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6:30 P.M.
The City Council convened in Special Session in the Municipal Building Conference
Room (3800 University Blvd.) on February 12, 2001, with the following members
present: Mayor Lewis presiding, Council Members Ballanfant, Bertini, Grubb and May.
The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Finance Director and Public Works
Director were also present.
The notice for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Texas Government Code,
Chapter 551, on the 9 day of February 2001 at 2:45 p.m.
Agenda Review:
The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under
consideration with the Staff.
Street trees.
Matters related to a report on the Tree Bank and street trees.
City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that the City has a Tree Trust Program that has
been in existence for a number of years. The program was developed as an option for the
replacement of trees that are removed in the city. Normally if a healthy tree is removed,
inches are required to be planted back into the property. Chapter 22 of the Code of
Ordinances allows funds to be given to a ?tree trust? instead of planting trees on the
property. These funds are then used to plant trees in other areas of the city. Residents can
apply for free trees. This program is set up through Trees for Houston. Trees for Houston
is a 501(c) not-for- profit organization. Staff has spoken to the Executive Director, Kathy
Lord, and she has indicated Trees for Houston does not plant on private property. The
current balance of the Tree Trust is $39,951.00.
If City Council wishes to pursue an alternative, §22.002 of the Code of Ordinances would
allow a new Tree Trust to be created with a nursery or landscape company. If this option
is pursued, it will take a while for the account to build up a balance. Funds currently in
the Trees for Houston Tree Trust probably cannot be transferred to another entity.
Should Council desire to establish a new Tree Trust, it is recommended that staff be
directed to develop an agreement with a nursery or landscape company to manage the
trust. Council may want to have the General Fund make a modest investment to the new
Tree Trust in order to provide a fund balance.
City Council Special Session, February 12, 2001
The City Council requested that the Staff prepare a tree replacement program for
discussion at the next regular session.
Collection of commercial recycling.
Matters related to a report on the collection of recycling materials from commercial
Public Works Director Ed Menville stated that a request has been made to the City to
consider allowing the collection of certain recyclable materials from commercial
businesses in the City. In §11.010 of the code of ordinances it states, ?City collection
applies to all dwellings but does not apply to schools, churches, business establishments,
commercial, industrial or other premises used for business or non-dwelling purposes.?
In order to evaluate this request the following is offered. On an annual basis
approximately 4,000 tons of recyclable materials are collected throughout the city using
both curbside collection methods and use of our recycle center. About 1,600 tons of
cardboard and paper are collected curbside and about 200 tons are collected at the recycle
center. This represents collections from about 5,500 residential households and others at
the recycle center. The request involves extending this service to about 120 businesses
located in West U.
An inspection of business locations in the city reveals that most of them are structured to
handle their waste via large dumpsters located at the rear of the business site with
collections at night. Obviously there are some exceptions to this process. Daytime
collections would interfere with customer vehicles. Municipal collections always occur
during the day and preferably from curbside.
Given the small number of businesses in West U, it is recommended that the City offer,
on a six month trial basis, collection from curbside of cardboard only for those businesses
that would request the service. It is not known how much interest this offer would
generate or how much cardboard would be generated. Since our employees work an
average of nine hours on our regular recycle collections day, it is also recommended that
the collection day for businesses be set for some other day of the week. This would also
enable staff to monitor the activity of this trial program. It is noted that some businesses
may not be able to be accommodated due to the physical layout of the business site.
Collection costs would be partially offset by the revenue from recyclables.
Should Council desire to offer recycling services to commercial property, it is staff?s
recommendation that a limited, fee based trial program be established for curbside
cardboard collection and that staff be authorized to prepare legislation and a fee schedule
for this service.
The City Council directed the Staff to proceed with the trial program.
City Council Special Session, February 12, 2001
Department Head salaries and proposed organizational changes.
Matters related to a report on Department Head salaries, job descriptions, and
organizational changes.
Mr. Yehl stated that at the request of Council Member Grubb staff has collected and
reviewed salary data for each of five department director positions available through the
Texas Municipal League. Compensation is generally based on three factors: internal
equity, external equity, and job performance. It appears that, overall, our salaries are
competitive with salaries paid for similar positions throughout the State. A
comprehensive review will be completed this year and adjustments, as appropriate will be
Several organizational changes have been explored over the past several months. It is
anticipated that the Public Works Director will be retiring in the fourth quarter of 2001
and a need in the Finance Department has developed for improved management of
The City?s Public Works function is a cross-disciplinary operation. The department is
responsible not only for infrastructure systems, but development services, fleet
maintenance, facilities management, solid waste collection, recycling, urban forestry, and
zoning enforcement as well. It is the opinion of the City Manager that the skills needed
for this position are more related to public administration than civil engineering. A new
job description has been developed that focuses on the need for broad management
experience with a background in city or public works administration. The requirement as
a professional engineer has been eliminated and a preference for an individual with an
advanced degree in public administration added. It would also be anticipated that this
individual would serve in the capacity as assistant city manager for West U.
The Finance Department has a vacancy as a result of a recent transfer. In reviewing the
department?s needs, it has been determined that the primary need is for direct supervision
of several customer service and accounting functions. It is believed that the appropriate
way to attract an individual to this position is to recreate the Assistant Finance Director
position that was diminished about five years ago. The total number of positions in the
department will remain the same, but a position that requires experience, education, and
supervisory skills in finance or public/business administration will be created. This will
permit the incumbent Finance Director to address the budget, audits, and cash
management functions.
It is staff?s recommendation that ?
The City Manager complete a review of the salary structure for all department
directors to be incorporated in the Proposed 2002 Budget;
City Council Special Session, February 12, 2001
The positions of Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director and Assistant
Finance Director be added to the City?s personnel classification system and that
the City Manager be authorized to engage a professional search firm to assist in
the recruitment of an individual for the position of Assistant City Manager/Public
Works Director.
The City Council addressed the need for having an engineer on the City Staff and for
engaging a professional search firm.
The City Council agreed that the City Staff would do the initial recruiting and a search
firm would be engaged for the final screen and review.
Report from Board or Commission Liaisons.
The City Council reported on Board or Commission meetings attended by the liaisons.
Council Member Grubb suggested that the Neighborhood Safety Board be restructured to
include more focus on the Neighborhood Watch Program.
Council Member Ballanfant reported that the Parks Master Plan had been distributed. A
contract with the Y.M.C.A. had been signed.
Council Member Bertini requested that the Parks Master Plan relating to traffic issues and
dog parks be discussed at the next meeting. The Traffic Task Force was currently
reviewing speed devices on Wakeforest.
Council Member May reported that the Building and Standards Commission was in the
final stages of reviewing the International Code.
Mayor Lewis reported that the Zoning and Planning Commission was reviewing the
City?s current sign ordinance.
Inquiries, requests and complaints.
The City Council reviewed matters received from the public and referred them to the
appropriate department or placed them on a future agenda for consideration or action.
The City Council recessed the Special Session at 7:30 p.m. to convene in Regular
The Special Session reconvened at 9:11 p.m.
Matters related to the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property.
City Council Special Session, February 12, 2001
Property located at 4210 Bellaire Boulevard known as Y.M.C.A.
Mr. Yehl presented the highlights of the Y.M.C.A. contract.
Matters related to pending or contemplated litigation; or a settlement offer.
Priority Area 6B and final payment to Contractor Technology, Inc.
Closed Executive Session to be held under Sections 551.071 Texas Government Code.
The City Council convened in Executive Session at 9:20 p.m.
The City Council closed the Executive Session at 9:40 p.m. and reconvened in special
With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made
by Council Member Bertini, seconded by Council Member May, to adjourn. The Special
Session adjourned at 9:41 p.m.