HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober Agenda Notice is hereby given that Members of the Senior Board will be meeting in person at the Community Building, 6104 Auden Street on: October 13, 2022 at 2 PM Senior Board Agenda October 13, 2022 2:00 pm Community Building I. Call to Order: Chair Ann Crowley II. Attendance III. Approval of Minutes from Sept 8, 2022 IV. Citizen Comments: Any member of the public wishing to address the Board, this is an opportunity for citizens to speak to the Senior Board relating to the agenda. Public comments must be kept relevant to the subjects before the Senior Board. The presiding officer shall rule on the relevance of comments. Persons making irrelevant, personal, impertinent, or slanderous remarks may be barred by the presiding officer from further comment before the Senior Board during the meeting. Speakers must limit their presentations to three minutes each. V. Candace T & Team Report VI. New Bldg. Task force VII. Plant Swap success VIII. Monthly reports: a. APAC --Karen Kenny b. Good Neighbor Team—Mardi Turner c. Parks and Recreation –Susan White d. Senior Services—Toby Brooks e. Council Liaison—Shannon Carroll IX. New Business Adjournment In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, if you plan to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that requires special arrangements, please contact Toby Brooks 713.662.5897 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting so that reasonable accommodations can be made to assist your participation in the meeting. The West University Place City Hall is wheelchair accessible and specially marked parking spaces are available. Special seating will be provided in the Activity Room. ____________________________ Toby Brooks, Senior Service Manager POSTED THIS October 6, 2022 AT ________ O’CLOCK P.M.