HomeMy WebLinkAbout052901R CC Min CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION MONDAY, MAY 29, 2001 MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 7:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Regular Session in the Municipal Building Council Chambers on May 29, 2001, with the following members present: Mayor Lewis presiding, Council Members Ballanfant, Bertini, Grubb and May. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Fire Chief, Police Chief, Parks and Recreation Director and Public Works Director were also present. The notice for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Texas Government Code, th Chapter 551, on the 25 of May 2001 at 5:45 p.m. Citizen Comments. Mayor Lewis invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as their names were called. Hal Collins, 3212 Albans, requested that the City cut the width of the esplanade on Albans and add this width to the sidewalk area in order to protect the trees. Charles Hurd, 3215 Albans, urged the Council to give consideration to Mr. Collins proposal. He stated that contractors have already cut through the roots of the trees while putting in sewer lines. Bill Taber, 3520 Albans, commented that he disagreed with Mr. Collins? proposal because it would adversely effect Albans Road by bringing traffic closer to the trees in the esplanade. He requested that Albans not be changed. Joe Foster, 4125 Coleridge, commented that while he had no personal opinion regarding the purchase of the Y.M.C.A., watching the purchase process go forward amazed him. He stated that it is apparent that there is a high degree of bias driving it. The part of the process that he finds fault with is that there does not seem to be the sort of analysis for the type of investment that the City should be expected to make as part of that purchase. Ordinance relating to noise. Matters related to the first and final reading of Ordinance No. 1681. Mayor Lewis read the caption of Ordinance No. 1681 as follows: An ordinance relating to noise; amending the code of ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas; containing findings and provisions relating to the subject; and declaring an emergency. City Council Regular Session, May 29, 2001 Copies of Ordinance No. 1681, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council Chambers. Public Works Director Ed Menville reported that Ordinance No. 1681 would amend Section 15.031 of the Code of Ordinances to allow the contractor to work outside of normal residential quiet hours during Edloe Street reconstruction. Mr. Menville stated that on May 14, 2001 the City Council awarded a contract for the reconstruction of Edloe Street from Rice Boulevard to University Boulevard to Jerdon Enterprises, Inc. This project is scheduled to begin on June 1, 2001 and completed by August 15 ? during the school summer recess. In order to meet this deadline the contractor has indicated that it will be necessary to work outside the normal residential quiet hours to meet the 76-day schedule. This amendment would permit the contractor to work additional hours for so designated by the Public Works urgent public business Director. The amendment would allow construction to run from 7:00 to 9:00 AMPM seven days a week. A motion was made by Council Member May, seconded by Council Member Grubb, to approve Ordinance No. 1681 on the first and final reading. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Lewis, Council Members Ballanfant, Bertini, Grubb and May Voting Nay: None Absent: None Sewer rehabilitation project. Matters related to the rehabilitation of the existing sewer line on Rutgers between University and Rice Mr. Menville reported that on Thursday May 3, 2001 while responding to a call for a blocked sewer the City staff found a blockage in the 15-inch Rutgers sewer main in the vicinity of Amherst.This line is scheduled to be abandoned once all residents in Priority Area 7A and Priority Area 7B have converted to the new system that is being installed now. This could be as late as sometime in 2005. Staff managed to get the sewer flowing with the jet truck but did not get the line cleared. The following morning the line blocked and again staff managed to get it flowing. Further inspection revealed that the line was plugged with chunks of what appeared to be a concrete like material. Staff has determined that the material is the result of cement slurry being dumped into the manhole. The street was excavated, the line exposed, cleared and repaired. 2 City Council Regular Session, May 29, 2001 Staff estimates that cleaning the line, repairing the pipe and repairing the street to cost somewhere between $60,000.00 and $75,000.00. This will include replacement of two concrete paving panels from construction joint to construction joint. City crews will be supplemented by sub-contracting as needed. Funding for the repairs are available from the Water & Sewer Fund Capital Improvements Project Fund. At a later date a budget amendment will be processed to allocate the additional expenditure estimated to be $25,000. Due to the emergency nature of the problem staff has proceeded with repairs, although delays are anticipated in the repair of the street. Mr. Menville stated that no action by City Council was required at this time. The report was received and filed. Browning street rehabilitation. Matters related to a petition submitted by the residents of the 4000 block of Browning for improving living conditions, safety, health and property values. City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that on May 14, 2001, the City Council received and referred to the City Manager a petition from Charlotte Hoyer and other residents in the 4000 block of Browning regarding the maintenance and upkeep of certain green space at the west end of Browning. On October 12, 1998, the City Council amended the zoning ordinance for garden-style, single-family use in the Weslayan Townhouse P.D.D. This area is known as the College Park site, located at Weslayan and Bissonnet. Included in this ordinance was an amendment that the homeowners association would be responsible for maintaining the landscaping and other facilities in the public open space area, located on the corner of Bissonnet and Academy. The City and the builder (Lovett Homes) entered into an agreement that the City would provide landscape maintenance on a ?gateway? entrance area on Weslayan and Bissonnet. Ms. Hoyer?s letter references the area to be maintained by College Park. Staff has confirmed again with Lovett Homes that they are maintaining this area. The irrigation system has been repaired and it was agreed that the newly planted and existing landscaping in the right of way would not be trimmed as harshly as has been done in the past. Mr. Yehl stated that no action from City Council was required and this report may be received and filed. Garbage and trash. Matters related to garbage and trash including waste storage areas and large containers. 3 City Council Regular Session, May 29, 2001 Mr. Yehl reported that Mayor Lewis had met with Father John Salem of the St. George?s Orthodox Church to discuss a solution for the dumpster located on their property. The Church agreed to move the dumpster 3 feet into the storage building, to keep the site clean and the garbage contained within the dumpster and to ensure that the doors and the top of the bin are closed. The Church also agreed to continue to communicate with the collector that pick-ups are not to occur before 7:00 a.m. as specified by City ordinance. Council Member Bertini commented that if the problem becomes a public nuisance then the site should be condemned. City Council minutes. Matters related to the minutes of the Special Session conducted on May 10 and Regular and Special Sessions conducted on May 14, 2001. A motion was made by Council Member Grubb, seconded by Council Member May, to approve the minutes as presented. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Lewis, Council Members Ballanfant, Bertini, Grubb and May Voting Nay: None Absent: None Staff Report. The City Manager reported that the Village News and Bank of Texas would be sponsoring free concerts every Friday night in June at Colonial Park. Comments by outgoing Council Members. Council Member Ballanfant expressed his gratitude to his wife and daughter for putting up with the civic endeavors for the last 2 years and the time taken away from the family. He suggested that the City might consider the services of a gardener as evidence by the Albans and Browning Street issues that were before the Council that night and the City has many public spaces that could use some tender care. He stated that he wanted to thank all of the citizens of West University Place for engaging this Council and the City Administration on public discourse about the future of the City over the last 2 years. Sometimes, it has been a contentious process and other times a quiet private process. But, ultimately, that dialogue has been productive for the City and would most likely be echoed by at least several residents who have told him that this Council has been one of the most productive that they could remember in the City?s history. He stated that several difficult issues have been addressed and in large measure resolved in a manner broadly responsive to the public good. Many things have been set up to be implemented by the incoming Council and he commended them for their effort in seeking public service and 4 City Council Regular Session, May 29, 2001 he believed that they would find it equally as rewarding as he has. Council Member Ballanfant commented that most importantly he wanted to thank the Mayor and his fellow members of Council for all the time and effort that they have put in on what is a challenging job no matter what the rewards. He stated that he has certainly found it rewarding and hoped the incoming Council finds it as equally rewarding. Council Member Bertini commented that the topic of what he has to say could be summed up by the words, ?No, Thank you, and goodbye?. ?No? should be the watch word of the Council Members as they remain the guardians of the status quo and the public good. So while they have many people who come before them with special needs and groups that want certain changes, the Council represents and should be looking after that which is the greater good of the City and that which constitutes the status quo as outlined in the ordinances and the general city plan. ?Thank-you? for the many people in terms of staff, volunteers on the various committees, fellow members of Council and his family for all that they do to continue to make the City a nice and enjoyable place and give it its continuity. ?Good-bye? because it is a sign of a good municipal leader to have a short term and make room for others and to give short speeches. Council Member Grubb commented that he has always appreciated his fellow citizens who have served on City Council during his long tenure as a resident of West University. He stated that he has truly enjoyed serving on the City Council and has found it to be a rewarding experience. He appreciated all of the citizen involvement and appreciates the opportunity for citizens to speak during the council meetings and to provide input. One of the functions as a Council Member is to weigh the input that they receive from everyone. He urged the incoming council to listen to your fellow citizens and to weigh all the input that is received. Council Member Grubb commented that he appreciated the patience and understanding of his family and he thanked the citizens for the opportunity to serve them. Council Member May commented that as an outgoing and incoming Council Member, he hoped he was better at listening than talking. He stated that he would echo the comments of the other councilmen that this has been a rewarding experience and sometimes frustrating. Serving has given him the opportunity to get to know the good people who work for the City and an opportunity to meet a whole lot more good people who live in the City. Mayor Lewis stated that she wanted to individually thank each of the Council Members for what they have been in the last two years to her and to the citizens. ?Burt Ballanfant: a tenacious bulldog. When the man gets an idea or when he has a goal, there is absolutely no stopping him. He does not quit until he is either soundly defeated or amazingly successful and for that he should be acknowledged because that tenacity has caused good things to happen.? ?John Bertini: as he has said many times, ?he is just a urologist.? I don?t know what that means but I have thought about it a lot and what I know about Dr. Bertini is that he is 5 City Council Regular Session, May 29, 2001 amazingly attentive to detail and well prepared which is one of the reasons that if I ever have problems with my ?water? I will choose him for help.? ?John Grubb: the gunslinger. John has taught me a lot about patience and tolerance. John is a man who puts an idea on the table, you don?t need to talk about it, you need to vote on it and move on. That sense of urgency is not something that I always have, but that sense of urgency has made me aware of how important it is to get things done and I thank him for that. But most of all I thank him for his wife who has always been gracious, kind, thoughtful and supportive so from her I got what I wanted from him.? ?Bill May: clueless at the beginning. Bill didn?t know what all of this meant or what he was getting into. He had agreed to run for Council because he is just a good guy but he has developed into an excellent Councilman who the citizens have rewarded with their confidence. Bill thinks outside the box, stretches himself to come up with creative ideas which, I find to be very exciting.? Mayor Lewis stated that all of the Council Members should have everyone?s deepest gratitude for having been willing to commit themselves on behalf of a community that she believed everyone loved. Administration of oath of office for new City Council Members. The Oath of Office was administered by the Honorable Thomas B. Taylor, Presiding Judge, West University Place. Comments by incoming Council Members. Mayor Lewis thanked everyone for allowing her to stay on as Mayor. She stated that being Mayor is definitely one of the most honorable things she has ever done in her life. She thanked her husband and family. Council Member Mike Farley commented that he would bring a little bit of the previous council with him because he would be a clueless, tenacious bulldog. He stated that he knew that only one out of every ten voted for him and he would keep that in mind. Council Member Marilyn Griffin commented that she is honored and pleased to continue to represent the City of West University, this time in the capacity of a Councilman. She thanked everyone who voted for her and that she is committed to representing the citizens. She stated that since she has already been called ?John Grubb? once by the Mayor, she would take that as a compliment and that maybe she also could teach patience, tolerance and a little urgency in some matters. Council Member Danny Jackson commented that he was also very honored and looking forward to serving. 6 City Council Regular Session, May 29, 2001 Adjournment. With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Grubb, seconded by Council Member Bertini, to adjourn. The Regular Session adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 7