HomeMy WebLinkAbout011402S CC Min CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL SESSION MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 2002 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BLVD. 6:30 P.M. The City Council convened in Special Session in the Municipal Building Conference Room (3800 University Blvd.) on January 14, 2002, with the following members present: Mayor Lewis presiding, Council Members May, Farley, Griffin and Jackson. The City Manager, City Secretary, City Attorney, Public Works Director, Finance Director, Parks and Recreation Director, Utilities Superintendent and the Street/Solid Waste Supervisor were also present. The notice for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Texas Government Code, th Chapter 551, on the 11 day of January 2002 at 5:10 p.m. Agenda Review: The City Council reviewed the regular meeting agenda and discussed items under consideration with the Staff. Drainage study. Matters related to a drainage study prepared by Claunch & Miller, Inc. including recommendations to improve drainage systems in the Cities of West University Place, Southside Place and the surrounding area. Representatives from Claunch & Miller, Inc., James Andrews and David Kasper, presented the Priority Area 2 Drainage Study. The report contained recommendations to improve the City?s drainage system by identifying several feasible drainage improvement projects in both West University Place and the surrounding area. Included in the report were cost estimates and preliminary schedules for all recommended improvements. Dr. Phil Bedient of Rice University presented a report and some background information on the Harris Gully Flood Analysis. Council Member Farley requested that the City Staff arrange a meeting for members of the City Council to walk the area included in the drainage study. Public Works Director Michael Ross commented that another public hearing would be set to discuss the recommended improvements. City Council Special Session, January 14, 2002 Infrastructure improvements in Priority Area 7B. Matters related to a report on infrastructure improvements in Priority Area 7B including standing water, street paving and possible sewer problems on Mercer Street. Mr. Ross reported that at the December 17, 2001 City Council meeting staff was requested to provide an update on the status of several issues mentioned by two residents at that meeting. Those issues were standing water, and possibly sewer back-up, on Mercer Street, as well as the schedule for proposed pavement improvements for Mercer Street, between Plumb Street and Tangley Street. Staff has met with the contractor for Priority Area 7B. The contractor has agreed to adjust the schedule to begin work on this portion of Mercer Street immediately. This work was originally scheduled to begin in May 2002. Additionally, in the interim, city workers have filled the low areas of the existing road with a stabilizing material to alleviate the standing water. On December 14, 2001, the City did experience a mechanical problem with one of the City?s wastewater lift stations that may have contributed to the cited problem. This problem was corrected that day and city workers will closely monitor the lift station to ensure normal operation. Further improvements to this lift station are included in this year?s budget and those improvements are planned for the first quarter of this year. Both residents have been informed of the above information. The City Council recessed the Special Session at 7:30 p.m. to convene in Regular Session. The Special Session reconvened at 7:50 p.m. Geographic information system presentation. Matters related to a presentation of a geographic information system by Geographic Technologies Group. Curtis Hinton of Geographic Technologies Group stated that the GIS technology provides a flexible set of tools to perform the diverse ray of functions handled by cities. It makes data sharing among departments easier so that a city can work as a single enterprise. Mr. Hinton explained the usefulness of the GIS system for each department. Mr. Ross stated that a recommendation to move forward with the project would be presented at the next Council meeting. 2 City Council Special Session, January 14, 2002 Executive Director for Friends of West University Place Parks Fund. Matters related to the creation of a part-time position of Executive Director for the Friends of West University Place Parks Fund. City Manager Sherman Yehl reported that on November 26, 2001 a recommendation was presented regarding a part-time position of Executive Director for Friends. At that time, Council requested a delay in considering the request. The part-time Executive Director would be responsible for record keeping and storage of files, follow-up with donors, coordinating the annual Park Lovers? Ball, preparing and submitting foundation grant proposals, and serving as a central point of contact for all Friends? programs. Friends have proposed a joint funding and management relationship with the City for a three-year period. During this period, the position would be evaluated and a determination made if the position could be made self-supporting through increased revenues. Initially, Friends would fund salary costs for Year 1 and it is proposed that the City would provide benefit costs that are estimated to be $10-15,000. During Year 2 salary costs would be split with the City, although the City would again assume responsibility for benefits. Should fundraising be successful during this second year, contributions from both the Friends and the City for funding the position could be offset by additional revenue. During Year 3, the City would assume risk for all costs if fundraising were not adequate to cover expenses. At the end of Year 3 the position would be evaluated and a decision made as to whether the arrangement should continue. During the tenure of the Executive Director, he/she would report to the City Manager relating to day-to-day responsibilities and report to the Chair of the Friends board regarding implementation of board programs and objectives. Over a three-year period direct and indirect costs associated with this position are estimated to be $165,000 with Friends contributing approximately $60,000 in direct salary expenses. The City Council asked questions regarding the three-year commitment to the Executive Director and providing benefits. A motion was made by Council Member Jackson, seconded by Council Member May, to authorize the creation of the Executive Director position with an annual review at the end of the year. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Lewis, Council Members May, Farley, Griffin and Jackson Voting Nay: None Absent: None 3 City Council Special Session, January 14, 2002 Redevelopment of Colonial Park. Matters related to the redevelopment of Colonial Park including a construction schedule and displacement of users. Parks and Recreation Director Mark Mailes reported that the Staff has been asked to analyze the optimal start date to begin construction improvements to Colonial Park?s eastern end. The two main issues that seem to exist are the inconvenience and displacement of users during construction, and compatibility of the proposed plan with the Y.M.C.A. property. Regardless of the construction schedule, patrons would be inconvenienced. Summer Camp has been held at the Scout House in the past and can be held there again over the summer if need be. Playground users will have to temporarily find a new location. The Y.M.C.A. will probably not offer a direct alternative for neighborhood users that primarily walk to Colonial Park. The Y.M.C.A. does not lend itself as a neighborhood playground park because of its location along Bellaire Boulevard and its existing access. The early summer months do lend themselves to increased usage of the playground, and an early construction schedule would eliminate playground usage during May and June; typically, however, the hotter months of July and August greatly curtail usage. Mr. Mailes stated that the second issue of compatibility of the proposed improvement plan at Colonial with the Y.M.C.A. may be the most challenging to address. The primary vision for the parks system has remained constant over the past decade. The general plan was to acquire the Y.M.C.A. for the gym, pool, and athletic field space, and to acquire the Colonial lots to remain as open space. This was confirmed by the 1993-94 Y.M.C.A. ad hoc committee. The primary uses of the Y.M.C.A. and the eastern end of Colonial Park are not contingent upon the other and offer totally different recreational opportunities. The western end of Colonial, because of its potential for duplicated activities, will need to be studied carefully to assure maximum efficiency of usage and compatibility. The planning process for these improvements began almost two years ago. Funds have been raised to cover the cost of improvements. A consensus for development has been reached. In the scheme of things, it does not make much difference whether the project is started in May or the fall. The downsides of postponing construction are the loss of momentum for Colonial Park development; the possibility of not getting acceptable grass coverage in time for 2003 softball usage; and possible increased construction costs. Mr. Mailes stated that the staff is recommending that City Council consider a schedule for the redevelopment of Colonial Park to begin in May 2002 because postponing construction offers no real advantage to the City. Council Member Farley asked if the City intended to maintain two separate pool systems at both Colonial and the YMCA and what would be the cost ramification for maintaining the two pools. 4 City Council Special Session, January 14, 2002 Mr. Mailes stated that one possible scenario would be to turn the Colonial Pool into the play pool and the Y pool more into an instructional pool, which could offer additional classes, lap swimming and exercise opportunities. During busier times the YMCA pool could be run as a recreational pool. By doing that the City could save some staff dollars because typically teachers are already hired. Mr. Mailes commented that there could be some modifications where they could benefit each other and provide opportunities of what he believes the citizens want; expanded hours for recreation, lessons, lap swimming and classes. Council Member Griffin commented that she did not want to vote on the redevelopment plan until after the Park Lovers Ball where it would be better determined exactly what the costs are. She stated that there is a big gap between funding and cost and how it affects everything. Mayor Lewis commented that she was very concerned about the timing. She stated that she thought that the Parks Board and Staff needed to know what the Council was going to support in terms of timing. Mayor Lewis asked the members of Council if there was anybody who was against beginning the project in May provided that everything falls into place the way the Council agrees it should. All members of Council answered no. Mayor Lewis stated that the Parks Board at least had the support for moving the project forward in the spring rather than delaying it. Expansion of parks system. Matters related to the possible expansion of the City?s parks system through the acquisition of residential lots in West University Place. Tara Wuthrich, a member of the Parks and Recreation Board, presented a report on the feasibility of a parks land acquisition project. She stated that she was working with realtors in the City on the availability of land in West University. At this time the lots that are available are not in a desired location for a park or have a very expensive list price. After a complete discussion of this item, the City Council requested that a team put together a plan for the future in case lots become available. The plan should include notifying residents that the City is looking for property. 5 City Council Special Session, January 14, 2002 Code of Ordinance revisions. Matters related to a process for the review of the City?s ordinances. Mr. Yehl stated that the ordinance review process would begin at 5:30 p.m. before each council meeting and would include members of the staff, Council Member Griffin and the City Attorney. City Council goals and objectives. Matters related to the City Council?s goals and objectives for the year 2002. The City Council reviewed their goals and objectives for the year 2002. Report from Board or Commission Liaisons. The City Council reported on Board or Commission meetings attended by the liaisons. Council Member Farley reported that the Public Safety Board elected Jim Orchard as its Chairman. They are looking at issues related to traffic and emergency response. Council Member Griffin reported that the Parks and Recreation Board had an estimate of $600,000 for the east end of Colonial Park and that there were not enough funds in their account to pay for it. She stated that during the meeting Will Bertron reported that the issue of burying the utility lines was part of the infrastructure and the city would have to pay for it and that the Parks Board did not consider this their obligation. Council Member Griffin stated that the plan is contingent upon the utilities being removed and placed underground. Inquiries, requests and complaints. The City Council reviewed matters received from the public and referred them to the appropriate department or will place them on a future agenda for consideration or action. Matters related to the evaluation of a public officer or employee. Evaluation of City Secretary Closed Executive Session to be held under Section 551.074, Texas Government Code. The City Council convened in Executive Session at 9:52 p.m. The City Secretary and City Manager were present during the meeting. The City Secretary left the meeting at 10:05 p.m. 6 City Council Special Session, January 14, 2002 The City Council closed the Executive Session at 10:39 p.m. and reconvened in special session. The City Secretary was asked to rejoin the meeting. A motion was made by Council Member Jackson, seconded by Council Member May, to adjust the City Secretary?s salary to $60,000 a year which brings her salary to market with the surrounding cities and to request that she obtain her certification as soon as possible and this will be taken into consideration at the next evaluation. A vote was taken on the motion with the following result: Voting Aye: Mayor Lewis, Council Members May, Farley, Griffin and Jackson Voting Nay: None Absent: None Adjournment. With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by Council Member Jackson, seconded by Council Member May, to adjourn. The Special Session adjourned at 10:40 p.m. 7