HomeMy WebLinkAboutSSBM 10.13.22West University Place
October 13, 2022
Presiding: Ann Crowley (Chair)
The meeting is called to order at 2:05 pm
Roll Call:
Present: George Baker, Candyce Beneke, Ann Crowley, George Hilderbrandt, Teresa George-Hung,
Shannon Carroll (Council Liaison), Toby Brooks, Diana Ayers, Susan Davis, Karen Kenny, Mardi Turner,
Susan White, Tom Brombacher, Candace TenBrink
Absent: Selby Clark, Allan Elkowitz, Joan Johnson, Gloria Nino Monacelli
Guests: Carlos De La Torre
Actions Items:
1. Approve previous minutes:
a. Fix the minutes — fix Tom’s name.
b. George Baker — comments from citizens should be included and likes the current format of
including it comments in minutes.
c. Approval:
i. Diana Ayers
ii. Karen Kenny
d. Minutes approved
2. City Council (Shannon Carroll):
a. Order reversed. Shannon is first because she must go to another meeting.
b. Successfully passed the budget for the next year after several meetings
c. Park ordinance — was passed and all instructors who hold instruction in the park are
required to register with the city.
i. Please ask Susan White for more information.
3. Candace Tenbrink – PowerPoint Presentation.
a. West University Place Senior Services Usage Study
b. Data Overview:
i. Came from city system from Toby and Patricia
ii. Data is for all paid services (no complimentary)
iii. Age, Gender, type of activity, Feed codes (resident or non)
iv. Two locations — rec or senior center
v. Two years of data 2018 and 2019
1. No data for later dates due Covid
2. Mean age is approx 70
vi. Toby — if the rec center doesn’t offer it then we do. Else we push the program to
rec center. Exception for situations such as pregnant and gestational
vii. 50% of the fees are few dollars to about fifty dollars
viii. More people in 2019 than 2018
ix. Seasonality — winter and spring are the business months (Jan to April)
1. Summer was in the middle
2. Fall is less. So maybe pilot a program in the fall.
3. Winter spring is new year resolution
x. Age: there is no clear trend as to age characteristics as this point
1. Mostly seventies
xi. Gender: More females than males.
1. Get more men in here.
2. Many of our fitness classes tend to female centered. Ex: yoga
xii. 48.3 for fitness, 10 % for trips,
xiii. Resident vs nonresident: 50.1 NR vs 49.9
1. Toby — after covid more residents are coming in.
2. NR are usually from adjacent cities like Bellaire,
xiv. Location: Community building = 95% rest
xv. Activity by residents: dance is mostly nonresidents. Fit is mostly residents
xvi. Activity by Age: FIT is the most popular, and least is the dance.
1. Predominately 70+
xvii. Seasonality by Age: Consistent throughout the seasons
1. Gender: Mostly women
2. Activity: Fitness is most booked
3. Residency: mostly nonresidents but numbers are very close.
4. Location: mostly community center.
5. Fee: Fees paid for booking is higher in the winter and lowest in fall
6. Gender: more women
7. Location: Rec center fees are higher.
xviii. All data is median and not means
1. Some classes are more expensive so median was preferred
a. Ex: Spanish class is $100
2. Shannon: does pricing affect participation?
a. Do lower prices bring in more people?
b. Toby: yes, example, when a free class increased over time to $5 to
$17 then we lost people.
xix. Conclusion:
1. Nonresidents account for more booking than residents
2. NR books are more prevalent in trips and dance and near parity in cultures
3. More women
4. Fitness is 70 to 80 mostly and then declines
5. Cultures peaks at 80+
xx. Recommendations:
1. Try something new in the fall
2. We have a huge center of the population to figure out why they aren’t
coming out.
3. System that captures the data is not ideal that will help us or for the
a. There is no way to get prescriptive data.
b. The system can not show up repeat customers,
c. Susan White —city is changing the system.
d. Rec center is so nice and why we aren’t using it more.
e. Ann Crowley — add to that, the rec center is mobility friendly
xxi. Questions:
1. Carlos: how do we capture this data?
i. Toby: We must manually put the numbers in, so we don’t’
add the
ii. Susan White: we did a senior satisfaction survey, so we
need to use this data. There was a great response to the
2. Diana Ayers: Would more people go if there is a larger bus?
a. Toby: I don’t think it would change.
i. Attendance had been poor on trips up until September.
ii. Right now we are turning away non residents for field trips
iii. There is a time limit before adding the nonresidents.
iv. Residents don’t always show up for stuff, and the slot is
given to the nonresidents. But it is always given to residents
b. Candace Beneke: new communication director will help if we use
her to spread more information.
4. Idea Generator Group for New Building (Ann Crowley):
a. George Baker is heading this up.
b. To begin collecting ideas for new building
c. All information is right now in the ether which is approximately 20000 sqft. Combined
community center and library.
d. What we don’t want is for the architects to start without any input from the seniors.
e. Candace TenBrink — what’s the timeline to submit ideas?
i. Ann: Maybe by March of the coming year.
f. Toby: Mount Bellview has a new senior center. Worth going and take a trip.
i. It’s a nice facility to go check out
ii. Possible trip from Senior Center.
g. Carlos: maybe add dividers to make rooms more usable and divisible.
h. George Baker: customer constituents need to be changed for future events
5. Plant Swap —thank you everyone who came.
a. Gloria, Tom, Selby and a few other people came.
b. Everybody came with and took plants.
c. Event went well.
d. Way more men than was expected.
6. APAC (Karen Kenny):
a. Harris county mental health and intellectual development — MCOT
i. Call for mental health crisis
ii. Largest percentage is
iii. Toby shared this with police, fire department, and rec center.
b. Medicare opened enrollment
c. Vaccines available
d. Silver hair Texas legislature and anyone interested in nominating yourself
i. They do a lot of good
e. There won’t be a December meeting.
7. Good Neighbor Team (Mardi Turner):
a. Nothing done this month.
b. We do have an outreach program and if you have knowledge of any senior program with
churches but we do need an in through the churches to get this outreach program:
i. This is for the caretakers and adult children etc.
8. Parks & Rec (Susan White):
a. Citizen’s academy tonight
i. Go see the fire department
ii. It’s an informative look at the city workings
b. Fee schedule:
i. Approved in council
ii. Proportional increases.
iii. Senior fees are still the same
c. Regulation in parks in commercial activities and concessions:
i. Going very well
ii. It’s not just for the tennis
iii. Eight tennis instructors obtained permits
d. Edloe pathway project:
i. We didn’t get more than one bid.
ii. Lot of work and not enough workers
iii. Increase from 90 days to 120 days to finish project. Hoping for more competitive
iv. Counsel gave permission to rebid
e. Judson Park:
i. Reopens Monday
f. Events:
i. Full moon event
ii. Movie at the park
iii. Halloween dash and kids fun run
1. Looking for volunteers.
9. Senior Services (Toby Brooks):
a. 50 plus people on the second family comedy night
i. Scheduled again in January
b. Hummingbird extravaganza = 11 ppl
c. Apple pie had 27 people
d. October fest had 20 something people
e. Watercolor class was full
f. Drawing class was full
g. We are looking for a more advanced watercolor teacher.
h. Personal training — only 4 people so low training but will resume in January.
i. Senior chair volleyball Tuesday and Thursday 9:30
j. November 15th is the volunteer appreciation lunch
10. Motion to adjourn (3:05):
a. Tom Brombacher
b. Second Karen Kenny