt in the prealu.ble of this ordillallce are found and determined to be true and correct and are hereby approved and adopted by tile City Council. Section 2. The nine page document entitled "City of West University Place ( ( Budget, For thk .c"iscal Year Beginning January 1,2001 '--and Ending December 31,2001" ("Budget") is hereby approved and adopted. A true copy of tIle Budget is attaclled to and made a part of tllis ordinance~ Funds in the amounts indicated in su.ch Budget for each fund are appropriated for the purposes and projects described in such Budget. Section 3 ~ That this ordinance approving and adopting the Budget is made in all things in accordance with the terms and provisions of the City Cllarter of the City of West University Place, Texas and the laws of the State of Texas and shall be interpreted. and construed in compliance therewitll. Section 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinal1ces in conflict 11erewith are l1ereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 5 ~ If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, sectiol1 or otller part of tllis ordinaJ.lce or the application tllereof to any person or CirCl1ll1stance, sllall ever be l1eld to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of conlpetent jllrisdiction, neitller the remainder of this ordinance, nor the applicatiol1 of such word, phrase, clallse, sentence, paragraph, section, or otller part of this ordinance to any other persons or cirCUlllstances, shall be affected thereby. Section 6. The City Council officially finds, deterluines alld declares tllat a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each Ineetil1g at which tllis ordinaIlCe was discussed, considered, or acted upon was given in tIle manner required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas Local Government Code, as anlended, and tllat each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action~ The City COUI1Cil ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof~ Section 7. After adoption of the B.udget, tlle City Ma11ager sIlal1 provide for tIle filing of a true copy of tIle Budget (and each amendment) in the office of the COU11ty Clerk of Harris County, Texas~ Section 8. This ordinance sllall become effective upon adoption and sig.nature. Section 9. The public importance of tllis meaSllre and tile requirements of tIle law create an emergency and an urgent pllblic necessity reqlliril1g that tllis Ordillallce be ( passed and talce effect as an emergellcy measure, a11d"" a state of emergency is hereby declared, and this Ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency measure al1d shall talce effect immediately upon adoption and signature. J PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING, this or;(" day of ~~, 2000. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent; PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING, this ~ay of tO~ 2000. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Signed; ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~- Kay ynn Holloway , City Secretary (SEAL) -J~ JilTI Dougherty City Attorney CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BU.DGET FOR TH.R FISCAL YEAR BEGI..NNING JANUARY 1,2001 AND ENDING .DECEMBER 31, 200] 1999 2000 2001 Actual Estimated Budget GENERAL FUND BEGINNING BA.LANCE Cash $ 5,394,086 $ 5,422,522 $ 5,717,744 Less: 0 b ligations (999,266) (1,201.,322) (1,969,573 ) NET BEGINNiNG BALANCE 4,394,820 4,221,200 3,74S,171 REV.ENUES Ad Valorem Taxes 3,309,186 3,602,000 4,153,000 City Sales Tax 543,556 746,000 608,000 Franchise Fees 818,327 805,000 835,000 Licenses and Permits 396,486 420,170 413,170 Fees for Services 286,819 260,600 352,100 Other Charges and .Fees 131,480 123,010 113,310 Recreation Fees 378,465 352,000 355,000 Fines and Court Costs 307,058 320,000 326,000 Other Revenues 458,305 414,600 434,600 Interfund Transfers 630,558 631,000 631,000 'rO'l'AL REVENUES 7,260,240 7,674,380 g,221 , 180 EXPENDITURES Adln inistrati on 496,961 566,531 543,680 Finance 1 ,606,05 8 1,962,490 2,104,370 Police 1,707,395 1,969,800 2,552,480 Fire 1,338,593 1,448,225 1 ,540,380 Public Works 1,478,3"16 1,436,875 1,496,570 Parks and Recreation 806,537 763)488 784,200 TOT'AL EXPENDl'l'URES 7,433,860 8,147,409 9,021,680 NET ENDIN.G BA:LANCE 4,221,200 3,748,171 2,947,671 as 1 Obligations $ CITY OF W.EST UNIV.ERSITY PLAC.E BUDGET FOR THE .FISCAL V.EAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2001 AND ENDING DEe.EMBER 31, 2001 199Y Actual 2000 .Estimated 2001 Budget WATER FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 3,656,940 $ 2,745,816 $ 2,885,620 .Less: Obligations (328,040) (346,076) (500,000) NE'l' BEGINN.l.NG .SA.LANCE 3,32~,900 2,399,740 2,385,620 REVENUES Service Charges 3,065,385 3,221,000 3,711,000 .Interest 226,290 325,000 275,000 Other 120,928 5,000 .I 0,000 'TOT'AL REVENUES 3,412,603 3,551,000 3,996,000 EXPENDITURES Public Works 2,361 ) 181 2)665~360 2,753,650 Non -.Departmental 1,980,582 899,760 1. ,498,940 TOT AL EXP ENDrrURES 4,341,763 3,565,120 4,252,590 NET ENDING BALANCE 2,399,740 2,385,620 2,129,030 as Ob ligations $ CITY O"F WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE :BU"DGET FOR T"RE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2001. AND ENDING "DECEMBER 31, 2001 1999 Actual 20UO "Estimated 2001 "Budget WATER FUND CAPITAL R"ESERVE BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 91,543 $ 200,93l Less: Obligations NE'r BEGINNING BALANCE 91,543 200,Y31 $ 50,931 50, 93 I REVENUES Transfers fioln: Water and Sewer Fund 800,000 50,000 550,000 Bank Loan Interest 1 ,296 25,000 'l'O'l'AL "REVENUES 801,296 75,000 550,000 EXPEND ITU"RES Capital Projects 691,908 Bellaire Tower 200,000 WWWTP Chlorination Upgrade 75,000 Repair Well No.7 2 I 0,000 Automated lneter reading 110,000 Repaint exterior of 400 th ousand gallon water tank 70,000 Wakeforest water tower repairs 120,000 West clarifier renovation 35,000 F j seal 2000 repair contingency 50,000 rrO'l'AL EXPENDl'l'URES 691,908 225,000 645)000 NET ENDING BALANCE 200,93 1 50,93 I ( 44,069) 1 Cash 200,931 50,93 1 l44,O6~)1 o b ligati OTIS $ $ $ CITY O.F WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUA.RY 1, 2001 AN:D ENDIN.G DECEMBER 31, 2001 1999 2000 2001 Actual .Estilnated Budget DEBT S.ERVICE FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 638,877 $ 811,335 $ 949,832 Less: 0 b ligati ODS NET BEGINNINU BALANC.E 638,8?7 811,335 949,832 .REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes 3,301,479 3~ 725~OOO 4,327,000 Interest 501,050 250,000 250,000 Transfers in 1~OT'AL REVENUES 3 ,802~529 3,975,000 4,577,000 .EXPENDITURES De bt Service 3,625,071 3,831,503 4,483,610 Fiscal Fees 5,000 5,000 "10,000 1'OT'AL EXPENDll'URES 3,630,071 3,836,503 4,493,610 NET ENDING BALANC.E 811,335 949,832 1,033,222 I Cash 811,335 949,H32 I,033,22~ I Obligations $ $ $ CITY OF W.EST .UNIVERSI.TY PLACE BUDGET .FOR THE FISCAL YEAR B.EGINNING JANUARY 1, 1999 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2000 1998 1999 2000 Actual Estinlated Budget CAPIT A.L .PROJECTS .FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 145,049 $ $ (364,154 ) Less: Obligations (657 )397) .N.E'T .BEGINNING BALANC.E 145,049 (657,397) (364,154 ) REV.ENUES Transfers from: General Fund 200,000 650,000 800,000 Water and Sewer Fund Parks Fund Recycling Fund 25,000 25,000 25,000 Grants 25,000 717,000 lnterest 157,00] "100,000 100,000 Other Revenues 50,000 30,000 40,000 Contributi 0 ns 250,000 'rO'l'AL REVENUES 432,00 I 830,000 1,932,000 EXPENDITURES GIS/Mapping 100,000 .P 0 lice S tati on F eas i b ility Study 35,000 .ISO upgrade 5,540 244,460 Edloe Linear Park 300,000 DowntownJEdloe Project 9,270 855,730 Gri ce Property 230,000 Imaging/document management 15,000 Whitt Johnson Park 127,259 206,824 5 ~OOO Park Improvements 20,880 30,800 19,200 Coul1 administration systeln 27,849 9,594 Building permit syten1 41,415 15,485 Completed projects 328,984 Municipal Building Renovation 688,060 14,244 rrOT'AL EXPENVrrURES 1,234,447 536,757 1,559,390 NET EN.DING .BALANCE (657,397) (364,154 ) 8,456 as Obl.igations $ (657,397) $ (364,154) $ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BU.DGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2001 AND ENDING DECEMBE.R 31, 2001 1.999 Actual 2000 Estilnated 2001 Budget INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash Less: Ob I igati OTIS NE'T BEGINNING BALANCE $ 20,079,847 $ 15,032,721 (1,071,957) 13,960, 764 20,079,847 $ 25,234,381 (2,000,000 ) 23,234,381 .REVENUES Gran ts 600,459 260,000 .Bond Proceeds 15,950,000 Interest 355,444 837,646 rrOI'AL REVENUES 955,903 17,047,646 .EXPENDITURES Area 5B/6A 2, 11 7,221 4,957 SHp Lining of sewer line 7,887 Storm Sewer 76,860 197,900 Area 6B 3,327,006 2,523,943 Area 7 A 652,763 4,399,141 Area 7B 225,078 224)835 Area 8 178,856 238,413 Area 12 106,392 166,693 Com pI eted projects 382,923 Contingency 7,887 10,260 TOTAL .EXPENorrURES 7,074,9S6 7, 77 4,029 N.ET EN.DING BALANCE 13,960,764 23,234,381 as 1 Obligations $ (1,071,957) $ (2,000,000 ) 260,000 5,000,000 325,000 5,585,000 101,962 2,587,072 7,636,165 8,271,587 250)000 100,000 18,946,786 9,872,595 $ (1,000,000) CITY O.F WEST UNIVERSITY PLAC.E B.UDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2001 AND R.NDING DECEMBER 31, 2001 1999 2000 2001 Actual .Est im ated .Budget THE PARKS FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 3,973 $ 5,461 $ 7,661 Less: Obligations NE'l' BEGINNING BALANCE 3,973 5,461 7,661 R.EVENUES Contributions 1,367 2,000 2,000 Interest 121 200 200 rrOl'AL REVENUES. I. ,488 2,200 2,200 EXPENDITU.RES Parks and Recreation 'l'O'l'AL EXPENOl'l'UKES NET ENDING BALANCE $ 5,461 $ 7,661 $ 9)861 I Cash 5,461 7,661 Y ,~6 ~ I o b ligati ons T.HE RECYCLING FUND .BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 2,224 $ 542 $ 59 ~542 Less: Obligations NET' BEGINNING BALANC.E 2,224 542 )9,542 REVENU.ES Sales of Recyclables 35,180 95,500 90,000 Grants Interest 617 500 1,500 'l'O'!'AL REVENUES 35,797 96,000 Y 1 ,SOO EXPENDITURES Recycling Programs 12,479 12,000 44,000 Transfer to Capital Projects 25,000 25,000 25,000 rl~Ol'AL EXPENDl'l'URES 37,479 37,000 69,000 NET ENDING BA.LANCE 542 59,542 82,042 I Cash 542 5 ~, 541 ~2,04~ I Obligations $ $ $ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2001 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31,2001 l~~ ~o Actual Estimated SENIOl{ crrlZEN Cl~l V fry .FU 2001 Budget BEGINNIN.G BA.LANCE Cash $ $ $ Less: Obligations N.Err BEGINNING BALANCE REVENU.ES Interest on in vestrnents 100 Senior Citizen1s Activity Fees 15,000 T'orrAL REVENUES 15, lOO .EXPEN.DITURES Senior Activities 15,000 'l~orl'AL EXPENDll'U.RES 15~OOO NET ENDING BALANCE lOO I Cash 1O~ I Obi igati ons $ $ $ EQUlp.MENT .REPLACEMENT FUN.D BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 54,646 $ 105,924 $ 108,154 Less: Obligations .NET' BEGINNING BALANCE 54,646 105,924 .I Og, 154 REVENUES Transfers from: General Fund 148,400 20 1 ,480 178,480 Water and Sewer Fund 63,800 63,700 63,700 Solid Waste Fund .1 04,300 104,210 "] 04,210 Other Revenues 3,690 4,680 Interest 9,547 2,500 7,250 TO'TAL REVENUES 329,737 376,570 353,640 EXPENDITURES Replacement Equipment 278,459 374,340 324,000 'l'O'rAL EXPENDll'URES 27H,459 374,340 324,000 NET ENDING BALANCE 105,924 108,154 .137,794 I Cash .I O~ ,914 108,154 U7,79~ I o b ligati on s $ $ $ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BU.DGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2001 AND ENDING .DEe.EMBER 31, 2001 1999 Actual 2000 Estimated 2001 Budget SOLID WAST.E FUND BEGINNING BALANCE Cash $ 117,112 $ 125,896 $ 142,206 Less: Ob ligati OTIS (28,090) (30)000) NE'l' BEGINNING BALANCE 117,112 97,g06 112,206 REV.ENUES S ervi ce Charges 788,536 852,500 852,000 In terest 4,269 5,000 Transfer fi.om General Fund 100,000 ~r01~AL REVENUES 892,805 852,500 ~ 57,000 EXPEND ITU.RES Operations 722, 111 648,100 764,340 Admini stration 190,000 190,000 190,000 '!'O'l'AL EXPENDIT'UIlliS 912, 111 838,100 954~340 NET ENDING BALANCE 97,806 112,206 1.4,866 as 1 ObI igations $