HomeMy WebLinkAbout221102 PRB Minutes MINUTES NOVEMBER 2, 2022 6:30PM IN PERSON, REC. CENTER TYPE OF MEETING Parks and Recreation Board Monthly Meeting CHAIR Will Bertron SECRETARY Evan Mintz ATTENDEES Members Present: Sami Morrison, Will Bertron, Richard Cunningham, Amar Patel, Manish Agrawal, Evan Mintz, Stephen Damiani, Lulu Lopez, Laura Turley, Arlene Wells Staff: Susan White Council Liaison: John Montgomery VISITORS Sue Jensen, Lettie Vellano, Judy Little, Sandra Musallam, Katy Daily I. Call to Order: Will Bertron called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. II. Citizen comments: Minutes from the Oct. 12, 2022 meeting were confirmed All visitors present shared concerns about the divider fence at Wier Park. There are opposed to the fence and wish it to be removed stating that it interferes with play, is dangerous, and makes it difficult to play real tennis. A resident was injured and the newly permitted pros have also expressed concern about the divider (Director has received no reports of injury or reports from pros). Expressed appreciation of the tree trimming and other work at Judson Park. III. Meeting Minutes: IV. Friends Update: Sami Morrison, Friends Board Chair: Everything is focused on fathers and flashlights, which is this weekend. Unfortunately, it looks like it will rain for the second year in a row. Oh no! Some board members noted that last year was fun in the rain, and that there will be access to city facilities if it rains. The chairs have established a weather policy and Friends will be able to text alerts to participants if there is lightning nearby. If there is a washout Saturday evening, there will still be breakfast the next morning. V. Council Update: John Montgomery, Mayor Pro Tem: The council is moving forward on the wastewater plant rebuild and it will cost roughly $17 million funded by a bond sale, which will also support the new public works facility and eastside street rebuild. The City of Houston passed a resolution authorizing them to purchase the Ruffino Hills ~70 acre golf course/dump that West U owns near the Beltway/Southwest Freeway. Parks and Recreation Board Minutes page 2 VI. Parks and Recreation Update: Susan White, Parks and Recreation Director a. Consultant - Operational Assessment: We’ve received two proposals and one more is coming. We’re gathering data from surrounding facilities -- JCC, YMCA -- and learning about how they work. Specifically we learned there is a pay differential for morning shifts. b. Edloe Pathway: The project has to be re-bid and the project has been tweaked to give contractors more time. The goal is to the get bid out before the end of the year and start construction in early 2023. c. Judson Park: We still need to do some more landscaping and plant a new tree. The decomposed granite track will be cleaned up. Everything will be done there by the end of the month. d. Wier Court Fencing - The divider was put in based on feedback from the tennis committee and, after feedback, we’re looking into other solutions given feedback from tennis players. It is a multi-use court. Director has not received any reports of injury from users or concerns from pros. e. West U Recreation Center Vacant Lot - There are proposals for pickleball courts. Ideas were raised for a garden, a putting green, bocce ball, outdoor exercise space, basketball court, and city storage. It is not big enough for a dog park. Noise concerns are key given that it is right next to homes. (This is the southernmost lot on Community.) VII. Park Ambassador Reports & Remarks - Colonial Park: Amar Patel (east). Not much change. It is raining now so the grass is lush. It was noted there are some problems with the obstacle course. Evan Mintz (west) the boards on the deck are in disrepair and it looks like things are getting worse, notably on the south side. - Friends Park: Sami Morrison – No problems to report. Ready for Christmas lights. - Huffington Park: Brett Bingham – He’s not here but it is looking great. The park is getting lots of use. - Jennie Hughes Park: Laura Turley – No problems. The park looks good. - Judson Park: Richard Cunningham – Nothing beyond what Susan said. - Recreation Center: Manish Agrawal – Some of the poles need to be painted. And there are questions about replacing the track around the rec center. Susan notes this is in the capital improvement plan funded by the fun run. - Whitt Johnson Park: Arlene Wells – All looks good - Wier Park: Lulu Lopez – The park is well loved and enjoyed XI. Order of Business: Will Bertron, Chair a. Old Business: i. Noted that there probably isn’t any current collaboration with the new gardening club, particularly given the ongoing demand for open space in our parks. ii. Rec Center swimmers have questions about hours of operation, and our new consultants will help figure out what standard practices are in the field. For the foreseeable future, hours will probably remain the same and any changes will be the result of consultant feedback rather than staff input. XII. Adjournment Motion to Adjourn – 6:54. Unanimous consent. Parks and Recreation Board Minutes page 3